929 resultados para ICT mastery


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The availability of electricity is fundamental to modern society. It is at the top of the list of critical infrastructures and its interruption can have severe consequences. This highly important system is now evolving to become more reliable, efficient, and clean. This evolving infrastructure has become known as the smart grid; and these future smart grid systems will rely heavily on ICT. This infrastructure will require many servers and due to the nature of the grid, many of these systems will be geographically diverse requiring communication links. At the heart of this ICT infrastructure will be security. At each level of the smart grid from smart metering right through to remote sensing and control networks, security will be a key factor for system design consideration. With an increased number of ICT systems in place the security risk also increases. In this paper the authors discuss the changing nature of security in relation to the smart grid by looking at the move from legacy systems to more modern smart grid systems. The potential planes of attack for future smart grid systems are identified, and the general anatomy of a cyber-attack is presented. The authors then introduce the various threat levels of different types of attack and the mitigation techniques that could be put in place for each. Finally, the authors' introduce a Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) communication system (operated by the authors) that can be used as a test-bed for some of the proposed future security research.


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Regional policy frameworks need to focus on strengthening the ICT infrastructure, clarifying market rules to build user confidence, developing networks, facilitating ICT-enabled clustering and infrastructure sharing.


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Invited talk, representing the Royal Society


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The worldwide scarcity of women studying or employed in ICT, or in computing related disciplines, continues to be a topic of concern for industry, the education sector and governments. Within Europe while females make up 46% of the workforce only 17% of IT staff are female. A similar gender divide trend is repeated worldwide, with top technology employers in Silicon Valley, including Facebook, Google, Twitter and Apple reporting that only 30% of the workforce is female (Larson 2014). Previous research into this gender divide suggests that young women in Secondary Education display a more negative attitude towards computing than their male counterparts. It would appear that the negative female perception of computing has led to representatively low numbers of women studying ICT at a tertiary level and consequently an under representation of females within the ICT industry. The aim of this study is to 1) establish a baseline understanding of the attitudes and perceptions of Secondary Education pupils in regard to computing and 2) statistically establish if young females in Secondary Education really do have a more negative attitude towards computing.


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Smart Grids are characterized by the application of information communication technology (ICT) to solve electrical energy challenges. Electric power networks span large geographical areas, thus a necessary component of many Smart Grid applications is a wide area network (WAN). For the Smart Grid to be successful, utilities must be confident that the communications infrastructure is secure. This paper describes how a WAN can be deployed using WiMAX radio technology to provide high bandwidth communications to areas not commonly served by utility communications, such as generators embedded in the distribution network. A planning exercise is described, using Northern Ireland as a case study. The suitability of the technology for real-time applications is assessed using experimentally obtained latency data.


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As modern power grids move towards becoming a smart grid, there is an increasing reliance on the data that is transmitted and processed by ICT systems. This reliance introduces new digital attack vectors. Many of the proposed approaches that aim to address this problem largely focus on applying well-known ICT security solutions. However, what is needed are approaches that meet the complex concerns of the smart grid as a cyber-physical system. Furthermore, to support the automatic control loops that exist in a power grid, similarly automatic security and resilience mechanisms are needed that rely on minimal operator intervention. The research proposed in this paper aims to develop a framework that ensures resilient smart grid operation in light of successful cyber-attacks.


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In this paper, we propose a sparse multi-carrier index keying (MCIK) method for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, which uses the indices of sparse sub-carriers to transmit the data, and improve the performance
of signal detection in highly correlated sub-carriers. Although a receiver is able to exploit a power gain with precoding in OFDM, the sensitivity of the signal detection is usually high as the orthogonality is not retained in highly dispersive
environments. To overcome this, we focus on developing the trade-off between the sparsity of the MCIK, correlation, and performances, analyzing the average probability of the error propagation imposed by incorrect index detection over highly correlated sub-carriers. In asymptotic cases, we are able to see how sparsity of MCIK should be designed in order to perform superior to the classical OFDM system. Based on this feature, sparse MCIK based OFDM is a better choice for low detection errors in highly correlated sub-carriers.


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In the present study, native Spanish speakers were taught a small English vocabulary (Spanish-to-English intraverbals). Four different training conditions were created by combining textual and echoic prompts with written and vocal target responses. The efficiency of each training condition was examined by analysing emergent relations (i.e., tacts) and the total number of sessions required to reach mastery under each training condition. All combinations of prompt-response modalities generated increases in correct responding on tests for emergent relations but when target responses were written, mastery criterion was reached faster. Results are discussed in terms of efficiency for emergent relations and recommendations for future directions are provided.


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Cyber-security research in the field of smart grids is often performed with a focus on either the power and control domain or the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) domain. The characteristics of the power equipment or ICT domain are commonly not collectively considered. This work provides an analysis of the physical effects of cyber-attacks on microgrids – a smart grid construct that allows continued power supply when disconnected from a main grid. Different types of microgrid operations are explained (connected, islanded and synchronous-islanding) and potential cyber-attacks and their physical effects are analyzed. A testbed that is based on physical power and ICT equipment is presented to validate the results in both the physical and ICT domain.


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This paper describes a smart grid test bed comprising embedded generation, phasor measurement units (PMUs), and supporting ICT components and infrastructure. The test bed enables the development of a use case focused on a synchronous islanding scenario, where the embedded generation becomes islanded from the mains supply. Due to the provisioned control components, control strategy, and best-practice ICT support infrastructure, the islanded portion of the grid is able to continue to operate in a secure and dependable manner.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade em Administração Educacional. Orientador:Prof. Doutor João Sebastião


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Students’ Engagement in School has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout, and pointed out as a mean to address the problems affecting our schools and their students, not only for having value in itself, but also for being an important mediator between several academic variables. This paper reviews the research and literature on this concept and its relations with personal and contextual variables, as well as with academic performance, with the aim of summarizing the main relationships found. Literature presents a significant number of studies which sustain that personal variables, such as self-efficacy and self-concept, as well as contextual - peers, school, family- are related with school engagement. The adoption of mastery goals, for instance, has a positive impact on school, as they are related with the use of cognitive and self-regulatory strategies by students. Positive relationships with peers, teachers support and the quality of family relations are associated with higher levels of engagement and academic performance, while negative experiences, such as bullying, are related with educational difficulties. Following this, we reflect about the relevance of studying engagement in school, in the context of widespread financial crisis, and emphasize the need to rethink educational institutions considering the paradigmatic changes that currently occur.


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A evolução do fluxo de informação e os potenciais da comunicação entre pessoas têm-se revelado deveras importante para o sucesso de diferentes organizações. A escola, enquanto organização social, apresenta uma complexidade natural própria a que se juntam todas as valências de ordem educativa, curricular e pedagógica. Tanto no âmbito educativo como organizacional, as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) têm vindo a assumir um papel cada vez mais influente e imprescindível. Baseado numa metodologia de trabalho participativo e colaborativo, a construção de “palcos virtuais” resulta de uma análise de requisitos funcionais. Deste modo elabora-se um diagnóstico das necessidades de informação pela replicação das práticas diárias que podem ser quer suportadas, quer melhoradas por esta nova solução, fazendo-se um aproveitamento dos recursos físicos e humanos existentes nas escolas. A partir da iniciativa individual de um professor do grupo de informática da ESEN (Escola Secundária de Emídio Navarro – Viseu), teve início em 1999 o projecto ESEN-Net, como uma proposta de metodologia genérica para a construção de soluções baseadas em intranets para a gestão pedagógica de escolas do ensino secundário. O objectivo central deste trabalho é estudar uma comunidade que desenvolve um projecto de integração das TIC numa escola secundária, no sentido de proporcionar elementos que possam servir como contributos para melhorar a sua organização e, eventualmente, como referência para o desenvolvimento de projectos idênticos noutras escolas. A recolha de dados demonstra que a integração da TIC e o palco virtual ESEN-net veio transformar as práticas diárias na comunidade educativa através da utilização das redes telemáticas como instrumentos de ensino-aprendizagem. As TIC e o palco virtual ESEN-net vieram trazer benefícios à comunidade escolar, facilitando assim a criação e partilha de informação e contribuindo para a criação e desenvolvimento de uma comunidade virtual, onde a construção do saber pode ser feita de uma forma activa e partilhada.