997 resultados para Govern representatiu -- Espanya -- Comunitats autònomes -- 1980-1999


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Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23667


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Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23667


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Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23667


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Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23667


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Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23672


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Severe flooding occurred during July 19-25, 1999, in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins following two thunderstorms over northeast Iowa. During July 18-19, as much as 6 inches ofrainfall was centered over Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Mitchell, and Worth Counties. During July 20-21, a second storm occurred in which an additional rainfall of as much as 8 inches was centered over Chickasaw and Floyd Counties. The cumulative effect of the storms produced floods with new maximum peak discharges at the following streamflow-gaging stations: Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli, 19,400 cubic feet per second; Cedar River at Charles City, 31,200 cubic feet per second (recurrence interval about 90 years); Cedar River at Janesville, 42,200 cubic feet per second (recurrence interval about 80 years); and Flood Creek near Powersville, 19,000 cubic feet per second. Profiles of flood elevations for the July 1999 flood are presented in this report for selected reaches along the Wapsipinicon, Cedar, and Shell Rock Rivers and along Flood Creek. Information about the river basins, rain storms, and flooding are presented along with information on temporary bench marks and reference points in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins.


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Record flooding occurred May 17-20, 1999, in the Volga and Wapsipinicon River Basins following thunderstorm activity over northeast Iowa. On Sunday, May 16, between 6 and 8 inches of rain fell during a 24- hour period over portions of Bremer, Butler, and Fayette Counties. Highest rainfall during this 24-hour period was 8.3 inches recorded north of Oelwein in southwest Fayette County. A peak discharge of 29,800 cubic feet per second in the Volga River at Mederville, 53,900 cubic feet per second in the Turkey River at Garber, and 31, 100 cubic feet per second in the Wapsipinicon River at Independence set new peak discharge records. The peak discharge at Garber was greater than a theoretical 500-year flood, and the peak discharge at Independence was the equivalent of a 90- year flood. Information about the basins, rain storms, flooding, and a profile of high water marks are presented for selected intervals along the Volga River, Wapsipinicon River, Crane Creek, Little Wapsipinicon River, and Otter Creek.


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In January 1987, when it became apparent that the Legislature did not intend to further debate the merits of retail liquor store privatization, the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division had only from mid-January to March 1st, to plan for the conversion fro state liquor stores to private licensed liquor retailers. A longer lead time would have effected a much smoother transition, with fewer errors. It also would have been more successful had the Alcoholic Beverages Division been able to provide input in the writing of the legislation. Many problems could have been avoided. However, any statements made by the Alcoholic Beverages Division were treated only as being self-serving and were largely ignored. Overall, privatization was a good idea and has been a financial success as well.


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Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23675


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Les algues són els organismes que dominen la majoria de paisatges submarins bentònics. De fet, les algues són presents a totes les comunitats bentòniques del nostre litoral, des de la superfície del mar finsa fondàries que poden superar els 100 metres. Tot i que agrupem les algues en un gran grup genèric, es tracta en realitat d’un conjunt molt heterogeni, amb una gran quantitat d’espècies que tenen característiques molt diferents entre elles, amb requeriments fisiològics i resposta a les condicions ambientals tambédiferents i que condicionen la seva distribució. Així, cada espècie s’ha adaptat a viure en un ambient amb unes condicions determinades d’il·luminació, hidrodinamisme i disponibilitat de nutrients, tipus desubstrat o temperatura (Ollivier, 1929; Feldmann, 1937; Péres i Picard, 1964; Riedl, 1966; Ros et al., 1985). Com a resultat d’aquesta sèrie de factors ambientals, que segueixen essencialment un gradient batimètric, podem observar una marcada zonació, de forma que cada espècie o comunitat només és present enun rang de profunditats determinat. D’aquesta forma, en el litoral marí trobem un paisatge organitzat en bandes horitzontals; aquestes bandes poden assimilar-se a diferents tipus de comunitats.


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L’aspiració de trobar una eina que pugui ajudar a identifi car els papers atenent les sevescaracterístiques sorgeix a fi nal segle XVIII amb les primeres descripcions de les filigranespapereres i va prenent cos al segle XIX com a ciència auxiliar de la codicologia.Des de les últimes dècades del segle XX, les filigranes han anat adquirint un interès creixententre els restauradors de document gràfi c —com una eina més per a la presa de decisions i pera la valoració del procés de restauració— i entre els documentalistes, historiadors, museòlegsi bibliòfils —per a la datació i autenticació de les obres— i, fins i tot, en investigacionspolicials i jurídiques per aclarir algun fet delictiu. No obstant això, durant aquests 150 anys, l’estudi del paper a través de les filigranes papereres a Espanya no ha experimentat cap avenç significatiu pel que fa als mètodes i procediments seguits per a l’obtenció i gestió deles dades. En l’àmbit europeu, encara que a partir dels anys 90 sorgeixen noves propostesd’estudi, aquestes limiten la investigació a l’anàlisi de la filigrana sense assolir una visió global del plec sortit de la forma.


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Aquest article té com a objecte establir la relació existent entre les formes materials que adopta el creixement urbi i les caracteristiques del mercat del sòl i del m rcat immobiliari. La proposició inicial de la qual es parteix és l'afirmació e la dependència de les primeres respecte al grau de desenvolupament del mercat; i això en dos aspectes: primer, en l'origen d'una determinada forma urbaba; segon, en la seva posterior evolució. El cas analitzat, el procés de creixement urbà de Lleida en uns anys de gran creixement econòmic -canvi agrícola basat en l'especialització fruitera i en la difusió de les granges d'estabulació ramadera- i demogràfic -41.464 habitants el 1940, 106.814 habitants el 1981- pretén servir per treure unes remarques qenerals, formulades en el present treball com a hipòtesis, que poden orientar aquelles recerques que busquen en les característiques d'una formació social la variable independent que ha de permetre la comprensió d'unes morfologies. El marc eneral de referència és la teoria sobre la "producció de l'espai", encara que matisada i acotada a aquells aspectes que poden ser més rellevants en la comprensió del sorgiment de les formes materials urbanes.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation has noticed an increase in the occurrence of excessively vibrated portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. The overconsolidation of PCC pavements can be observed in several sections of PCC highways across the state of Iowa. Also, excessive vibration is believed to be a factor in the premature deterioration of several pavements in Iowa. To address the problem of excessive vibration, a research project was conducted to document the vibratory practices of PCC slipform paving in Iowa and determine the effect of vibration on the air content of pavement. The primary factors studied were paver speed, vibrator frequency, and air content relative to the location of the vibrator. The study concluded that the Iowa Department of Transportation specification of 5000 and 8000 vibrations per minute (vpm) for slipform pavers is effective for normal paver speeds observed on the three test paving projects. Excessive vibration was clearly identified on one project where a vibrator frequency was found to be 12,000 vpm. When the paver speed was reduced to half the normal speed, hard air contents indicated that excessive vibration was beginning to occur in the localized area immediately surrounding the vibrator at a frequency of 8000 vpm. Analysis of variance testing indicated many variables and interactions to be significant at a 95% confidence level; however, the variables and interactions that were found to be significant varied from project to project. This affirms the complexity of the process for consolidating PCC.


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Phase II research included the following: (1) develop and evaluate alternative soil design and embankment construction specifications based on soil type, moisture, density, stability, and compaction process; (2) assess various quality control and acceptance procedures with a variety of in-situ test methods including the Dual-mass Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP); and (3) develop and design rapid field soil identification methods. At the start of the research, soils were divided into cohesive and cohesionless soil types, with each category being addressed separately. Cohesionless soils were designated as having less than 36% fines content (material passing the No. 200 sieve) and cohesive soils as having greater than 36% fines content. Subsequently, soil categories were refined based not only on fines content but soil plasticity as well. Research activities included observations of fill placement, in-place moisture and density testing, and dual-mass DCP index testing on several highway embankment projects throughout Iowa. Experiments involving rubber-tired and vibratory compaction, lift thickness changes, and disk aeration were carried out for the full range of Iowa soils. By testing for soil stability the DCP was found to be a valuable field tool for quality control, whereby shortcomings from density testing (density gradients) were avoided. Furthermore, critical DCP index values were established based on soil type and compaction moisture content.