933 resultados para Illuminated initials in medieval Italian music manuscripts -- Specimens


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El presente trabajo examina el devenir de los monasterios de la parentela leonesa de los Flaínez a fin de dilucidar los efectos de la reforma eclesiástica, iniciada en el ámbito hispano a mediados del siglo XI, en el control aristocrático de instituciones religiosas. El análisis revela que si bien la parentela mantuvo la propiedad de muchos de sus monasterios, en las últimas décadas del siglo XI algunos de ellos comenzarían a ser subordinados a la jurisdicción episcopal, proceso que se concretó a través de prácticas en las que los obispos debieron negociar individualmente con los propietarios laicos


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El presente trabajo se abocará al problema de la gestualidad en el CMC desde dos perspectivas complementarias: la característica fundamental de mesura que la crítica cidiana ha visto siempre en el héroe, y la descripción del uso de ciertos objetos e indumentaria. La cuestión de la gestualidad en la cultura medieval cuenta ya con largos años de investigación literaria e histórica. La combinación de indumentaria y gestualidad en el CMC está en función de la "espectacularidad", de forma tal que provoca, a través de un cierto "signo" corporal, la actitud de admiración. Por otro lado, se pueden establecer ciertos paralelismos con las prescripciones monásticas acerca del comportamiento gestual, las cuales son, según Schmitt, índice de la mentalidad de toda la sociedad a partir del siglo XII. La oposición modestia / gesticulatio, identificable en el CMC, puede ser asimilada en gran medida a la de mesura/ desmesura, con respecto a la cual se ordenan los personajes positivos y negativos en la obra.


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El presente trabajo indaga acerca de los procesos de diferenciación social campesina temprana en la Zamora medieval. Dicho proceso adquiere características particulares de acuerdo al marco señorial en que se inserten las comunidades. La documentación zamorana ha permitido agrupar los casos empíricos en dos tipos ideales, aquellos que presentan desarrollo de caballería y los que maduran al interior de cotos de abadengo. En cuanto al primer tipo, comprobamos que la caballería que surge de las propias clases campesinas tiende a transformarse en un sector privilegiado en la comunidad. Tal proceso de diferenciación se presenta con importantes disparidades evolutivas en las distintas comunidades. Las comunidades de este tipo que ingresan a la órbita episcopal evidencian conflictos violentos relacionados con la imposición de nuevos derechos señoriales y nuevas pautas de reproducción señorial. En cambio, en las aldeas desarrolladas desde su inicio al interior de cotos monásticos la diferenciación por el ejercicio de la función militar se encuentra negada. La única posibilidad estructural de diferenciación se relaciona con el ejercicio de funciones en representación del señor. El surgimiento de tales sectores evoluciona, entonces, de manera coherente con la construcción del poder señorial a escala local. En las comunidades con presencia de caballería será necesario desmontar las jerarquías preexistentes, proceso que determina que únicamente bien entrado el siglo XIII puedan comenzar a esbozarse nuevas elites locales y condiciones de poblamiento afines a la reproducción del señorío eclesiástico.


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En este trabajo proponemos centrarnos en dos intervenciones de lectura sobre la obra del lingüista italiano Graziadio Isaia Ascoli, producidas por lingüistas europeos instalados en la Argentina: el italiano Benvenuto Terracini, que ejerció como profesor de Lingüística en la Universidad de Tucumán entre 1941 y 1946, y el rumano Demetrio Gazdaru, que fue docente de materias lingüísticas en diferentes universidades del país desde 1949 hasta 1973. Entendemos esas relecturas como un momento sustancial en los respectivos diseños de la historia de los estudios sobre el lenguaje que ambos especialistas llevan adelante en ámbito argentino. Asimismo, interrogamos esas relecturas como dos intervenciones por la definición de un saber lingüístico legítimo desde lugares periféricos, en la medida en que apuntalan una tradición romanista alternativa a las diferentes inscripciones hispanistas hegemónicas en los discursos académicos sobre el lenguaje en la Argentina


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El presente trabajo examina el devenir de los monasterios de la parentela leonesa de los Flaínez a fin de dilucidar los efectos de la reforma eclesiástica, iniciada en el ámbito hispano a mediados del siglo XI, en el control aristocrático de instituciones religiosas. El análisis revela que si bien la parentela mantuvo la propiedad de muchos de sus monasterios, en las últimas décadas del siglo XI algunos de ellos comenzarían a ser subordinados a la jurisdicción episcopal, proceso que se concretó a través de prácticas en las que los obispos debieron negociar individualmente con los propietarios laicos


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El presente trabajo se abocará al problema de la gestualidad en el CMC desde dos perspectivas complementarias: la característica fundamental de mesura que la crítica cidiana ha visto siempre en el héroe, y la descripción del uso de ciertos objetos e indumentaria. La cuestión de la gestualidad en la cultura medieval cuenta ya con largos años de investigación literaria e histórica. La combinación de indumentaria y gestualidad en el CMC está en función de la "espectacularidad", de forma tal que provoca, a través de un cierto "signo" corporal, la actitud de admiración. Por otro lado, se pueden establecer ciertos paralelismos con las prescripciones monásticas acerca del comportamiento gestual, las cuales son, según Schmitt, índice de la mentalidad de toda la sociedad a partir del siglo XII. La oposición modestia / gesticulatio, identificable en el CMC, puede ser asimilada en gran medida a la de mesura/ desmesura, con respecto a la cual se ordenan los personajes positivos y negativos en la obra.


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Las villas y aldeas de Castilla recorrieron juntas un largo y difícil camino desde los siglos medievales, cuando se fueron conformando como cuerpos políticos, basados en servicios recíprocos que aspiraban a alcanzar el bien común del conjunto. La naturaleza jerárquicamente desigual de dicho cuerpo fue acentuándose y las cabezas jurisdiccionales llevaron a la práctica unas relaciones de dominio cada vez más acusado frente a las aldeas. En estas comunidades rurales, linajes en ascenso aspiraban, no obstante, a ampliar sus propias cotas de autogobierno. La armonía que debía presidir el cuerpo común de villas y aldeas fue desapareciendo, y la política regia de ventas de villazgos con fines hacendísticos, iniciada por Carlos V, respondió a una demanda de segregación que solucionaba al mismo tiempo las aspiraciones jurisdiccionales de las comunidades rurales y de sus nuevas oligarquías así como las necesidades de ingresos extraordinarios de la real hacienda


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La iconografía mariana ha quedado reflejada en la poesía hispánica medieval de muchas maneras: desde versos que describen a la Virgen y sus atributos hasta conceptos teológicos y mariológicos expresados plásticamente mediante formas retóricas. Por ejemplo, el jardín y las flores como ornamentos y símbolos personales de Santa María, o bien la imagen de la luz a través de un cristal o una ventana de vidrio en escenas de la Anunciación -con abundantes testimonios pictóricos en el arte medieval-, se encuentran en la poesía en forma de descripciones simbólicas de diversa extensión y género y, por otro lado, de advocaciones marianas o tópicos mariológicos (Ave/Eva, Flos, Hortus, Radix-Virga, Regina, Stella). Este artículo propone, pues, un estudio de conjunto y comparativo de algunos de estos procedimientos, concentrándose en las Cantigas de Santa María del rey Alfonso X. En este sentido, las figuras retóricas, como herramientas que tienden un puente entre lo pictórico y lo poético, dirigen necesariamente la lectura hacia una interpretación simbólica proporcionada por la figuración o typologia, tal como la ha postulado Erich Auerbach para la textualidad medieval. En última instancia, el valor sagrado de la imagen mariana (una herencia del arte icónico bizantino) se representa también en los milagros de las Cantigas de Santa María, obra maestra que evidencia una fuerte influencia de la doctrina iconodúlica.


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The feeding strategies of Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacialis, and C. finmarchicus were investigated in the high-Arctic Svalbard region (77-81 °N) in May, August, and December, including seasons with algal blooms, late- to post-bloom situations, and unproductive winter periods. Stable isotope and fatty acid trophic marker (FATM) techniques were employed together to assess trophic level (TL), carbon sources (phytoplankton vs. ice algae), and diet of the three Calanus species. In addition, population development, distribution, and nutritional state (i.e. storage lipids) were examined to estimate their population status at the time of sampling. In May and August, the vertical distribution of the three Calanus species usually coincided with the maximum algal biomass. Their stable isotope and fatty acid (FA) composition indicated that they all were essentially herbivores in May, when the algal biomass was highest. Their FA composition, however, revealed different food preferences. C. hyperboreus had high proportions of 18:4n3, suggesting that it fed mainly on Phaeocystis, whereas C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus had high proportions of 16:4n1, 16:1n7, and 20:5n3, suggesting diatoms as their major food source. Carbon sources (i.e. phytoplankton vs. ice algae) were not possible to determine solely from FATM techniques since ice-diatoms and pelagic-diatoms were characterised by the same FA. However, the enriched d13C values of C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus in May indicated that they fed both on pelagic- and ice-diatoms. Patterns in absolute FA and fatty alcohol composition revealed that diatoms were the most important food for C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis, followed by Phaeocystis, whereas diatoms, Phaeocystis and other small autotrophic flagellates were equally important food for C. finmarchicus. During periods of lower algal biomass, only C. glacialis exhibited evidence of significant dietary switch, with a TL indicative of omnivory (mean TL=2.4). Large spatial variability was observed in population development, distribution, and lipid store sizes in August. At the northernmost station at the southern margin of the Arctic Ocean, the three Calanus species had similarly low lipid stores as they had in May, suggesting that they ascended later in the year. In December, relatively lipid-rich specimens had TL similar to those during the peak productive season (TL~2.0), suggesting that they were hibernating and not feeding on the available refractory material available at that time of the year. In contrast, lipid-poor specimens in December had substantially high TL (TL=2.5), suggesting that they were active and possibly were feeding.


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The fossil floras described by Dieter MAI and Harald WALTHER are invaluable for understanding the past plant diversity in Europe, and provide important information on the occurrence of taxa in the fossil record that is critical for evolutionary studies. Among the taxa they recognized were seeds assigned to the extant genus Alpinia ROXB. (Zingiberaceae, Zingiberales). We reinvestigated 28 specimens that were assigned to Alpinia arnensis (CHANDLER) MAI, Alpinia cf. arnensis, and Alpinia bivascularis MAI from the Ypresian (lower Eocene) of the UK, upper Eocene of Germany, and lower Miocene of Germany using non-destructive synchrotron-based X-ray tomography to reveal internal anatomy. None of the samples studied show an anatomy consistent with extant Alpinia or even Zingiberales. The fossils lack the globose shape, often striate external surface, seed coat structure, operculum, and micropylar collar seen in all Alpinia, and lack the chalazal chamber seen in many Alpinia species. Two specimens from the lower Miocene of Germany showed the structure of fruits of Caricoidea CHANDLER (Cyperaceae) with a single-layered exocarp, thick mesocarp, and sclerified endocarp. The other specimens are recognized as Carpolithes albolutum nom. nov. (incertae sedis) from the Ypresian of the UK, C. phoenixnordensis sp. nov. (incertae sedis) from the upper Eocene of Germany, C. bivascularis comb. nov. (incertae sedis) from the lower Miocene of Germany as well as indeterminate tegmens from the lower Miocene of Germany. This reinvestigation demonstrates that there is, as yet, no confirmed fossil record for the extant genus Alpinia. Furthermore, at least four different taxa are recognized from what had been two extinct species, enhancing our understanding of these important European Cenozoic carpofloras.


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The identification in various proxy records of periods of rapid (decadal scale) climate change over recent millennia, together with the possibility that feedback mechanisms may amplify climate system responses to increasing atmospheric CO2, highlights the importance of a detailed understanding, at high spatial and temporal resolutions, of forcings and feedbacks within the system. Such an understanding has hitherto been limited because the temperate marine environment has lacked an absolute timescale of the kind provided by tree-rings for the terrestrial environment and by corals for the tropical marine environment. Here we present the first annually resolved, multi-centennial (489-year), absolutely dated, shell-based marine master chronology. The chronology has been constructed by detrending and averaging annual growth increment widths in the shells of multiple specimens of the very long-lived bivalve mollusc Arctica islandica, collected from sites to the south and west of the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. The strength of the common environmental signal expressed in the chronology is fully comparable with equivalent statistics for tree-ring chronologies. Analysis of the 14C signal in the shells shows no trend in the marine radiocarbon reservoir correction (DR), although it may be more variable before ~1750. The d13C signal shows a very significant (R**2 = 0.456, p < 0.0001) trend due to the 13C Suess effect.


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The evolution of planktonic foraminifera during the Late Cretaceous is marked in the Santonian by the disappearance of complex morphotypes (the marginotruncanids), and the contemporary increasing importance and diversification of another group of complex taxa, the globotruncanids. Upper Turonian to lower Campanian planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from Holes 762C and 763B (Ocean Drilling Program, Leg 122, Exmouth Plateau, 47°S palaeolatitude) were studied in detail to evaluate the compositional variations at the genus and species level based on the assumption that, in the Cretaceous oceans as in the modern, any faunal change was associated with changes in the characteristics and the degree of stability of the oceanic surface waters. Three major groups were recognised based on gross morphology, and following the assumption that Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera, although extinct, had life-history strategies comparable to those of modern planktonics: 1 - r-selected opportunists; 2 - k-selected specialists; 3 - r/k intermediate morphotypes which include all genera that display a range of trophic strategies in-between opportunist and specialist taxa. Although planktonic foraminiferal assemblages are characterised by a progressive appearance of complex taxa, this trend is discontinuous. Variation in number of species and specimens within genera has allowed recognition of five discrete intervals each of them reflecting different oceanic conditions based on fluctuations in diversity and abundance of the major morphotypes. Planktonic forms show cyclical fluctuations in diversity and abundance of cold (r-strategists) and warm taxa (k-strategists), perhaps representing alternating phases of unstable conditions (suggesting a weakly stratified upper water column in a mesotrophic environment), and well-stratified surface and near-surface waters (indicating a more oligotrophic environment). Interval 1, middle Turonian to early Coniacian in age, is dominated by the r/k intermediate morphotypes which alternate with r-strategists. These cyclical alternations are used to identify three additional subintervals. Interval 2, aged middle to late Coniacian, is characterised by the increasing number of species and relative abundance of k-strategists. After this maximum diversification the k-strategists show a progressive decrease reaching a minimum value in Interval 3 (early to late Santonian), which corresponds to the extinction of the genus Marginotruncana. In the Interval 4, latest Santonian in age, the k-strategists, represented mainly by the genera Globotruncana, increase again in diversity and abundance. The last Interval 5 (early Campanian) is dominated by juvenile globotruncanids and r-strategists which fluctuate in opposite phase. The positive peak (Interval 2) related to the maximum diversification of warm taxa (k-strategists) in the Coniacian seems to correspond to a warmer episode. It is followed by a marked decrease in the relative abundance of warm taxa (k-strategists crisis) with a minimum in the late Santonian (Interval 3), reflecting a decrease in temperature. Detailed analysis of faunal variations allows the Santonian faunal turnover to be ascribed to a cooling event strong enough to cause the extinction of the marginotruncanids.


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(expanded by Eberhard Grüger, Göttingen) The site "Höllerer See" is a lake in the northern foreland of the Alps, about 30 km north of the city of Salzburg/Austria, situated in the south-western part of Oberösterreich/Austria. A 2 m long piston core from this locality, consisting entirely of calcareous gyttja, was studied by pollen analysis. The three lowermost samples (1.98, 1.95 and 1.92 m) were deposited during the Preboreal when Pinus and Betula were still the dominating forest trees. High pollen values of thermophilous woody species (mainly Corylus and Quercus, but also Ulmus, Tilia, Fraxinus) prove the Boreal age of the next younger sample (1.91 m). The following two pollen spectra attest that Alnus (1.89 m) and - later (1.88 m) - Fagus had become important members of the local (Alnus) and the regional (Fagus) vegetation. From this level up to the top of the profile these two tree taxa contribute - together with Betula - always 50 to 80 % to the arboreal pollen sum. The upper 1.89 m of sediment of the Höllerer See core evidently date from the Subboreal and the Subatlantic. As Preboreal sediment was stated at the base of the profile it must be concluded that most of the Boreal and the Atlantic is - for whatever reason - not represented by sediment in this core. As no radiocarbon dates are available age estimates of the distinguished pollen zones can be achieved only by correlating major changes of the former vegetation with historical events which probably influenced the then contemporary vegetation. The pollen grains of the Triticum and Hordeum type found in samples of zone 2.1 might indicate the growing of cereals in the region during the Late Bronze Age. The first pollen grains of Secale date from the boundary Hallstatt/Latène Age (zone 2.2). The cereal curves become continuous in Bavarian times (Bajuwarenzeit, Middle Ages, zone 3.3). The Plantago laceolata curve, continuous since 1.7 m depth (zone 2.1), points to animal breeding since the Early Subatlantic (Hallstattzeit). This curve reaches its absolute maximum in Roman time (zone 3.1). Roman time forest clearance caused a drastic decrease of tree pollen curves (start of zone 3.1). Values of anthropogenic indicators as high as in zone 3.1 are found again - after a distinct decrease in zone 3.2 - not till the Bavarians settled in the region (6th century). Maximal Fagus values and the simultaneous total lack of anthropogenic indicators mark the Migration Period (zone 3.2). The Younger Subatlantic (zone 4) is characterized by a decrease of deciduous forests due to medieval forest clearance. At the same time the conifers Pinus and Picea gained in importance. The lake was probably used for retting hemp in Medieval times. The distinction of the pollen grains of Cannabis and Humulus might not be certain in all cases. It is known that hemp as well as hop was cultivated in the study area. Markers were added to the samples at the beginning of pollen preparation (13500 Lycopodium spores, sample volume 0.5 cm**3) and counted together with the pollen grains. Therefore pollen concentrations can be calculated: Concentration = C * F / V (with C = number of grains of a particular pollen type, V = volume of the untreated pollen sample, F = marker added/marker counted). F ranges from 39 to 1688. Factors that large are not suited to produce reliably interpretable pollen concentrations. Consequently no use was made of the pollen concentrations in this thesis, although a concentration diagram is added.


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En el presente proyecto se ha realizado un estudio de las condiciones acústicas y del refuerzo sonoro de la sala de conciertos Ritmo y Compás (Madrid), repasando las principales magnitudes de calidad acústica. El proyecto combina medidas y simulaciones. Con las medidas se obtienen los parámetros acústicos de la sala, que permiten cuantificar la sensación que producen en la audiencia las cualidades acústicas de un espacio. Mediante software de simulación electroacústica (EASE) se ha generado el modelo geométrico y acústico de la sala, ajustado en base a los resultados experimentales. El objetivo fundamental del trabajo es generar un modelo virtual que refleje fielmente las condiciones reales de la sala de conciertos, de forma que se puedan estudiar en profundidad las características acústicas y electroacústicas del recinto. En el proceso de análisis se ha querido resaltar la importancia de la acústica en salas de conciertos de música amplificada, muchas veces relegada a un segundo plano por el diseño electroacústico. La calidad de una sala de este tipo depende estrechamente de la sonorización, pero su inevitable relación con las cualidades acústicas del recinto obliga a establecer una serie de criterios acústicos mínimos que aseguren las mejores condiciones para el sistema sonoro. Dado el peso de las simulaciones, en el proyecto se presentan los resultados obtenidos con distintos métodos y recursos de análisis software para apoyar el estudio, con una información completa que muestre, con la máxima claridad, el potencial de la sala Ritmo y Compás como sala de conciertos. SUMMARY. This project is about the acoustical and electroacustical studio of “Ritmo y Compás”, an important concert hall in Madrid, analyzing the main magnitudes of acoustic quality. The project combines measurements and simulations. With the measurements it is obtained the acoustic parameters of the hall, allowing the quantification of the sensation produced in the audience by the acoustic attributes of the hall. With the acoustic simulation software (Ease), based on the experimental results, the geometric and acoustic model has been created. The main purpose of this study is to generate a virtual model that accurately reflects the real conditions of the concert hall, allowing the deep study of the acoustic and electroacoustic features of the hall. In the process of the analysis, the importance of the acoustic characteristic in the amplified music concert halls was emphasized, which is often underestimate because of the electroacoustic design. The quality of this kind of hall strictly depends on the sound electrical system, but its inevitable relation with the acoustic characteristics of the hall, forces to establish a series of minimum acoustic rules that assures the best conditions for the sound system. Due to the importance of the simulations in the project, the results are presented with different methods and analysis software resources to back up the study with complete information that shows the maximum quality and clarity of the potential of the enclosure Ritmo y Compás as a concert hall.