967 resultados para Good faith (Law)
The By-Law is titled "Respecting the borrowing of money by the Corporation".
The By-Law is titled "Being a By-Law authorizing borrowing and giving security".
The By-Law reads: "Being a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 79 as amended by By-Law No. 81 Be it and it is hereby enacted as a By-Law of the Company as follows: By Law No. 86 By-Law No. 79 as amended by y-Law No. 81, providing for the setting aside of monies to be paid to a Trustee pursuant to agreement dated February 2nd, 1953, between the Company and Florence A. Goffin be and it is hereby repealed; and The said Agreement is hereby cancelled."
The By-Law reads: "Being a By-Law to fix the remunerations and expense allowances of a director. Be it a and it is hereby enacted as a By-Law of the Company as follows: By-Law No. 87 that By-Law No. 82 be and it is hereby repealed."
The By-Law beings "being a by-law authorizing borrowing and pledging by the Company".
The summary of the law states "A special By-Law decreasing the number of directors of the Corporation".
The By-Law summary states it is "a by-law relating generally to the transaction of the business and affairs of Barnes Wines, Limited". The sub headings of the bill are as follows: Head Office, Corporate Seal, Meetings of Shareholders, Directors, Officers, Notices, Interpretation.
The summary states "a by-law respecting the borrowing of money, the issuing of securities and the securing of liabilities of Barnes Wines, Limited".
The By-Law reads "being a by-law increasing the number of directors of the Corporation be it enacted and it is hereby enacted as a special by-law of Barnes Wines, Limited (hereinafter called the "Corporation") as follows: 1. The number of directors of the Corporation be and the same is hereby increased from five to six so that the Board of Directors of the Corporation shall hereafter be composed of six directors. 2. The quorum for meetings of directors be and the same is hereby fixed at three. 3. All prior by-laws and resolutions of the Corporation inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby amended, modified and revised in order to give effect to this special by-law."
Repeal of by-law XXIII. This is signed by J.I. Mackenzie, secretary and treasurer (1 printed page), Sept. 6, 1879.
In the aftermath of World War II, a wave of Dutch Reformed immigrants arrived in Ontario, many of whom joined the Christian Reformed Church. Following familiar cultural patterns, history, and their Reformed Christian faith, these immigrants settled in Ontario with remarkable institutional completeness (Breton, 1964). They quickly established independent, parent-operated Christian schools across Ontario. The primary purpose of the schools was to educate children through a comprehensive biblically based school program, yet this religious purpose often intersected with a Dutch immigrant ethnic culture. Van Dijk (2001) states that “the schools were the most important organization in maintaining the religious and ethnic identity of Calvinists” (p. 66). In this qualitative study I explore the intersection of Reformed faith and Dutch Canadian immigrant ethnic culture in Christian schools through the experiential and professional lens of eight retired principals. Employing a theoretical framework informed by Berger’s (1967) Sacred Canopy, I suggest that the intersection of faith and culture was experienced in the schools and was embodied by the schools themselves. Findings point to this intersection being located in the participants’ experience of (a) Dutchness, (b) the struggle for Christian education, (c) the ties that bound the school community together, and (d) the cloud of witnesses that founded and continues to support and encourage the Christian school community. The study offers insight into a Dutch Reformed immigrant group’s experience carving out a niche for themselves on the educational landscape in Ontario. This study also offers suggestions on how Christian schools can broaden their canopy and become more ethnically and denominationally diverse in the future.
Letter to J. A. Woodruff from Miller, Miller and Cox, Barristers and Attorneys at Law stating that they have read the will of Harvey W. Price and it is suggested that Mr. Woodruff submit the money to Harvey Hamilton Price, Aug. 19, 1880.
Envelope addressed to Mr. Welland D. Woodruff from Caldwell, Masslich and Reed, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, New York, postmarked Hudson Terminal Station, New York, June 17, 1913.
Envelope addressed to Mr. Welland D. Woodruff from Caldwell, Masslich and Reed, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, New York, postmarked Hudson Terminal Station, New York, Sept. 22, 1913.