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Previous research has indicated that biotypes A and B of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides that infect Stylosanthes spp. in Australia are asexual and vegetatively incompatible. Selectable marker genes conferring resistance either to hygromycin or phleomycin were introduced into isolates of these biotypes. Vectors conferring resistance to hygromycin and carrying telomeric sequences from Fusarium oxysporum replicated autonomously in C. gloeosporioides and gave frequencies of transformation 100-times higher than vectors that integrated into the genome. Monoconidial colonies resistant to both antibiotics were recovered when hygromycin-resistant biotype-A transformants carrying an autonomously replicating vector were paired in culture with a phleomycin-resistant biotype-B transformant carrying integrative vector sequences. Molecular analysis of double antibiotic-resistant progeny indicated that they contained the autonomous vector in a biotype-B genetic background, Results indicate that transfer of the autonomous vector had occurred from biotype A to biotype B, demonstrating the potential for transfer of genetic information between these biotypes.
XPC participates in the initial recognition of DNA damage during the DNA nucleotide excision repair process in global genomic repair. Polymorphisms in XPC gene have been analyzed in case-control studies to assess the cancer risk attributed to these variants, but results are conflicting. To clarify the impact of XPC polymorphisms in cancer risk, we performed a meta-analysis that included 33 published case-control studies. Polymorphisms analyzed were Lys939Gln and Ala499Val. The overall summary odds ratio (OR) for the associations of the 939Gln/Gln genotype with risk of cancer was 1.01 (95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.94-1.09), but there were statistically significant associations for lung cancer, observed for the recessive genetic model (Lys/Lys + Lys/Gln vs Gln/Gln), (OR 1.30; 95% CI: 1.113-1.53), whereas for breast cancer a reduced but nonsignificant risk was observed for the same model (OR 0.87; 95% CI: 0.74-1.01). The results for Ala499Val showed a significant overall increase in cancer risk (OR 1.15; 95% CI: 1.02-1.31), and for bladder cancer in both the simple genetic model (Ala/Ala vs Val/Val) (OR 1.30; 95% CI: 1.04-1.61) and the recessive genetic model (Ala/Ala + Ala/Val vs Val/Val) (OR 1.32; 95% CI: 1.06-1.63). Our meta-analysis supports that polymorphisms in XPC may represent low-penetrance susceptibility gene variants for breast, bladder, head and neck, and lung cancer. XPC is a good candidate for large-scale epidemiological case-control studies that may lead to improvement in the management of highly prevalent cancers.
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a recessive disorder of inflammation caused by mutations in a gene (designated MEFV) on chromosome 16p13.3, We have recently constructed a 1-Mb cosmid contig that includes the FMF critical region. Here we show genotype data for 12 markers from our physical map, including 5 newly identified microsatellites, in FMF families. Intrafamilial recombinations placed MEFV in the similar to 285 kb between D16S468/D16S3070 and D16S3376. We observed significant linkage disequilibrium in the North African Jewish population, and historical recombinants in the founder haplotype placed MEFV between D16S3082 and D16S3373 (similar to 200 kb). In smaller panels of Iraqi Jewish, Arab, and Armenian families, there were significant allelic associations only for D16S3370 and D16S2617 among the Armenians. A sizable minority of Iraqi Jewish and Armenian carrier chromosomes appeared to be derived from the North African Jewish ancestral haplotype. We observed a unique FMF haplotype common to Iraqi Jews, Arabs, and Armenians and two other haplotypes restricted to either the Iraqi Jewish or the Armenian population. These data support the view that a few major mutations account for a large percentage of the cases of FMF and suggest that same of these mutations arose before the affected Middle Eastern populations diverged from one another. (C) 1997 Academic Press.
Hepatitis B is a worldwide health problem affecting about 2 billion people and more than 350 million are chronic carriers of the virus. Nine HBV genotypes (A to I) have been described. The geographical distribution of HBV genotypes is not completely understood due to the limited number of samples from some parts of the world. One such example is Colombia, in which few studies have described the HBV genotypes. In this study, we characterized HBV genotypes in 143 HBsAg-positive volunteer blood donors from Colombia. A fragment of 1306 bp partially comprising HBsAg and the DNA polymerase coding regions (S/POL) was amplified and sequenced. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were conducted using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to obtain the maximum clade credibility (MCC) tree using BEAST v.1.5.3. Of all samples, 68 were positive and 52 were successfully sequenced. Genotype F was the most prevalent in this population (77%) - subgenotypes F3 (75%) and Fib (2%). Genotype G (7.7%) and subgenotype A2 (15.3%) were also found. Genotype G sequence analysis suggests distinct introductions of this genotype in the country. Furthermore, we estimated the time of the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for each HBV/F subgenotype and also for Colombian F3 sequences using two different datasets: (i) 77 sequences comprising 1306 bp of S/POL region and (ii) 283 sequences comprising 681 bp of S/POL region. We also used two other previously estimated evolutionary rates: (i) 2.60 x 10(-4) s/s/y and (ii) 1.5 x 10(-5) s/s/y. Here we report the HBV genotypes circulating in Colombia and estimated the TMRCA for the four different subgenotypes of genotype F. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The identification of genes responsible for the rare cases of familial leukemia may afford insight into the mechanism underlying the more common sporadic occurrences. Here we test a single family with 11 relevant meioses transmitting autosomal dominant acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and myelodysplasia for linkage to three potential candidate loci. In a different family with inherited AML, linkage to chromosome 21q22.1-22.2 was recently reported; we exclude linkage to 21q22.1-22.2, demonstrating that familial AML is a heterogeneous disease. After reviewing familial leukemia and observing anticipation in the form of a declining age of onset with each generation, we had proposed 9p21-22 and 16q22 as additional candidate loci. Whereas linkage to 9p21-22 can be excluded, the finding of a maximum two-point LOD score of 2.82 with the microsatellite marker D16S522 at a recombination fraction theta = 0 provides evidence supporting linkage to 16q22. Haplotype analysis reveals a 23.5-cM (17.9-Mb) commonly inherited region among all affected family members extending from D16S451 to D1GS289, In order to extract maximum linkage information with missing individuals, incomplete informativeness with individual markers in this interval, and possible deviance from strict autosomal dominant inheritance, we performed nonparametric linkage analysis (NPL) and found a maximum NPL statistic corresponding to a P-value of .00098, close to the maximum conditional probability of linkage expected for a pedigree with this structure. Mutational analysis in this region specifically excludes expansion of the AT-rich minisatellite repeat FRA16B fragile site and the CAG trinucleotide repeat in the E2F-4 transcription factor. The ''repeat expansion detection'' method, capable of detecting dynamic mutation associated with anticipation, more generally excludes large CAG repeat expansion as a cause of leukemia in this family.
Lineage-survival oncogenes are activated by somatic DNA alterations in cancers arising from the cell lineages in which these genes play a role in normal development(1,2). Here we show that a peak of genomic amplification on chromosome 3q26.33 found in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of the lung and esophagus contains the transcription factor gene SOX2, which is mutated in hereditary human esophageal malformations(3), is necessary for normal esophageal squamous development(4), promotes differentiation and proliferation of basal tracheal cells(5) and cooperates in induction of pluripotent stem cells(6-8). SOX2 expression is required for proliferation and anchorage-independent growth of lung and esophageal cell lines, as shown by RNA interference experiments. Furthermore, ectopic expression of SOX2 here cooperated with FOXE1 or FGFR2 to transform immortalized tracheobronchial epithelial cells. SOX2-driven tumors show expression of markers of both squamous differentiation and pluripotency. These characteristics identify SOX2 as a lineage-survival oncogene in lung and esophageal SCC.
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is widely distributed and associated with fulminant hepatitis epidemics in areas with high prevalence of HBV. Several studies performed in the 1980s showed data on HDV infection in South America, but there are no studies on the viral dynamics of this virus. The aim of this study was to conduct an evolutionary analysis of hepatitis delta genotype 3 (HDV/3) prevalent in South America: estimate its nucleotide substitution rate, determine the time of most recent ancestor (TMRCA) and characterize the epidemic history and evolutionary dynamics. Furthermore, we characterized the presence of HBV/HDV infection in seven samples collected from patients who died due to fulminant hepatitis from Amazon region in Colombia and included them in the evolutionary analysis. This is the first study reporting HBV and HDV sequences from the Amazon region of Colombia. Of the seven Colombian patients, five were positive for HBV-DNA and HDV-RNA. Of them, two samples were successfully sequenced for HBV (subgenotypes F3 and Fib) and the five samples HDV positive were classified as HDV/3. By using all HDV/3 available reference sequences with sampling dates (n = 36), we estimated the HDV/3 substitution rate in 1.07 x 10(-3) substitutions per site per year (s/s/y), which resulted in a time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of 85 years. Also, it was determined that HDV/3 spread exponentially from early 1950s to the 1970s in South America. This work discusses for the first time the viral dynamics for the HDV/3 circulating in South America. We suggest that the measures implemented to control HBV transmission resulted in the control of HDV/3 spreading in South America, especially after the important raise in this infection associated with a huge mortality during the 1950s up to the 1970s. The differences found among HDV/3 and the other HDV genotypes concerning its diversity raises the hypothesis of a different origin and/or a different transmission route. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction: Pancreas susceptibility to alcohol is variable and only 5-10% of chronic alcohol abusers develop chronic pancreatitis; the role of genetic factors in this process is unknown. The CFTR gene encodes a protein that acts on epithelial cells and plays a key role in normal exocrine pancreatic function. Methods: This study investigated the frequency of polymorphisms in intron 8 of the CFTR gene in patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Three groups of patients were studied: group A-68 adult alcoholics with a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis; group B-68 adult alcoholics without pancreatic disease or liver cirrhosis and group C-104 healthy nonalcoholic adults. Results: T5/T7 genotype was more frequent in group A (11.8%) than in group B (2.9%) (p = 0.0481), and there was no statistical difference when groups A and C (5.8%) were compared (p = 0.1317). The haplotype combination (TG) 10-T7/(TG) 11-T7 was more frequent in groups B (23.5%) and C (20.2%) than in group A (7.3%) (p = 0.0080 and 0.0162). Conclusion: There are differences when these three groups are compared and individuals with T5/T7 genotype might have a greater risk of developing chronic pancreatitis when they become chronic alcoholics. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel and IAP
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a genetic disease characterized by multiple adenomatous colorectal polyps and different extracolonic manifestations (ECM). The present work is aimed to analyze the outcome after surgical treatment regarding complications and cancer recurrence. Charts from patients treated between 1977 and 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical and endoscopic data, results of treatment, pathological reports and information about recurrence were collected. Eighty-eight patients (41 men [46.6%] and 47 women [53.4%]) were assisted. At diagnosis, associated colorectal cancer (CRC) was detected in 53 patients (60.2%), whose average age was higher than those without CRC (40.0 vs. 29.5 years). At colonoscopy, polyposis was classified as attenuated in 12 patients (14.3%). Surgical treatment consisted in total proctocolectomy with ileostomy (PCI, 15 [17.4%]), restorative proctocolectomy (RPC, 27 [31.4%]), total colectomy with ileal-rectum anastomosis (IRA, 42 [48.8%]), palliative segmental resection (1 [1.2%]) and internal bypass (1 [1.2%]). Two patients were not operated on due to religious reasons and advanced disease. Complications occurred in 25 patients (29.0%), more commonly after RPC (48.1%). There was no operative mortality. Local or distant metastases were detected in six (11.3%) patients with CRC treated to cure. During the follow-up of 36 IRA, cancer developed in the rectal cuff in six patients (16.6%), whose average age was higher than in patients without rectal recurrence (45.8 vs. 36.6 years). Five of them have had colonic cancer in the resected specimen. Among the 26 patients followed after RPC, cancer in the ileal pouch developed in 1 (3.8%). (1) Within the present series, FAP patients presented a high incidence of associated CRC and diagnosis was generally established after the third decade of life; (2) operative complications occurred in about one third of the patients, being more frequent after the confection of an ileal reservoir; (3) rectal cancer after IRA was detected in 16.6% of patients and it was associated with greater age and previous colonic carcinoma; (4) both continuous and long-term surveillance of the rectal stump and ileal pouch are necessary during follow-up.
The demonstration that mutations in the Patched (PTCH) gene cause nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) has led to the identification of the exact molecular lesion in a percentage of individuals with the syndrome, In addition, it has been possible to determine, through molecular analysis of parents and other relatives of these individuals, if the mutation is inherited or has arisen de novo, We have previously reported 28 mutations in individuals with NBCCS, and here we present an additional 4 novel mutations, We have also analyzed relatives of a number of the individuals in whom we have found mutations, In total we have identified 8 individuals who carry a de novo mutation in the PTCH gene, In 5 of these cases, clinical and radiological examination had not unequivocally ruled out a diagnosis in one of the parents, This helps to define the clinical phenotype and suggests that diagnostic criteria in this complex syndrome may require review. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Although many mathematical models exist predicting the dynamics of transposable elements (TEs), there is a lack of available empirical data to validate these models and inherent assumptions. Genomes can provide a snapshot of several TE families in a single organism, and these could have their demographics inferred by coalescent analysis, allowing for the testing of theories on TE amplification dynamics. Using the available genomes of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, we indicate that such an approach is feasible. Our analysis follows four steps: (1) mining the two mosquito genomes currently available in search of TE families; (2) fitting, to selected families found in (1), a phylogeny tree under the general time-reversible (GTR) nucleotide substitution model with an uncorrelated lognormal (UCLN) relaxed clock and a nonparametric demographic model; (3) fitting a nonparametric coalescent model to the tree generated in (2); and (4) fitting parametric models motivated by ecological theories to the curve generated in (3).
Resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs can be an obstacle to a successful treatment of cancer patients in part associated with individual response and differences in the DNA repair system. The Comet assay is an informative test to investigate DNA damage and repair in cells in response to a variety of DNA-damaging agents, including chemotherapeutic drugs. The aim of this study was to assess leukocytes damage after in-vitro cisplatin treatment and DNA repair action using the Comet assay in 20 patients with melanoma and 20 cancer-free individuals. Leukocytes` DNA damage before and after cisplatin treatment, in three different concentrations, was analyzed. The DNA repair capability was investigated after 1-5 h of in-vitro cells growing without cisplatin. The Comet score of the patients` basal DNA damage was higher than that observed in controls, but the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.85). Although both groups had similar Comet scores to all cisplatin concentrations tested and the DNA repair times, the basal DNA damage (P < 0.001) and cisplatin damages (P < 0.005) were statistically lower than the different repair times investigated. Considering the progressive increase in the Comet score due to repair time, the negative results here observed could be associated with the reduced cell culture incubation that should be better evaluated. Considering the mutagenic action of cisplatin on tumor cells and the importance of individual DNA repair mechanisms in the chemotherapeutic melanoma treatment, the peripheral leukocytes could be particularly useful as a tool for DNA repair response identified by the Comet assay. Melanoma Res 21:99-105 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data for forensic purposes are still scarce for some populations, which may limit the evaluation of forensic evidence especially when the rarity of a haplotype needs to be determined in a database search. In order to improve the collection of mtDNA lineages from the Iberian and South American subcontinents, we here report the results of a collaborative study involving nine laboratories from the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) and EMPOP. The individual laboratories contributed population data that were generated throughout the past 10 years, but in the majority of cases have not been made available to the scientific community. A total of 1019 haplotypes from Iberia (Basque Country, 2 general Spanish populations, 2 North and 1 Central Portugal populations), and Latin America (3 populations from Sao Paulo) were collected, reviewed and harmonized according to defined EMPOP criteria. The majority of data ambiguities that were found during the reviewing process (41 in total) were transcription errors confirming that the documentation process is still the most error-prone stage in reporting mtDNA population data, especially when performed manually. This GHEP-EMPOP collaboration has significantly improved the quality of the individual mtDNA datasets and adds mtDNA population data as valuable resource to the EMPOP database (www.empop.org). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.