978 resultados para Indigenous Status


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AbstractObjective:To describe the radiological findings of pulmonary tuberculosis in indigenous patients from the city of Dourados, MS, Brazil, according to age and sex.Materials and Methods:Chest radiographic images of 81 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, acquired in the period from 2007 to 2010, were retrospectively analyzed by two radiologists in consensus for the presence or absence of changes. The findings in abnormal radiographs were classified according to the changes observed and they were correlated to age and sex. The data were submitted to statistical analysis.Results:The individuals' ages ranged from 1 to 97 years (mean: 36 years). Heterogeneous consolidations, nodules, pleural involvement and cavities were the most frequent imaging findings. Most patients (55/81 or 67.9%) were male, and upper lung and right lung were the most affected regions. Fibrosis, heterogeneous consolidations and involvement of the left lung apex were significantly more frequent in males (p < 0.05). Presence of a single type of finding at radiography was most frequent in children (p < 0.05).Conclusion:Based on the hypothesis that indigenous patients represent a population without genetically determined resistance to tuberculosis, the present study may enhance the knowledge about how the pulmonary form of this disease manifests in susceptible individuals.


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We examined the association between lifecourse socioeconomic status (SES) and the risk of type 2 diabetes at older ages, ascertaining the extent to which adult lifestyle factors and systemic inflammation explain this relationship. Data were drawn from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) which, established in 2002, is a representative cohort study of ≥50-year olds individuals living in England. SES indicators were paternal social class, participants' education, participants' wealth, and a lifecourse socioeconomic index. Inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein and fibrinogen) and lifestyle factors were measured repeatedly; diabetes incidence (new cases) was monitored over 7.5 years of follow-up. Of the 6218 individuals free from diabetes at baseline (44% women, mean aged 66 years), 423 developed diabetes during follow-up. Relative to the most advantaged people, those in the lowest lifecourse SES group experienced more than double the risk of diabetes (hazard ratio 2.59; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 1.81-3.71). Lifestyle factors explained 52% (95%CI:30-85) and inflammatory markers 22% (95%CI:13-37) of this gradient. Similar results were apparent with the separate SES indicators. In a general population sample, socioeconomic inequalities in the risk of type 2 diabetes extend to older ages and appear to partially originate from socioeconomic variations in modifiable factors which include lifestyle and inflammation.


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While obesity continues to rise globally, the associations between body size, gender, and socioeconomic status (SES) seem to vary in different populations, and little is known on the contribution of perceived ideal body size in the social disparity of obesity in African countries. We examined the gender and socioeconomic patterns of body mass index (BMI) and perceived ideal body size in the Seychelles, a middle-income small island state in the African region. We also assessed the potential role of perceived ideal body size as a mediator for the gender-specific association between SES and BMI. A population-based survey of 1,240 adults aged 25 to 64 years conducted in December 2013. Participants' BMI was calculated based on measured weight and height; ideal body size was assessed using a nine-silhouette instrument. Three SES indicators were considered: income, education, and occupation. BMI and perceived ideal body size were both higher among men of higher versus lower SES (p< .001) but lower among women of higher versus lower SES (p< .001), irrespective of the SES indicator used. Multivariate analysis showed a strong and direct association between perceived ideal body size and BMI in both men and women (p< .001) and was consistent with a potential mediating role of perceived ideal body size in the gender-specific associations between SES and BMI. Our study emphasizes the importance of gender and socioeconomic differences in BMI and ideal body size and suggests that public health interventions that promote perception of healthy weight could help mitigate SES-related disparities in BMI.


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Kaasutuksen kannattavuus ja toteutustapa on ollut tarkea ja useiden tutkimuksien kohde. Biomassan kaasutuksen ja siina kaytettavien laitteiden nykytila on epavarma. Niinpa lisatutkimukselle ja tarkasteluille on edelleen tarvetta. Tama tyo keskittyy nykyisin kaytettavien kaasutusprosessien ja laitteiden tarkasteluun. Tyossa kaydaan lapi useita uusimpia kaasutusprojekteja ja esitetaan niista tutkimustarpeita. Lisaksi kaasutusprosessissa pitaa saada hallintaan niille tyypillisia ongelmia kuten kaasun puhdistus, kaasun kasittely, biomassan kasittely ja kaasuttimen muuraus, joista esitetaan lisatietoa. Edelleen esitetaan kaasutusprosessien taydellinen luokittelu. On huomattava etta biomassan kaasutusta tarvitaan jotta saadaan toteutettua EUn hahmotteleman ja saataman energiapolitiikan vaatima kasvu ja kehitys.


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La vil·la romana dels Antigons (Reus, tocant amb la Canonja) fou una de les més riques de l’ager Tarraconensis, raó per la qual ha merescut un tractament monogràfic. El nom ja indica la rellevància de les restes que s’hi han trobat des del segle XIX. És un jaciment dissortat, però: la construcció d’un complex industrial els anys 70 el va destruir en gran part i avui no en queda cap resta visible. En les excavacions d’urgència entre el 1976 i el 1979 es va recollir una importantíssima documentació. Destaca un forn del segle I dC on es produïen materials constructius i àmfores vineres. La vil·la experimentà un moment de gran riquesa la primera meitat del segle III, com ho indica el luxós nimfeu decorat amb estàtues, així com l’important abocador del mateix moment, que ha permès estudiar un abundantíssim conjunt de ceràmiques romanes. La vil·la perdurà almenys fins al segle V, i hi ha traces de freqüentació i ús en època visigòtica.


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Background: Effective treatment for breast cancer requires accurate preoperative planning, developing and implementing a consistent definition of margin clearance, and using tools that provide detailed real-time intraoperative information on margin status. Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) may fulfil these requirements and may offer few advantages that other preoperative localization and intraoperative margin assessment techniques may notPurpose: The goal of the present work is to determine how accurate the intraoperative ultrasound should be to acquire complete surgical excision with negative histological margins in patients undergoing Breast Conservative SurgeryDesign: A diagnostic test study with a cross-sectional design carried out in a tertiary referral hospital in Girona within a Breast Pathology UnitParticipants: Women diagnosed with breast cancer undergoing a Breast Conservative Surgery in the Breast Pathology Unit at Hospital Universitari de Girona Dr. Josep Trueta


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This article presents a bibliographic review of research carried out on different alternative processes for biodiesel production. The supercritical and subcritical (non catalytic) reaction conditions, the use of solid basic, solid acid and other heterogeneous catalysts, including the use of immobilized enzymes and whole-cell catalysts are also critically compared with the traditional homogeneous alkaline or acid catalysts that are common on industrial applications. Advantages and limitations of all these processes for the transference from the laboratory to the industry are discussed. A correlation of the chemical composition with the quality parameters of the produced biodiesel is done with aim to stablish adequate procedures for the right selection of the raw-material. Castor bean oil is used as an example of inappropriate oil in order to produce a B100 that fulfill all the international physico-chemical quality standards. In this article are presented research results to adequate the values of viscosity, density and iodine number of the castor and soybean biodiesel to the international standard limits by means blending these both biodiesels at the right ratio.


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Invocatio: I.N.D.O.M.


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Invocatio: I.N.J.C.


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Invocatio: I.N.J.C.


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Nutritional status of eight 1.0 and 4.7 years old clones of Eucalyptus grandis, cultivated in a medium textured Ustults - US - and a Quartzipsamments - PS - soils, in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo, were evaluated by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) and Critical Level (CL) methods. Based on multivariate discriminant analysis, the DRIS indices described the nutritional status of trees better in relation to tree age and soil type than in relation to nutrient composition. Spearman's correlation coefficients showed statistically significant relationships between volumetric tree growth and nutrients when applying DRIS indices or foliar nutrient concentrations. However, the DRIS indices indicated a lower number of trees with nutritional deficiencies, in relation to the CL method. According to the CL method, P, S, and Ca were deficient in the majority of the soils and tree age categories. By the DRIS method, Ca was the only deficient nutrient in PS soils, and appeared to be particularly limited in one-year-old trees. In conclusion, the DRIS method was more efficient than the CL method in evaluating the nutritional status of eucalyptus trees.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de índices espectrais, retirados de imagens digitais, para discriminar diferentes doses de N no feijoeiro. O trabalho, conduzido em vasos de 8 dm³, teve cinco tratamentos (0; 50; 100; 150 e 200 kg de N ha-1), com dez repetições. As imagens foram adquiridas aos 30; 40 e 50 dias após a emergência. Foram desenvolvidas funções discriminantes quadráticas, tendo como vetores de entrada as médias dos "pixels" de diferentes combinações dos quatro índices espectrais testados. Três diferentes tamanhos de blocos de imagem foram testados 9 x 9; 20 x 20 e 40 x 40 "pixels". Os melhores resultados foram alcançados pelos blocos de 9 x 9 e 20 x 20 "pixels", apresentando classificação 94; 96 e 96% superior à classificação ao acaso para os blocos 9 x 9 "pixels" e 92; 94 e 94% para os blocos 20x20 "pixels" aos 30; 40 e 50 dias após a emergência, respectivamente.