955 resultados para HERPES-LIKE VIRUS


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We present here the complete genome sequences of a novel polerovirus from Trifolium subterraneum (subterranean clover) and Cicer arietinum (chickpea) and compare these to a partial viral genome sequence obtained from Macroptilium lathyroides (phasey bean). We propose the name phasey bean mild yellows virus for this novel polerovirus.


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Following the SARS outbreak, extensive surveillance was undertaken globally to detect and identify coronavirus diversity in bats. This study sought to identify the diversity and prevalence of coronaviruses in bats in the Australasian region. We identified four different genotypes of coronavirus, three of which (an alphacoronavirus and two betacoronaviruses) are potentially new species, having less than 90% nucleotide sequence identity with the most closely related described viruses. We did not detect any SARS-like betacoronaviruses, despite targeting rhinolophid bats, the putative natural host taxa. Our findings support the virus-host co-evolution hypothesis, with the detection of Miniopterus bat coronavirus HKU8 (previously reported in Miniopterus species in China, Hong Kong and Bulgaria) in Australian Miniopterus species. Similarly, we detected a novel betacoronavirus genotype from Pteropus alecto which is most closely related to Bat coronavirus HKU9 identified in other pteropodid bats in China, Kenya and the Philippines. We also detected possible cross-species transmission of bat coronaviruses, and the apparent enteric tropism of these viruses. Thus, our findings are consistent with a scenario wherein the current diversity and host specificity of coronaviruses reflects co-evolution with the occasional host shift.


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Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (isoniazid), one of the most potent antitubercular drugs, was recently shown, in our laboratory, to form two different complexes with copper, depending upon the oxidation state of the metal ion. Both the complexes have been shown to possess antiviral activity against Rous sarcoma virus, an RNA tumor virus. The antiviral activity of the complexes has been attributed to their ability to inhibit the endogenous reverse transcriptase activity of RSV. More recent studies in our laboratory indicate that both these complexes inhibit both endogenous and exogenous reactions. As low a final concentration as 50 μM of the cupric and the cuprous complexes inhibits the endogenous reaction to the extent of 93 and 75 per cent respectively. Inhibition of the exogenous reaction varies with the templates. The inhibition can be reversed by either β-mercaptoethanol or ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid. The specificity of this inhibition has been ascertained by using a synthetic primer-template, −(dG)not, vert, similar15−(rCm)n, which is highly specific for reverse transcriptases. The inhibition is found to be template specific. The studies carried out, using various synthetic primer-templates, show the inhibition of both the steps of reverse transcription by the copper complexes of isoniazid.


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All positive-strand RNA viruses utilize cellular membranes for the assembly of their replication complexes, which results in extensive membrane modification in infected host cells. These alterations act as structural and functional scaffolds for RNA replication, providing protection for the viral double-stranded RNA against host defences. It is known that different positive-strand RNA viruses alter different cellular membranes. However, the origin of the targeted membranes, the mechanisms that direct replication proteins to specific membranes and the steps in the formation of the membrane bound replication complex are not completely understood. Alphaviruses (including Semliki Forest virus, SFV), members of family Togaviridae, replicate their RNA in association with membranes derived from the endosomal and lysosomal compartment, inducing membrane invaginations called spherules. Spherule structures have been shown to be the specific sites for RNA synthesis. Four replication proteins, nsP1-nsP4, are translated as a polyprotein (P1234) which is processed autocatalytically and gives rise to a membrane-bound replication complex. Membrane binding is mediated via nsP1 which possesses an amphipathic α-helix (binding peptide) in the central region of the protein. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the association of the SFV replication complex with cellular membranes and the modification of the membranes during virus infection. Therefore, it was necessary to set up the system for determining which viral components are needed for inducing the spherules. In addition, the targeting of the replication complex, the formation site of the spherules and their intracellular trafficking were studied in detail. The results of current work demonstrate that mutations in the binding peptide region of nsP1 are lethal for virus replication and change the localization of the polyprotein precursor P123. The replication complex is first targeted to the plasma membrane where membrane invaginations, spherules, are induced. Using a specific regulated endocytosis event the spherules are internalized from the plasma membrane in neutral carrier vesicles and transported via an actin-and microtubule-dependent manner to the pericentriolar area. Homotypic fusions and fusions with pre-existing acidic organelles lead to the maturation of previously described cytopathic vacuoles with hundreds of spherules on their limiting membranes. This work provides new insights into the membrane binding mechanism of SFV replication complex and its role in the virus life cycle. Development of plasmid-driven system for studying the formation of the replication complex described in this thesis allows various applications to address different steps in SFV life cycle and virus-host interactions in the future. This trans-replication system could be applied for many different viruses. In addition, the current work brings up new aspects of membranes and cellular components involved in SFV replication leading to further understanding in the formation and dynamics of the membrane-associated replication complex.


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Transposable elements, transposons, are discrete DNA segments that are able to move or copy themselves from one locus to another within or between their host genome(s) without a requirement for DNA homology. They are abundant residents in virtually all the genomes studied, for instance, the genomic portion of TEs is approximately 3% in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 45% in humans, and apparently more than 70% in some plant genomes such as maize and barley. Transposons plays essential role in genome evolution, in lateral transfer of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria and in life cycle of certain viruses such as HIV-1 and bacteriophage Mu. Despite the diversity of transposable elements they all use a fundamentally similar mechanism called transpositional DNA recombination (transposition) for the movement within and between the genomes of their host organisms. The DNA breakage and joining reactions that underlie their transposition are chemically similar in virtually all known transposition systems. The similarity of the reactions is also reflected in the structure and function of the catalyzing enzymes, transposases and integrases. The transposition reactions take place within the context of a transposition machinery, which can be particularly complex, as in the case of the VLP (virus like particle) machinery of retroelements, which in vivo contains RNA or cDNA and a number of element encoded structural and catalytic proteins. Yet, the minimal core machinery required for transposition comprises a multimer of transposase or integrase proteins and their binding sites at the element DNA ends only. Although the chemistry of DNA transposition is fairly well characterized, the components and function of the transposition machinery have been investigated in detail for only a small group of elements. This work focuses on the identification, characterization, and functional studies of the molecular components of the transposition machineries of BARE-1, Hin-Mu and Mu. For BARE-1 and Hin-Mu transpositional activity has not been shown previously, whereas bacteriophage Mu is a general model of transposition. For BARE-1, which is a retroelement of barley (Hordeum vulgare), the protein and DNA components of the functional VLP machinery were identified from cell extracts. In the case of Hin-Mu, which is a Mu-like prophage in Haemophilus influenzae Rd genome, the components of the core machinery (transposase and its binding sites) were characterized and their functionality was studied by using an in vitro methodology developed for Mu. The function of Mu core machinery was studied for its ability to use various DNA substrates: Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and Mu end specific hairpin substrates. The hairpin processing reaction by MuA was characterized in detail. New information was gained of all three machineries. The components or their activity required for functional BARE-1 VLP machinery and retrotransposon life cycle were present in vivo and VLP-like structures could be detected. The Hin-Mu core machinery components were identified and shown to be functional. The components of the Mu and Hin-Mu core machineries were partially interchangeable, reflecting both evolutionary conservation and flexibility within the core machineries. The Mu core machinery displayed surprising flexibility in substrate usage, as it was able to utilize Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and to process Mu end DNA hairpin substrates. This flexibility may be evolutionarily and mechanistically important.


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Most major cities around the world experience periods of elevated air pollution levels, which exceed international health-based air quality standards (Kumar et al., 2013). Although it is a global problem, some of the highest air pollution levels are found in rapidly expanding cities in India and China. The sources, emissions, transformations and broad effects of meteorology on air pollution are reasonably well accounted in air quality control strategies in many developed cities; however these key factors remain poorly constrained in the growing cities of countries with emerging economies. We focus here on Delhi, one of the largest global population centres, which faces particular air pollution challenges, now and in the future.


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Replication and transcription of the RNA genome of alphaviruses relies on a set of virus-encoded nonstructural proteins. They are synthesized as a long polyprotein precursor, P1234, which is cleaved at three processing sites to yield nonstructural proteins nsP1, nsP2, nsP3 and nsP4. All the four proteins function as constitutive components of the membrane-associated viral replicase. Proteolytic processing of P1234 polyprotein is precisely orchestrated and coordinates the replicase assembly and maturation. The specificity of the replicase is also controlled by proteolytic cleavages. The early replicase is composed of P123 polyprotein intermediate and nsP4. It copies the positive sense RNA genome to complementary minus-strand. Production of new plus-strands requires complete processing of the replicase. The papain-like protease residing in nsP2 is responsible for all three cleavages in P1234. This study addressed the mechanisms of proteolytic processing of the replicase polyprotein in two alphaviruses Semliki Forest virus (SFV) and Sindbis virus (SIN) representing different branches of the genus. The survey highlighted the functional relation of the alphavirus nsP2 protease to the papain-like enzymes. A new structural motif the Cys-His catalytic dyad accompanied with an aromatic residue following the catalytic His was described for nsP2 and a subset of other thiol proteases. Such an architecture of the catalytic center was named the glycine specificity motif since it was implicated in recognition of a specific Gly residue in the substrate. In particular, the presence of the motif in nsP2 makes the appearance of this amino acid at the second position upstream of the scissile bond a necessary condition for the cleavage. On top of that, there were four distinct mechanisms identified, which provide affinity for the protease and specifically direct the enzyme to different sites in the P1234 polyprotein. Three factors RNA, the central domain of nsP3 and the N-terminus of nsP2 were demonstrated to be external modulators of the nsP2 protease. Here I suggest that the basal nsP2 protease specificity is inherited from the ancestral papain-like enzyme and employs the recognition of the upstream amino acid signature in the immediate vicinity of the scissile bond. This mechanism is responsible for the efficient processing of the SFV nsP3/nsP4 junction. I propose that the same mechanism is involved in the cleavage of the nsP1/nsP2 junction of both viruses as well. However, in this case it rather serves to position the substrate, whereas the efficiency of the processing is ensured by the capability of nsP2 to cut its own N-terminus in cis. Both types of cleavages are demonstrated here to be inhibited by RNA, which is interpreted as impairing the basal papain-like recognition of the substrate. In contrast, processing of the SIN nsP3/nsP4 junction was found to be activated by RNA and additionally potentiated by the presence of the central region of nsP3 in the protease. The processing of the nsP2/nsP3 junction in both viruses occurred via another mechanism, requiring the exactly processed N-terminus of nsP2 in the protease and insensitive to RNA addition. Therefore, the three processing events in the replicase polyprotein maturation are performed via three distinct mechanisms in each of two studied alphaviruses. Distinct sets of conditions required for each cleavage ensure sequential maturation of P1234 polyprotein: nsP4 is released first, then the nsP1/nsP2 site is cut in cis, and liberation of the nsP2 N-terminus activates the cleavage of the nsP2/nsP3 junction at last. The first processing event occurs differently in SFV and SIN, whereas the subsequent cleavages are found to be similar in the two viruses and therefore, their mechanisms are suggested to be conserved in the genus. The RNA modulation of the alphavirus nonstructural protease activity, discovered here, implies bidirectional functional interplay between the alphavirus RNA metabolism and protease regulation. The nsP2 protease emerges as a signal transmitting moiety, which senses the replication stage and responds with proteolytic cleavages. A detailed hypothetical model of the alphavirus replicase core was inferred from the data obtained in the study. Similar principles in replicase organization and protease functioning are expected to be employed by other RNA viruses.


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The coat protein gene of physalis mottle tymovirus (PhMV) was over expressed in Escherichia coli using pET-3d vector. The recombinant protein was found to self assemble into capsids in vivo. The purified recombinant capsids had an apparent s value of 56.5 S and a diameter of 29(±2) nm. In order to establish the role of amino and carboxy-terminal regions in capsid assembly, two amino-terminal deletions clones lacking the first 11 and 26 amino acid residues and two carboxy-terminal deletions lacking the last five and ten amino acid residues were constructed and overexpressed. The proteins lacking N-terminal 11 (PhCPN1) and 26 (PhCPN2) amino acid residues self assembled into T = 3 capsids in vivo, as evident from electron microscopy, ultracentrifugation and agarose gel electrophoresis. The recombinant, PhCPN1 and PhCPN2 capsids were as stable as the empty capsids formed in vivo and encapsidated a small amount of mRNA. The monoclonal antibody PA3B2, which recognizes the epitope within region 22 to 36, failed to react with PhCPN2 capsids while it recognized the recombinant and PhCPN1 capsids. Disassembly of the capsids upon treatment with urea showed that PhCPN2 capsids were most stable. These results demonstrate that the N-terminal 26 amino acid residues are not essential for T = 3 capsid assembly in PhMV. In contrast, both the proteins lacking the C-terminal five and ten amino acid residues were present only in the insoluble fraction and could not assemble into capsids, suggesting that these residues are crucial for folding and assembly of the particles.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SMV) is an isometric, ss-RNA plant virus found infecting Sesbania grandiflora plants in fields near Tirupathi, South India. The virus particles, which sediment at 116 S at pH 5.5, swell upon treatment with EDTA at pH 7.5 resulting in the reduction of the sedimentation coefficient to 108 S. SMV coat protein amino acid sequence was determined and found to have approximately 60% amino acid sequence identity with that of southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV). The amino terminal 60 residue segment, which contains a number of positively charged residues, is less well conserved between SMV and SBMV when compared to the rest of the sequence. The 3D structure of SMV was determined at 3.0 Å resolution by molecular replacement techniques using SBMV structure as the initial phasing model. The icosahedral asymmetric unit was found to contain four calcium ions occurring in inter subunit interfaces and three protein subunits, designated A, B and C. The conformation of the C subunit appears to be different from those of A and B in several segments of the polypeptide. These observations coupled with structural studies on SMV partially depleted of calcium suggest a plausible mechanisms for the initiation of the disassembly of the virus capsid.


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5-Fluorouracil (5FU), an analogue of uracil, was found to inhibit the production of infectious particles of rinderpest virus (RPV) in Vero cells (African green monkey kidney cells) by 99%, at a concentration of 1 μg/ml. The levels of individual mRNA specific for five of the virus genes were also reduced drastically, while the level of mRNA for a cellular housekeeping gene—glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)—was unaltered by fluorouracil treatment of infected cells. Both virus RNA and protein synthesis showed inhibition in a dose-dependent manner. The virions which budded out of 5-fluorouracil-treated cells also contained reduced amounts of virus proteins compared with virus particles from untreated cells.


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Polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, BmNPV (BGL) isolated from infected silkworms around Bangalore were propagated either in the cultured B. mori cell line, BmN or through infection of larvae. Electron microscopic (EM) observations of the polyhedra revealed an average length of 2 mu m and a height of 0.5 mu m. The purified polyhedra derived virions (PDV) showed several bands in sucrose gradient centrifugation, indicating the multiple nucleocapsid nature of BmNPV. Electron microscopic studies of PDV revealed a cylindrical, rod-shaped nucleocapsid with an average length of 300 nm and a diameter of 35 nm. The genomic DNA from the PDV was characterized by extensive restriction analysis and the genome size was estimated to be 132 kb. The restriction pattern of BmNPV (BGL) resembled that of the prototype strain BmNPV-T3. Distinct differences due to polymorphic sites for restriction enzyme HindIII were apparent between BmNPV (BGL) and the virus isolated from a different part of Karnataka (Dharwad area), BmNPV (DHR).


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We have generated a recombinantBombyx morinuclear polyhedrosis virus, vBmhGH, harboring the full-length human growth hormone gene (2.4-kb genomic DNA, with four introns and the signal peptide sequences) under the control of the polyhedrin promoter. BmN cells in culture infected with the recombinant virus showed the presence of RNA corresponding to the authentic growth hormone mRNA as well as its incompletly processed precusor. Electrophoretic analysis and immunoprecipitation of proteins of recombinant virus-infected BmN cells revealed the presence of the growth hormone protein. Infection of silkworm larvae with vBmhGH led to the synthesis and efficient secretion of the protein into hemolymph. The recombinant human growth hormone was biologically active in a radioreceptor competition binding assay. The secreted protein was isolated and purified to homogeneity by a single step immunoaffinity chromatography, to a specific activity of 2.4 × 104U/mg. The recombinant hGH retained the immunological and biolological properties of the native peptide. We conclude that BmNPV vectors can be used successfully for expressing chromosomal genes harboring multiple introns.