991 resultados para ITS in transportation
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the apical membrane of polarized epithelial cells is the rate-limiting step for Na entry into the cell; in series with the basolateral Na pump, it allows the vectorial transepithelial transport of Na ions. ENaC is expressed in different epithelia like the distal nephron or colon, and the airways epithelium. In the lung ENaC controls the composition and the amount of pulmonary fluid, whereas in the distal nephron ENaC under the control of aldosterone and vasopressin, is essential to adapt the amount of Na+ reabsorbed with the daily sodium intake. Activating mutations of ENaC cause severe disturbances of Na+ homeostasis leading to hypertension in human and in mouse models. Functional expression of ENaC in different cell systems allowed the identification of structural domains of the protein that are essential for channel function and/or modulation of channel activity. Site-directed mutations in specific domains of the channel protein lead to channel hyperactivity or channel loss of function. Knowledge about ENaC structure-function relationships opens new opportunities for development of pharmacological tools for controlling ENaC activity, such as channel activators of potential benefit in the treatment of pulmonary edema, or highly potent ENaC blockers with natriuretic effects.
Structures built by animals are a widespread and ecologically important 'extended phenotype'. While its taxonomic diversity has been well described, factors affecting short-term evolution of building behavior within a species have received little experimental attention. Here we describe how, given the opportunity, wandering Drosophila melanogaster larvae often build long tunnels in agar substrates and embed their pupae within them. These embedded larvae are characterized by a longer egg-to-pupariation developmental time than larvae that pupate on the surface. Assuming that such building behaviors are likely to be energetically costly and/or time consuming, we hypothesized that they should evolve to be less pronounced under resource or time limitation. In accord with this prediction, larvae from populations evolved for 160 generations under a regime that combines larval malnutrition with limited developmental time dug shorter tunnels than larvae from control unselected populations. However, the proportion of larvae that embedded before pupation did not differ between the malnutrition-adapted and control populations, suggesting that tunnel length and likelihood of embedding before pupation are controlled by different genetic loci. The behaviors exhibited by wandering larvae of Drosophila melanogaster prior to pupation offer a model system to study evolution of animal building behaviors because the tunneling and embedding phenotypes are simple, facultative and highly variable.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the total and thermotolerant coliform densities in the oyster culture water of Cananeia, SP, Brazil, correlating these densities with environmental variables and tidal variations. Superficial water samples were collected in two tide conditions (spring and neap) from three areas of Cananéia municipality (Mandira, Itapitangui and Cooperostra). The three studied areas showed good conditions for the culture regarding coliform densities. The two tidal conditions differed significantly as to total coliform concentration; however, the same procedure was not performed for thermotolerant coliforms. No correlation was observed between water temperature, pH, and concentrations of total and thermotolerant coliforms. Coliform density was positively correlated with rainfall and negatively correlated with salinity. Spring and neap tides differed significantly as to coliform number. Simple diagnosis of environmental conditions of the crop fields is insufficient to assess water quality of shellfish cultivation. A continuous monitoring program of planted areas is necessary both for the assessment of water quality potential for marine culture and for ensuring safe consumption of seafood, besides constituting an important tool to understand the relationships between contamination and the involved environmental variables.
We report a case of xeroderma pigmentosum in a 9-year-old back Cameroonian boy. The diagnosis was based on typical clinical presentation of the disease: cutaneous atrophy, hypepigmented macules, and areas of depigmentation on sun exposed regions of the skin. Multiple tumoral lesions were localized on the head. Ocular findings were also present: conjunctival hyperemia, peripheral corneal opacification. Excision of the tumors and potoprotection was proposed for this patient. The role of tribal black African marriage traditions in disease transmission is discussed.
A new radiolarian genus and species, Joergensenium rotatile, is described. This species is restricted to recent sediments and plankton samples from the North Atlantic. Its recent distribution in the Norwegian Sea and West Norwegian fjords shows a strong affinity to the neritic province and reaches almost 2% in Hryangerfjord. This species is only known from late Glacial and Holocene sediments in the Nordic seas. This genus shows, however, a patchy stratigraphic distribution with its first occurrence in the south-west Pacific within Palcocene, in the Middle to Late Miocene from the Norwegian Sea, and in the Labrador Sea at the base of biozone NN 21. Two fjords are compared for the general radiolarian distribution, but with special emphasis on the occurrence of J. rotatile in both sediment and plankton.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of insect larvae as samples for toxicological investigations. For this purpose, larvae of Lucilia sericata were reared on samples of minced pig liver treated with different concentrations of codeine: therapeutic, toxic, and potentially lethal doses. Codeine was detected in all tested larvae, confirming the reliability of these specimens for qualitative toxicology analysis. Furthermore, concentrations measured in larvae were correlated with levels in liver tissue. These observations bring new elements regarding the potential use of opiates concentrations in larvae for estimation of drug levels in human tissues. Morphine and norcodeine, two codeine metabolites, have been also detected at different concentrations depending on the concentration of codeine in pig liver and depending on the substance itself. The effects of codeine on the development of L. sericata were also investigated. Results showed that a 29-h interval bias on the evaluation of the larval stage duration calculated from the larvae weight has to be considered if codeine was present in the larvae substrate. Similarly, a 21-h interval bias on the total duration of development, from egg to imago, has to be considered if codeine was present in the larvae substrate.
Diplomityössä on tutkittu reaaliaikaisen toimintolaskennan toteuttamista suomalaisen lasersiruja valmistavan PK-yrityksen tietojärjestelmään. Lisäksi on tarkasteltu toimintolaskennan vaikutuksia operatiiviseen toimintaan sekä toimintojen johtamiseen. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty kirjallisuuslähteiden perusteella toimintolaskennan teorioita, laskentamenetelmiä sekä teknisessä toteutuksessa käytettyjä teknologioita. Työn toteutusosassa suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin WWW-pohjainen toimintolaskentajärjestelmä case-yrityksen kustannuslaskennan sekä taloushallinnon avuksi. Työkalu integroitiin osaksi yrityksen toiminnanohjaus- sekä valmistuksenohjausjärjestelmää. Perinteisiin toimintolaskentamallien tiedonkeruujärjestelmiin verrattuna case-yrityksessä syötteet toimintolaskentajärjestelmälle tulevat reaaliaikaisesti osana suurempaa tietojärjestelmäintegraatiota.Diplomityö pyrkii luomaan suhteen toimintolaskennan vaatimusten ja tietokantajärjestelmien välille. Toimintolaskentajärjestelmää yritys voi hyödyntää esimerkiksi tuotteiden hinnoittelussa ja kustannuslaskennassa näkemällä tuotteisiin liittyviä kustannuksia eri näkökulmista. Päätelmiä voidaan tehdä tarkkaan kustannusinformaatioon perustuen sekä määrittää järjestelmän tuottaman datan perusteella, onko tietyn projektin, asiakkuuden tai tuotteen kehittäminen taloudellisesti kannattavaa.
OBJECTIVES: This study aims at evaluating the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the elderly and its evolution over time. METHODS: We present a systematic international literature review of the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the elderly and its evolution over time. RESULTS: The estimated current prevalence of rheumatic diseases among people aged 65 and more varies between 41% and 53%, and is similar to estimated prevalence rates in studies performed before 1990 (35-55%). The prevalence is high and seems to increase rapidly with age. Furthermore, women suffer more frequently from rheumatic diseases than men. CONCLUSION: The selected studies included a large range of methods, making comparisons difficult. However, estimates of the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the elderly appear to be homogeneous in different countries and stable since 1980.
Tumour localisation and tumour to normal tissue ratios of a chimeric anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody (MAb), in intact form and as an F(ab')2 fragment labelled with 125I and 131I, were compared in groups of nude mice bearing four different colon cancer xenografts, T380, Co112 or LoVo, of human origin, or a rat colon cancer transfected with human CEA cDNA, called '3G7'. For each tumour, three to four mice per time point were analysed 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 h after MAb injection. In the different tumours, maximal localisation of intact MAb was obtained at 24 to 48 h, and of F(ab')2 fragment 12 to 24 h after injection. Among the different tumours, localisation was highest with colon cancer T380, with 64% of the injected dose per gram (% ID/g) for the intact MAb and 57% for its F(ab')2 fragment, while in the three other tumours, maximal localisation ranged from 14 to 22% ID g-1 for the intact MAb and was about 11% for the F(ab')2. Tumour to normal tissue ratios of intact MAb increased rapidly until 24 h after injection and remained stable or showed only a minor increase thereafter. In contrast, for the F(ab')2 fragment, the tumour to normal tissue ratios increased steadily up to 4 days after injection reaching markedly higher values than those obtained with intact MAb. For the four different xenografts, tumour to blood ratios of F(ab')2 were about 2, 3 and 5 to 16 times higher than those of intact antibodies at 12, 24 and 96 h after injection, respectively.
Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus agalactiae is the leading cause of bacteremia and invasive infections. These diseases are treated with β-lactams or macrolides, but the emergence of less susceptible and even fully resistant strains is a cause for concern. New bacteriophage lysins could be promising alternatives against such organisms. They hydrolyze the bacterial peptidoglycan at the end of the phage cycle, in order to release the phage progeny. By using a bioinformatic approach to screen several beta-hemolytic streptococci, a gene coding for a lysin was identified on a prophage carried by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis SK1249. The gene product, named PlySK1249, harbored an original three-domain structure with a central cell wall-binding domain surrounded by an N-terminal amidase and a C-terminal CHAP domain. Purified PlySK1249 was highly lytic and bactericidal for S. dysgalactiae (2-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min). Moreover, it also efficiently killed S. agalactiae (1.5-log10 CFU/ml decrease within 15 min) but not several streptococcal commensal species. We further investigated the activity of PlySK1249 in a mouse model of S. agalactiae bacteremia. Eighty percent of the animals (n = 10) challenged intraperitoneally with 10(6) CFU of S. agalactiae died within 72 h, whereas repeated injections of PlySK1249 (45 mg/kg 3 times within 24 h) significantly protected the mice (P < 0.01). Thus, PlySK1249, which was isolated from S. dysgalactiae, demonstrated high cross-lytic activity against S. agalactiae both in vitro and in vivo. These encouraging results indicated that PlySK1249 might represent a good candidate to be developed as a new enzybiotic for the treatment of systemic S. agalactiae infections.
Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins (ACD/MPV) is a rare and lethal developmental disorder of the lung defined by a constellation of characteristic histopathological features. Nonpulmonary anomalies involving organs of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems have been identified in approximately 80% of patients with ACD/MPV. We have collected DNA and pathological samples from more than 90 infants with ACD/MPV and their family members. Since the publication of our initial report of four point mutations and 10 deletions, we have identified an additional 38 novel nonsynonymous mutations of FOXF1 (nine nonsense, seven frameshift, one inframe deletion, 20 missense, and one no stop). This report represents an up to date list of all known FOXF1 mutations to the best of our knowledge. Majority of the cases are sporadic. We report four familial cases of which three show maternal inheritance, consistent with paternal imprinting of the gene. Twenty five mutations (60%) are located within the putative DNA-binding domain, indicating its plausible role in FOXF1 function. Five mutations map to the second exon. We identified two additional genic and eight genomic deletions upstream to FOXF1. These results corroborate and extend our previous observations and further establish involvement of FOXF1 in ACD/MPV and lung organogenesis.
The application of the three voltage level 20/1/0.4 distribution system in Finland has proved to be an economic solution to enhance the reability of electricity distribution. By using 1 kV voltage level between medium and low voltage networks, the improvement in reability could be reached especially inaerial lines networks. Also considerable savings in investment and outage costscould be archieved compared to the traditional distribution system. This master's thesis is focused on the describing the situation in Russian distribution netwoks and consequent analyses the possibility of applying 1000V distribution system in Russia. The goal is to investigate on the basis of Finnish experience is any possible installation targets in Russia for the new system. Compatibility with Russian safety and quality standards are also studied in this thesis.