964 resultados para Human-melanoma Cells


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Dominant-negative mutations in the homopentameric extracellular matrix glycoprotein cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) result in inappropriate intracellular retention of misfolded COMP in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of chondrocytes, causing chondrocyte cell death, which leads to two skeletal dysplasias: pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (EDM1). COMP null mice show no adverse effects on normal bone development and growth, suggesting a possible therapy involving removal of COMP mRNA. The goal of this study was to assess the ability of a hammerhead ribozyme (Ribo56, designed against the D469del mutation) to reduce COMP mRNA expression. In COS7 cells transfected with plasmids that overexpress wild-type or mutant COMP mRNA and Ribo56, the ribozyme reduced overexpressed normal COMP mRNA by 46% and mutant COMP mRNA by 56% in a dose-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the use of recombinant adenoviruses to deliver wild-type or mutant COMP mRNA and Ribo56 simultaneously into COS7 cells proved problematic for the activity of the ribozyme to reduce COMP expression. However, in normal human costochondral cells (hCCCs) infected only with adenoviruses expressing Ribo56, expression of endogenous wild-type COMP mRNA was reduced in a dose-dependent manner by 50%. In chondrocytes that contain heterozygous COMP mutations (D469del, G427E and D511Y) that cause PSACH, Ribo56 was more effective at reducing COMP mRNA (up to 70%). These results indicate that Ribo56 is effective at reducing mutant and wild-type COMP levels in cells and suggests a possible mode of therapy to reduce the mutant protein load.


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The β2 adrenergic receptor (β2AR) regulates smooth muscle relaxation in the vasculature and airways. Long- and Short-acting β-agonists (LABAs/SABAs) are widely used in treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) and asthma. Despite their widespread clinical use we do not understand well the dominant β2AR regulatory pathways that are stimulated during therapy and bring about tachyphylaxis, which is the loss of drug effects. Thus, an understanding of how the β2AR responds to various β-agonists is crucial to their rational use. Towards that end we have developed deterministic models that explore the mechanism of drug- induced β2AR regulation. These mathematical models can be classified into three classes; (i) Six quantitative models of SABA-induced G protein coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-mediated β2AR regulation; (ii) Three phenomenological models of salmeterol (a LABA)-induced GRK-mediated β2AR regulation; and (iii) One semi-quantitative, unified model of SABA-induced GRK-, protein kinase A (PKA)-, and phosphodiesterase (PDE)-mediated regulation of β2AR signalling. The various models were constrained with all or some of the following experimental data; (i) GRK-mediated β2AR phosphorylation in response to various LABAs/SABAs; (ii) dephosphorylation of the GRK site on the β2AR; (iii) β2AR internalisation; (iv) β2AR recycling; (v) β2AR desensitisation; (vi) β2AR resensitisation; (vii) PKA-mediated β2AR phosphorylation in response to a SABA; and (viii) LABA/SABA induced cAMP profile ± PDE inhibitors. The models of GRK-mediated β2AR regulation show that plasma membrane dephosphorylation and recycling of the phosphorylated β2AR are required to reconcile with the measured dephosphorylation kinetics. We further used a consensus model to predict the consequences of rapid pulsatile agonist stimulation and found that although resensitisation was rapid, the β2AR system retained the memory of prior stimuli and desensitised much more rapidly and strongly in response to subsequent stimuli. This could explain tachyphylaxis of SABAs over repeated use in rescue therapy of asthma patients. The LABA models show that the long action of salmeterol can be explained due to decreased stability of the arrestin/β2AR/salmeterol complex. This could explain long action of β-agonists used in maintenance therapy of asthma patients. Our consensus model of PKA/PDE/GRK-mediated β2AR regulation is being used to identify the dominant β2AR desensitisation pathways under different therapeutic regimens in human airway cells. In summary our models represent a significant advance towards understanding agonist-specific β2AR regulation that will aid in a more rational use of the β2AR agonists in the treatment of asthma.


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Prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS) is a key enzyme in biosynthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxane, and prostacyclin. It has two activities, cyclooxygenase and peroxidase. "PGHS" means PGHS-1. A current hypothesis considers the cyclooxygenase reaction to be a free radical chain reaction, initiated by interaction of the synthase peroxidase with hydroperoxides leading to the production of a tyrosyl free radical. According to this hypothesis, tyrosyl residue(s) may play a key role in the cyclooxygenase reaction. Tetranitromethane (TNM) can relatively selectively nitrate tyrosines at pH 8.0. The effect of TNM on both cyclooxygenase activity and peroxidase activity has been examined: reaction of the synthase holoenzyme with TNM at pH 8.0 led to inactivation of both activities, with the cyclooxygenase activity being lost rapidly and completely, while the peroxidase activity was lost more slowly. Indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, can protect the synthase from the inactivation of TNM. Amino acid analyses indicated that a loss of tyrosine and formation of nitrotyrosine residues occurred during reaction with TNM, and that TNM-reacted holoenzyme with $<$10% residual cyclooxygenase activity had about 2.0 nitrotyrosine/subunit.^ PGH synthase is known to be an endoplasmic reticulum membrane-associated protein. Antibodies directed at particular PGHS peptide segments and indirect immunofluorescence have been used to characterize the membrane topology of crucial portions of PGHS. PGHS was expressed in COS-1 cells transfected with the appropriate cDNA. Stably-transfected human endothelial cells were also used for the topology study. The cells were treated with streptolysin-O, which selectively permeabilizes the plasma membrane, or with saponin to achieve general membrane disruption, before incubation with the antipeptide antibodies. Bound antipeptide antibody was stained by FITC-labelled secondary antibody and visualized by fluorescence microscopy. With the antipeptide antibodies against residues 51-66, 156-170 or 377-390, there was a significant reticular and perinuclear pattern of staining in cells permeabilized with saponin but not in cells permeabilized with SLO alone. Antibodies directed against the endogenous C-terminal peptide or against residues 271-284 produced staining in cells permeabilized with saponin, and also in a lower, but significant fraction of cells permeabilized with SLO. Similar results were obtained when COS-1 cells expressing recombinant PGHS with a viral reporter peptide inserted at the C-terminus were stained with antibody against the reporter epitope.^ The PGHS C-terminal sequence is similar to that of the consensus KDEL ER retention signal. The potential function of the PGHS C-terminus segment in ER retention was examined by mutating this segment and analyzing the subcellular distribution of the mutants expressed in COS-1 cells. None of the mutants had an altered subcellular distribution, although some had greatly diminished the enzyme activities. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Primary brain neoplasms and metastases to the brain are generally resistant to systemic chemotherapy. The purpose of theses studies was to determine the mechanism(s) for this resistance. We have developed a model to study the biology of brain metastasis by injecting metastatic K1735 melanoma cells into the carotid artery of syngeneic C3H/HeN or nude mice. The resulting brain lesions are produced in the parenchyma of the brain. Mice with subcutaneous or brain melanoma lesions were treated intravenously with doxorubicin (DXR) (7 mg/kg). The s.c. lesions regressed in most of the mice whereas no therapeutic benefits were produced in mice with brain metastases. The intravenous injection of sodium fluorescine revealed that the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is intact in and around brain metastases smaller than 0.2 mm$\sp2$ but not in larger lesions, implying that the BBB is not a major obstacle for chemotherapy of brain metastases.^ Western blot and FACS analyses revealed that K1735 melanoma brain metastases expressed high levels of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) as compared to s.c. tumors or in vitro cultures. Similarly, K1735 cells from brain metastases expressed higher levels of mdrl mRNA. This increased expression of mdrl was due to adaptation to the local brain environment. We base this conclusion on the results of two studies. First, K1735 cells from brain metastases cultured for 7 days lost the high mdrl expression. Second, in crossover experiments K1735 cells from s.c. tumors (low mdrl expression) implanted into the brain exhibited high levels of mdrl expression whereas cells from brain metastases implanted s.c. lost the high level mdrl expression.^ To investigate the mechanism by which the brain environment upregulates mdrl expression of the K1735 cells we first studied the regulation of P-gp in brain endothelial cells. Since astrocytes are closely linked with the BBB we cocultured brain endothelial cells for 3 days with astrocytes. These endothelial cells expressed high levels of mdrl mRNA and protein whereas endothelial cells cocultured with endothelial cells or fibroblasts did not. We next cocultured K1735 melanoma cells with astrocytes. Here again, astrocytes (but not fibroblasts or tumor cells) uprelated the mdrl expression in K1735 tumor cells. This upregulation inversely correlated with intracellular drug accumulation and sensitivity to DXR.^ The data conclude that the resistance of melanoma brain metastases to chemotherapy is not due to an intact BBB but to the upregulation of the mdrl gene by the organ microenvironment, i.e., the astrocytes. This epigenetic mediated resistance to chemotherapy has wide implications for the therapy of brain metastases. ^


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The purpose of these studies was to investigate the role of nitric oxide (NO) in tumor metastasis. K-1735 Metastatic cells survived in blood circulation to produce experimental lung metastases, whereas nonmetastatic cells did not. After incubation with combination cytokines or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), nonmetastatic cells exhibited high levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity and NO production, whereas metastatic cells did not. The production of NO directly correlated with cytotoxic effects of cytokines or LPS. To provide direct evidence for the inverse correlation between the production of endogenous NO and the ability of K-1735 cells to survive in syngeneic mice to produce lung metastases, highly metastatic K-1735 clone 4 cells (C4.P), which express low levels of iNOS, were transfected with a functional iNOS (C4.L8), inactive-mutated iNOS (C4.S2), or neomycin-resistance (C4.Neo) genes in medium containing 3 mM NMA. C4.P, C4.Neo.3, and C4.S2.3 cells were highly metastatic whereas C4.L8.5 cells were not metastatic. The C4.L8.5 cells produced slow growing subcutaneous tumors in nude mice, whereas the other three lines produced fast growing tumors. In vitro studies indicated that the expression of iNOS in C4.L8.5 cells induced apoptosis. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the expression of recombinant iNOS in melanoma cells is associated with apoptosis, suppression of tumorigenicity, and abrogation of metastasis.^ Furthermore, multiple systemic administrations of multilamellar vesicle-liposomes (MLV) containing the lipopeptide CGP 31362 (MLV-31362) or MLV-31362 combined with murine interferon-gamma (IFN-$\gamma$) eradicated the metastases by M5076 reticular cell sarcoma. Tumor regression correlated with iNOS expression within the tumor lesions and with increased NO production. The administration of NMA significantly decreased NO production and diminished the antitumor activities. These data imply that the activation of iNOS can serve as a target for immunotherapeutic agents for treatment of murine reticulum cell sarcoma metastases. ^


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Progression of liver fibrosis to HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a very complex process which involves several pathological phenomena, including hepatic stellate cell activation, inflammation, fibrosis and angiogenesis. Therefore inhibiting multiple pathological processes using a single drug can be an effective choice to curb the progression of HCC. In the present study, we used the mTOR inhibitor everolimus to observe its effect on the in vitro activation of hepatic stellate cells and angiogenesis. The results of the present study demonstrated that everolimus treatment blocked the functions of the immortalized human activated hepatic stellate cell line LX-2 without affecting the viability and migration of primary human stellate cells. We also observed that treatment with everolimus (20 nM) inhibited collagen production by activated stellate cells, as well as cell contraction. Everolimus treatment was also able to attenuate the activation of primary stellate cells to their activated form. Angiogenesis studies showed that everolimus blocked angiogenesis in a rat aortic ring assay and inhibited the tube formation and migration of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Finally, everolimus treatment reduced the load of tumoral myofibroblasts in a rat model of HCC. These data suggest that everolimus targets multiple mechanisms, making it a potent blocker of the progression of HCC from liver fibrosis.


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Hint2, one of the five members of the superfamily of the histidine triad AMP-lysine hydrolase proteins, is expressed in mitochondria of various cell types. In human adrenocarcinoma cells, Hint2 modulates Ca2+ handling by mitochondria. As Hint2 is highly expressed in hepatocytes, we investigated if this protein affects Ca2+ dynamics in this cell type. We found that in hepatocytes isolated from Hint2−/− mice, the frequency of Ca2+ oscillations induced by 1 μM noradrenaline was 150% higher than in the wild-type. Using spectrophotometry, we analyzed the rates of Ca2+ pumping in suspensions of mitochondria prepared from hepatocytes of either wild-type or Hint2−/− mice; we found that Hint2 accelerates Ca2+ pumping into mitochondria. We then resorted to computational modeling to elucidate the possible molecular target of Hint2 that could explain both observations. On the basis of a detailed model for mitochondrial metabolism proposed in another study, we identified the respiratory chain as the most probable target of Hint2. We then used the model to predict that the absence of Hint2 leads to a premature opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in response to repetitive additions of Ca2+ in suspensions of mitochondria. This prediction was then confirmed experimentally.


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BackgroundThe polysaccharide capsule is a major virulence factor of the important human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae. However, S. pneumoniae strains lacking capsule do occur.ResultsHere, we report a nasopharyngeal isolate of Streptococcus pneumoniae composed of a mixture of two phenotypes; one encapsulated (serotype 18C) and the other nonencapsulated, determined by serotyping, electron microscopy and fluorescence isothiocyanate dextran exclusion assay.By whole genome sequencing, we demonstrated that the phenotypes differ by a single nucleotide base pair in capsular gene cpsE (C to G change at gene position 1135) predicted to result in amino acid change from arginine to glycine at position 379, located in the cytoplasmic, enzymatically active, region of this transmembrane protein. This SNP is responsible for loss of capsule production as the phenotype is transferred with the capsule operon. The nonencapsulated variant is superior in growth in vitro and is also 117-fold more adherent to and more invasive into Detroit 562 human epithelial cells than the encapsulated variant.Expression of six competence pathway genes and one competence-associated gene was 11 to 34-fold higher in the nonencapsulated variant than the encapsulated and transformation frequency was 3.7-fold greater.ConclusionsWe identified a new single point mutation in capsule gene cpsE of a clinical S. pneumoniae serotype 18C isolate sufficient to cause loss of capsule expression resulting in the co-existence of the encapsulated and nonencapsulated phenotype. The mutation caused phenotypic changes in growth, adherence to epithelial cells and transformability. Mutation in capsule gene cpsE may be a way for S. pneumoniae to lose its capsule and increase its colonization potential.


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Abstract Alteration of the surface glycosylation pattern on malignant cells potentially affects tumor immunity by directly influencing interactions with glycan-binding proteins (lectins) on the surface of immunomodulatory cells. The sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectins Siglec-7 and -9 are MHC class I-independent inhibitory receptors on human NK cells that recognize sialic acid-containing carbohydrates. Here, we found that the presence of Siglec-9 defined a subset of cytotoxic NK cells with a mature phenotype and enhanced chemotactic potential. Interestingly, this Siglec-9+ NK cell population was reduced in the peripheral blood of cancer patients. Broad analysis of primary tumor samples revealed that ligands of Siglec-7 and -9 were expressed on human cancer cells of different histological types. Expression of Siglec-7 and -9 ligands was associated with susceptibility of NK cell-sensitive tumor cells and, unexpectedly, of presumably NK cell-resistant tumor cells to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Together, these observations have direct implications for NK cell-based therapies and highlight the requirement to consider both MHC class I haplotype and tumor-specific glycosylation.


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The surrounding capsule of Streptococcus pneumoniae has been identified as a major virulence factor and is targeted by pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV). However, nonencapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae (Non-Ec-Sp) have also been isolated globally, mainly in carriage studies. It is unknown if Non-Ec-Sp evolve sporadically, if they have high antibiotic non-susceptiblity rates and a unique, specific gene content. Here, whole genome sequencing of 131 Non-Ec-Sp isolates sourced from 17 different locations around the world was performed. Results revealed a deep-branching classic lineage that is distinct from multiple sporadic lineages. The sporadic lineages clustered with a previously sequenced, global collection of encapsulated S. pneumoniae (Ec-Sp) isolates while the classic lineage is comprised mainly of the frequently identified multi-locus sequences types ST344 (n=39) and ST448 (n=40). All ST344 and nine ST448 isolates had high non-susceptiblity rates to β-lactams and other antimicrobials. Analysis of the accessory genome reveals that the classic Non-Ec-Sp contained an increased number of mobile elements, than Ec-Sp and sporadic Non-Ec-Sp. Performing adherence assays to human epithelial cells for selected classic and sporadic Non-Ec-Sp revealed that the presence of a integrative conjugative element (ICE) results in increased adherence to human epithelial cells (P=0.005). In contrast, sporadic Non-Ec-Sp lacking the ICE had greater growth in vitro possibly resulting in improved fitness. In conclusion, Non-Ec-Sp isolates from the classic lineage have evolved separately. They have spread globally, are well adapted to nasopharyngeal carriage and are able to coexist with Ec-Sp. Due to continued use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines, Non-Ec-Sp may become more prevalent.


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The immunomodulatory FTY720 (fingolimod) is presently approved for the treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. It is a prodrug that acts by modulating sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor signaling. In this study, we have developed and characterized two novel oxazolo-oxazole derivatives of FTY720, ST-968 and the oxy analog ST-1071, which require no preceding activating phosphorylation, and proved to be active in intact cells and triggered S1P1 and S1P3, but not S1P2, receptor internalization as a result of receptor activation. Functionally, ST-968 and ST-1071 acted similar to FTY720 to abrogate S1P-triggered chemotaxis of mouse splenocytes, mouse T cells and human U937 cells, and reduced TNFa- and LPS-stimulated endothelial cell permeability. The compounds also reduced TNFα-induced ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 mRNA expression, but restored TNFα-mediated downregulation of PECAM-1 mRNA expression. In an in vivo setting, the application of ST-968 or ST-1071 to mice resulted in a reduction of blood lymphocytes and significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in C57BL/6 mice comparable to FTY720 either by prophylactic or therapeutic treatment. In parallel to the reduced clinical symptoms, infiltration of immune cells in the brain was strongly reduced, and in isolated tissues of brain and spinal cord, the mRNA and protein expressions of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, as well as of matrix metalloproteinase-9 were reduced by all compounds, whereas PECAM-1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase TIMP-1 were upregulated. In summary, the data suggest that these novel butterfly derivatives of FTY720 could have considerable implication for future therapies of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.


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The present report describes the synthesis and biological evaluation of a molecular imaging platform based on gold nanoparticles directly labeled with indium-111. The direct labeling approach facilitated radiolabeling with high activities while maintaining excellent stability within the biological environment. The resulting imaging platform exhibited low interference of the radiolabel with targeting molecules, which is highly desirable for in-vivo probe tracking and molecular targeted tumor imaging. The indium-111 labeled gold nanoparticles were synthesized using a simple procedure that allowed stable labeling of the nanoparticle core with various indium-111 activities. Subsequent surface modification of the particle cores with RGD-based ligands at various densities allowed for molecular targeting of the αvß3 integrin in-vitro and for molecular targeted imaging in human melanoma and glioblastoma models in-vivo. The results demonstrate the vast potential of direct labeling with radioisotopes for tracking gold nanoparticles within biological systems.


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INTRODUCTION Clinical treatment of spinal metastasis is gaining in complexity while the underlying biology remains unknown. Insufficient biological understanding is due to a lack of suitable experimental animal models. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM1) has been implicated in metastasis formation. Its role in spinal metastasis remains unclear. It was the aim to generate a reliable spinal metastasis model in mice and to investigate metastasis formation under ICAM1 depletion. MATERIAL AND METHODS B16 melanoma cells were infected with a lentivirus containing firefly luciferase (B16-luc). Stable cell clones (B16-luc) were injected retrogradely into the distal aortic arch. Spinal metastasis formation was monitored using in vivo bioluminescence imaging/MRI. Neurological deficits were monitored daily. In vivo selected, metastasized tumor cells were isolated (mB16-luc) and reinjected intraarterially. mB16-luc cells were injected intraarterially in ICAM1 KO mice. Metastasis distribution was analyzed using organ-specific fluorescence analysis. RESULTS Intraarterial injection of B16-luc and metastatic mB16-luc reliably induced spinal metastasis formation with neurological deficits (B16-luc:26.5, mB16-luc:21 days, p<0.05). In vivo selection increased the metastatic aggressiveness and led to a bone specific homing phenotype. Thus, mB16-luc cells demonstrated higher number (B16-luc: 1.2±0.447, mB16-luc:3.2±1.643) and increased total metastasis volume (B16-luc:2.87±2.453 mm3, mB16-luc:11.19±3.898 mm3, p<0.05) in the spine. ICAM1 depletion leads to a significantly reduced number of spinal metastasis (mB16-luc:1.2±0.84) with improved neurological outcome (29 days). General metastatic burden was significantly reduced under ICAM1 depletion (control: 3.47×10(7)±1.66×10(7); ICAM-1-/-: 5.20×10(4)±4.44×10(4), p<0.05 vs. control) CONCLUSION Applying a reliable animal model for spinal metastasis, ICAM1 depletion reduces spinal metastasis formation due to an organ-unspecific reduction of metastasis development.


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Neutrophils, the most abundant human immune cells, are rapidly recruited to sites of infection, where they fulfill their life-saving antimicrobial functions. While traditionally regarded as short-lived phagocytes, recent findings on long-term survival, neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation, heterogeneity and plasticity, suppressive functions, and tissue injury have expanded our understanding of their diverse role in infection and inflammation. This review summarises our current understanding of neutrophils in host-pathogen interactions and disease involvement, illustrating the versatility and plasticity of the neutrophil, moving between host defence, immune modulation, and tissue damage.


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Although it is known that tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) signaling plays a crucial role in vascular integrity and homeostasis, the contribution of each receptor to these processes and the signaling pathway involved are still largely unknown. Here, we show that targeted gene knockdown of TNFRSF1B in zebrafish embryos results in the induction of a caspase-8, caspase-2 and P53-dependent apoptotic program in endothelial cells that bypasses caspase-3. Furthermore, the simultaneous depletion of TNFRSF1A or the activation of NF-κB rescue endothelial cell apoptosis, indicating that a signaling balance between both TNFRs is required for endothelial cell integrity. In endothelial cells, TNFRSF1A signals apoptosis through caspase-8, whereas TNFRSF1B signals survival via NF-κB. Similarly, TNFα promotes the apoptosis of human endothelial cells through TNFRSF1A and triggers caspase-2 and P53 activation. We have identified an evolutionarily conserved apoptotic pathway involved in vascular homeostasis that provides new therapeutic targets for the control of inflammation- and tumor-driven angiogenesis.