991 resultados para Ignacio Assis Silva


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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This work dealt with the main urban problems Elevated President Costa e Silva, who is the main target of São Paulo's urban criticism. Several factors that are directly related to the presence of the High Expressway in the city, as its road importance, for example were also analyzed. Based on the history of the area around the high and their design, we examined its geographic disposition and its road importance, followed by analysis of its urban problems above the expressway below expresses life and the social question about the presence of Minhocão . Were also made analysis on urban transport and the car culture that led to the design of the High Expressway. Were also raised examples of similar cases around the world to establish parameters for subsequent conceptual framework and guidelines for intervention. For the preparation of the feasibility of the intervention demolition of the high was studied. Finally guidelines for interventions were high bids, as well as a planning model using the methodology Canvas


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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This article presents the results of research on the Hall-School installed in the Juqueri Hospital, São Paulo, in 1929, by initiative of the psychiatrist Antonio Carlos Pacheco e Silva, and organized by the pediatrician Vicente Baptista da Silva and professors Norberto de Souza Pinto and Celso Guimarães da Fonseca. It is regarded as a real pioneer project for the development of Special Education and of Psychology, formerly named as for the abnormals. One can neatly perceive the change in the treatment of a medical origin only to that of an inclusion of Psychology and Education in the development of children affected by mental deficiency or by psychopathies. The influence of the ideas of educators, such as the ones mentioned above, were fundamental for the changes.


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La novela A cidade de Ulisses (2011), de la escritora portuguesa contemporánea Teolinda Gersão, nos presenta una Lisboa envuelta en mitos e historia. Este trabajo pretende inferir las relaciones entre estos dos campos del conocimiento y sus implicaciones para la construcción de los sentidos del texto. Teniendo en cuenta la leyenda que cuenta que la capital portuguesa fue fundada por Ulisses, el héroe homérico, la narrativa se vale de elementos míticos para, junto con el relato del personaje Paulo Vaz acerca de sus relaciones románticas con Cecília Branco y Sara, hacer referencia a cuestiones del pasado y del presente histórico portugueses, siempre de manera crítica. Buscamos, así, indagar, a través del mito, cómo se introduce la historia en el universo del texto.


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This paper presents some reflections regarding Spanish/FL teachers professional development process, considering their experiences in the context of the project “Center for Languages and Teachers Development”, UNESP – Assis. The study aimed to develop a space for reflection and to identify the main concerns that the teachers-students have in their initial education trajectory. To do so, we use the qualitative approach principles and the narrative research method.


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The aim of this study was to relate the clinical case of a patient with oral lichen planus (OLP) and a history of epidermoid carcinoma associated with metallic restorations. The etiology of OLP is a mucocutaneous disease, which is poorly understood. Studies point to the potential of malignant transformation of OLP and its association with metallic restorations. The metallic restorations were replaced by crowns with a ceramic covering associated and osseointegrated implants in the edentulous areas. About 1 year later, it was observed a bilateral regression of the tongue lesions. The replacement of metallic restorations can contribute to improvement of OLP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)