968 resultados para IA SUPERNOVAE


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Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri from cattle and trypanosomes of other artiodactyls form a clade of closely related species in analyses using ribosomal sequences. Analysis of polymorphic sequences of a larger number of trypanosomes from broader geographical origins is required to evaluate the Clustering of isolates as suggested by previous studies. Here, we determined the sequences of the spliced leader (SL) genes of 21 isolates from cattle and 2 from water buffalo from distant regions of Brazil. Analysis of SL gene repeats revealed that the 5S rRNA gene is inserted within the intergenic region. Phylogeographical patterns inferred using SL sequences showed at least 5 major genotypes of T. theileri distributed in 2 strongly divergent lineages. Lineage TthI comprises genotypes IA and IB from buffalo and cattle, respectively, from the Southeast and Central regions, whereas genotype IC is restricted to cattle from the Southern region. Lineage Tth II includes cattle genotypes IIA, which is restricted to the North and Northeast, and IIB, found in the Centre, West, North and Northeast. PCR-RFLP of SL genes revealed valuable markers for genotyping T. theileri. The results of this study emphasize the genetic complexity and corroborate the geographical structuring of T. theileri genotypes found in cattle.


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Aqueous dispersions of the anionic phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) at pH above the apparent pK of DMPG and concentrations in the interval 70-300 mM have been investigated by small (SAXS) and wide-angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, and polarized optical microscopy. The order. disorder transition of the hydrocarbon chains occurs along an interval of about 10 degrees C (between T(m)(on) similar to 20 degrees C and T(m)(off) similar to 30 degrees C). Such melting regime was previously characterized at lower concentrations, up to 70 mM DMPG, when sample transparency was correlated with the presence of pores across the bilayer. At higher concentrations considered here, the melting regime persists but is not transparent. Defined SAXS peaks appear and a new lamellar phase L(p) with pores is proposed to exist above 70 mM DMPG, starting at similar to 23 degrees C (similar to 3 degrees C above T(m)(on)) and losing correlation after T(m)(off). A new model for describing the X-ray scattering of bilayers with pores, presented here, is able to explain the broad band attributed to in-plane correlation between pores. The majority of cell membranes have a net negative charge, and the opening of pores across the membrane tuned by ionic strength, temperature, and lipid composition is likely to have biological relevance.


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Based on perturbation theory, we study the dynamics of how dark matter and dark energy in the collapsing system approach dynamical equilibrium when they are in interaction. We find that the interaction between dark sectors cannot ensure the dark energy to fully cluster along with dark matter. When dark energy does not trace dark matter, we present a new treatment on studying the structure formation in the spherical collapsing system. Furthermore we examine the cluster number counts dependence on the interaction between dark sectors and analyze how dark energy inhomogeneities affect cluster abundances. It is shown that cluster number counts can provide specific signature of dark sectors interaction and dark energy inhomogeneities.


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We present a rigorous, regularization-independent local quantum field theoretic treatment of the Casimir effect for a quantum scalar field of mass mu not equal 0 which yields closed form expressions for the energy density and pressure. As an application we show that there exist special states of the quantum field in which the expectation value of the renormalized energy-momentum tensor is, for any fixed time, independent of the space coordinate and of the perfect fluid form g(mu,nu)rho with rho > 0, thus providing a concrete quantum field theoretic model of the cosmological constant. This rho represents the energy density associated to a state consisting of the vacuum and a certain number of excitations of zero momentum, i.e., the constituents correspond to lowest energy and pressure p <= 0. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study the mutual interaction between the dark sectors (dark matter and dark energy) of the Universe by resorting to the extended thermodynamics of irreversible processes and constrain the former with supernova type Ia data. As a by-product, the present dark matter temperature results are not extremely small and can meet the independent estimate of the temperature of the gas of sterile neutrinos.


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Models of dynamical dark energy unavoidably possess fluctuations in the energy density and pressure of that new component. In this paper we estimate the impact of dark energy fluctuations on the number of galaxy clusters in the Universe using a generalization of the spherical collapse model and the Press-Schechter formalism. The observations we consider are several hypothetical Sunyaev-Zel`dovich and weak lensing (shear maps) cluster surveys, with limiting masses similar to ongoing (SPT, DES) as well as future (LSST, Euclid) surveys. Our statistical analysis is performed in a 7-dimensional cosmological parameter space using the Fisher matrix method. We find that, in some scenarios, the impact of these fluctuations is large enough that their effect could already be detected by existing instruments such as the South Pole Telescope, when priors from other standard cosmological probes are included. We also show how dark energy fluctuations can be a nuisance for constraining cosmological parameters with cluster counts, and point to a degeneracy between the parameter that describes dark energy pressure on small scales (the effective sound speed) and the parameters describing its equation of state.


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We investigate the influence of ail interaction between dark energy and dark matter upon the dynamics of galaxy clusters. We obtain file general Layser-Irvine equation in the presence of interactions, and find how, in that case. the virial theorem stands corrected. Using optical, X-ray and weak lensing data from 33 relaxed galaxy clusters, we put constraints on the strength of the coupling between the dark sectors. Available data Suggests that this coupling is small but positive, indicating that dark energy might be decaying into dark matter. Systematic effects between the several mass estimates, however, should be better known, before definitive conclusions oil the magnitude and significance of this coupling could be established. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We examine different phenomenological interaction models for Dark Energy and Dark Matter by performing statistical joint analysis with observational data arising from the 182 Gold type la supernova samples, the shift parameter of the Cosmic Microwave Background given by the three-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe observations, the baryon acoustic oscillation measurement from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and age estimates of 35 galaxies. Including the time-dependent observable, we add sensitivity of measurement and give complementary results for the fitting. The compatibility among three different data sets seem to imply that the coupling between dark energy and dark matter is a small positive value, which satisfies the requirement to solve the coincidence problem and the second law of thermodynamics, being compatible with previous estimates. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss an interacting tachyonic dark energy model in the context of the holographic principle. The potential of the holographic tachyon field in interaction with dark matter is constructed. The model results are compared with CMB shift parameter, baryonic acoustic oscilations, lookback time and the Constitution supernovae sample. The coupling constant of the model is compatible with zero, but dark energy is not given by a cosmological constant.


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Cross sections for the (6)Li(p,gamma)(7)Be, (7)Li(n,gamma)(8)Li (8)Li(n,gamma)(9)Li and (8)Li(p,gamma)(9)Be capture reactions have been investigated in the framework of the potential model. The main ingredients of the potential model are the potentials used to generate the continuum and bound-state wave functions and spectroscopic factors of the corresponding bound systems. The spectroscopic factors for the (7)Li circle times n=(8)Li(gs), (8)Li circle times n=(9)Li(gs) bound systems were obtained from a FR-DWBA analysis of neutron transfer reactions induced by (8)Li radioactive beam on a (9)Be target, while spetroscopic factor for the (8)Li circle times n=(9)Be(gs) bound system were obained from a proton transfer reaction. From the obtained capture reaction cross section, reaction rate for the (8)Li(n,gamma)(9)Li and (8)Li(p,gamma)(9)Be direct neutron and proton capture were determined and compared with other experimental and calculated values.


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Chronic chagasic cardiac patients are exposed to oxidative stress that apparently contributes to disease progression. Benznidazole (BZN) is the main drug used for the treatment of chagasic patients and its action involves the generation of reactive species. 41 patients with Chagas` heart disease were selected and biomarkers of oxidative stress were measured before and after 2 months of BZN treatment (5 mg/kg/day) and the subsequent antioxidant supplementation with vitamin E (800 UI/day) and C (500 mg/day) during 6 months. Patients were classified according to the modified Los Andes clinical hemodynamic classification in groups IA, IB, II and III, and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and glutathione reductase (GR), as well as the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH), thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS), protein carbonyl (PC), vitamin E and C and nitric oxide (NO), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and adenosine deaminase (ADA) activities were measured in their blood. Excepting in group III, after BZN treatment SOD, CAT, GPx and GST activities as well as PC levels were enhanced while vitamin E levels were decreased in these groups. After antioxidant supplementation the activities of SOD, GPx and GR were decreased whereas PC, TBARS, NO, and GSH levels were decreased. In conclusion, BZN treatment promoted an oxidative insult in such patients while the antioxidant supplementation was able to attenuate this effect by increasing vitamin E levels, decreasing PC and TBARS levels, inhibiting SOD, GPx and GR activities as well as inflammatory markers, mainly in stages with less cardiac involvement. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The persistent luminescence materials, barium aluminates doped with Eu(2+) and Dy(3+) (BaAl(2)O(4): Eu(2+),Dy(3+)), were prepared with the combustion synthesis at temperatures between 400 and 600 degrees C as well as with the solid state reaction at 1500 degrees C. The concentrations of Eu(2+)/Dy(3+) (in mol% of the Ba amount) ranged from 0.1/0.1 to 1.0/3.0. The electronic and defect energy level structures were studied with thermoluminescence (TL) and synchrotron radiation (SR) spectroscopies: UV-VUV excitation and emission, as well as with X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) methods. Theoretical calculations using the density functional theory (DFT) were carried out in order to compare with the experimental data. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a organização espaço-temporal dos segmentos da perna e da coxa no saltar à horizontal, verificando as infiuências do organismo e do ambiente (dois tipos de piso: concreto e areia). Participaram do estudo 21 sujeitos, 3 de cada faixa etária: 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 e adulta (X = 19 anos de idade). Os sujeitos foram filmados realizando o saltar à horizontal com marcas desenhadas no centro das articulações do tornozelo, joelho e quadril. Estes pontos foram digitalizados e processados obtendo a posição e velocidade angular dos segmentos da perna e da coxa. A partir da posição e velocidade angular foi possível delinear os gráficos dos atratores (retratos de fase) e calcular os valores dos ângulos de fase para cada segmento, durante a realização da tarefa. Duas reversões para cada segmento, na posição angular, foram identificadas e nestes momentos os valores dos ângulos de fase foram capturados. Analisando as trajetórias dos retratos de fase verificou-se que os segmentos da perna e da coxa apresentaram um conjunto específico de características topológicas, na realização do saltar à horizontal. A análise dos valores dos ângulos de fase, nas duas reversões, indicou que ao longo das faixas etárias e nos dois tipos de piso os segmentos da perna e da coxa apresentaram organização espaço-temporal semelhante, indicando coordenação invariante.


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O contexto desta tese é a Inteligência Artificial aplicada à Educação, especificamente a área dos Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes (STI). Apesar das características multidisciplinares e interdisciplinares, a preocupação maior do trabalho se dá quanto aos aspectos computacionais. A multidisciplinaridade está na relação entre os aspectos educacionais, filosóficos e psicológicos inerentes a toda construção de um software educacional, e a interdisciplinaridade acontece no relacionamento da IA com a Informática na Educação. Esta tese propõe o uso de aspectos afetivos como apoio à decisão de ação por parte de um STI. As nossas hipóteses fundamentais são: um sistema de ensino e aprendizagem computacional deve levar em consideração fatores afetivos tornando mais flexível a interação; e a arquitetura de um sistema computacional de interação em tempo real com agentes humanos deve prever explicitamente, em sua arquitetura básica, as crenças e o raciocínio afetivos. Para demonstrar essas idéias, foi definida uma arquitetura para apoiar um STI de modo a reconhecer alguns fatores afetivos, representativos de estratégias de ação de agentes humanos em interação com sistemas. Esse reconhecimento é realizado através de construções retiradas dos comportamentos observáveis do agente humano em contextos determinados. A arquitetura prevê um Sistema Multiagente para executar a percepção de fatores afetivos e da conduta do aluno em interação e de um agente pedagógico, representando o tutor. O agente tutor é modelado através de estados mentais e é responsável pelo raciocínio de alto nível. O modelo computacional de agentes de Móra [MÓR2000] foi utilizado para implementar o “kernel cognitivo” (termo cunhado por Móra e Giraffa [GIR99] que designa a parte responsável pela deliberação). O “kernel cognitivo” decide que ações tomar para um conjunto de características de uma avaliação pedagógica. A utilização de fatores afetivos e da avaliação cognitiva de situações emocionais permite a flexibilização das estratégias quanto à adaptabilidade a agentes humanos. Particularmente, foi adotado o enfoque cognitivo para análise de situações, baseado em teorias cognitivistas sobre emoções. O uso de tecnologia multiagente, no enfoque mentalístico, especificamente BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention) e da ferramenta X-BDI, permite a formalização e construção de um tutor atuante na avaliação pedagógica. A modelagem do aluno passa a ser constituída de aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos. Estudos de casos são apresentados, em situações que consideram os fatores afetivos e nas mesmas situações sem estas considerações. As decisões do tutor para agir são analisadas e confrontadas. Os resultados mostram um impacto positivo na adaptabilidade e ação pedagógica do tutor, sendo coerente com as teorias modernas [SAL97],[DAM2000] sobre as emoções que as consideram partes fundamentais para agir. A maior contribuição desta tese está na agregação de raciocínio sobre a afetividade envolvida em situações de ensino aprendizagem de agentes humanos e artificiais e avança dentro da perspectiva de pesquisa do grupo de IA da UFRGS, quanto ao desenvolvimento de Ambientes de Ensino e Aprendizagem modelados com tecnologia multiagente, com o uso da metáfora de estados mentais.