997 resultados para Google elevation services
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
The current ubiquitous network access and increase in network bandwidth are driving the sales of mobile location-aware user devices and, consequently, the development of context-aware applications, namely location-based services. The goal of this project is to provide consumers of location-based services with a richer end-user experience by means of service composition, personalization, device adaptation and continuity of service. Our approach relies on a multi-agent system composed of proxy agents that act as mediators and providers of personalization meta-services, device adaptation and continuity of service for consumers of pre-existing location-based services. These proxy agents, which have Web services interfaces to ensure a high level of interoperability, perform service composition and take in consideration the preferences of the users, the limitations of the user devices, making the usage of different types of devices seamless for the end-user. To validate and evaluate the performance of this approach, use cases were defined, tests were conducted and results gathered which demonstrated that the initial goals were successfully fulfilled.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação do Professor Doutor José de Freitas Santos
he expansion of Digital Television and the convergence between conventional broadcasting and television over IP contributed to the gradual increase of the number of available channels and on demand video content. Moreover, the dissemination of the use of mobile devices like laptops, smartphones and tablets on everyday activities resulted in a shift of the traditional television viewing paradigm from the couch to everywhere, anytime from any device. Although this new scenario enables a great improvement in viewing experiences, it also brings new challenges given the overload of information that the viewer faces. Recommendation systems stand out as a possible solution to help a watcher on the selection of the content that best fits his/her preferences. This paper describes a web based system that helps the user navigating on broadcasted and online television content by implementing recommendations based on collaborative and content based filtering. The algorithms developed estimate the similarity between items and users and predict the rating that a user would assign to a particular item (television program, movie, etc.). To enable interoperability between different systems, programs characteristics (title, genre, actors, etc.) are stored according to the TV-Anytime standard. The set of recommendations produced are presented through a Web Application that allows the user to interact with the system based on the obtained recommendations.
Comunicação apresentada na 18th Conference International of Health Promotion Hospitals & Health Services "Tackling causes and consequences of inequalities in health: contributions of health services and the HPH network", em Manchester de 14-16 de april de 2010
Comunicação apresentada no 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública - Desafios e Soluções, em Carcavelos de 21 a 22 de Novembro de 2011.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
Over the last fifty years mobility practices have changed dramatically, improving the way travel takes place, the time it takes but also on matters like road safety and prevention. High mortality caused by high accident levels has reached untenable levels. But the research into road mortality stayed limited to comparative statistical exercises which go no further than defining accident types. In terms of sharing information and mapping accidents, little progress has been mad, aside from the normal publication of figures, either through simplistic tables or web pages. With considerable technological advances on geographical information technologies, research and development stayed rather static with only a few good examples on dynamic mapping. The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) devices as normal equipments on automobile industry resulted in a more dynamic mobility patterns but also with higher degrees of uncertainty on road traffic. This paper describes a road accident georeferencing project for the Lisbon District involving fatalities and serious injuries during 2007. In the initial phase, individual information summaries were compiled giving information on accidents and its majour characteristics, collected by the security forces: the Public Safety Police Force (Polícia de Segurança Pública - PSP) and the National Guard (Guarda Nacional Republicana - GNR). The Google Earth platform was used to georeference the information in order to inform the public and the authorities of the accident locations, the nature of the location, and the causes and consequences of the accidents. This paper also gives future insights about augmented reality technologies, considered crucial to advances to road safety and prevention studies. At the end, this exercise could be considered a success because of numerous consequences, as for stakeholders who decide what to do but also for the public awareness to the problem of road mortality.
The power systems operation in the smart grid context increases significantly the complexity of their management. New approaches for ancillary services procurement are essential to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. These approaches should include market mechanisms which allow the participation of small and medium distributed energy resources players in a competitive market environment. In this paper, an energy and ancillary services joint market model used by an aggregator is proposed, considering bids of several types of distributed energy resources. In order to improve economic efficiency in the market, ancillary services cascading market mechanism is also considered in the model. The proposed model is included in MASCEM – a multi-agent system electricity market simulator. A case study considering a distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources is presented.
Relatório de estágio apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização, sob orientação de Doutora Ana Azevedo.
The current study aimed to compare the shoulder kinematics (3D scapular orientation, scapular angular displacement and scapulohumeral rhythm) of asymptomatic participants under unloaded and loaded conditions during unilateral shoulder elevation in the scapular plane. We used a repeated-measures design with a convenience sample. Eleven male participants with an age range of 21–28 years with no recent history of shoulder injury participated in the study. The participants performed isometric shoulder elevation from a neutral position to approximately 150 degrees of elevation in the scapular plane in intervals of approximately 30 degrees during unloaded and loaded conditions. Shoulder kinematic data were obtained with videogrammetry. During shoulder elevation, the scapula rotated upwardly and externally, and tilted posteriorly. The addition of an external load did not affect 3D scapular orientation, scapular angular displacement, or scapulohumeral rhythm throughout shoulder elevation (P > .05). In clinical practice, clinicians should expect to observe upward and external rotation and posterior tilt of the scapula during their assessments of shoulder elevation. Such behavior was not influenced by an external load normalized to 5% of body weight when performed in an asymptomatic population.
Os mercados eletrónicos são sistemas de informação (SI) utilizados por várias entidades organizacionais distintas dentro de um ou vários níveis em termos das cadeias de valor económico (Journal Electronic Markets, 2012). Segundo (Bakos, 1998) têm um papel central na economia, facilitando a troca de informações, produtos, serviços e pagamentos. Durante o processo, é criado valor económico para o comprador, fornecedor, intermediários do mercado e para a sociedade em geral. O comércio eletrónico é o ato de realizar um qualquer tipo de negócio através de uma via eletrónica e é constituído por modelos diversificados onde se destacam o Business to Business (B2B) e o Business to Consumer (B2C). O modelo B2B possui uma quota de 90 % de todo o comércio, sendo esse sucesso intrinsecamente relacionado em grande parte às vantagens que as suas plataformas oferecem às empresas que inseridas nelas (Anacom, 2004). O âmbito principal deste trabalho é o estudo dos B2B, tendo sido para tal definidos os seguintes objetivos: Realizar a identificação do estado atual bem como a evolução dos mercados B2B em Portugal; Caraterização das funcionalidades das plataformas que atuam no tecido nacional e por fim fazer a criação de um conjunto de orientações de apoio a empresas que desejam fazer a inserção nestes mercados. Para serem alcançados os objetivos propostos na dissertação, foram inquiridas várias organizações ao mesmo tempo que foi realizada uma pesquisa de temas e artigos relacionados com os mercados eletrónicos e plataformas B2B, recorrendo a sites como a B-On.pt, e utilizando o motor de busca Google. Este relatório apresenta a seguinte estrutura: No capítulo 1 é apresentada a introdução teórica das matérias apresentadas nos capítulos seguintes; O capítulo 2 é centrado no comércio eletrónico, definições mais comuns e são demonstrados os modelos mais preponderantes do comércio eletrónico; No capítulo 3 são expostas todas as vertentes do modelo B2B, as principais plataformas B2B a atuar no tecido nacional, as suas funcionalidades e modo de operação bem como uma apresentação das principais plataformas a nível mundial; No capítulo 4 são apresentados um conjunto de tópicos de auxílio a empresas que desejem fazer a sua inserção neste tipo de mercados; Por último são descritas as principais conclusões retiradas na realização da dissertação. Em suma, este trabalho reúne um conjunto de dados e orientações úteis, decorrentes do estudo realizado de auxílio a empresas a aderirem aos mercados eletrónicos, visto ser uma abordagem promissora para as organizações.
In today’s highly competitive market, it is critical to provide customers services with a high level of configuration to answer their business needs. Knowing in advance the performance associated with a specific choreography of services (e.g., by taking into account the expected results of each component service) represents an important asset that allows businesses to provide a global service tailored to customers’ specific requests. This research work aims at advancing the state-of-the-art in this area by proposing an approach for service selection and ranking using services choreography, predicting the behavior of the services considering customers’ requirements and preferences, business process constraints and characteristics of the execution environment.
Workshop on ns-3 (WNS '15). 13, May, 2015. Castelldefels, Spain.