994 resultados para Gradient environmental


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Given the climatic changes around the world and the growing outdoor sports participation, existing guidelines and recommendations for exercising in naturally challenging environments such as heat, cold or altitude, exhibit potential shortcomings. Continuous efforts from sport sciences and exercise physiology communities aim at minimizing the risks of environmental-related illnesses during outdoor sports practices. Despite this, the use of simple weather indices does not permit an accurate estimation of the likelihood of facing thermal illnesses. This provides a critical foundation to modify available human comfort modeling and to integrate bio-meteorological data in order to improve the current guidelines. Although it requires further refinement, there is no doubt that standardizing the recently developed Universal Thermal Climate Index approach and its application in the field of sport sciences and exercise physiology may help to improve the appropriateness of the current guidelines for outdoor, recreational and competitive sports participation. This review first summarizes the main environmental-related risk factors that are susceptible to increase with recent climate changes when exercising outside and offers recommendations to combat them appropriately. Secondly, we briefly address the recent development of thermal stress models to assess the thermal comfort and physiological responses when practicing outdoor activities in challenging environments.


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This work presents new, efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods for statistical analysis in various modelling applications. When using MCMC methods, the model is simulated repeatedly to explore the probability distribution describing the uncertainties in model parameters and predictions. In adaptive MCMC methods based on the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, the proposal distribution needed by the algorithm learns from the target distribution as the simulation proceeds. Adaptive MCMC methods have been subject of intensive research lately, as they open a way for essentially easier use of the methodology. The lack of user-friendly computer programs has been a main obstacle for wider acceptance of the methods. This work provides two new adaptive MCMC methods: DRAM and AARJ. The DRAM method has been built especially to work in high dimensional and non-linear problems. The AARJ method is an extension to DRAM for model selection problems, where the mathematical formulation of the model is uncertain and we want simultaneously to fit several different models to the same observations. The methods were developed while keeping in mind the needs of modelling applications typical in environmental sciences. The development work has been pursued while working with several application projects. The applications presented in this work are: a winter time oxygen concentration model for Lake Tuusulanjärvi and adaptive control of the aerator; a nutrition model for Lake Pyhäjärvi and lake management planning; validation of the algorithms of the GOMOS ozone remote sensing instrument on board the Envisat satellite of European Space Agency and the study of the effects of aerosol model selection on the GOMOS algorithm.


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Aim: Obesity and smoking are major CVD risk factors and may be associated with other unfavourable lifestyle behaviours. Our aim was to investigate the significance of obesity, heavy smoking, and both combined in terms of prevalence trends and their relationship with other lifestyle factors. Methods: We used data from the population-based cross-sectional Swiss Health Survey (5 waves, 1992-2012) comprising 85,575 individuals aged 18 years. Height, weight, and smoking status were self-reported. We used multinomial logistic regression to analyse differences in lifestyle for the combinations of BMI category and smoking status, focusing on obese and heavy smokers. We defined normal-weight never smokers as reference.


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Une des meilleures techniques pour décontaminer l'environnement d'éléments toxiques (comme par exemple le dibenzofuan, DBF et le 4-chlorophenol, 4CP) déposés par l'homme, à bas coûts et sans le perturber considérablement, est sans doute la biorémédiation, et particulièrement la bioaugmentation. Malheureusement, si plusieurs microorganismes ont démontré leur efficacité à dégrader les composés toxiques en conditions de laboratoire, plusieurs tentatives afin de les utiliser dans l'environnement n'ont pas abouti. Ces échecs sont probablement le résultat des pauvres connaissances des réactions de ces mêmes microorganismes dans l'environnement. L'objectif de mon travail a été de mieux comprendre les réponses de ces bactéries au niveau de leurs gènes lorsqu'elles sont introduites ou prospèrent dans des conditions plus proches de la réalité, mais encore suffisamment contrôlées pour pouvoir élucider leur comportement. Le fait de résister à des conditions de sécheresse a été considéré en tant que facteur clé dans la survie des bactéries amenées à être utilisées pour la biorémédiation; cela implique une série de mécanismes utilisés par la cellule pour faire face au stress hydrique. Le chapitre II, par une approche métagénomique, compare les réactions de trois souches prometteuses pour la biorémédiation (Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6, Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 and Pseudomonas veronii 1YdBTEX2) vis-à-vis du stress hydrique simulé en conditions de laboratoire. L'objectif ici est de découvrir et de décrire les stratégies de résistance au stress, communes ou spécifiques, employées par les bactéries. Mes résultats montrent que les trois souches ont des sensibilités différentes au stress hydrique. Entre les traits communs trouvés, il y a une diminution de l'expression des gènes flagellaires ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'expression de solutes compatibles, mais qui sont souche-spécifiques. J'ai étudié plus en détail la réponse génomique de RW1 par rapport aux inoculations ainsi que sa croissance dans le sable contaminé et non-stérile (chapitre III), et je les ai comparé à des cultures en milieu liquide. Mes résultats indiquent que RW1 peut résister efficacement et peut croître dans des conditions presque sèches et peut également dégrader le contaminant (DBF, dans le cas présent) si les pré-cultures sont réalisées dans le même type de contaminant. Par contre, notre hypothèse du chapitre II se révèle fausse car le comportement de RW1 est très diffèrent de celui observé dans des conditions avec stress hydrique induit par l'addition de sel ou de PEG. Plus intéressant, les réponses de RW1 en milieu liquide sont très différentes de celles observées dans le sable, révélant ainsi que cette souche peut reconnaître le milieu dans lequel elle se trouve. Les mêmes expériences en sable contaminé, cette fois-ci avec 4CP, ont été réalisées pour A6 (chapitre IV) dans l'espoir de compléter la comparaison entre le stress hydrique et l'adaptation dans le sol. Malheureusement, il n'a pas été possible d'obtenir d'échantillons de bonne qualité pour les hybridations des microarrays afin d'étudier la réponse transcriptionnelle dans les différentes phases de croissance dans le sable (contaminé ou non). Toutefois, j'ai appris qu'Arthrobacter ne peut pas croitre dans les sols hautement contaminés si les conditions du sol sont très sèches, elles ont en effet besoin de suffisamment d'eau pour dégrader des quantités importantes de 4CP. Ces observations dirigent l'attention sur le fait que les études sur l'efficacité de l'inoculation de bactéries doivent être testées dans des conditions le plus proche possible de l'environnement ciblé, tout comme les concentrations optimales pour l'inoculum. Finalement, nous avons étudié le comportement de A6 dans la phytosphère avec deux dégrés d'humidité (chapitre V). A6 ne montre pas de réaction particulière face aux changements d'humidité, et à nouveau, ces réponses ne peuvent être liées aux changements d'expression des gènes observées dans les conditions de stress hydrique simulées. Cette étude a permis d'identifier la présence de composés phénoliques dans les feuilles qui peuvent potentiellement améliorer les propriétés de dégradation ou qui permettent d'effectuer de façon plus rapide la réaction de dégradation des contaminants dans un processus de phytoremédiation par A. chlorophenolicus.


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In this book, I apply a philosophical approach to study the precautionary principle in environmental (and health) risk decision-making. The principle says that unacceptable environmental and health risks should be anticipated, and they ought to be forestalled before the damage comes to fruition even if scientific understanding of the risks is inadequate. The study consists of introductory chapters, summary and seven original publications which aim at explicating the principle, critically analysing the debate on the principle, and constructing a basis for the well-founded use of the principle. Papers I-V present the main thesis of this research. In the two last papers, the discussion is widened to new directions. The starting question is how well the currently embraced precautionary principle stands up to critical philosophical scrutiny. The approach employed is analytical: mainly conceptual, argumentative and ethical. The study draws upon Anglo-American style philosophy on the one hand, and upon sources of law as well as concrete cases and decision-making practices at the European Union level and in its member countries on the other. The framework is environmental (and health) risk governance, including the related law and policy. The main thesis of this study is that the debate on the precautionary principle needs to be shifted from the question of whether the principle (or its weak or strong interpretation) is well-grounded in general to questions about the theoretical plausibility and ethical and socio-political justifiability of specific understandings of the principle. The real picture of the precautionary principle is more complex than that found (i.e. presumed) in much of the current academic, political and public debate surrounding it. While certain presumptions and interpretations of the principle are found to be sound, others are theoretically flawed or include serious practical problems. The analysis discloses conceptual and ethical presumptions and elementary understandings of the precautionary principle, critically assesses current practices invoked in the name of the precautionary principle and public participation, and seeks to build bridges between precaution, engagement and philosophical ethics. Hence, it is intended to provide a sound basis upon which subsequent academic scrutiny can build.


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Cells couple growth with division and regulate size in response to nutrient availability. In rod-shaped fission yeast, cell-size control occurs at mitotic commitment. An important regulator is the DYRK-family kinase Pom1, which forms gradients from cell poles and inhibits the mitotic activator Cdr2, itself localized at the medial cortex. Where and when Pom1 modulates Cdr2 activity is unclear as Pom1 medial cortical levels remain constant during cell elongation. Here we show that Pom1 re-localizes to cell sides upon environmental glucose limitation, where it strongly delays mitosis. This re-localization is caused by severe microtubule destabilization upon glucose starvation, with microtubules undergoing catastrophe and depositing the Pom1 gradient nucleator Tea4 at cell sides. Microtubule destabilization requires PKA/Pka1 activity, which negatively regulates the microtubule rescue factor CLASP/Cls1/Peg1, reducing CLASP's ability to stabilize microtubules. Thus, PKA signalling tunes CLASP's activity to promote Pom1 cell side localization and buffer cell size upon glucose starvation.


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The management and conservation of coastal waters in the Baltic is challenged by a number of complex environmental problems, including eutrophication and habitat degradation. Demands for a more holistic, integrated and adaptive framework of ecosystem-based management emphasize the importance of appropriate information on the status and changes of the aquatic ecosystems. The thesis focuses on the spatiotemporal aspects of environmental monitoring in the extensive and geomorphologically complex coastal region of SW Finland, where the acquisition of spatially and temporally representative monitoring data is inherently challenging. Furthermore, the region is subject to multiple human interests and uses. A holistic geographical approach is emphasized, as it is ultimately the physical conditions that set the frame for any human activity. Characteristics of the coastal environment were examined using water quality data from the database of the Finnish environmental administration and Landsat TM/ETM+ images. A basic feature of the complex aquatic environment in the Archipelago Sea is its high spatial and temporal variability; this foregrounds the importance of geographical information as a basis of environmental assessments. While evidence of a consistent water turbidity pattern was observed, the coastal hydrodynamic realm is also characterized by high spatial and temporal variability. It is therefore also crucial to consider the spatial and temporal representativeness of field monitoring data. Remote sensing may facilitate evaluation of hydrodynamic conditions in the coastal region and the spatial extrapolation of in situ data despite their restrictions. Additionally, remotely sensed images can be used in the mapping of many of those coastal habitats that need to be considered in environmental management. With regard to surface water monitoring, only a small fraction of the currently available data stored in the Hertta-PIVET register can be used effectively in scientific studies and environmental assessments. Long-term consistent data collection from established sampling stations should be emphasized but research-type seasonal assessments producing abundant data should also be encouraged. Thus a more comprehensive coordination of field work efforts is called for. The integration of remote sensing and various field measurement techniques would be especially useful in the complex coastal waters. The integration and development of monitoring system in Finnish coastal areas also requires further scientific assesement of monitoring practices. A holistic approach to the gathering and management of environmental monitoring data could be a cost-effective way of serving a multitude of information needs, and would fit the holistic, ecosystem-based management regimes that are currently being strongly promoted in Europe.


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AimUnderstanding the relative contribution of diversification rates (speciation and extinction) and dispersal in the formation of the latitudinal diversity gradient - the decrease in species richness with increasing latitude - is a main goal of biogeography. The mammalian order Carnivora, which comprises 286 species, displays the traditional latitudinal diversity gradient seen in almost all mammalian orders. Yet the processes driving high species richness in the tropics may be fundamentally different in this group from that in other mammalian groups. Indeed, a recent study suggested that in Carnivora, unlike in all other major mammalian orders, net diversification rates are not higher in the tropics than in temperate regions. Our goal was thus to understand the reasons why there are more species of Carnivora in the tropics. LocationWorld-wide. MethodsWe reconstructed the biogeographical history of Carnivora using a time-calibrated phylogeny of the clade comprising all terrestrial species and dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis models. We also analysed a fossil dataset of carnivoran genera to examine how the latitudinal distribution of Carnivora varied through time. ResultsOur biogeographical analyses suggest that Carnivora originated in the East Palaearctic (i.e. Central Asia, China) in the early Palaeogene. Multiple independent lineages dispersed to low latitudes following three main paths: toward Africa, toward India/Southeast Asia and toward South America via the Bering Strait. These dispersal events were probably associated with local extinctions at high latitudes. Fossil data corroborate a high-latitude origin of the group, followed by late dispersal events toward lower latitudes in the Neogene. Main conclusionsUnlike most other mammalian orders, which originated and diversified at low latitudes and dispersed out of the tropics', Carnivora originated at high latitudes, and subsequently dispersed southward. Our study provides an example of combining phylogenetic and fossil data to understand the generation and maintenance of global-scale geographical variations in species richness.


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Fire is a major agent involved in landscape transformation and an indirect cause of changes in species composition. Responses to fire may vary greatly depending on life histories and functional traits of species. We have examined the taxonomic and functional responses to fire of eight taxonomic animal groups displaying a gradient of dietary and mobility patterns: Gastropoda, Heteroptera, Formicidae, Coleoptera, Araneae, Orthoptera, Reptilia and Aves. The fieldwork was conducted in a Mediterranean protected area on 3 sites (one unburnt and two burnt with different postfire management practices) with five replicates per site. We collected information from 4606 specimens from 274 animal species. Similarity in species composition and abundance between areas was measured by the Bray-Curtis index and ANOSIM, and comparisons between animal and plant responses by Mantel tests. We analyze whether groups with the highest percentage of omnivorous species, these species being more generalist in their dietary habits, show weak responses to fire (i.e. more similarity between burnt and unburnt areas), and independent responses to changes in vegetation. We also explore how mobility, i.e. dispersal ability, influences responses to fire. Our results demonstrate that differences in species composition and abundance between burnt and unburnt areas differed among groups. We found a tendency towards presenting lower differences between areas for groups with higher percentages of omnivorous species. Moreover, taxa with a higher percentage of omnivorous species had significantly more independent responses of changes in vegetation. High- (e.g. Aves) and low-mobility (e.g. Gastropoda) groups had the strongest responses to fire (higher R scores of the ANOSIM); however, we failed to find a significant general pattern with all the groups according to their mobility. Our results partially support the idea that functional traits underlie the response of organisms to environmental changes caused by fire.


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The biological uptake of plutonium (Pu) in aquatic ecosystems is of particular concern since it is an alpha-particle emitter with long half-life which can potentially contribute to the exposure of biota and humans. The diffusive gradients in thin films technique is introduced here for in-situ measurements of Pu bioavailability and speciation. A diffusion cell constructed for laboratory experiments with Pu and the newly developed protocol make it possible to simulate the environmental behavior of Pu in model solutions of various chemical compositions. Adjustment of the oxidation states to Pu(IV) and Pu(V) described in this protocol is essential in order to investigate the complex redox chemistry of plutonium in the environment. The calibration of this technique and the results obtained in the laboratory experiments enable to develop a specific DGT device for in-situ Pu measurements in freshwaters. Accelerator-based mass-spectrometry measurements of Pu accumulated by DGTs in a karst spring allowed determining the bioavailability of Pu in a mineral freshwater environment. Application of this protocol for Pu measurements using DGT devices has a large potential to improve our understanding of the speciation and the biological transfer of Pu in aquatic ecosystems.


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Although multiple sclerosis (MS) is recognized as a disorder involving the immune system, the interplay of environmental factors and individual genetic susceptibility seems to influence MS onset and clinical expression, as well as therapeutic responsiveness. Multiple human epidemiological and animal model studies have evaluated the effect of different environmental factors, such as viral infections, vitamin intake, sun exposure, or still dietary and life habits on MS prevalence. Previous Epstein-Barr virus infection, especially if this infection occurs in late childhood, and lack of vitamin D (VitD) currently appear to be the most robust environmental factors for the risk of MS, at least from an epidemiological standpoint. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) activates VitD production but there are also some elements supporting the fact that insufficient UVR exposure during childhood may represent a VitD-independent risk factor of MS development, as well as negative effect on the clinical and radiological course of MS. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the gut-brain axis, a bidirectional neuro-hormonal communication system between the intestinal microbiota and the central nervous system (CNS). Indeed, components of the intestinal microbiota may be pro-inflammatory, promote the migration of immune cells into the CNS, and thus be a key parameter for the development of autoimmune disorders such as MS. Interestingly most environmental factors seem to play a role during childhood. Thus, if childhood is the most fragile period to develop MS later in life, preventive measures should be applied early in life. For example, adopting a diet enriched in VitD, playing outdoor and avoiding passive smoking would be extremely simple measures of primary prevention for public health strategies. However, these hypotheses need to be confirmed by prospective evaluations, which are obviously difficult to conduct. In addition, it remains to be determined whether and how VitD supplementation in adult life would be useful in alleviating the course of MS, once this disease has already started. A better knowledge of the influence of various environmental stimuli on MS risk and course would certainly allow the development of add-on therapies or measures in parallel to the immunotherapies currently used in MS.