994 resultados para Infection bactérienne


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The control of Pratylenchus goodeyi a common nematode parasite of banana crop in Madeira Island can benefit from searching for natural nematicides through plants extracts. With this aim we submitted Solanum nigrum and S. sisymbriifolium dried plants to a sequential extraction in the solvent sequence of dichloromethane, acetone, ethanol and water, and to na aqueous extraction of the fresh and dried plants. Analyses with the extracts at several concentrations were used to assess mobility and mortality on P. goodeyi. Results showed that the water extract and aqueous extracts from both plants at a concentration of 10 mg/mL affected nematode mobility and caused mortality but the acetone extract from S. nigrum was the most efficient, causing 100% mortality whereas dichloromethane had no effect on P. goodeyi. Determination of the lipophilic and phenolic compounds present in the two most effective Solanum extracts (acetone and water) and in dichloromethane extract revealed that some of these compounds had nematicidal activity. S. nigrum acetone extract (10 mg/mL) was used to find out the nematicidal potential following the effect at gene expression level and nematode behaviour. Genes coding for calreticulin and beta-1,4- endoglucanase related to parasitism and translocon-associated protein putatively connected to stress were obtained and its relative expression assessed in nematodes exposed to the extract. Results revealed that expression of Pg-CRT decreased showing to influence the infection, Pg-ENG remained steady and Pg-TRAPδ was induced over time exposure. Biological assays showed that P. goodeyi mobility and ability to infect the banana roots were affected as a decrease in the number of nematodes that reached the roots was obtained with the increased exposure time to the extract being implicated in the infection success. The information obtained from this thesis showed that S. nigrum has potential to be used for the development of a new control strategy against plant-parasitic nematodes.


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There is substantial evidence that infection with Helicobacter pylori plays a role in the development of gastric cancer and that it is rarely found in gastric biopsy of atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. On advanced gastric tumors, the bacteria can be lost from the stomach. Aims - To analyze the hypothesis that the prevalence of H.pylori in operated advanced gastric carcinomas and adjacent non-tumor tissues is high, comparing intestinal and diffuse tumors according to Lauren’s classifi cation. Methods - A prospective controlled study enrolled 56 patients from “Hospital Universitário”, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil, with advanced gastric cancer, treated from February 2000 to March 2003. Immediately after partial gastrectomy, the resected stomach was opened and several mucosal biopsy samples were taken from the gastric tumor and from the adjacent mucosa within 4 cm distance from the tumor margin. Tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Lauren‘s classifi cation for gastric cancer was used, to analyse the prevalence of H. pylori in intestinal or diffuse carcinomas assessed by the urease rapid test, IgG by ELISA and Giemsa staining. H. pylori infected patients were treated with omeprazole, clarithromycin and amoxicillin for 7 days. Follow-up endoscopy and serology were performed 6 months after treatment to determine successful eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue. Thereafter, follow-up endoscopies were scheduled annually. Chi-square and MacNemar tests with 0.05 signifi cance were used. Results - Thirty-four tumors (60.7%) were intestinal-type and 22 (39.3%) diffuse type carcinomas. In adjacent non-tumor gastric mucosa, chronic gastritis were found in 53 cases (94.6%) and atrophic mucosa in 36 patients (64.3%). All the patients with atrophic mucosa were H. pylori positive. When examined by Giemsa and urease test, H. pylori positive rate in tumor tissue of intestinal type carcinomas was higher than that in diffuse carcinomas. In tumor tissues, 34 (60.7%) H. pylori-positive in gastric carcinomas were detected by Giemsa method. H. pylori was observed in 30 of 56 cases (53.5%) in tissues 4 cm adjacent to tumors. This difference was not signifi cant. Eradication of H. pylori in non-tumor tissue of gastric remnant led to a complete negativity on the 12th postoperative month. Conclusions - The data confi rmed the hypothesis of a high prevalence of H. pylori in tumor tissue of gastric advanced carcinomas and in adjacent non-tumor mucosa of operated stomachs. The presence of H. pylori was predominant in the intestinal-type carcinoma


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We examined prevention of surgical site infection (SSI) in a tertiary teaching hospital in northeast Brazil, from January 1994 to December 2003. The survey included 5,742 patients subjected to thoracic, urologic, vascular and general surgery. The criteria for diagnosing SSI were those of the Centers for Disease Control, USA, and the variables of the National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance risk index were used. Data analysis revealed that anesthetic risk scores, wound class and duration of surgery were significantly associated with SSI. A total of 296 SSIs were detected among the 5,742 patients (5.1%). The overall incidence of SSI was 8.8% in 1994; it decreased to 3.3% in 2003. In conclusion, the use of educational strategies, based on guidelines for SSI prevention reduced SSI incidence. Appropriate management of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative incision care, and a surveillance system based on international criteria, were useful in reducing SSI rates in our hospital


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In this study, the effect of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) derived from Crotalus durissus collilineatus was evaluated in vitro and in vivo on experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. The promastigote and amastigote forms treated with PLA2 presented increased growth rate. In vivo studies showed that PLA2-treated Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis promastigotes increased the size of lesions in BALB/c mice, and histopathological analysis showed numerous necrotic regions presenting a higher density of polymorphonuclear, mononuclear, and amastigote cells. Additionally, infected macrophages treated with PLA2 were able to generate prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Cytokine quantification showed that the supernatant from infected macrophages presented moderate and high amounts of IL-2 and IL-10, respectively. However, in PLA2-treated infected macrophages, suppression of IL-2 levels occurred, but not of IL-10 levels. Observation also revealed that both the supernatant and lysate of L. (L.) amazonensis promastigotes exhibited PLA2 activity, which, in the presence of dexamethasone, showed no reduction in their activities; while glucocorticoid maintained the ability of promastigote forms to infect macrophages, which presented values similar to controls. In conclusion, the results indicate that PLA2 may be a progression factor for cutaneous leishmaniasis, since the PLA2 effect suppressed IL-2 levels and generated PGE2, an inflammatory lipid mediator.


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No presente estudo é descrita a infecção por trematódeos digenéticos parasitas da cavidade oral e esôfago em uma população de serpentes Bothrops moojeni provenientes de resgate de fauna em Porto Primavera, Estado de São Paulo. Foi observada prevalência de infecção de 68%. O grau de infecção (número de trematódeos por serpente) variou de 2 a 51 helmintos. Os trematódeos encontrados foram Ophisthogonimus spp. e Sticholecitha serpentis. A alta prevalência de infecção foi associada com a drástica alteração ambiental e o estresse multi-fatorial aos quais os animais foram submetidos, que poderiam ter favorecido o ciclo dos parasitas.


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The preferential sites of infection of Cysticercus bovis were evaluated in the skeletal muscle and entrails of 25 cattle that were experimentally infected with Taenia saginata (2 x 10(4) eggs). Two other animals were not inoculated (control). Ninety days after inoculation, all the cattle were euthanized. The carcasses were deboned and dissected into 26 anatomical sections (masseter muscles, brain, tongue, esophagus, heart, diaphragm, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, top sirloin butt, bottom sirloin butt, outside round, top (inside) round, transversus abdominus, top sirloin cap, strip loin, full tenderloin, eye of round, knuckle, shoulder clod, foreshank, shank, chuck, back ribs, and tail muscles). The dissected tissues were sliced into 5 mm sections. From the 25 cattle, 9258 C. bovis (cysticerci) were recovered; 75.02% (6946) of these were recovered from skeletal muscles and 24.98% (2312) from the entrails. A high parasitism level was found in the shoulder clod (12.55%), heart (11.02%), liver (9.48%), masseter muscles (8.51%), chuck (8.25%), strip loin and full tenderloin (7.26%), knuckle (6.63%), and back ribs (5.53%), totaling 69.23% (5738) of all of the detected cysticerci. on the other hand, there was a low C. bovis parasitism level in the brain, spleen, tail muscles, kidneys, esophagus, and diaphragm, representing just 3.9% of the total number of cysticerci. Given these results, we conclude that specific skeletal musculature regions, such as the shoulder blade, chuck, strip loin and full tenderloin, knuckle, back ribs and top round, which are not officially examined in many countries, are effective sites to efficiently screen C. bovis infection. To date, these regions have not been considered as preferential sites of C. bovis infection. Based on our work, however, these regions deserve greater attention from health inspectors because they contained a greater number of Cysticercus than the other regions of carcasses that are parasitized by T. saginata larvae. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two studies, of a natural infection and an experimental infection, were performed in order to study congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii in cattle. In the first study, 50 fetuses were harvested from gestating cows that were eutanasied at a municipal slaughterhouse in Jaboticabal, São Paulo state, Brazil. In the second study, 11 gestating cows were divided into four groups for inoculation with T. gondii: GI consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 x 10(5) oocysts during their first trimester of gestation; GII consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 x 10(5) oocysts during their second trimester of gestation; GIII consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 x 10(5) oocysts during their last trimester of gestation; and GIV consisted of two control cows, one during its first and the other during its second trimester of gestation. In both studies, the presence of T. gondii was confirmed both indirectly by immunofluorescence assay (IFAT). In the natural infection experiment, 18% (9/50) of the gestating cows were confirmed to have specific antibodies (IFAT - 1:64) against T. gondii. The bioassay was able to diagnose the presence of T. gondii in the tissue samples from three calves. In the second experiment, the nine cows from groups I, II and III presented with specific antibodies (IFAT) against T. gondii. In contrast, T. gondii could not be detected by IFAT, histopathological examination or the bioassay in any of the nine calves born to cows experimentally infected with T. gondii oocysts. Based on the results from both studies, we conclude that congenital infection of T. gondii in cattle, while infrequent, does occur naturally. The pathogenicity of the strain of T. gondii may influence the likelihood of this route of transmission. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar possíveis alterações nas proteínas de fase aguda em ovinos infectados experimentalmente com Trypanosoma vivax. Para tanto, foram utilizados oito ovinos machos, sendo quatro usados como controle e quatro infectados com 10(5) tripomastigotas de T. vivax. Colheram-se amostras de sangue em dois tempos antes da infecção e, posteriormente, aos 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 e 120 dias após a infecção (dpi); após centrifugação e aliquotização das amostras. As proteínas de fase aguda foram separadas por eletroforese em gel de acrilamida, contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio, e suas concentrações foram determinadas através de densitometria computadorizada. A dosagem de proteína total foi realizada pelo método colorimétrico do biureto. A contagem dos tripanossomas foi realizada diariamente, utilizando-se uma alíquota de 5 µL de sangue disperso em lâmina de microscopia, sob lamínula de 22 × 22 mm, contando-se os parasitos em 100 campos microscópicos, com objetiva de 40×, multiplicados pelo fator de correção do microscópio, e o resultado expresso em parasitos por mL de sangue. Para a análise estatística, empregou-se o teste de Wilcoxon a 5% de probabilidade. Foi observada a diminuição de diversas proteínas de fase aguda e aumento de antitripsina e transferrina que podem ser utilizadas para auxiliar no diagnóstico da infecção por T. vivax, principalmente na fase crônica da infecção.


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O presente estudo acompanhou durante 82 dias o curso da infecção experimental com T. evansi em quatro cães, realizando a avaliação dos achados hematológicos, bioquímicos e anatomopatológicos. Os animais infectados mostraram declínio acentuado na contagem de hemácias, hematócrito e teor de hemoglobina, permanecendo anêmicos a partir da terceira semana de infecção até o final do período experimental. Leucopenia com neutropenia foram observadas entre a segunda e a quinta semanas após a infecção. Os cães inoculados desenvolveram hiperproteinemia, sendo constatada diminuição na relação albumina:globulina. As atividades séricas de alamina aminotransferase e aspartato aminotransferase aumentaram significativamente nos cães infectados em relação aos animais controle. O exame histopatológico revelou hiperplasia linfóide no baço e linfonodos e infiltrado mononuclear periportal e esteatose de padrão centrolobular no fígado de todos os cães infectados. Intenso infiltrado mononuclear foi observado no miocárdio de três cães e acúmulos de células mononucleares junto às meninges foram evidenciados em dois animais infectados.


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Cinco jumentos, adultos foram infectados experimentalmente com cepa brasileira de Trypanosoma evansi, isolada de um cão naturalmente infectado, com o intuito de observar as alterações hematológicas, bioquímicas e histopatológicas durante a evolução da enfermidade. O curso da infecção experimental foi de 145 dias. Análise hematológica dos jumentos infectados revelou declínio nos valores de hemoglobina, hematócrito e contagem total de eritrócitos. Notou-se anemia após sucessivos picos de parasitemia. Análise bioquímica indicou aumento dos níveis de índice ictérico, globulinas séricas e diminuição dos valores séricos de albumina e glicose. Todos os jumentos infectados apresentaram aumento do baço e de sua polpa branca, aumento de linfonodos mediastínicos e congestão pulmonar. Meningoencefalite foi o principal achado histopatológico. em algumas áreas do pedículo cerebelar foram observadas desmielinização, além de vacuolização do neurópilo. O estudo mostrou que jumentos infectados com a cepa brasileira do T. evansi desenvolveram doença crônica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Patógenos em sementes de milho (Zea mays) causam sérios problemas, como a perda de sua capacidade germinativa. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar qual o melhor tempo para infecção das sementes de milho com Fusarium graminearum, para posterior avaliação dos danos causados pelo fungo na germinação e vigor das mesmas. As sementes foram colocadas sobre meio de BDA contendo o patógeno e incubadas por 4, 8, 16 e 32 h. Após os respectivos períodos de incubação, estas foram submetidas ao teste de sanidade (papel de filtro), com duas variações, sem e com assepsia superficial, usando hipoclorito de sódio a 1% de cloro ativo, por 3 min. Determinado o melhor tempo para infecção, outras sementes foram infetadas com o patógeno, para realização dos testes de germinação e vigor (envelhecimento acelerado e teste de frio) com uma mistura de sementes sadias (colocadas sobre o meio BDA) e sementes inoculadas, resultando em 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100% de sementes infetadas com o fungo em estudo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o período de incubação de 32 h foi suficiente para se obter sementes infetadas. Com relação à germinação, não houve diferenças significativas entre os diferentes níveis de infecção, provavelmente devido ao alto vigor das sementes de milho testadas. Quanto aos testes de vigor, os níveis de infecção diferiram significativamente da testemunha, apesar de não terem diferido entre si.


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This study evaluated the gastrointestinal helminth fauna of long-nosed armadillos, Dasypus novemcinctus, from the Pantanal wetlands, Aquidauana sub-region, Aquidauana County, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Thirteen species of nematodes, comprising seven genera and four families, were recovered from their gastrointestinal tracts. The following descriptors of infection were determined: prevalence, variation of intensity, average intensity and abundance. Hadrostrongylus speciosum n. gen. et n. sp. is first described here. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.