998 resultados para Hildegarda de Bingen, Santa, 1098-1179
O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de estudar o efeito do sexo dos animais, do grupo genético e do peso de abate no desempenho de animais confinados. Foram utilizados 103 cordeiros, machos e fêmeas, Santa Inês puros (SS) e cruzas Santa Inês com Texel (TS), Ile de France (FS) e Bergamácia (BS), confinados em gaiolas individuais. Mediram-se a dieta fornecida e as sobras diárias, para cálculo do consumo de matéria seca (MS), energia metabolizável (EM), proteína digestível (PD) e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN). Os cordeiros foram abatidos em quatro pesos: 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg de peso vivo. Avaliaram-se o ganho de peso diário (GPD), o número de dias no confinamento (ND), a conversão alimentar (CA) e o consumo de MS, PD, em e FDN, nas três fases de crescimento: 15 a 25 kg (1), 25 a 35 kg (2) e 35 a 45 kg (3). Também foram avaliados as idades de abate (IA), o peso do corpo vazio (PCVZ) e rendimento de carcaça (RC). Aos 35 e 45 kg, os cordeiros TS e FS apresentaram IA inferiores e as cordeiras SS, IA superiores. O ND dos cordeiros BS de 35 a 45 kg foi maior que dos TS. Aos 35 e 45 kg, o PCVZ dos cordeiros TS e FS foram menores. Os melhores GPD foram dos cordeiros TS, seguidos do FS e SS. Os consumos de MS, PD, em e FDN foram semelhantes entre os grupos genéticos, nas fases 1 e 2 de crescimento. Verificou-se que os cordeiros TS tenderam a aumentar o consumo, com o incremento de peso, enquanto os outros grupos tenderam a diminuir. A CA elevou-se com o aumento de peso, com exceção dos machos FS. Os machos não apresentaram diferenças na CA entre os grupos genéticos, entretanto, as fêmeas TS e FS apresentaram valores melhores. Aos 35 e 45 kg, as fêmeas apresentaram maiores RC que os machos. Aos 35 kg, os melhores RC foram dos machos TS.
Objetivou-se avaliar a composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros da raça Santa Inês (SI x SI) e de seus mestiços com Texel (T x SI), abatidos com diferentes pesos vivos. O músculo biceps femoris foi utilizado para as análises de umidade, de proteína bruta (PB), de extrato etéreo (EE) e de cinzas. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com 16 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2x2x4, com dois grupos genéticos, dois sexos (14 machos e 13 fêmeas em cada grupo) e quatro pesos de abate (15, 25, 35 e 45 kg PV), sendo os dados analisados com auxílio Proc GLM do programa estatístico SAS. A umidade diminuiu com o peso de abate, variando de 76,09 a 74,31%, e os machos apresentaram valores maiores em relação às fêmeas. A PB teve comportamento quadrático, variando de 20,27 a 21,36%. Com o aumento do peso de abate, o teor de EE elevou, variando de 0,95 a 3,78%, sendo que SI x SI tiveram maior teor de EE. Os machos, de ambos os grupamentos genéticos, tiveram menor teor de extrato etéreo. Houve declínio do teor de cinzas com o avanço do peso, e as fêmeas apresentaram os maiores valores. Conclui-se que o peso de abate alterou a composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros, de modo que os animais mais pesados apresentaram menor teor de umidade e de cinzas e maior teor de EE. O sexo e o grupo genético influenciaram o teor de EE, indicando a possibilidade de abate em pesos diferentes, conforme o sexo e a raça.
The present work studies Ca, B and Zn omission on the development of soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv Santa Rosa). The experiment was carried out as hydroponic culture, viith complete Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution nr. 2 (C), lacking calcium (-Ca), lacking boron (-B) or lacking zinc (-Zn), a total of 4 treatments. Seven samplings were made to determine: total dry matter (g), root dry matter (g), stem dry matter (g) and leaf dry matter (g). Results showed that Ca and B omissions decreased dry weight. Lack of Zn did not affect dry weight.
This study was carried out to determine body composition and magnesium, potassium and sodium requirements for weight gain of Santa Ines lambs (hairy coat breed). Eighteen animals were used with average 15 kg initial LW. At the beginning of the experiment, six animals were slaughtered for the determination of the amount of each mineral retained in the body, and serving as reference animals in the comparative slaughter technique. The remaining 12 animals were divided in two groups: six were ad libitum fed and six animals were restricting fed at maintenance plus 20%. The animals from the ad libitum and restrict feeding groups started in the experimental period by pairs and they both were slaughtered when the animals from the ad libitum group reached 25 kg LW. The estimates of magnesium, potassium and sodium body composition were obtained through the prediction equations obtained by the logarithm regression of the amount of each present minerals in the empty body in function of the empty body weight (EBW). The net requirements for weight gain were obtained through the derivation of these prediction equations. The estimates of body composition per kg EBW for the animals from 15 to 25 kg were: 0.591 and 0,578 g for Mg: 2.914 and 2.776 g for K 1.830 and 1.637 g for Na; and the net requirements for kg weight gain were: 0.515 and 0.503 g for Mg: 2.408 and 2.294 g for K; 1.315 and 1.177 g for Na, respectively.
The Culicidae composition of the Barra Grande Lake Situated between the Municipalities of Esmeralda (Rio Grande do Sul State) and Anita Garibaldi (Santa Catarina State) was assessed by monthly samplings. Twenty-four species were identified from a total of 1, 185 specimens (74.7% as adults and 25.3% as immatures), with Aedes fluviatilis Lutz as the most frequent species. Several species are new records, and some of them are of public health interest. It is suggested that local environmental changes may alter the relationship between humans and vector mosquitoes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present work studies Ca, B and Zn omission on the development of soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv Santa Rosa). The experiment was carried out as hydroponic culture, with complete Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution nr. 2 (C), lacking calcium (-Ca), lacking boron (-B) or lacking zinc (-Zn), a total of 4 treatments. Seven samplings were made to determine: total dry matter (g), root dry matter (g), stem dry matter (g) and leaf dry matter (g). Results showed that Ca and B omissions decreased dry weight. Lack of Zn did not affect dry weight.
The research was carried out to determine body composition and calcium and phosphorus requirements of Santa Ines lambs. Eighteen entire male lambs with average initial live weight of 15 kg were used. The animals were allotted to three groups: six animals were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment, to access the amount of calcium and phosphorus present in the body, as reference animals for the comparative slaughter technique. Six animals were ad libitum fed and six were restrict fed (maintenance level plus 20%). The animals ad libitum and restrict fed started the experimental period by pairs and they were both slaughtered when the first reached 25 kg body weight. The body composition was estimated through the prediction equations obtained by regression of the logarithm of the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the empty body on the logarithm of the empty body weight. Net requirements for calcium and phosphorus for maintenance and the absorption coefficient were obtained through the correlation between the amount of each mineral consumed and retained in the animal body. The net requirements maintenance for live weight gain were obtained by means of derivation of the prediction of body composition equations. The net requirements maintainance of calcium and phosphorus for animals from 15 to 25 kg body weight were: 305 mg Ca/day and 325 mg P/day and net requirements for kg of the body weight gain for animals with 15 and 25 kg LW were 11.41 and 10.33 g Ca and 5.72 and 4.94 g P, respectively. The absorption coefficients were estimated to be .44 and 0.55 for Ca and P, respectively.