991 resultados para Higgins, Sean
The optimization of interrelated deposition parameters during deposition of in situ YBa2Cu3O7 thin films on MgO substrates by KrF laser ablation was systematically studied in a single experimental chamber. The optimum condition was found to be a substrate temperature of 720-degrees-C and a target-substrate distance of 5 cm in an oxygen partial pressure of 100 mTorr. These conditions produced films with T(c) = 87 K. The presence of YO in the plasma plume was found to be important in producing good quality films. The films were characterized by resistance-temperature measurements, energy dispersive x-ray analyses, scanning electron microscopy, and x-ray-diffraction measurements, and the physical reasons underlying film quality degradation at parameter values away from optimal are discussed.
Speeding up sequential programs on multicores is a challenging problem that is in urgent need of a solution. Automatic parallelization of irregular pointer-intensive codes, exempli?ed by the SPECint codes, is a very hard problem. This paper shows that, with a helping hand, such auto-parallelization is possible and fruitful. This paper makes the following contributions: (i) A compiler framework for extracting pipeline-like parallelism from outer program loops is presented. (ii) Using a light-weight programming model based on annotations, the programmer helps the compiler to ?nd thread-level parallelism. Each of the annotations speci?es only a small piece of semantic information that compiler analysis misses, e.g. stating that a variable is dead at a certain program point. The annotations are designed such that correctness is easily veri?ed. Furthermore, we present a tool for suggesting annotations to the programmer. (iii) The methodology is applied to autoparallelize several SPECint benchmarks. For the benchmark with most parallelism (hmmer), we obtain a scalable 7-fold speedup on an AMD quad-core dual processor. The annotations constitute a parallel programming model that relies extensively on a sequential program representation. Hereby, the complexity of debugging is not increased and it does not obscure the source code. These properties could prove valuable to increase the ef?ciency of parallel programming.
Traditional static analysis fails to auto-parallelize programs with a complex control and data flow. Furthermore, thread-level parallelism in such programs is often restricted to pipeline parallelism, which can be hard to discover by a programmer. In this paper we propose a tool that, based on profiling information, helps the programmer to discover parallelism. The programmer hand-picks the code transformations from among the proposed candidates which are then applied by automatic code transformation techniques.
This paper contributes to the literature by presenting a profiling tool for discovering thread-level parallelism. We track dependencies at the whole-data structure level rather than at the element level or byte level in order to limit the profiling overhead. We perform a thorough analysis of the needs and costs of this technique. Furthermore, we present and validate the belief that programs with complex control and data flow contain significant amounts of exploitable coarse-grain pipeline parallelism in the program’s outer loops. This observation validates our approach to whole-data structure dependencies. As state-of-the-art compilers focus on loops iterating over data structure members, this observation also explains why our approach finds coarse-grain pipeline parallelism in cases that have remained out of reach for state-of-the-art compilers. In cases where traditional compilation techniques do find parallelism, our approach allows to discover higher degrees of parallelism, allowing a 40% speedup over traditional compilation techniques. Moreover, we demonstrate real speedups on multiple hardware platforms.
The Cell Broadband Engine (BE) Architecture is a new heterogeneous multi-core architecture targeted at compute-intensive workloads. The architecture of the Cell BE has several features that are unique in high-performance general-purpose processors, most notably the extensive support for vectorization, scratch pad memories and explicit programming of direct memory accesses (DMAs) and mailbox communication. While these features strongly increase programming complexity, it is generally claimed that significant speedups can be obtained by using Cell BE processors. This paper presents our experiences with using the Cell BE architecture to accelerate Clustal W, a bio-informatics program for multiple sequence alignment. We report on how we apply the unique features of the Cell BE to Clustal W and how important each is in obtaining high performance. By making extensive use of vectorization and by parallelizing the application across all cores, we demonstrate a speedup of 24.4 times when using 16 synergistic processor units on a QS21 Cell Blade compared to single-thread execution on the power processing unit. As the Cell BE exploits a large number of slim cores, our highly optimized implementation is just 3.8 times faster than a 3-thread version running on an Intel Core2 Duo, as the latter processor exploits a small number of fat cores.
The increasing impact and costs of long term sickness absence have been well documented. However, the diversity and complexity of interventions and of the contexts in which these take place makes a traditional review problematic. Therefore, we undertook a systematic realist review to identify the dominant programme theories underlying best practice, to assess the evidence for these theories, and to throw light on important enabling or disabling contextual factors.
A search of the scholarly literature from 1950 to 2011 identified 5,576 articles, of which 269 formed the basis of the review.
We found that the dominant programme theories in relation to effective management related to: early intervention or referral by employers; having proactive organisational procedures; good communication and cooperation between stakeholders; and workplace-based occupational rehabilitation. Significant contextual factors were identified as the level of support for interventions from top management, the size and structure of the organisation, the level of financial and organisational investment in the management of long-term sickness absence, and the quality of relationships between managers and staff.
Consequently, those with responsibility for managing absence should bear in mind the contextual factors that are likely to have an impact on interventions, and do what they can to ensure stakeholders have at least a mutual understanding (if not a common purpose) in relation to their perceptions of interventions, goals, culture and practice in the management of long term sickness absence.