937 resultados para Grooming employees


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Summary: Victims of crime are not only physical persons. Firms also experience some different forms of victimization either from outsiders or front employees. Crimes committed inside the firm are various: theft, embezzlement, fraud, fraudulent management, money laundering, vandalism etc. Assessed damage could be considerable. But in general, most of the criminological studies relating to victimization have been interested in individuals as victims. In Switzerland, to date, research on firms'victimization is simply rare and traditional research methods such as victimization survey, self-reported delinquency or controlled experiments are not very much utilized in Swiss white-collar crime studies. Thus, in order to improve the situation, we have decided to start a victimization study on white-collar crime committed in firms of the canton of Geneva. To narrow the field of research, our project seeks to apprehend white-collar crime as a series of offences committed by employees inside the firm, by fraud or deceit, aiming at an illegitimate enrichment. The phenomenon of white-collar crime perpetrated has been evaluated by examining the presence of risk factors and prevention strategies. Furthermore, the correlation between the victimization rate and some aspects of vulnerability has also been investigated. Using data collected from the victimization survey carried out in 2005, some of the key research questions are the following: - which are the types of offences committed? - Which types of measure of prevention are the most efficient to prevent such offences ? - Which type of business is more vulnerable? - Which are the risk factors? - Which is the profile of the authors? - Which are the motivations?, etc. Findings show that companies which valorize their employees and pursue a transparent management style suffer a lower victimization rate. Further, the retail sector seems to be more affected than the financial sector and big firms are more vulnerable.


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There are different approaches to dealing with alcohol related problems in the workplace. A literature review indicates that two of the models that underpin programmes to deal with alcohol related problems in the workplace are the disease model and the health promotion model. The disease model considers alcoholism as an illness and uses curative techniques to restore the individual to sobriety. The health promotion model looks at the determinants of health and promotes changes in the environment and structures, which would support healthy behaviour in relation to alcohol. Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) may have elements of both theses models. Dealing with alcohol problems at work involves a captive audience and the workplace as a setting can be used to influence healthier lifestyles. A workplace alcohol policy is a mechanism through which alcohol related issues might be dealt with, and the necessary resources and commitment of managers and staff channelled to this end. The policy aims should be clear and unambiguous, and specific plans put in place for implementing all aspects of the policy. In the case of the alcohol policy in the organisation under study, the policy was underpinned by a health promotion ethos and the policy document reflects broad aims and objectives to support this. The steering group that oversaw the development of the policy had particular needs of their own which they brought to the development process. The common theme in their needs was how to identify and support employees with alcohol related problems within an equitable staff welfare system. The role of the supervisor was recognised as crucial and training was provided to introduce the skills needed for an early intervention and constructive confrontation with employees who had alcohol related problems. Opportunities provided by this policy initiative to deal with broader issues around alcohol and to consider the determinants of health in relation to alcohol were not fully utilised. The policy formalised the procedures for dealing with people who have alcohol related problems in an equitable and supportive manner. The wider aspect of the health promotion approach does not appear to have been a priority in the development and implementation of the policy.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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L'area en que s'ha desenvolupat aquest treball final de carrera ha estat la de J2EE. La funcionalitat del producte desenvolupat, és la sol.licitut de les vacances dels empleats d'una empresa anomenada Int74, en la que cada responsable de cada departament, aprova o denega les vacances dels treballadors.


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In 2012, CARDI was asked by The Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister in Northern Ireland to carry out a series of research projects on ageing in Ireland, North and South. This research project, 'Understanding socio-economic inequalities affecting older people’ , was carried out by Paul McGill, CARDI. The research sought to answer the following questions: Are there inequalities that affect older people as a group compared with younger people, or inequalities that exist within the older population? How are these inequalities changing over time? Do these socio-economic inequalities have a detrimental impact on older people or on a substantial number of them? How can any harmful socio-economic inequalities be reduced or eliminated and what are the implications for policy-making? Key Findings*: In RoI the poorest older people had a rise of €32 per week between 2004 and 2011 in total incomes while those with the highest incomes had a rise of €255 (CSO 2013). Total incomes of the poorest pensioner couples in NI did not change between 2003-06 and 2008-11 but the best off had a rise of �37 per week (DSD 2013). Employees aged 60+ earn €10,000 less per year than earners in their peak years in RoI and �2,400 less in NI (CSO Database and NISRA 2012). The richest older people in RoI earn 14 times more from employment than the poorest. In NI it is 36 times more for single pensioners and 44 times more for pensioner couples (CSO 2013; NISRA 2013). The gap in weekly earnings between top and bottom earners aged 60+ in NI rose from �294 to �430 between 2005 and 2012 (NISRA 2012). In the two years 2009-2011 the incomes of the poorest older people in ROI declined by €24 per week (11.4%) (CSO, 2013).


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El següent projecte final de carrera vol assolir assolir la creació d'un entorn web de treball per a una Biblioteca. L'aplicació al món real es base en un mòdul administratiu, que podrà ser utilitzat pels treballadors de la pròpia Biblioteca i un mòdul que servirà de consulta als socis.


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En Suisse, comme dans la plupart des pays industrialisés, le stress au travail et l'épuisement qui en découle sont devenus, au cours des dernières décennies, une réalité qui ne cesse de s'accentuer. Différentes disciplines scientifiques ont tenté de rendre compte, depuis le milieu du siècle dernier, des difficultés rencontrées par les individus dans le cadre de leur travail, avec une prédominance marquée pour des analyses de type causaliste. Dans le cadre de cette étude doctorale, nous nous sommes penché sur le cas d'un office régional de placement, mais avec une perspective sensiblement différente. La grille de lecture psychodynamique utilisée permet en effet de donner accès au sens des situations de travail et d'ouvrir sur une compréhension originale des mécanismes à l'origine des problèmes de santé mentale au travail. Cette approche permet ainsi de comprendre les rapports complexes que les individus entretiennent avec leur travail tel que structuré et organisé, et d'analyser leur expérience en termes de plaisir, de souffrance, de défenses face à la souffrance et de répercussions sur la santé. Dans ce but, nous avons utilisé une méthodologie basée sur des entrevues collectives, afin de stimuler l'expression libre des travailleurs. L'enquête s'est déroulée en deux temps : une première série d'entretiens de groupe a permis la récolte des données empiriques, puis une seconde série, appelée entretiens de restitution, a donné la possibilité aux participants de réagir sur l'interprétation de leur parole faite par le chercheur, et de valider l'analyse. Nos résultats mettent alors en évidence que le travail, tel qu'organisé au sein de cette institution de service public, apparaît considérablement pathogène, mais heureusement compensé par le pouvoir structurant de la relation d'aide aux assurés. Ils montrent également que l'expérience subjective de travail des participants a pour principales sources de souffrance la perception désagréable d'un manque de reconnaissance, d'autonomie et de pouvoir sur leurs actes. - In Switzerland and in other industrialized countries, work-related stress and resulting burn-out has become an ever increasing problem in recent decades. Many researchers Jrom many different fields have made efforts to understand the difficulties employees encounter at work since the middle of the last century. Most of this research is based on a cause and effect analysis approach. For this doctoral research project, we have analyzed cases handled by an unemployment office in Switzerland. We have taken a novel approach by using a number of psychodynamic criteria which permitted us to interpret situations at work and to open up a new way of understanding the mechanisms at work which lead to mental health problems. This approach allows us to understand account the complex relationship people have towards structured and organized work as well as to take into account and to analyze their experience in terms of pleasure, suffering, defense mechanisms against suffering and the consequences on their mental health. In order to achieve this goal we performed collective interviews in order to encourage workers to express themselves freely. The interviews were divided into two series. The first series of group interviews allowed us to collect empirical statistics and the second series gave the workers an opportunity to react to the researchers ' analysis of their answers and to validate the researchers ' interpretation of their answers. Our results show that work has considerable negative effects on mental health. Fortunately, these negative effects are counterbalanced by the psychological support system offered by the unemployment office. Our project also shows that the subjective negative experiences of workers are caused by their perceptions of being under-appreciated, lack of autonomy and having no power over their acts.


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Ireland is a successful major centre for ICT operations with ten of the top ICT companies in the world having substantial operations here. The large talent pool of ICT professionals that exists here is valuable both for foreign-owned and Irish companies. The cluster of internationally renowned firms and Irish companies offer a range of attractive career opportunities for professionals. A range of skills recruitment difficulties have been raised through the work of the Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN), specifically the immediate issue of high-level ICT skills within both the ICT sector and from other sectors such as international financial services, banking and business services. Forfs, with the support of IDA Ireland and Enterprise Ireland, engaged in discussions with a selected range of foreign–owned and Irish companies employing approximately 30,000 employees to establish the nature of positions involved, the reasons for recruitment difficulties and to identify measures to help address them. Consultations were also held with key stakeholders including IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, ICT Ireland, Software Ireland, IT@Cork, Engineers Ireland and Dublin Chambers of Commerce. Discussions were held with the heads of the computing departments of all Universities and Institutes of Technology at a meeting chaired by the Higher Education Authority. An in-depth analysis of third-level ICT supply statistics and trends was undertaken to inform the research.


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he first ever strategy for the Further Education and Training (FET) sector is being launched by the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruair�_ Quinn T.D., and Minister of State for Training and Skills Ciarn Cannon T.D. The overall aim of the Strategy is to develop a world-class integrated system of further education and training in Ireland, which will promote economic development and meet the needs of all citizens. The new strategy was developed by SOLAS with assistance from the ESRI which was commissioned to carry out evidence based research and assist in the development of the Strategy. Five high level strategic goals have been identified: -Skills for the Economy: to address the current and future needs of learners, jobseekers, employers and employees and to contribute to national economic development -Active Inclusion: to support the active inclusion of people of all abilities in society with special reference to literacy and numeracy -Quality Provision: to provide high quality education and training programmes and to meet the appropriate national and international quality standards -Integrated Planning and Funding: FET provision will be planned and funded on the basis of objective analysis of needs and evidence of social and economic impact -Standing of FET: to ensure a valued learning path leading to agreed employment, career, developmental, personal and social options. The Strategy follows a radical overhaul of the structure of the sector by the Government which includes the streamlining of 33 existing VECs into 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs), the abolition of F́S and creation of SOLAS, the Further Education and Training Authority. Speaking at the launch in the Chester Beatty li


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XXXTOUR és una empresa que té com a principal negoci fer d'intermediari per a les agències de viatge i els particulars que vulguin reservar places hoteleres, d'una banda, i per als establiments hotelers, de l'altra. Així, doncs, contracta aquestes places a uns proveïdors i les ven a aquests clients. En l'actualitat, els proveïdors comuniquen a XXXTOUR totes les dades referents a les places mitjançant documents impresos i per telèfon, i els treballadors de l'empresa les han d'introduir al sistema d'informació de l'empresa. Per mitjà del nou sistema, els proveïdors, a més de poder emprar la funcionalitat actual, podran accedir al portal d'XXXTOUR i introduir les seves pròpies dades. I quan rebin una petició de places les podran confirmar accedint al portal, de manera que el client tindrà les places sol·licitades molt més aviat, cosa que millora el servei.


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Aquest sistema, donarà la possibilitat als funcionaris d'una determinada Delegació, de conèixer la seva productivitat via web, als caps de Servei introduir les avaluacions dels empleats al seu càrrec sense necessitat de reunió prèvia, i al cap de personal la de validar la productivitat i exportar el fitxer resultat a l'aplicació de Nòmines.


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Els empleats d¿una empresa volen compartir i consultar les seves imatges per motius laborals i d'oci i volen accedir a aquestes des de qualsevol punt on tinguin accés a Internet. Per aquest motiu la aplicació estarà dissenyada en un entorn Web.


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This resource guide aims to support employers and employees to access information on improving health and wellbeing at work.Putting in place an effective workplace health programme that meets the needs of each business requires access to effective tools and information, which will help assess the needs of employees and assist with developing and implementing plans.This guide uses the World Health Organization (WHO) model as the basis for developing a workplace health programme. The WHO model involves eight stages and four aspects of the working environment.Included in the guide are information and contact details for organisations in Northern Ireland that can provide information and support to businesses on each of these aspects.The guide also includes case studies on local businesses that implemented a workplace health programme and a sample health and wellbeing action plan.�


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This booklet is one in a series aimed at promoting health in the workplace. It outlines to employers the importance of employees' mental health, good practice to support positive mental health at work, the legal requirements with regard to working environments and mental health, and key steps for action.�


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L'objectiu principal és crear una maqueta basada en PLL, que permeti als treballadors de la UOC dur a terme les tasques més rellevants de la seva feina quotidiana. El projecte passa per estudiar quines eines es fan servir en l'actualitat com a punt de referència. A partir d'aquestes trobar les seves homòlogues en PLL i fer que s'integrin dins de la infraestructura actual de l'organització amb el mínim impacte possible


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Dur a terme la implementació d'un portal de recerca de feina a través d'Internet. Aquest portal servirà com a punt de trobada entre empreses i treballadors. Permetrà a les empreses publicar les seves ofertes de treball i als usuaris veure aquestes ofertes i inscriure's si ho consideren oportú.