945 resultados para Good performance during a task
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a scalable and reconfigurable optical scheme to generate high order UWB pulses. Firstly, various ultra wideband doublets are created through a process of phase-tointensity conversion by means of a phase modulation and a dispersive media. In a second stage, doublets are combined in an optical processing unit that allows the reconfiguration of UWB high order pulses. Experimental results both in time and frequency domains are presented showing good performance related to the fractional bandwidth and spectral efficiency parameters.
In this work, a new law for magnetic control of satellites in near-polar orbits is presented. This law has been developed for the UMPSat-2 microsatellite, which has been designed and manufactured by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid. The control law is a modification of the B-dot strategy that enables the satellite to control the rotation rate. Besides, the satellite?s equilibrium state is characterized by having the rotation axis perpendicular to the orbit?s plane. The control law described in the present work only needs magnetometers and magnetorquers, as sensors and actuators, respectively, to carry out a successful attitude control on the spacecraft. A description of the analysis is included. Performance and applicability of the proposed method have been demonstrated by control dynamics together with Monte Carlo techniques and by implementing the control law in the UPMSat-2 mission simulator. Results show good performance in terms of acquisition and stability of the satellite rotation rate and orientation with respect to its orbit?s plane.
Cuando la separación física entre el sistema local y remoto es relativamente corta, el retardo no es perceptible; sin embargo, cuando el manipulador local y el manipulador remoto se encuentran a una distancia lejana uno del otro, el retardo de tiempo ya no es insignificante e influye negativamente en la realización de la tarea. El retardo de tiempo en un sistema de control introduce un atraso de fase que a su vez degrada el rendimiento del sistema y puede causar inestabilidad. Los sistemas de teleoperación pueden sacar provecho de la posibilidad de estar presente en dos lugares simultáneamente, sin embargo, el uso de Internet y otras redes de conmutación de paquetes, tales como Internet2, impone retardos de tiempo variables, haciendo que los esquemas de control ya establecidos elaboren soluciones para hacer frente a inestabilidades causadas por estos retardos de tiempo variables. En este trabajo de tesis se presenta el modelado y análisis de un sistema de teloperación bilateral no lineal de n grados de libertad controlado por convergencia de estado. La comunicación entre el sitio local y remoto se realiza mediante un canal de comunicación con retardo de tiempo. El análisis presentado en este trabajo considera que el retardo puede ser constante o variable. Los principales objetivos de este trabajo son; 1) Desarrollar una arquitectura de control no lineal garantizando la estabilidad del sistema teleoperado, 2) Evaluar la estabilidad del sistema considerando el retardo en la comunicación, y 3) Implementación de los algoritmos desarrollados para probar el desempeño de los mismos en un sistema experimental de 3 grados de libertad. A través de la teoría de Estabilidad de Lyapunov y el funcional Lyapunov-Krasovskii, se demuestra que el sistema de lazo cerrado es asintóticamente estable. Estas conclusiones de estabilidad se han obtenido mediante la integración de la función de Lyapunov y aplicando el Lema de Barbalat. Se demuestra también que se logra sincronizar las posiciones del manipulador local y remoto cuando el operador humano no mueve el manipulador local y el manipulador remoto se mueve libremente. El esquema de control propuesto se ha validado mediante simulación y en forma experimental empleando un sistema de teleoperación real desarrollado en esta tesis doctoral y que consta de un un manipulador serie planar de tres grados de libertad, un manipulador local, PHANTOM Omni, el cual es un dispositivo haptico fabricado que consta de 3 grados de libertad (en fuerza) y que proporciona realimentación de fuerza en los ejes x,y,z. El control en tiempo real se ha diseñado usando el Sistema Operativo en Tiempo Real QuaRC de QUARC en el lado local y el Simulink Real-Time Windows TargetTM en el lado remoto. Para finalizar el resumen se destaca el impacto de esta tesis en el mundo científico a través de los resultados publicados: 2 artículos en revistas con índice de impacto , 1 artículo en una revista indexada en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 7 artículos en congresos y ha obtenido un premio en la 9a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 2010. ABSTRACT When the physical separation between the local and remote system is relatively short, the delay is not noticeable; however, when the local manipulator and the remote manipulator are at a far distance from each other, the time delay is no longer negligible and negatively influences the performance of the task. The time delay in a control system introduces a phase delay which in turn degrades the system performance and cause instability. Teleoperation systems can benefit from the ability to be in two places simultaneously, however, the use of Internet and other packet switched networks, such as Internet2, imposes varying time delays, making established control schemes to develop solutions to address these instabilities caused by different time delays. In this thesis work we present a modeling and analysis of a nonlinear bilateral teloperation system of n degrees of freedom controlled by state convergence strategy. Communication between the local and remote site is via a communication channel with time delay. The analysis presented in this work considers that the time-delay can be constant or variable. The main objectives of this work are; 1) Develop a nonlinear control schemes to ensure the stability of the teleoperated system, 2) Evaluate the system stability considering the delay in communication, and 3) Implementation of algorithms developed to test the performance of the teleoperation system in an experimental system of 3 degrees of freedom. Through the Theory of Stability of Lyapunov and the functional Lyapunov-Krasovskii, one demonstrates that the closed loop system is asymptotically stable.. The conclusions about stability were obtained by integration of the Lyapunov function and applying Barbalat Lemma. It further shows that the positions of the local and remote manipulator are synchronize when the human operator stops applying a constant force and the remote manipulator does not interact with the environment. The proposed control scheme has been validated by means of simulation and in experimental form using a developed system of real teleoperation in this doctoral thesis, which consists of a series planar manipulator of three degrees of freedom, a local manipulator, PHANTOM Omni, which is an haptic device that consists of 3 degrees of freedom (in force) and that provide feeback force in x-axis, and, z. The control in real time has been designed using the Operating system in Real time QuaRC of Quanser in the local side and the Simulink Real-Time Windows Target in the remote side. In order to finalize the summary, the highlights impact of this thesis in the scientific world are shows through the published results: 2 articles in Journals with impact factor, one article in a indexed Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 7 articles in Conferences and has won an award in 9a. Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática, 2010.
El diseño de una antena reflectarray bajo la aproximación de periodicidad local requiere la determinación de la matriz de scattering de estructuras multicapa con metalizaciones periódicas para un gran número de geometrías diferentes. Por lo tanto, a la hora de diseñar antenas reflectarray en tiempos de CPU razonables, se necesitan herramientas númericas rápidas y precisas para el análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa. En esta tesis se aplica la versión Galerkin del Método de los Momentos (MDM) en el dominio espectral al análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa necesarias para el diseño de antenas reflectarray basadas en parches apilados o en dipolos paralelos coplanares. Desgraciadamente, la aplicación de este método numérico involucra el cálculo de series dobles infinitas, y mientras que algunas series convergen muy rápidamente, otras lo hacen muy lentamente. Para aliviar este problema, en esta tesis se propone un novedoso MDM espectral-espacial para el análisis de las estructuras periódicas multicapa, en el cual las series rápidamente convergente se calculan en el dominio espectral, y las series lentamente convergentes se calculan en el dominio espacial mediante una versión mejorada de la formulación de ecuaciones integrales de potenciales mixtos (EIPM) del MDM. Esta versión mejorada se basa en la interpolación eficiente de las funciones de Green multicapa periódicas, y en el cálculo eficiente de las integrales singulares que conducen a los elementos de la matriz del MDM. El novedoso método híbrido espectral-espacial y el tradicional MDM en el dominio espectral se han comparado en el caso de los elementos reflectarray basado en parches apilados. Las simulaciones numéricas han demostrado que el tiempo de CPU requerido por el MDM híbrido es alrededor de unas 60 veces más rápido que el requerido por el tradicional MDM en el dominio espectral para una precisión de dos cifras significativas. El uso combinado de elementos reflectarray con parches apilados y técnicas de optimización de banda ancha ha hecho posible diseñar antenas reflectarray de transmisiónrecepción (Tx-Rx) y polarización dual para aplicaciones de espacio con requisitos muy restrictivos. Desgraciadamente, el nivel de aislamiento entre las polarizaciones ortogonales en antenas DBS (típicamente 30 dB) es demasiado exigente para ser conseguido con las antenas basadas en parches apilados. Además, el uso de elementos reflectarray con parches apilados conlleva procesos de fabricación complejos y costosos. En esta tesis se investigan varias configuraciones de elementos reflectarray basadas en conjuntos de dipolos paralelos con el fin de superar los inconvenientes que presenta el elemento basado en parches apilados. Primeramente, se propone un elemento consistente en dos conjuntos apilados ortogonales de tres dipolos paralelos para aplicaciones de polarización dual. Se ha diseñado, fabricado y medido una antena basada en este elemento, y los resultados obtenidos para la antena indican que tiene unas altas prestaciones en términos de ancho de banda, pérdidas, eficiencia y discriminación contrapolar, además de requerir un proceso de fabricación mucho más sencillo que el de las antenas basadas en tres parches apilados. Desgraciadamente, el elemento basado en dos conjuntos ortogonales de tres dipolos paralelos no proporciona suficientes grados de libertad para diseñar antenas reflectarray de transmisión-recepción (Tx-Rx) de polarización dual para aplicaciones de espacio por medio de técnicas de optimización de banda ancha. Por este motivo, en la tesis se propone un nuevo elemento reflectarray que proporciona los grados de libertad suficientes para cada polarización. El nuevo elemento consiste en dos conjuntos ortogonales de cuatro dipolos paralelos. Cada conjunto contiene tres dipolos coplanares y un dipolo apilado. Para poder acomodar los dos conjuntos de dipolos en una sola celda de la antena reflectarray, el conjunto de dipolos de una polarización está desplazado medio período con respecto al conjunto de dipolos de la otra polarización. Este hecho permite usar solamente dos niveles de metalización para cada elemento de la antena, lo cual simplifica el proceso de fabricación como en el caso del elemento basados en dos conjuntos de tres dipolos paralelos coplanares. Una antena de doble polarización y doble banda (Tx-Rx) basada en el nuevo elemento ha sido diseñada, fabricada y medida. La antena muestra muy buenas presentaciones en las dos bandas de frecuencia con muy bajos niveles de polarización cruzada. Simulaciones numéricas presentadas en la tesis muestran que estos bajos de niveles de polarización cruzada se pueden reducir todavía más si se llevan a cabo pequeñas rotaciones de los dos conjuntos de dipolos asociados a cada polarización. ABSTRACT The design of a reflectarray antenna under the local periodicity assumption requires the determination of the scattering matrix of a multilayered structure with periodic metallizations for quite a large number of different geometries. Therefore, in order to design reflectarray antennas within reasonable CPU times, fast and accurate numerical tools for the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures are required. In this thesis the Galerkin’s version of the Method of Moments (MoM) in the spectral domain is applied to the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures involved in the design of reflectarray antennas made of either stacked patches or coplanar parallel dipoles. Unfortunately, this numerical approach involves the computation of double infinite summations, and whereas some of these summations converge very fast, some others converge very slowly. In order to alleviate this problem, in the thesis a novel hybrid MoM spectral-spatial domain approach is proposed for the analysis of the periodic multilayered structures. In the novel approach, whereas the fast convergent summations are computed in the spectral domain, the slowly convergent summations are computed by means of an enhanced Mixed Potential Integral Equation (MPIE) formulation of the MoM in the spatial domain. This enhanced formulation is based on the efficient interpolation of the multilayered periodic Green’s functions, and on the efficient computation of the singular integrals leading to the MoM matrix entries. The novel hybrid spectral-spatial MoM code and the standard spectral domain MoM code have both been compared in the case of reflectarray elements based on multilayered stacked patches. Numerical simulations have shown that the CPU time required by the hybrid MoM is around 60 times smaller than that required by the standard spectral MoM for an accuracy of two significant figures. The combined use of reflectarray elements based on stacked patches and wideband optimization techniques has made it possible to design dual polarization transmit-receive (Tx-Rx) reflectarrays for space applications with stringent requirements. Unfortunately, the required level of isolation between orthogonal polarizations in DBS antennas (typically 30 dB) is hard to achieve with the configuration of stacked patches. Moreover, the use of reflectarrays based on stacked patches leads to a complex and expensive manufacturing process. In this thesis, we investigate several configurations of reflectarray elements based on sets of parallel dipoles that try to overcome the drawbacks introduced by the element based on stacked patches. First, an element based on two stacked orthogonal sets of three coplanar parallel dipoles is proposed for dual polarization applications. An antenna made of this element has been designed, manufactured and measured, and the results obtained show that the antenna presents a high performance in terms of bandwidth, losses, efficiency and cross-polarization discrimination, while the manufacturing process is cheaper and simpler than that of the antennas made of stacked patches. Unfortunately, the element based on two sets of three coplanar parallel dipoles does not provide enough degrees of freedom to design dual-polarization transmit-receive (Tx-Rx) reflectarray antennas for space applications by means of wideband optimization techniques. For this reason, in the thesis a new reflectarray element is proposed which does provide enough degrees of freedom for each polarization. This new element consists of two orthogonal sets of four parallel dipoles, each set containing three coplanar dipoles and one stacked dipole. In order to accommodate the two sets of dipoles in each reflectarray cell, the set of dipoles for one polarization is shifted half a period from the set of dipoles for the other polarization. This also makes it possible to use only two levels of metallization for the reflectarray element, which simplifies the manufacturing process as in the case of the reflectarray element based on two sets of three parallel dipoles. A dual polarization dual-band (Tx-Rx) reflectarray antenna based on the new element has been designed, manufactured and measured. The antenna shows a very good performance in both Tx and Rx frequency bands with very low levels of cross-polarization. Numerical simulations carried out in the thesis have shown that the low levels of cross-polarization can be even made smaller by means of small rotations of the two sets of dipoles associated to each polarization.
El minuto final de un partido ajustado de baloncesto es un momento crítico que está sujeto a multitud de factores que influyen en su desarrollo. Así, el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres durante ese periodo de tiempo va a determinar, en muchas ocasiones, el resultado final del partido. La disminución de rendimiento (drop) en esta faceta de juego en condiciones de presión, puede estar relacionada con múltiples variables propias del contexto deportivo estudiado, como por ejemplo: los segundos restantes de posesión, la situación en el marcador (ir ganando, empatando o perdiendo), la localización del partido (jugar en casa o fuera), la fase de competición (fase regular o eliminatorias) o el nivel del equipo (mejores/peores equipos). Además, las características del jugador que realiza los lanzamientos tienen una gran importancia respecto a su edad y años de experiencia para afrontar los momentos críticos, así como el puesto de juego que ocupa en el equipo. En este sentido, la combinación de factores del contexto y del jugador, permiten interactuar en el rendimiento del lanzador en los momentos finales de partido durante sus lanzamientos de tiro libre. El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo encontrar aquellas variables más relacionadas con la disminución de rendimiento del jugador en los tiros libres durante el último minuto de juego, y la última serie de tiros libres en los partidos ajustados de baloncesto. Para alcanzar el objetivo del estudio se analizaron 124 partidos ajustados (diferencias iguales o inferiores a 2 puntos) de todas las competiciones (fase regular, playoff y copa del Rey) de la liga ACB durante las temporadas 2011-2012 a 2014-2015. Para el registro de variables se analizó el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres del lanzador en la liga regular, partido completo, último minuto y última serie. De este modo se trató de analizar qué variables del contexto y del jugador permitían explicar el rendimiento en los tiros libres durante el último minuto, y la última serie de tiros libres del partido. Por otro lado, se trató de conocer el grado de asociación entre el descenso del rendimiento (drop) en los momentos finales de partido, y las variables estudiadas del jugador: puesto de juego, edad, y años de experiencia profesional; mientras que las variables situacionales consideradas fueron: fase de competición, localización, clasificación, tiempo restante, y diferencia parcial en el marcador. Para el análisis de los datos se realizaron dos modelos estadísticos: 1º) un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple para conocer el efecto de las variables independientes en el porcentaje de aciertos del lanzador en el último minuto, y en la última serie de tiros libres del partido; y 2º) un análisis de regresión logística binomial para analizar la relación existente entre la probabilidad de tener un drop (disminución del rendimiento) y las características del lanzador, y las variables situacionales. Los resultados del modelo de regresión lineal múltiple mostraron efectos negativos significativos en el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres durante el último minuto, cuando los lanzadores son los pívots (-19,45%). Por otro lado, los resultados durante la última serie mostraron el efecto negativo significativo sobre la posición de pívot (- 19,30%) y la diferencia parcial en el marcador (-3,33%, para cada punto de diferencia en el marcador) en el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres. Las variables independientes edad, experiencia profesional, clasificación en la liga regular, fase de competición, localización, y tiempo restante, no revelaron efectos significativos en los modelos de regresión lineal. Los resultados de la regresión logística binomial revelaron que las variables experiencia profesional entre 13 y 18 años (OR = 4,63), jugar de alero (OR = 23,01), y jugar de base (OR = 10,68) están relacionadas con una baja probabilidad de disminuir el rendimiento durante el último minuto del partido; mientras que ir ganando, aumenta esta probabilidad (OR = 0,06). Además, los resultados de la última serie mostraron una menor disminución del rendimiento del jugador cuando tiene entre 13 y 18 años de experiencia (OR = 4,28), y juega de alero (OR = 8,06) o base (OR = 6,34). Por el contrario, las variables situacionales relacionadas con esa disminución del rendimiento del jugador son las fases eliminatorias (OR = 0,22) e ir ganando (OR = 0,04). Los resultados principales del estudio mostraron que existe una disminución del rendimiento del jugador en su porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres durante el último minuto y en la última serie de lanzamientos del partido, y que está relacionada significativamente con la edad, experiencia profesional, puesto de juego del jugador, y diferencia parcial en el marcador. Encontrando relación también con la fase de competición, durante la última serie de tiros libres del partido. Esta información supone una valiosa información para el entrenador, y su aplicación en el ámbito competitivo real. En este sentido, la creación de simulaciones en el apartado de aplicaciones prácticas, permite predecir el porcentaje de acierto en los tiros libres de un jugador durante los momentos de mayor presión del partido, en base a su perfil de rendimiento. Lo que puede servir para realizar una toma de decisiones más idónea, con el objetivo de lograr el mejor resultado. Del mismo modo, orienta el tipo de proceso de entrenamiento que se ha de seguir, en relación a los jugadores más tendentes al drop, con el objetivo de minimizar el efecto de la presión sobre su capacidad para rendir adecuadamente en la ejecución de los tiros libres, y lograr de esta manera un rendimiento más homogéneo en todos los jugadores del equipo en esta faceta del juego, durante el momento crítico del final de partido. ABSTRACT. The final minute of a close game in basketball is a critical moment which is subject to many factors that influence its development. Thus, the success rate in free-throws during that period will determine, in many cases, the outcome of the game. Decrease of performance (drop) in this facet of play under pressure conditions, may be related to studied own multiple sports context variables, such as the remaining seconds of possession, the situation in the score (to be winning, drawing, or losing) the location of the match (playing at home or away), the competition phase (regular season or playoffs) or team level (best/worst teams). In addition, the characteristics of the player are very important related to his age and years of experience to face the critical moments, as well as his playing position into team. In this sense, the combination of factors in context and player, allows interact about performance of shooter in the final moments of the game during his free-throw shooting. The aim of this present doctoral thesis was find the most related variables to player´s drop in free throws in the last minute of the game and the last row of free-throws in closed games of basketball. To achieve the objective of the study, 124 closed games (less or equal than 2 points difference) were analyzed in every copetition in ACB league (regular season, playoff and cup) from 2011-2012 to 2014-2015 seasons. To record the variables, the percentage of success of the shooter in regular season, full game, last minute, and last row were analyzed. This way, it is tried to analyze which player and context variables explain the free-throw performance in last minute and last row of the game. On the other hand, it is tried to determine the degree of association between decrease of performance (drop) of the player in the final moments, and studied player variables: playing position, age, and years of professional experience; while considered situational variables considered were: competition phase, location, classification, remaining time, and score-line. For data analysis were performed two statistical models: 1) A multiple linear regression model to determine the effect of the independent variables in the succsess percentage of shooter at the last minute, and in the last row of free-throws in the game; and 2) A binomial logistic regression analysis to analyze the relationship between the probability of a drop (lower performance) and the characteristics of the shooter and situational variables. The results of multiple linear regression model showed significant negative effects on the free-throw percentage during last minute, when shooters are centers (-19.45%). On the other hand, results in the last series showed the significant negative effect on the center position (-19.30%) and score-line (-3.33% for each point difference in the score) in the free-throw percentage. The independent variables age, professional experience, ranking in the regular season, competition phase, location, and remaining time, revealed no significant effects on linear regression models. The results of the binomial logistic regression showed that the variables professional experience between 13 and 18 years (OR = 4.63), playing forward (OR = 23.01) and playing guard (OR = 10.68) are related to reduce the probability to decrease the performance during the last minute of the game. While wining, increases it (OR = 0.06). Furthermore, the results of the last row showed a reduction in performance degradation when player is between 13 and 18 years of experience (OR = 4.28), and playing forward (OR = 8.06) or guard (OR = 6.34). By contrast, the variables related to the decrease in performance of the player are the knockout phases (OR = 0.22) and wining (OR = 0.04). The main results of the study showed that there is a decrease in performance of the player in the percentage of success in free-throws in the last minute and last row of the game, and it is significantly associated with age, professional experience, and player position. Finding relationship with the competition phase, during last row of free-throws of the game too. This information is a valuable information for the coach, for applying in real competitive environment. In this sense, create simulations in the section of practical applications allows to predict the success rate of free-throw of a player during the most pressing moments of the game, based on their performance profile. What can be used to take more appropriate decisions in order to achieve the best result. Similarly, guides the type of training process must be followed in relation to the most favorable players to drop, in order to minimize the effect of pressure on their ability to perform properly in the execution of the free-throws. And to achieve, in this way, a more consistent performance in all team players in this facet of the game, during the critical moment in the final of the game.
Para empezar, se ha hecho un análisis de las diferentes posibilidades que se podían implementar para poder conseguir el objetivo del trabajo. El resultado final debe ser, disponer de máquinas para que el sistema operativo fuese independiente del hardware que se tiene instalado en él . Para ello, se decide montar un sistema operativo de base en todos los equipos del laboratorio, que tenga las necesidades mínimas que se necesitan, las cuales son una interfaz gráfica y conexión de red. Hay que intentar reducir el consumo de recursos al máximo con este sistema operativo mínimo para que el rendimiento de las máquinas sea lo más fluido posible para los usuarios. El sistema elegido fue Linux con su distribución Ubuntu [ubu, http] con los módulos mínimos que permita funcionar el software necesario. Una vez se instala el sistema operativo anfitrión, se instala el escritorio Xfce [ubu2, http], que es el más ligero de Ubuntu, pero que proporciona buen rendimiento. Después, se procedió a instalar un software de virtualización en cada equipo. En este caso se decidió, por las buenas prestaciones que ofrecía, que fuera VirtualBox [vir2,http] de Oracle. Sobre éste software se crean tantas máquinas virtuales (con sistema operativo Windows) como asignaturas diferentes se cursan en el laboratorio donde se trabaje. Con esto, se consigue que al arrancar el programa los alumnos pudieran escoger qué máquina arrancar y lo que es más importante, se permite realizar cualquier cambio en el hardware (exceptuando el disco duro porque borraría todo lo que se tuviera guardado). Además de no tener que volver a reinstalar el sistema operativo nuevamente, se consigue la abstracción del software y hardware. También se decide que, para tener un respaldo de las máquinas virtuales que se tengan creadas en VirtualBox, se utiliza un servidor NAS. Uno de los motivos de utilizar dicho servidor fue por aprovechar una infraestructura ya creada. Un servidor NAS da la posibilidad de recuperar cualquier archivo (máquina virtual) cuando haga falta porque haya alguna máquina virtual corrupta en algún equipo, o en varios. Este tipo de servidor tiene la gran ventaja de ser multicast, es decir, permite solicitudes simultáneas. ABSTRACT For starters, there has been an analysis of the different possibilities that could be implemented to achieve the objective of the work. This objective was to have machines for the operating system to be independent of the hardware we have installed on it. Therefore, we decided to create an operating system based on all computers in the laboratory, taking the minimum needs we need. This is a graphical interface and network connection. We must try to reduce the consumption of resources to the maximum for the performance of the machines is as fluid as possible for users. The system was chosen with its Ubuntu Linux distribution with minimum modules that allow us to run software that is necessary for us. Once the base is installed, we install the Xfce desktop, which is the lightest of Ubuntu, but which provided good performance. Then we proceeded to install a virtualization software on each computer. In this case we decided, for good performance that gave us, it was Oracle VirtualBox. About this software create many virtual machines (Windows operating system) as different subjects are studied in the laboratory where we are. With that, we got it at program startup students could choose which machine start and what is more important, allowed us to make any changes to the hardware (except the hard drive because it would erase all we have). Besides not having to reinstall the operating system again, we get the software and hardware abstraction. We also decided that in order to have a backup of our virtual machines that we created in VirtualBox, we use a NAS server. One reason to use that server was to leverage their existing network infrastructure. A NAS server gives us the ability to retrieve any file (image) when we do need because there is some corrupt virtual machine in a team, or several. This is possible because this type of server allows multicast connection.
Air pollution abatement policies must be based on quantitative information on current and future emissions of pollutants. As emission projections uncertainties are inevitable and traditional statistical treatments of uncertainty are highly time/resources consuming, a simplified methodology for nonstatistical uncertainty estimation based on sensitivity analysis is presented in this work. The methodology was applied to the “with measures” scenario for Spain, concretely over the 12 highest emitting sectors regarding greenhouse gas and air pollutants emissions. Examples of methodology application for two important sectors (power plants, and agriculture and livestock) are shown and explained in depth. Uncertainty bands were obtained up to 2020 by modifying the driving factors of the 12 selected sectors and the methodology was tested against a recomputed emission trend in a low economic-growth perspective and official figures for 2010, showing a very good performance. Implications: A solid understanding and quantification of uncertainties related to atmospheric emission inventories and projections provide useful information for policy negotiations. However, as many of those uncertainties are irreducible, there is an interest on how they could be managed in order to derive robust policy conclusions. Taking this into account, a method developed to use sensitivity analysis as a source of information to derive nonstatistical uncertainty bands for emission projections is presented and applied to Spain. This method simplifies uncertainty assessment and allows other countries to take advantage of their sensitivity analyses.
El vidrio se trata de un material muy apreciado en la arquitectura debido a la transparencia, característica que pocos materiales tienen. Pero, también es un material frágil, con una rotura inmediata cuando alcanza su límite elástico, sin disponer de un período plástico, que advierta de su futura rotura y permita un margen de seguridad. Por ambas razones, el vidrio se ha utilizado en arquitectura como elemento de plementería o relleno, desde tiempos antiguos, pero no como elemento estructural o portante, pese a que es un material interesante para los arquitectos para ese uso, por su característica de transparencia, ya que conseguiría la desmaterialización visual de la estructura, logrando espacios más ligeros y livianos. En cambio, si se tienen en cuenta las propiedades mecánicas del material se puede comprobar que dispone de unas características apropiadas para su uso estructural, ya que su Módulo elástico es similar al del aluminio, elemento muy utilizado en la arquitectura principalmente en las fachadas desde los últimos años, y su resistencia a compresión es muy superior incluso al hormigón armado; aunque su principal problema es su resistencia a tracción que es muy inferior a su resistencia a compresión, lo que penaliza su resistencia a flexión. En la actualidad se empieza a utilizar el vidrio como elemento portante o estructural, pero debido a su peor resistencia a flexión, se utilizan con grandes dimensiones que, a pesar de su transparencia, tienen una gran presencia. Por ello, la presente investigación pretende conseguir una reducción de las secciones de estos elementos estructurales de vidrio. Entonces, para el desarrollo de la investigación es necesario responder a una serie de preguntas fundamentales, cuyas respuestas serán el cuerpo de la investigación: 1. ¿Cuál es la finalidad de la investigación? El objetivo de esta investigación es la optimización de elementos estructurales de vidrio para su utilización en arquitectura. 2. ¿Cómo se va a realizar esa optimización? ¿Qué sistemas se van a utilizar? El sistema para realizar la optimización será la pretensión de los elementos estructurales de vidrio 3. ¿Por qué se va a utilizar la precompresión? Porque el vidrio tiene un buen comportamiento a compresión y un mal comportamiento a tracción lo que penaliza su utilización a flexión. Por medio de la precompresión se puede incrementar esta resistencia a tracción, ya que los primeros esfuerzos reducirán la compresión inicial hasta comenzar a funcionar a tracción, y por tanto aumentará su capacidad de carga. 4. ¿Con qué medios se va a comprobar y justificar ese comportamiento? Mediante simulaciones informáticas con programas de elementos finitos. 5. ¿Por qué se utilizará este método? Porque es una herramienta que arroja ventajas sobre otros métodos como los experimentales, debido a su fiabilidad, economía, rapidez y facilidad para establecer distintos casos. 6. ¿Cómo se garantiza su fiabilidad? Mediante el contraste de resultados obtenidos con ensayos físicos realizados, garantizando de ésta manera el buen comportamiento de los programas utilizados. El presente estudio tratará de responder a todas estas preguntas, para concluir y conseguir elementos estructurales de vidrio con secciones más reducidas gracias a la introducción de la precompresión, todo ello a través de las simulaciones informáticas por medio de elementos finitos. Dentro de estas simulaciones, también se realizarán comprobaciones y comparaciones entre distintas tipologías de programas para comprobar y contrastar los resultados obtenidos, intentando analizar cuál de ellos es el más idóneo para la simulación de elementos estructurales de vidrio. ABSTRACT Glass is a material very appreciated in architecture due to its transparency, feature that just a few materials share. But it is also a brittle material with an immediate breakage when it reaches its elastic limit, without having a plastic period that provides warning of future breakage allowing a safety period. For both reasons, glass has been used in architecture as infill panels, from old times. However, it has never been used as a structural or load‐bearing element, although it is an interesting material for architects for that use: because of its transparency, structural glass makes possible the visual dematerialization of the structure, achieving lighter spaces. However, taking into account the mechanical properties of the material, it is possible to check that it has appropriate conditions for structural use: its elastic modulus is similar to that of aluminium, element widely used in architecture, especially in facades from recent years; and its compressive strength is much higher than even the one of concrete. However, its main problem consists in its tensile strength that is much lower than its compressive strength, penalizing its resistance to bending. Nowadays glass is starting to be used as a bearing or structural element, but due to its worse bending strength, elements with large dimensions must be used, with a large presence despite its transparency. Therefore this research aims to get smaller sections of these structural glass elements. For the development of this thesis, it is necessary to answer a number of fundamental questions. The answers will be the core of this work: 1. What is the purpose of the investigation? The objective of this research is the optimization of structural glass elements for its use in architecture. 2. How are you going to perform this optimization? What systems will be implemented? The system for optimization is the pre‐stress of the structural elements of glass 3. Why are you going to use the pre‐compression? Because glass has a good resistance to compression and a poor tensile behaviour, which penalizes its use in bending elements. Through the pre‐compression it is possible to increase this tensile strength, due to the initial tensile efforts reducing the pre‐stress and increasing its load capacity. 4. What are the means that you will use in order to verify and justify this behaviour? The means are based on computer simulations with finite element programs (FEM) 5. Why do you use this method? Because it is a tool which gives advantages over other methods such as experimental: its reliability, economy, quick and easy to set different cases. 6. How the reliability is guaranteed? It’s guaranteed comparing the results of the simulation with the performed physical tests, ensuring the good performance of the software. This thesis will attempt to answer all these questions, to obtain glass structural elements with smaller sections thanks to the introduction of the pre‐compression, all through computer simulations using finite elements methods. In these simulations, tests and comparisons between different types of programs will also be implemented, in order to test and compare the obtained results, trying to analyse which one is the most suitable for the simulation of structural glass elements.
Wave energy conversion has an essential difference from other renewable energies since the dependence between the devices design and the energy resource is stronger. Dimensioning is therefore considered a key stage when a design project of Wave Energy Converters (WEC) is undertaken. Location, WEC concept, Power Take-Off (PTO) type, control strategy and hydrodynamic resonance considerations are some of the critical aspects to take into account to achieve a good performance. The paper proposes an automatic dimensioning methodology to be accomplished at the initial design project stages and the following elements are described to carry out the study: an optimization design algorithm, its objective functions and restrictions, a PTO model, as well as a procedure to evaluate the WEC energy production. After that, a parametric analysis is included considering different combinations of the key parameters previously introduced. A variety of study cases are analysed from the point of view of energy production for different design-parameters and all of them are compared with a reference case. Finally, a discussion is presented based on the results obtained, and some recommendations to face the WEC design stage are given.
An increasing number of proteins with weak sequence similarity have been found to assume similar three-dimensional fold and often have similar or related biochemical or biophysical functions. We propose a method for detecting the fold similarity between two proteins with low sequence similarity based on their amino acid properties alone. The method, the proximity correlation matrix (PCM) method, is built on the observation that the physical properties of neighboring amino acid residues in sequence at structurally equivalent positions of two proteins of similar fold are often correlated even when amino acid sequences are different. The hydrophobicity is shown to be the most strongly correlated property for all protein fold classes. The PCM method was tested on 420 proteins belonging to 64 different known folds, each having at least three proteins with little sequence similarity. The method was able to detect fold similarities for 40% of the 420 sequences. Compared with sequence comparison and several fold-recognition methods, the method demonstrates good performance in detecting fold similarities among the proteins with low sequence identity. Applied to the complete genome of Methanococcus jannaschii, the method recognized the folds for 22 hypothetical proteins.
Compact stellarator designs with modular coils and only two or three field periods are now available; these designs have both good stability and quasiaxial symmetry providing adequate transport for a magnetic fusion reactor. If the bootstrap current assumes theoretically predicted values a three field period configuration is optimal, but if that net current turns out to be lower, a device with two periods and just 12 modular coils might be better. There are also attractive designs with quasihelical symmetry and four or five periods whose properties depend less on the bootstrap current. Good performance requires that there be a satisfactory magnetic well in the vacuum field, which is a property lacking in a stellarator-tokamak hybrid that has been proposed for a proof of principle experiment. In this paper, we present an analysis of stability for these configurations that is based on a mountain pass theorem asserting that, if two solutions of the problem of magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium can be found, then there has to be an unstable solution. We compare results of our theory of equilibrium, stability, and transport with recently announced measurements from the large LHD experiment in Japan.
To compare neural activity produced by visual events that escape or reach conscious awareness, we used event-related MRI and evoked potentials in a patient who had neglect and extinction after focal right parietal damage, but intact visual fields. This neurological disorder entails a loss of awareness for stimuli in the field contralateral to a brain lesion when stimuli are simultaneously presented on the ipsilateral side, even though early visual areas may be intact, and single contralateral stimuli may still be perceived. Functional MRI and event-related potential study were performed during a task where faces or shapes appeared in the right, left, or both fields. Unilateral stimuli produced normal responses in V1 and extrastriate areas. In bilateral events, left faces that were not perceived still activated right V1 and inferior temporal cortex and evoked nonsignificantly reduced N1 potentials, with preserved face-specific negative potentials at 170 ms. When left faces were perceived, the same stimuli produced greater activity in a distributed network of areas including right V1 and cuneus, bilateral fusiform gyri, and left parietal cortex. Also, effective connectivity between visual, parietal, and frontal areas increased during perception of faces. These results suggest that activity can occur in V1 and ventral temporal cortex without awareness, whereas coupling with dorsal parietal and frontal areas may be critical for such activity to afford conscious perception.
Electronic systems that use rugged lightweight plastics potentially offer attractive characteristics (low-cost processing, mechanical flexibility, large area coverage, etc.) that are not easily achieved with established silicon technologies. This paper summarizes work that demonstrates many of these characteristics in a realistic system: organic active matrix backplane circuits (256 transistors) for large (≈5 × 5-inch) mechanically flexible sheets of electronic paper, an emerging type of display. The success of this effort relies on new or improved processing techniques and materials for plastic electronics, including methods for (i) rubber stamping (microcontact printing) high-resolution (≈1 μm) circuits with low levels of defects and good registration over large areas, (ii) achieving low leakage with thin dielectrics deposited onto surfaces with relief, (iii) constructing high-performance organic transistors with bottom contact geometries, (iv) encapsulating these transistors, (v) depositing, in a repeatable way, organic semiconductors with uniform electrical characteristics over large areas, and (vi) low-temperature (≈100°C) annealing to increase the on/off ratios of the transistors and to improve the uniformity of their characteristics. The sophistication and flexibility of the patterning procedures, high level of integration on plastic substrates, large area coverage, and good performance of the transistors are all important features of this work. We successfully integrate these circuits with microencapsulated electrophoretic “inks” to form sheets of electronic paper.
Cortical representational plasticity has been well documented after peripheral and central injuries or improvements in perceptual and motor abilities. This has led to inferences that the changes in cortical representations parallel and account for the improvement in performance during the period of skill acquisition. There have also been several examples of rapidly induced changes in cortical neuronal response properties, for example, by intracortical microstimulation or by classical conditioning paradigms. This report describes similar rapidly induced changes in a cortically mediated perception in human subjects, the ventriloquism aftereffect, which presumably reflects a corresponding change in the cortical representation of acoustic space. The ventriloquism aftereffect describes an enduring shift in the perception of the spatial location of acoustic stimuli after a period of exposure of spatially disparate and simultaneously presented acoustic and visual stimuli. Exposure of a mismatch of 8° for 20–30 min is sufficient to shift the perception of acoustic space by approximately the same amount across subjects and acoustic frequencies. Given that the cerebral cortex is necessary for the perception of acoustic space, it is likely that the ventriloquism aftereffect reflects a change in the cortical representation of acoustic space. Comparisons between the responses of single cortical neurons in the behaving macaque monkey and the stimulus parameters that give rise to the ventriloquism aftereffect suggest that the changes in the cortical representation of acoustic space may begin as early as the primary auditory cortex.
Gene recognition is one of the most important problems in computational molecular biology. Previous attempts to solve this problem were based on statistics, and applications of combinatorial methods for gene recognition were almost unexplored. Recent advances in large-scale cDNA sequencing open a way toward a new approach to gene recognition that uses previously sequenced genes as a clue for recognition of newly sequenced genes. This paper describes a spliced alignment algorithm and software tool that explores all possible exon assemblies in polynomial time and finds the multiexon structure with the best fit to a related protein. Unlike other existing methods, the algorithm successfully recognizes genes even in the case of short exons or exons with unusual codon usage; we also report correct assemblies for genes with more than 10 exons. On a test sample of human genes with known mammalian relatives, the average correlation between the predicted and actual proteins was 99%. The algorithm correctly reconstructed 87% of genes and the rare discrepancies between the predicted and real exon-intron structures were caused either by short (less than 5 amino acids) initial/terminal exons or by alternative splicing. Moreover, the algorithm predicts human genes reasonably well when the homologous protein is nonvertebrate or even prokaryotic. The surprisingly good performance of the method was confirmed by extensive simulations: in particular, with target proteins at 160 accepted point mutations (PAM) (25% similarity), the correlation between the predicted and actual genes was still as high as 95%.