954 resultados para Hospitals infantils


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This leaflet is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It describes the campaign and outlines the campaign resources. Due to licensing restrictions, this folder is not available for download. Limited numbers are available from local HSC Trusts (Belfast HSCT and South Eastern HSCT on 028 9056 5862; Southern HSCT on 028 3741 2887; Northern HSCT on 028 2563 5575; Western HSCT on 028 7186 5127).


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Within the ORAMED project a coordinated measurement program for occupationally exposed medical staff was performed in different hospitals in Europe. The main objectives of ORAMED were to obtain a set of standardized data on doses for staff in interventional cardiology and radiology and to optimize staff protection. Doses were measured with thermoluminescent dosemeters on the ring finger and wrist of both hands, on legs and at the level of the eyes of the main operator performing interventional procedures. In this paper an overview of the doses per procedure measured during 646 interventional cardiology procedures is given for cardiac angiographies and angioplasties (CA/PTCA), radiofrequency ablations (RFA) and pacemaker and defibrillator implantations (PM/ICD). 31% of the monitored procedures were associated with no collective protective equipment, whereas 44% involved a ceiling screen and a table curtain. Although associated with the smallest air kerma - area product (KAP), PM/ICD procedures led to the highest doses. As expected, KAP and doses values exhibited a very large variability. The left side of the operator, most frequently the closest to the X-ray scattering region, was more exposed than his right side. An analysis of the effect of parameters influencing the doses, namely collective protective equipment, X-ray tube configuration and catheter access route, was performed on the doses normalized to KAP. Ceiling screen and table curtain were observed to reduce normalized doses by atmost a factor 4, much smaller than theoretical attenuation factors typical for such protections, i.e. from 10 to 100. This observation was understood as their inappropriate use by the operators and their non-optimized design. Configurations with tube above the patient led to higher normalized doses to the operator than tube below, but the effect of using a biplane X-ray suite was more complex to analyze. For CA/PTCA procedures, the upper part of the operator's body received higher normalized doses for radial than for femoral catheter access, by atmost a factor 5. This could be seen for cases with no collective protection. The eyes were observed to receive the maximum fraction of the annual dose limit almost as frequently as legs and hands, and clearly the most frequently, if the former 150 mSv and new 20 mSv recommended limits for the lens of the eye are considered, respectively.


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OBJECTIVE: Research on interhospital transfers provides a basis for describing and quantifying patient flow and its evolution over time, offering an insight into hospital organization and management and hospital overcrowding. The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of patient flow and to examine trends over an eight-year period. METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study of interhospital transfers was conducted between 2003 and 2011 based on an analysis of demographic, medical and operational characteristics. Ambulance transfers and transfers requiring physician assistance were analyzed separately. RESULTS: The number of interhospital transfers increased significantly over the study period,from 4,026 in 2003 to 6,481 in 2011 (+60.9%). The number of ambulance transfers increased by almost 300% (616 in 2003 compared to 2,460 in 2011). Most of the transfers (98%) were to hospitals located less than 75 km from the university hospital (median: 24 km, 5-44). In 2011, 24% of all transfers were to psychiatric institutions. 26% of all transfer cases were direct transfers from the emergency department. An increasing number of transfers required physician assistance. 18% of these patients required ventilatory support, whole 9.8% required vasoactive drugs. 11.6% of these transfers were due to hospital overcrowding. Conclusion: The study shows that there has been a significant increase in interhospital transfers. This increase is related to hospital overcrowding and to the network-based systems governing patient care strategies.


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The Public Health Agency is taking the opportunity to highlight this year's World No Tobacco Day which takes place on Tuesday 31 May.In Northern Ireland, around 340,000 people aged 16 and over smoke. Smoking contributes not only to many cancers, heart disease, bronchitis and asthma, but to other illnesses, including stroke. In fact, smoking causes around 2,700 deaths per year here, all of them avoidable.The PHA is committed to saving lives by reducing the percentage of people who smoke. The PHA:works with councils to ensure smoking-related laws are enforced; funds a range of support to smokers who want to quit; educates young people to not start smoking, through programmes like 'Teenage Kicks' and 'Smokebusters'. In January this year, the PHA also launched its smoking campaign 'Things to do before you die' to encourage smokers, particularly those aged 20-49, to stop smoking.Health Minister Edwin Poots said:"Smoking is the greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in Northern Ireland. While good progress has been made in the last number of years to reduce the number of people who smoke, more needs to be done."I would appeal to all smokers to use the wide range of support services available to make every effort to stop smoking - it is the single best step you can take to improve your health and quality of life."Mark Mc Bride, Health Improvement Manager, PHA, said "Smoking is the single greatest preventable cause of death in the world today. Across Northern Ireland there are over 600 support services for people who wish to stop smoking. These are based in GP surgeries, community pharmacies, hospitals, community centres and workplaces."From April 2010 to end March 2011 more than 1 in 10 of all adult smokers sought help from the support services and approximately half had quit after four weeks. This is a substantial - roughly 50% increase - on previous years and shows the benefit of the PHA campaigns and the dedication of the many specialists who help smokers quit."I would encourage everyone who is either thinking about quitting or ready to log on to our Want 2 Stop website www.want2stop.info or to contacting the Smokers' Helpline on 0808 812 8008 a Quit Kit free of charge."


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On World Heart Day, 29 September 2011, the Public Health Agency is urging all smokers to stop smoking and reduce their risk of developing heart disease (cardiovascular disease - CVD) or suffering a stroke or a heart attack.Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death and illness in the UK. Research shows that smoking is one of the main contributors of the disease, causing around 25,000 deaths a year in the UK. Cigarette smokers are two times more likely than non-smokers to suffer a heart attack.The majority of people who suffer a heart attack before the age of 50 are smokers. Cigarette smoke causes heart disease by:· reducing oxygen to the heart;· increasing blood pressure and heart rate;· increasing blood clotting;· damaging cells that line coronary arteries and other blood vessels, causing narrowing of the arteries.From the moment smoke reaches your lungs, your heart is forced to work harder. Your pulse quickens, forcing your heart to beat an extra 10 to 25 times per minute, as many as 36,000 additional times per day. Because of the irritating effect of nicotine and other components of tobacco smoke, your heartbeat is more likely to be irregular. This can contribute to cardiac arrhythmia and many other serious coronary conditions, such as heart attack.For smokers who already suffer from heart problems, quitting will dramatically help. Many heart patients notice an almost immediate improvement when they stop smoking. Often, they need less medication and can cope better with physical exertion.Gerry Bleakney, Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement, PHA, said: "Smoking is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease and smokers are almost twice as likely to have a heart attackas someone who has never smoked. One in every two long-term smokers will die prematurely from smoking-related diseases, many suffer very poor health before they die. However one year after successfully quitting smoking, an individual will have reduced their risk of having a heart attack to half that of a person continuing to smoke."Across Northern Ireland, there are over 600 support services for people who wish to stop smoking, based in GP surgeries, community pharmacies, hospitals, community centres and workplaces. I would encourage everyone who is thinking about quitting to log on to our Want 2 Stop website: www.want2stop.info and order a 'Quit Kit' free of charge alternatively contact the Smokers' Helpline on 0808 812 8008."


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In 2011, 31,574 people were registered as having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Northern Ireland. The most common cause of COPD is smoking and to mark this year's World COPD day, which takes place on Wednesday 16 November, the Public Health Agency is encouraging all smokers to make a decision to stop smoking today and reduce their risk of developing the disease.COPD refers to a group of diseases which includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and in some cases asthma. With COPD, the airways in the lungs become damaged, causing them to become narrower, therefore restricting airflow and thus making it harder to breathe. The most common symptoms of COPD are breathlessness, wheezing, abnormal sputum (a mix of saliva and mucus in the airway), and a chronic cough often mistaken for a 'smokers' cough'. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending upon how advanced the disease is. In advanced cases, daily activities, such as walking up a short flight of stairs, can become very difficult.There is no cure for COPD. Stopping smoking is the single most effective wayto reduce your risk of developing COPD and avoid any further damage to the lungs. Gerry Bleakney, Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement, PHA, said: "Smoking causes the lining of the airways to become inflamed and damaged and is the biggest cause of COPD. The risk of developing COPD increases the more an individual smokes and the longer they smoke. "The good news is that making changes to your lifestyle can reduce your risk of developing COPD. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of developing COPD and also slows down its progression. There is support available to help you quit and I would encourage everyone thinking about stopping smoking to log on to our Want 2 Stop website www.want2stop.info and order a 'Quit Kit' free of charge. Alternatively contact the Smokers' Helpline on 0808 812 8008 for help on planning to stop smoking or to find out where your nearest Stop Smoking Service is. "The Health Minister Edwin Poots said: "The impact of living with COPD can place a considerable strain on the lives of those suffering from the condition and their families. I understand that most smokers want to quit but it is not always easy to succeed and that several attempts are frequently necessary. I would therefore urge all smokers on world COPD day, to make that commitment to stop smoking. Professional help and support are readily available. There are almost 650 smoking cessation services provided all over Northern Ireland, mostly in community pharmacies, but also in GP surgeries, hospitals, community halls and schools."


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A proposal to pilot nursing assessment of self harm in Accident and Emergency Departments (A&E) was developed by key stakeholders in nurse education and suicide prevention in the South East and submitted to the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in April 2002.The proposal included the introduction of a suicide intent scale. Following an initial training programme, a suicide intent scale was utilised by nursing staff in A&E and the Medical Assessment Unit (MAU),Wexford General Hospital and evaluated over a period of nine months. Four months into the study the National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) was invited to collaboratively prepare a successful submission to the Health Research Board (HRB) as part of ‘Building Partnerships for a Healthier Future Research Awards 2004’. The NSRF undertook independent scientific evaluation of the outcomes of the suicide awareness programme. The study is in line with priorities determined by Reach Out, the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention 2005-2014 (HSE, 2005) and the HSE-South East Suicide Prevention Programme through raising nursing staff awareness of the public health issue of suicide/deliberate self harm and by improving the efficiency and quality of nursing services offered to persons who present to acute hospitals with deliberate self harm. The study findings indicate evidence to positively support nursing assessment of DSH using a suicide intent scale in terms of assessing behavioural characteristics of individual clients and their suicide risk. Enhanced confidence levels of nursing personnel in caring for suicidal clients was demonstrated by staff who participated in an education programme related to risk assessment and specifically the use of a suicide intent scale.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the change in non-compliant items in prescription orders following the implementation of a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system named PreDiMed. SETTING: The department of internal medicine (39 and 38 beds) in two regional hospitals in Canton Vaud, Switzerland. METHOD: The prescription lines in 100 pre- and 100 post-implementation patients' files were classified according to three modes of administration (medicines for oral or other non-parenteral uses; medicines administered parenterally or via nasogastric tube; pro re nata (PRN), as needed) and analyzed for a number of relevant variables constitutive of medical prescriptions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The monitored variables depended on the pharmaceutical category and included mainly name of medicine, pharmaceutical form, posology and route of administration, diluting solution, flow rate and identification of prescriber. RESULTS: In 2,099 prescription lines, the total number of non-compliant items was 2,265 before CPOE implementation, or 1.079 non-compliant items per line. Two-thirds of these were due to missing information, and the remaining third to incomplete information. In 2,074 prescription lines post-CPOE implementation, the number of non-compliant items had decreased to 221, or 0.107 non-compliant item per line, a dramatic 10-fold decrease (chi(2) = 4615; P < 10(-6)). Limitations of the computerized system were the risk for erroneous items in some non-prefilled fields and ambiguity due to a field with doses shown on commercial products. CONCLUSION: The deployment of PreDiMed in two departments of internal medicine has led to a major improvement in formal aspects of physicians' prescriptions. Some limitations of the first version of PreDiMed were unveiled and are being corrected.


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This report, the first comprehensive review of mental health policy since 'Planning for the Future' was published in 1984, makes a series of recommendations for the mental health services, including the closure of all psychiatric hospitals and re-investment of the resources into a community-based mental health service.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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A survey was conducted in two pediatric intensive care units in hospitals in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in order to monitor the main respiratory viruses present in bronchiolitis and/or pneumonia and their involvement in the severity of viral respiratory infections. Viral respiratory infection prevalence was 38.7%. In bronchiolitis, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was detected in 36% of the cases. In pneumonia, the prevalence rates were similar for adenovirus (10.3%) and RSV (7.7%). There was a difference among the viruses detected in terms of frequency of clinical findings indicating greater severity. Frequency of crackles in patients with RSV (47.3%) showed a borderline significance (p = 0.055, Fisher's exact test) as compared to those with adenovirus (87.5%). The overall case fatality rate in this study was 2.7%, and adenovirus showed a significantly higher case fatality rate (25%) than RSV (2.8%) (p = 0.005). Injected antibiotics were used in 49% of the children with RSV and 60% of those with adenovirus. Adenovirus was not detected in any of the 33 children submitted to oxygen therapy.


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This second edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents a set of key indicators of health and health systems in 35 European countries, including the 27 European Union member states, 5 candidate countries and 3 EFTA countries. The selection of indicators is based largely on the European Community Health Indicators (ECHI) shortlist, a list of indicators that has been developed by the European Commission to guide the development and reporting of health statistics. It is complemented by additional indicators on health expenditure and quality of care, building on the OECD expertise in these areas. Contents: Introduction 12 Chapter 1. Health status 15 1.1. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth 1.2. Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at age 65 1.3. Mortality from all causes 1.4. Mortality from heart disease and stroke 1.5. Mortality from cancer 1.6. Mortality from transport accidents 1.7. Suicide 1.8. Infant mortality 1.9. Infant health: Low birth weight 1.10. Self-reported health and disability 1.11. Incidence of selected communicable diseases 1.12. HIV/AIDS 1.13. Cancer incidence 1.14. Diabetes prevalence and incidence 1.15. Dementia prevalence 1.16. Asthma and COPD prevalence Chapter 2. Determinants of health 49 2.1. Smoking and alcohol consumption among children 2.2. Overweight and obesity among children 2.3. Fruit and vegetable consumption among children 2.4. Physical activity among children 2.5. Smoking among adults 2.6. Alcohol consumption among adults 2.7. Overweight and obesity among adults 2.8. Fruit and vegetable consumption among adults Chapter 3. Health care resources and activities 67 3.1. Medical doctors 3.2. Consultations with doctors 3.3. Nurses 3.4. Medical technologies: CT scanners and MRI units 3.5. Hospital beds 3.6. Hospital discharges 3.7. Average length of stay in hospitals 3.8. Cardiac procedures (coronary angioplasty) 3.9. Cataract surgeries 3.10. Hip and knee replacement 3.11. Pharmaceutical consumption 3.12. Unmet health care needs Chapter 4. Quality of care 93 Care for chronic conditions 4.1. Avoidable admissions: Respiratory diseases 4.2. Avoidable admissions: Uncontrolled diabetes Acute care 4.3. In-hospital mortality following acute myocardial infarction 4.4. In-hospital mortality following stroke Patient safety 4.5. Procedural or postoperative complications 4.6. Obstetric trauma Cancer care 4.7. Screening, survival and mortality for cervical cancer 4.8. Screening, survival and mortality for breast cancer 4.9. Screening, survival and mortality for colorectal cancer Care for communicable diseases 4.10. Childhood vaccination programmes 4.11. Influenza vaccination for older people Chapter 5. Health expenditure and financing 117 5.1. Coverage for health care 5.2. Health expenditure per capita 5.3. Health expenditure in relation to GDP 5.4. Health expenditure by function. 5.5. Pharmaceutical expenditure 5.6. Financing of health care 5.7. Trade in health services Bibliography 133 Annex A. Additional information on demographic and economic context 143 Most European countries have reduced tobacco consumption via public awareness campaigns, advertising bans and increased taxation. The percentage of adults who smoke daily is below 15% in Sweden and Iceland, from over 30% in 1980. At the other end of the scale, over 30% of adults in Greece smoke daily. Smoking rates continue to be high in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia (Figure 2.5.1). Alcohol consumption has also fallen in many European countries. Curbs on advertising, sales restrictions and taxation have all proven to be effective measures. Traditional wine-producing countries, such as France, Italy and Spain, have seen consumption per capita fall substantially since 1980. Alcohol consumption per adult rose significantly in a number of countries, including Cyprus, Finland and Ireland (Figure 2.6.1).This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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[Table des matières] 1. Matériel et méthode. 1.1. Protocole princeps. 1.2. Protocole adapté. 1.3. Analyse des causes de délai. 2. Résultats : exhaustivité de la cueillette de données. 3. Discussion et conclusions. 4. Annexes : 1. Soins requis (PNR). 2. Formulaire de saisie. 3. Responsabilités des délais. 4. Distribution des critères. 5. Cause de délai.


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A new BAPEN report, Combating Malnutrition: Recommendations for Action, is the culmination of work undertaken by a group of experts in malnutrition, led by BAPEN. Launched in Parliament on 10 February 2009, it sets out how the vast majority of those at risk of the condition are living in the community – and not in care homes and hospitals, where the focus of Government action has been to date. It also sets out how the disproportionate burden of malnutrition in deprived areas exacerbates health inequalities. The report puts forward 25 actions that the Government needs to lead in order to reduce both the cost of the condition to the taxpayer, and the number of those at risk.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the initiation of and response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors for axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) in private rheumatology practices versus academic centers. METHODS: We compared newly initiated TNF inhibition for axSpA in 363 patients enrolled in private practices with 100 patients recruited in 6 university hospitals within the Swiss Clinical Quality Management (SCQM) cohort. RESULTS: All patients had been treated with ≥ 1 nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug and > 70% of patients had a baseline Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) ≥ 4 before anti-TNF agent initiation. The proportion of patients with nonradiographic axSpA (nr-axSpA) treated with TNF inhibitors was higher in hospitals versus private practices (30.4% vs 18.7%, p = 0.02). The burden of disease as assessed by patient-reported outcomes at baseline was slightly higher in the hospital setting. Mean levels (± SD) of the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score were, however, virtually identical in private practices and academic centers (3.4 ± 1.0 vs 3.4 ± 0.9, p = 0.68). An Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS40) response at 1 year was reached for ankylosing spondylitis in 51.7% in private practices and 52.9% in university hospitals (p = 1.0) and for nr-axSpA in 27.5% versus 25.0%, respectively (p = 1.0). CONCLUSION: With the exception of a lower proportion of patients with nr-axSpA newly treated with anti-TNF agents in private practices in comparison to academic centers, adherence to ASAS treatment recommendations for TNF inhibition was equally high, and similar response rates to TNF blockers were achieved in both clinical settings.


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Hospitals and care homes are making use of new measures designed to protect people unable to give consent for their care.The Mental Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards were introduced by law on 1 April 2009 to provide a legal framework for depriving someone of their liberty where they are unable to give informed consent regarding their care. The statistics presented here provide the first official information about authorisations to legally detain a person using the legislation.The safeguards apply to people aged 18 and above who suffer from a mental disorder of the mind (such as dementia or a profound learning disability) and who lack capacity to give consent to the arrangements made for their care and / or treatment. The safeguards cover people in all hospitals and care homes in the statutory, independent and voluntary sectors.A rigorous, standardised assessment and authorisation process is used to ensure only appropriate use is made of the safeguards.Key facts?The number of authorisation requests were: 1,772 in quarter 1 1,681 in quarter 2 and, 1,869 in quarter 3. ?Of the total assessments completed in each quarter, a higher proportion were for females than for males ?For each quarter, around three out of four assessments were made by local authorities while the remaining ones were made by primary care trusts. ?The percentage of authorisations granted leading to someone being deprived of their liberty varied between 33.5 per cent and 50.7 per cent across quarters 1 to 3. ?At 31 December 2009 1,074 people were subject to such authorisations.Quarterly analysis of Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England) Quarter 1 (0.31MB)Quarterly analysis of Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England) Quarter 2 (0.31MB)Quarterly analysis of Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments (England) Quarter 3 (0.31MB)Have your say - give us your comments on this publication��