938 resultados para Heat equation
Transplantation of pancreatic islets is efficient in improving the metabolic control and quality of life and in preventing severe hypoglycemia in patients with brittle type I diabetes mellitus. More accurate methods to assess islet viability would be extremely useful in designing target interventions for islet cytoprorection and in reducing the number of islets required to achieve insulin independence. Here we report on an application of calorimetry to evaluate the metabolic response of pancreatic islets to glucose stimulation. A significant increase in metabolic heat was produced by islet samples when consecutively subjected to 2.8 and 16.3 mmol L-1 glucose. Under these glucose concentrations, 1000 islets released average heat values of 9.16 +/- 0.71 mJ and 14.90 +/- 1.21 mJ over 50 min, respectively. Additionally, the glucose stimulation indexes were 1.67 +/- 0.30 for insulin. 1.72 +/- 0.13 for heat and 2.91 +/- 0.50 for lactate, raising the important possibility of substituting the secreted insulin index/ratio by the index/ratio of the heat released in the evaluation of Langerhans islets viability for transplantation. Altogether, Our results demonstrate the applicability of calorimetry to assess the quality of isolated pancreatic islets and to study vital islet functions. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Different compositions of visible-light-curable triethylene glycol dimethacrylate/bisglycidyl methacrylate copolymers used in dental resin formulations were prepared through copolymerization photoinitiated by a camphorquinone/ethyl 4-dimethylaminobenzoate system irradiated with an Ultrablue IS light-emitting diode. The obtained copolymers were evaluated with differential scanning calorimetry. From the data for the heat of polymerization, before and after light exposure, obtained from exothermic differential scanning calorimetry curves, the light polymerization efficiency or degree of conversion of double bonds was calculated. The glass-transition temperature also was determined before and after photopolymerization. After the photopolymerization, the glass-transi-tion temperature was not well defined because of the breadth of the transition region associated with the properties of the photocured dimethacrylate. The glass-transition temperature after photopolymerization was determined experimentally and compared with the values determined with the Fox equation. In all mixtures, the experimental value was lower than the calculated value. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the morphological differences in the prepared copolymer structures. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A large majority of the 1000-1500 proteins in the mitochondria are encoded by the nuclear genome, and therefore, they are translated in the cytosol in the form and contain signals to enable the import of proteins into the organelle. The TOM complex is the major translocase of the outer membrane responsible for preprotein translocation. It consists of a general import pore complex and two membrane import receptors, Tom20 and Tom70. Tom70 contains a characteristic TPR domain, which is a docking site for the Hsp70 and Hsp90 chaperones. These chaperones are involved in protecting cytosolic preproteins from aggregation and then in delivering them to the TOM complex. Although highly significant, many aspects of the interaction between Tom70 and Hsp90 are still uncertain. Thus, we used biophysical tools to study the interaction between the C-terminal domain of Hsp90 (C-Hsp90), which contains the EEVD motif that binds to TPR domains, and the cytosolic fragment of Tom70. The results indicate a stoichiometry of binding of one monomer of Tom70 per dimer of C-Hsp90 with a K(D) of 360 30 nM, and the stoichiometry and thermodynamic parameters obtained suggested that Tom70 presents a different mechanism of interaction with Hsp90 when compared with other TPR proteins investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hot rolling process is heat input process. The heat energy in hot rolled steel coils can be utilized. At SSAB Strip Product Borlänge when the hot rolled steel coils came out of the hot rolling mill they are at the temperature range of 500°C to 800°C. Heat energy contained by the one hot rolled steel coil is about 1981Kwh whereas the total heat energy for the year 2008 is 230 GWh/year.The potential of heat is too much but the heat dissipation rate is too slow. Different factors on which heat dissipation rate depends are discussed.Three suggestions are proposed to collect the waste heat from hot rolled steel coils.The 2nd proposal in which water basin is suggested would help not only to collect the waste heat but to decrease in the cooling time.
Various pellet heating systems are marketed in Sweden, some of them in combination with a solar heating system. Several types of pellet heating units are available and can be used for a combined system. This article compares four typical combined solar and pellet heating systems: System 1 and 2 two with a pellet stove, system 3 with a store integrated pellet burner and system 4 with a pellet boiler. The lower efficiency of pellet heaters compared to oil or gas heaters increases the primary energy demand. Consequently heat losses of the various systems have been studied. The systems have been modeled in TRNSYS and simulated with parameters identified from measurements. For almost all systems the flue gas losses are the main heat losses except for system 3 where store heat losses prevail. Relevant are also the heat losses of the burner and the boiler to the ambient. Significant leakage losses are noticed for system 3 and 4. For buildings with an open internal design system 1 is the most efficient solution. Other buildings should preferably apply system 3. The right choice of the system depends also on whether the heater is placed inside or outside of the heated are. A large potential for system optimization exist for all studied systems, which when applied could alter the relative merits of the different system types.
This report describes the work done creating a computer model of a kombi tank from Consolar. The model was created with Presim/Trnsys and Fittrn and DF were used to identify the parameters. Measurements were carried out and were used to identify the values of the parameters in the model. The identifications were first done for every circuit separately. After that, all parameters are normally identified together using all the measurements. Finally the model should be compared with other measurements, preferable realistic ones. The two last steps have not yet been carried out, because of problems finding a good model for the domestic hot water circuit.The model of the domestic hot water circuit give relatively good results for low flows at 5 l/min, but is not good for higher flows. In the report suggestions for improving the model are given. However, there was not enough time to test this within the project as much time was spent trying to solve problems with the model crashing. Suggestions for improving the model for the domestic circuit are given in chapter 4.4. The improved equations that are to be used in the improved model are given by equation 4.18, 4.19 and 4.22.Also for the boiler circuit and the solar circuit there are improvements that can be done. The model presented here has a few shortcomings, but with some extra work, an improved model can be created. In the attachment (Bilaga 1) is a description of the used model and all the identified parameters.A qualitative assessment of the store was also performed based on the measurements and the modelling carried out. The following summary of this can be given: Hot Water PreparationThe principle for controlling the flow on the primary side seems to work well in order to achieve good stratification. Temperatures in the bottom of the store after a short use of hot water, at a coldwater temperature of 12°C, was around 28-30°C. This was almost independent of the temperature in the store and the DHW-flow.The measured UA-values of the heat exchangers are not very reliable, but indicates that the heat transfer rates are much better than for the Conus 500, and in the same range as for other stores tested at SERC.The function of the mixing valve is not perfect (see diagram 4.3, where Tout1 is the outlet hot water temperature, and Tdhwo and Tdhw1 is the inlet temperature to the hot and cold side of the valve respectively). The outlet temperature varies a lot with different temperatures in the storage and is going down from 61°C to 47°C before the cold port is fully closed. This gives a problem to find a suitable temperature setting and gives also a risk that the auxiliary heating is increased instead of the set temperature of the valve, when the hot water temperature is to low.Collector circuitThe UA-value of the collector heat exchanger is much higher than the value for Conus 500, and in the same range as the heat exchangers in other stores tested at SERC.Boiler circuitThe valve in the boiler circuit is used to supply water from the boiler at two different heights, depending on the temperature of the water. At temperatures from the boiler above 58.2°C, all the water is injected to the upper inlet. At temperatures below 53.9°C all the water is injected to the lower inlet. At 56°C the water flow is equally divided between the two inlets. Detailed studies of the behaviour at the upper inlet shows that better accuracy of the model would have been achieved using three double ports in the model instead of two. The shape of the upper inlet makes turbulence, that could be modelled using two different inlets. Heat lossesThe heat losses per m3 are much smaller for the Solus 1050, than for the Conus 500 Storage. However, they are higher than those for some good stores tested at SERC. The pipes that are penetrating the insulation give air leakage and cold bridges, which could be a major part of the losses from the storage. The identified losses from the bottom of the storage are exceptionally high, but have less importance for the heat losses, due to the lower temperatures in the bottom. High losses from the bottom can be caused by air leakage through the insulation at the pipe connections of the storage.
An international standard, ISO/DP 9459-4 has been proposed to establish a uniform standard of quality for small, factory-made solar heating systerns. In this proposal, system components are tested separatelyand total system performance is calculated using system simulations based on component model parameter values validated using the results from the component tests. Another approach is to test the whole system in operation under representative conditions, where the results can be used as a measure of the general system performance. The advantage of system testing of this form is that it is not dependent on simulations and the possible inaccuracies of the models. Its disadvantage is that it is restricted to the boundary conditions for the test. Component testing and system simulation is flexible, but requires an accurate and reliable simulation model.The heat store is a key component conceming system performance. Thus, this work focuses on the storage system consisting store, electrical auxiliary heater, heat exchangers and tempering valve. Four different storage system configurations with a volume of 750 litre were tested in an indoor system test using a six -day test sequence. A store component test and system simulation was carried out on one of the four configurations, applying the proposed standard for stores, ISO/DP 9459-4A. Three newly developed test sequences for intemalload side heat exchangers, not in the proposed ISO standard, were also carried out. The MULTIPORT store model was used for this work. This paper discusses the results of the indoor system test, the store component test, the validation of the store model parameter values and the system simulations.
This master thesis presents a new technological combination of two environmentally friendly sources of energy in order to provide DHW, and space heating. Solar energy is used for space heating, and DHW production using PV modules which supply direct current directly to electrical heating elements inside a water storage tank. On the other hand a GSHP system as another source of renewable energy provides heat in the water storage tank of the system in order to provide DHW and space heating. These two sources of renewable energy have been combined in this case-study in order to obtain a more efficient system, which will reduce the amount of electricity consumed by the GSHP system.The key aim of this study is to make simulations, and calculations of the amount ofelectrical energy that can be expected to be produced by a certain amount of PV modules that are already assembled on a house in Vantaa, southern Finland. This energy is then intended to be used as a complement to produce hot water in the heating system of the house beside the original GSHP system. Thus the amount of electrical energy purchased from the grid should be reduced and the compressor in the GSHP would need fewer starts which would reduce the heating cost of the GSHP system for space heating and providing hot water.The produced energy by the PV arrays in three different circuits will be charged directly to three electrical heating elements in the water storage tank of the existing system to satisfy the demand of the heating elements. The excess energy can be used to heat the water in the water storage tank to some extent which leads to a reduction of electricity consumption by the different components of the GSHP system.To increase the efficiency of the existing hybrid system, optimization of different PV configurations have been accomplished, and the results are compared. Optimization of the arrays in southern and western walls shows a DC power increase of 298 kWh/year compared with the existing PV configurations. Comparing the results from the optimization of the arrays on the western roof if the intention is to feed AC power to the components of the GSHP system shows a yearly AC power production of 1,646 kWh.This is with the consideration of no overproduction by the PV modules during the summer months. This means the optimized PV systems will be able to cover a larger part of summer demand compared with the existing system.