1000 resultados para Haaveilua ja vedenpesua : Tvärminnen eläintieteellinen asema 1902-2002
Enriching foods with long-chain n-3 PUFA (LC n-3 PUFA) is an important approach to increasing the dietary intake of these beneficial nutrients. Enrichment of meat and eggs can be achieved by adding flaxseed, fish oil, or fishmeal to pig or poultry feeds. However, utilization of these sources, particularly fishmeal, has been limited by concerns about adverse effects on sensory qualities, In this study, we evaluated the use of PorcOmega(TM) (POM), a stabilized tuna fishmeal formulation, as a source of DHA for enrichment of park and poultry products, Pigs, broilers, and laying hens were fed rations containing varying levels of POM for varying time periods, and its impact on the LC n-3 PUFA content and sensory qualities of cooked meat and eggs was examined. Pork and chicken products, including chops, sausages, and eggs, with substantially increased (up to sevenfold) levels of LC n-3 PUFA (predominantly DHA) were achieved by including up to 10% POM in rations. The increases were retained after cooking. Some sensory deficits were noted when using higher levels of POM (exceeding 15% in meat and 10% in eggs). However, at modest rates of feeding (5-10% POM), palatable meat and eggs were obtained with worthwhile levels of enrichment. The fishmeal feeding strategy used in this study offers a viable means of producing a range of alternative dietary sources of LC n-3 PUFA. Paper no.
With loss permeating the lives of all people throughout the entire life span and its potential for serious long-term deleterious effects, providing effective care for those experiencing situations of loss would be an important element of any preventive community-based mental health promotion approach. The low use of mental health services by those confronted with loss, and the lack of such services in many areas, makes it imperative to enhance the competency of the broader community to provide appropriate care during times of loss. Contributory to such care is a sound knowledge of the literature concerning loss and grieving. The broken leg analogy of grief presented in this article integrates the traditional and emerging grief theories and empirical evidence into an analogy of grieving that can be easily communicated to the general community, is relevant to many losses. and vet upholds the differing positions concerning grieving held by various schools of psychiatric thought.
Aquaporin 1 (AQP1; also known as CHIP, a channel-forming integral membrane protein of 28 kDa) is the first protein to be shown to function as a water channel and has been recently shown to be present in the rat retina. We previously showed (Kim et al. [1998] Neurosci Lett 244:52-54) that AQP1-like immunoreactivity is present in a certain population of amacrine cells in the rat retina. This study was conducted to characterize these cells in more detail, With immunocytochemistry using specific antisera against AQP1, whole-mount preparations and 50-mum-thick vibratome sections were examined by light and electron microscopy. These cells were a class of amacrine cells, which had symmetric bistratified dendritic trees ramified in stratum 2 and in the border of strata 3 and 4 of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Their dendritic field diameters ranged from 90 to 230 mum. Double labeling with antisera against AQP1 and gamma-aminobutyric acid or glycine demonstrated that these AQP1-like-immunoreactive amacrine cells were immunoreactive for glycine. Their most frequent synaptic input was from other amacrine cell processes in both sublaminae a and b of the IPL, followed by a few cone bipolar cells. Their primary targets were other amacrine cells and ganglion cells in both sublaminae a and b of the IPL. In addition, synaptic output Onto bipolar cells was rarely observed in sublamina b of the IPL. Thus, the AQP1 antibody labels a class of glycinergic amacrine cells with small to medium-sized dendritic fields in the rat retina. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Respons??vel pela distribui????o das urnas eleitorais desde as elei????es de 1994, as opera????es referentes ??s elei????es gerais de 2002 demandaram dos Correios significativo esfor??o log??stico, tendo em vista a complexidade e magnitude da opera????o, bem como o curto prazo para a execu????o das atividades de entrega e coleta das urnas eletr??nicas
Este documento apresenta as atividades realizadas pela ENAP no ano de 2002, observando as diretrizes do Plano Plurianual, que organiza todas as a????es da Administra????o P??blica Federal em programas. O presente relat??rio est?? estruturado segundo as a????es estrat??gicas desenvolvidas pela ENAP
O cat??logo de cursos da Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (ENAP) tem como objetivo apoiar a escolha de a????es de desenvolvimento de compet??ncias de dirigentes p??blicos brasileiros
O objetivo deste paper ?? demonstrar a todos aqueles que trabalham com a disciplina Administra????o P??blica quais s??o os principais autores e obras da literatura nacional/internacional recente, articulando-os sob os aspectos anal??tico, metodol??gico e te??rico-conceitual, no sentido de contribuir para a cumulatividade da gera????o do conhecimento e forma????o de panorama nessa ??rea, no per??odo selecionado (1994/2002). Para tanto, foi adotada metodologia espec??fica para esse objetivo, apresentada por KEINERT (2000) em fun????o das caracter??sticas estruturais da disciplina. A literatura foi agrupada em cinco loci contemplando a vertente p??s-burocr??tica da gest??o p??blica, os impactos da globaliza????o no aparelho do Estado, as condicionantes do ordenamento pol??tico e econ??mico nacional e internacional, as novas tend??ncias no ciclo de pol??ticas p??blicas e a gest??o de pol??ticas sociais.As principais conclus??es da pesquisa apontam para a adequa????o do instrumental anal??tico adotado para compreens??o da literatura em Administra????o P??blica e tamb??m para a baixa verticalidade e cumulatividade da pesquisa nesse campo, com pouca sistematiza????o e densidade anal??tica no que se refere a determinados temas.
O prop??sito desse trabalho ?? apresentar um balan??o da formula????o e implementa????o da pol??tica de reforma administrativa brasileira delineada no Plano Diretor, com a indica????o dos avan??os e limita????es registrados at?? esse momento e de poss??veis obst??culos de natureza pol??tica e institucional ?? sua continuidade. A primeira se????o faz uma breve apresenta????o do diagn??stico que norteou a formula????o da reforma no seu per??odo inicial. A segunda se????o procura sintetizar os conceitos e diretrizes que representam a ess??ncia da contribui????o do Plano Diretor ?? pol??tica de reforma administrativa. A implementa????o dos projetos e a????es relacionados aos objetivos e diretrizes do Plano Diretor ?? objeto da terceira se????o, que apresenta abordagem mais detalhada dos resultados alcan??ados e das circunst??ncias de natureza institucional e pol??tica que afetaram a experi??ncia. A quarta e ??ltima se????o faz uma avalia????o de aspectos institucionais da implementa????o, discutindo as perspectivas de continuidade e de consolida????o da reforma administrativa no Brasil.