989 resultados para ISospora spp.
To determine the inhibitory capacity of lactic acid bacteria due to the action of antagonistic substances, we tested 474 isolates of Lactobacillus from the crop and cecum of chickens against gram-positive and gram-negative indicator microorganisms by the spot-on-the-lawn and well-diffusion antagonism methods. of the 474 isolates, 265 demonstrated antimicrobial activity against the indicator microorganisms. Isolates identified as L. reuteri, L. salivarius, or Lactobacillus spp. inhibited Enterococcus faecalis, E. faecium, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella spp. but not L. casei, L. delbrueckii, L. fermentum, or L. helveticus by the well-diffusion simultaneous antagonism method under anaerobic incubation conditions. The antagonistic substances produced by some of the Lactobacillus isolates were inactivated after treatment by proteolytic enzymes, which suggested that the substances could be antimicrobial peptides or bacteriocins.
In view of the importance of venereal transmission of bovine leptospirosis, the objective of the present study was to apply the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to 26 serovars of Leptospira interrogans, L. borgpetersenii, L. santarosai, L. noguchii and L. biflexa, to determine the detection threshold in semen samples and to evaluate the possibility of differentiation among serovars using 19 restriction endonucleases. The results showed that all serovars were amplified and the detection threshold in semen samples of a bull was 100 bacteria/ml. Using endonucleases we could classify the 26 serovars into eight groups. The present results show that PCR is a method of great potential for the detection of Leptospira spp, at bovine artificial insemination centers. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Colletotrichum spp. cause anthracnose in various fruits post-harvest and are a particularly important problem in tropical and subtropical fruits. The disease in fruits of avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit has been reported to be caused by C. gloeosporioides, and in banana by C. musae. In subtropical and temperate crops such apple, grape, peach and kiwi, the disease is caused by C. acutatum. The variation in pathogenic, morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics of Brazilian isolates of Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds and isolates from post-harvest decays of avocado, banana, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit was evaluated. The fruits were inoculated with mycelium of C. acutatum, Colletotrichum spp. and C. musae on a disc of potato dextrose agar. The morphological, cultural and molecular characteristics studied were conidia morphology, colony growth at different temperatures, colony coloration and PCR with primers CaInt2 and ITS4 for C. acutatum and CgInt and ITS4 for C. gloeosporioides. C. acutatum was pathogenic to avocado, guava, papaya, mango and passion fruit, but it was not pathogenic to banana. The morphological, cultural and molecular studies indicated that the avocado, papaya, mango and passion fruit isolates were C. gloeosporioides. The natural guava isolate was identified as C. acutatum, which had not been found previously to produce anthracnose symptoms on guava in Brazil.
Hepatozoon sp. was diagnosed in three naturally infected cats from São Paulo state, Brazil. The first animal was admitted to the veterinary clinic with renal failure. During the hematological examination, gamonts of Hepatozoon sp. were observed within polymorphonuclear cells. Another two cats, which lived in the same house as the first cat, were also positive for this hemoparasite. This is the first report of a Hepatozoon sp. infection in domestic cats from Brazil.
In this paper we present the first report of the occurrence of a binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. causing hypocotyl and root rot in kale in Brazil. Rhizoctonia spp. were isolated from kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) with symptoms of hypocotyl and root rot. The isolates, characterized as binucleate Rhizoctonia spp., did not show an anastomosis reaction with any of the binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. testers used. The pathogenicity of the isolates was tested under greenhouse conditions; all isolates were pathogenic and showed different symptom severities on kale. The ITS-5.8S rDNA sequences of kale isolates and 50 testers (25 binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. and 25 Rhizoctonia solani) were compared in order to characterize the genetic identity of Rhizoctonia spp. infecting kale. The kale isolates showed genetic identities ranging from 99.3 to 99.8% and were phylogenetically closely related to CAG 7 (AF354084), with identities of 98.5 and 98.7%. It is suggested that the binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. causing hypocotyl and root rot on kale Brazil comprises a new AG not yet described.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this work, we collect data from surveys of bloodstream Candida isolates performed in Brazil from 1996 to 2004. Besides, we analyzed the species distribution of bloodstream Candida isolates together with potential risk factors for candidemia and the susceptibility profile of these isolates in patients from Hospital das Clinicas in Goiaonia city, Brazil. Blood samples were collected in the admission day and on every 7 days, in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a tertiary hospital. Candida isolates were identified by standard protocols that included germ tube formation, chlamydoconidia production on cornmeal agar and sugar fermentation and assimilation tests. Data of patients were recorded and analyzed according to age at the time of diagnosis, gender and presence of potential risk factors. Statistical analysis was used to determine if the time of hospital permanence increased Candida colonization in ICU patients' blood. The antifungal susceptibility testing was performed by broth microdilution method according to document NCCLS/CLSI M27-A2. Among the 345 blood samples cultured, candidemia was recovered in 33 patients, which were isolated 51.5% of Candida non-albicans. Fungemia was associated with long-term hospitalization. Fluconazole, itraconzole, voriconazole and amphotericin B exhibited a potent activity against all isolates of Candida. Voriconazole MICs were much low for all isolates tested. This work confirms data of increase of Candida non-albicans species in bloodstream in ICU and shows that voriconazole in vitro activity was higher than those of itraconazole, fluconazole and amphotericin B.
In Latin America, rabies cases related to frugivorous bats have been reported since 1930's. Recently, two viruses isolated from Artibeus lituratus were proved to be vampire bat variants by monoclonal antibodies panels [2], but their genetic information is not well known. In this report, four rabies viruses were isolated from frugivorous bats (Artibeus spp.) in Brazil and their nucleoprotein gene sequences were determined. These isolates were found to be genotype 1 of lyssavirus and showed the maximum nucleotide sequence homology of 97.6-99.4% with vampire bat-related viruses in Brazil [6]. These results indicate that the Brazilian frugivorous bat rabies viruses in this study are closely related to vampire bat-related viruses that play a main role in rabies virus transmission to livestock in Brazil.
The seroprevalence of infection by Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Leishmania spp. was detected through an indirect immunofluorescence in 70 cats from the Andradina Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. Anti-T. gondii antibodies (titer >64) were detected in 15.7% (11/70) of animals, whereas positivity for N. caninum (titer 16) was not observed in any animal. of the cats from urban and rural areas, 10.4% (5/48) and 27.2% (6/22) were positive for T. gondii, respectively. Breed, age, food, and contact with animals of other species were significant for considering the positivity for T. gondii (P <= 0.0001). Cats having access to streets (17.1%, 11/64), cats cohabiting with rats (19.6%, 10/51), and cats feeding on homemade food and raw milk (27.2%, 6/22) were positive for T. gondii. In addition, 4.2% (3/70) of the cats were positive for Leishmania spp. by ELISA technique and negative by IFAT without coinfection with T. gondii and Leishmania spp. There was no serological positivity against feline immunodeficiency virus or feline leukemia virus. In conclusion, T. gondii infection in part of the feline population from Andradina is not linked to immunosuppressions or coinfections but probably to postnatal infection in association with the type of diet and presence of rats.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)