960 resultados para Generic Security Services Application Program Interface (GSS-API)
This study examines the reduction in hospital utilization of 393 public hospital patients who were referred to the hospital's alcoholism screening program for intervention. The 393 patients were the total patient population of the alcoholism screening program for the period of September through December, 1982. Medical records of these patients were investigated to assess the total number of hospital days six months before and six months after intervention. The findings support the hypothesis of decreased utilization. The total number of hospital days for 393 patients before intervention of the alcoholism program was 3,458, with a mean length of stay of 8.80 days. The total number of hospital days after intervention was 458 days, with a mean length of stay of 6.50 days. The average individual difference (decrease) was 7.63 days for one year. From a total of 393 patients counseled by the alcoholism program, 106 (27%) went to treatment for their alcoholism. Other aims were to examine the referral sources (physicians, nurses, social workers and the MAST); study the impact of familial history of alcoholism on referrals, and explore the MAST scores of patients successfully referred. Implications of the study are that it would benefit the public hospital, with their disproportionate numbers of alcoholics, to intervene in the behavioral patterns of alcoholism. Such intervention would be a factor in reducing the overall hospitalization of the alcoholic. ^
Children investigated by child welfare are at significant risk for poor cognitive, emotional, social, behavioral and economic outcomes. In 2000, California formed the Child Welfare Services Group to propose changes in how child welfare services are delivered, the CWS Redesign. California State University, Long Beach’s child welfare training program developed its complement. Fundamentally, Redesign calls for partnering with families and communities to strengthen families, prevent unnecessary placements or re-unite families successfully. These changes are a paradigm shift in attitudes toward birth families and communities. In a qualitative study, interns logged their observations and subsequent impressions of CWS-Client encounters to explore how attitudes are learned. Majority of interns observed positive, collaborative encounters and perceived birth parents as motivated. Their impressions support introducing interns to birth families on the front-end of CWS training.
This article reports the results of a qualitative study that sought the perspectives of birth parents and adoptive parents following reunification or adoption of children from foster care. Using a participatory action design that actively involved young adults formerly in foster care and parents in the design and implementation of the study, the study focused on the consumers’ perspectives on several issues related to permanency. The article reports findings from interviews with a subset of 27 birth and adoptive families in New York City who were asked about their post-permanency experiences and from interviews with 38 child welfare professionals who were asked to respond to the parents’ perspectives. The article offers directions for child welfare practice and program development.
In line with the long-standing emphasis in the human services on involving clients in program evaluation, in this essay I focus on principles and strategies for involving parents in evaluation of family preservation services. In particular, I delineate the crucial roles that parents can play as partners in the helping process within a family-centered context.
During the 82nd Texas legislature, state leaders passed a provision stating that healthcare providers, who perform, promote, or affiliate with providers who perform or promote elective abortion services may not be eligible to participate in the Texas Medicaid Women's Health Program (WHP). The federal government reacted to this new provision by vowing to eliminate its 90% share of program support on the grounds that the provision violated a patient's freedom to choose a provider; a right protected by the Social Security Act. Texas leaders stated that the Women's Health Program would continue without federal support, financed exclusively with state funds.^ The following policy analysis compares the projected impact of the current Medicaid Women's Health Program to the proposed state-run program using the criteria-alternative matrix framework. The criteria used to evaluate the program alternatives include population affected, unintended pregnancy and abortion impact, impact on cervical cancer rate, and state-level government expenditures. Each criterion was defined by selected measures. The population affected was measured by the number of women served in the programs. Government expenditures were measured in terms of payments for program costs, Medicaid delivery costs, and cervical cancer diagnostic costs. Unintended pregnancy impact was measured by the number of projected unplanned pregnancies and abortions under each alternative. The impact on cervical cancer was projected in terms of the number of new cervical cancer cases under each alternative. Differences in the projections with respect to each criterion were compared to assess the impact of shifting to the state-only policy.^ After examining program alternatives, it is highly recommended that Texas retain the Medicaid WHP. If the state does decide to move forward with the state-run WHP, it is recommended that the program run at its previous capacity. Furthermore, for the purpose of addressing the relatively high cervical cancer incidence rate in Texas, incorporating HPV vaccination coverage for women ages 18-26 as part of the Women's Health Program is recommended.^
Objective: This dissertation evaluated three aspects of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Hospital Acquired Conditions and Present on Admission Indicator Reporting program (HACPOA program) to produce three journal articles for publication. ^ Methods: All payer admission records from state inpatient databases from Arizona, New Jersey and Washington states were analyzed for the year 2008. However some analyses required a sample of adult only Medicare patients in the first two studies. California's inpatient data (2004 – 2010) was also analyzed in the third study to examine the reporting and non-payment program elements' impact on the incidence of hospital acquired conditions. ^ Results: Majority diagnoses reported in inpatient prospective payment systems hospitals were present on admission. However, some diagnoses are still coded as "not present on admission" and "insufficient documentation to determine whether or not conditions are present on admission or not". This is important because it reveals that hospital complications still occur in hospitals. Hospital fall and trauma injuries were the most common hospital acquired conditions observed in this study. Predictors of hospital fall injuries include age, gender, number of diagnoses, number of procedures, number of chronic conditions while predictors of hospital trauma injuries include number of e-codes, number of diagnoses and the presence of chronic conditions on a patient's admission records. Finally, the implementation of the present on admission reporting requirement increased reports of certain hospital acquired conditions while the non-payment policy element in the Hospital Acquired Conditions program reduced the incidence of hospital fall and trauma injuries in particular. ^ Conclusion: The implementation of the Hospital Acquired Conditions and Present on Admission Indicator Reporting program has made the state inpatient database a more useful source of data capable of now identifying hospital complications. The reporting and nonpayment program elements in the HACPOA program have also impacted the incidence of hospital acquired conditions. ^
The importance of treatment fidelity in evaluations of all human service programs, including intensive family preservation services (IFPS), is examined in this article. Special attention is focused on the issue of treatment fidelity in IFPS programs attempting to adhere to a specific program model (Homebuilders©), and on the problems that lack of treatment fidelity has caused for research that has been conducted on this and other program models. Attempts to address the issue of treatment fidelity in other program areas offer models for constructing treatment fidelity assessment tools for IFPS. The authors suggest a schema for assessing treatment fidelity in evaluations of IFPS programs that should help to explore relationships among different approaches to IFPS, the consistency with which they are being implemented, and the outcomes that result.
Intimate partner violence is a common correlate of child abuse and neglect and often is not addressed in family preservation services. In many cases, the ideologies of family preservationists and advocates for women 's safety can be at odds. This article presents a study of a collaborative model of intervention, utilizing family preservation workers and community resource practitioners working with domestic violence as group facilitators. The study utilizes a pretest, post-test design to evaluate a domestic violence resource group for women who were concurrently receiving intensive family preservation services. The study examines the effect of the program on participants' self-perceptions regarding self-esteem, independence, goals, social isolation, and assertiveness. Caseworker perceptions of client characteristics also are evaluated, and qualitative responses of the effects of the program are included.
Home visiting programs, which provide in-home services to disadvantaged families with young children, rest on the assumption that poor parents can be reached at home. Increased levels of maternal employment raise questions about this assumption. In this study, longitudinal data collected for a home visiting program evaluation were analyzed to assess whether employment patterns of parents who receive home visiting services reflect employment patterns of other poor mothers between 1995 and 2000. The study also addresses the relationship between maternal employment and home visiting service intensity. To effectively reach home visiting participants, service providers may need to modify service delivery practices.
Think piece by Pierre Sauvé for the E15 Initiative on Strengthening the Global Trade System In his latest essay for the ICTSD-World Economic Forum E15 initiative on Strengthening the Global Trade and Investment System for Sustainable Development, WTI Director of External Programmes and Academic Partnerships and faculty member Pierre Sauvé explores the case for fusing the law of goods with that of services in a world of global value chains. The paper does so by directing attention to the questions of whether the current architectures of multilateral and preferential trade governance are compatible with a world of trade in tasks; whether the existing rules offer globally active firms a coherent structure for doing business in a predictable environment; whether it is feasible to redesign the structure and content of existing trade rules to align them to the reality of production fragmentation; and what steps can be envisaged to better align policy and realities in the marketplace if the prospects for restructuring appear unfavourable. The paper argues that fusing trade disciplines for goods and services is neither needed nor feasible and may actually deflect attention from a number of worthwhile policy initiatives where more realistic (if never easily secured) prospects of generic rule-making may well exist.
TSEP-RLI was a technical cooperation project jointly conducted by GOP thru DA-Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) and GOJ thru JICA aimed at institutionalizing the training program for Rural Life Improvement (RLI) at the (ATI). As expected, farmers, fisherfolk, women, youth and extension agents were provided with efficient and effective training services from ATI leading to the improvement of quality of life in the rural areas through efforts of human resource development. The ATI- Bohol was chosen as the model center where participatory trials and various activities of the project were undertaken for five years. These activities were participatory surveys and data collection of on-farm and off-farm productive activities; planning workshop for RLI; feedbacking of survey results and action plans to the community and the Local Government Units (LGUs), and signing of Memorandum of Agreement between the Project and participating LGUs. The above activities were done to facilitate the planning and development of most effective and necessary rural life improvement activities, to confirm the willingness of the people to support and participate and to formalize the partnership between the Project and the LGUs. Since the concept of rural life covers a vast range of activities, a consensus had been reached that the total aspects of rural life be grasped in three spheres, namely, Production & Livelihood (P/L), Rural Living Condition (RLC) and Community Environment (C/E). The RLI for Ubi (Yam) Growers was one of the pilot activities undertaken in two pilot barangays and the target beneficiaries were members of the Rural Improvement Club (RIC- a group of organized women) with the LGU of the Municipality of Corella as the implementing partner. During the planning workshop, the barangay residents articulated their desire to promote production and processing of ubi (sphere on P/L - as the entry point), lack of nutritious food was one of the identified problem (sphere on RLC- expansion point) and environmental degradation such as deforestation, and soil erosion was another problem articulated by the community people (sphere on C/E- expansion point). Major activities that were undertaken namely, Ubi cooking contest, cooking/processing seminar, training courses on entrepreneurial development, ubi production and storage technology, packaging and product design, human resource development and simplified bookkeeping motivated the beneficiaries as well as developed and enhanced their skills & capabilities while strengthening their associations. Their participation to the 5 ubi festivals and other related activities had brought some impacts on their economic and rural life improvement activities. The seven principles of TSEP-RLI include the participatory process, holistic approach, dialogical approach, bottom -up training needs assessment, demand-driven approach, cost sharing approach and collaborative implementation with other agencies including LGUs and the community.
Las limitaciones de las tecnologías de red actuales, identificadas en la Agencia de Proyectos de Investigación Avanzados para la Defensa (DARPA) durante 1995, han originado recientemente una propuesta de modelo de red denominado Redes Activas. En este modelo, los nodos proporcionan un entorno de ejecución sobre el que se ejecuta el código asociado a cada paquete. El objetivo es disponer de una tecnología de red que permita que nuevos servicios de red sean desarrollados e instalados rápidamente sin modificar los nodos de la red. Un servicio de red que se puede beneficiar de esta tecnología es la transmisión de datos en multipunto con diferentes grados fiabilidad. Las propuestas actuales de servicios de multipunto fiable proporcionan una solución específica para cada clase de aplicaciones, y los protocolos existentes extremo a extremo sufren de limitaciones técnicas relacionadas con una fiabilidad limitada, y con la ausencia de mecanismos de control de congestión efectivos. Esta tesis realiza propuestas originales conducentes a solucionar parte de las limitaciones actuales en el ámbito de Redes Activas y multipunto fiable con control de congestión. En primer lugar, se especificará un servicio genérico de multipunto fiable que, basándose en los requisitos de una serie de aplicaciones consideradas relevantes, proporcione diferentes clases de sesiones y grados de fiabilidad. Partiendo de la definición del servicio genérico especificado, se diseñará un protocolo de comunicaciones sobre la tecnología de Redes Activas que proporcione dicho servicio. El protocolo diseñado estará dotado de un mecanismo de control de congestión para que la fuente ajuste dinámicamente el tráfico inyectado a las condiciones de carga de la red. En esta tesis se pretende también profundizar en el estudio y análisis de la tecnología de Redes Activas, experimentando con dicha tecnología para proporcionar una realimentación a sus diseñadores. Dicha experimentación se realizará en tres ámbitos: el de los servicios y protocolos que puede soportar, el del modelo y arquitectura de las Redes Activas y el de las plataformas de ejecución disponibles. Como aportación adicional de este trabajo, se validarán los objetivos anteriores mediante una implementación piloto de las entidades de protocolo y de su interfaz de servicio sobre uno de los entornos de ejecución disponibles. Abstract The limitations of current networking technologies identified in the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA) along 1995 have led to a recent proposal of a new network model called Active Networks. In this model, the nodes provide an execution environment over which the code used to process each packet is executed. The objective is a network technology that allows the fast design and deployment of new network services without requiring the modification of the network nodes. One network service that could benefit from this technology is the transmission of multicast data with different types of loss tolerance. The current proposals for reliable multicast services provide specific solutions for each application class, and existing end-to-end protocols suffer from technical drawbacks related to limited reliability and lack of an effective congestion control mechanism. This thesis contains original proposals that aim to solve part of the current drawbacks in the scope of Active Networks and reliable multicast with congestion control. Firstly, a generic reliable multicast network service will be specified. This service will be designed from the requirements of a relevant set of applications, and will provide different session classes and different types of reliability. Then, a network protocol based on Active Network technology will be designed such that it provides the specified network service. This protocol will incorporate a congestion control mechanism capable of performing an automatic adjustment of the traffic injected by the source to the available network capacity. This thesis will also contribute to a deeper study and analysis of Active Network technology, by experimenting with the technology in order to provide feedback to its designers. This experimentation will be done attending to three different scopes: support of Active Network for services and protocols, Active Network model and architecture, and currently available Active Network execution environments. As an additional contribution of this work, the previous objectives will be validated through a prototype implementation of the protocol entities and the service interface based on one of the current execution environments.
Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA), and Web Services (WS), the technology generally used to implement them, achieve the integration of heterogeneous technologies, providing interoperability, and yielding the reutilization of pre-existent systems. Model-driven development methodologies provide inherent benefits such as increased productivity, greater reuse, and better maintainability, to name a few. Efforts on achieving model-driven development of SOAs already exist, but there is currently no standard solution that addresses non-functional aspects of these services as well. This paper presents an approach to integrate these non-functional aspects in the development of web services, with an emphasis on security.
The runtime management of the infrastructure providing service-based systems is a complex task, up to the point where manual operation struggles to be cost effective. As the functionality is provided by a set of dynamically composed distributed services, in order to achieve a management objective multiple operations have to be applied over the distributed elements of the managed infrastructure. Moreover, the manager must cope with the highly heterogeneous characteristics and management interfaces of the runtime resources. With this in mind, this paper proposes to support the configuration and deployment of services with an automated closed control loop. The automation is enabled by the definition of a generic information model, which captures all the information relevant to the management of the services with the same abstractions, describing the runtime elements, service dependencies, and business objectives. On top of that, a technique based on satisfiability is described which automatically diagnoses the state of the managed environment and obtains the required changes for correcting it (e.g., installation, service binding, update, or configuration). The results from a set of case studies extracted from the banking domain are provided to validate the feasibility of this proposa
En un mercado de educación superior cada vez más competitivo, la colaboración entre universidades es una efectiva estrategia para acceder al mercado global. El desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas es un importante mecanismo para fortalecer las colaboraciones académicas y diversificar los conocimientos. Las titulaciones conjuntas están siendo cada vez más implementadas en las universidades de todo el mundo. En Europa, el proceso de Bolonia y el programa Erasmus, están fomentado el reconocimiento de titulaciones conjuntas y dobles y promoviendo la colaboración entre las instituciones académicas. En el imparable proceso de la globalización y convergencia educativa, el uso de sistemas de e-learning para soportar cursos tanto semipresencial como online es una tendencia en crecimiento. Dado que los sistemas de e-learning soportan una amplia variedad de cursos, es necesario encontrar una solución adecuada que permita a las universidades soportar y gestionar las titulaciones conjuntas a través de sus sistemas de e-learning en conformidad con los acuerdos de colaboración establecidos por las universidades participantes. Esta tesis doctoral abordará las siguientes preguntas de investigación: 1. ¿Qué factores deben tenerse en cuenta en la implementación y gestión de titulaciones conjuntas? 2. ¿Cómo pueden los sistemas actuales de e-learning soportar el desarrollo de titulaciones conjuntas? 3. ¿Qué otros servicios y sistemas necesitan ser adaptados por las universidades interesadas en participar en una titulación conjunta a través de sus sistemas de e-learning? La implementación de titulaciones conjuntas a través de sistemas de e-learning es compleja e implica retos técnicos, administrativos, culturales, financieros, jurídicos y de seguridad. Esta tesis doctoral propone una serie de contribuciones que pueden ayudar a resolver algunos de los retos identificados. En primer lugar se ha elaborado un modelo conceptual que incluye la información del contexto de las titulaciones conjuntas que es relevante para la implementación de estas titulaciones en los sistemas de e-learning. Después de definir el modelo conceptual, se ha propuesto una arquitectura basada en políticas para la implementación de titulaciones interinstitucionales a través de sistemas de e-learning de acuerdo a los términos estipulados en los acuerdos de colaboración que son firmados por las universidades participantes. El autor se ha centrado en el componente de gestión de flujos de trabajo de esta arquitectura. Por último y con el fin de permitir la interoperabilidad de repositorios de objetos educativos, los componentes básicos a implementar han sido identificados y validados. El uso de servicios multimedia en educación es una tendencia creciente, proporcionando servicios de e-learning que permiten mejorar la comunicación y la interacción entre profesores y alumnos. Dentro de estos servicios, nos hemos centrado en el uso de la videoconferencia y la grabación de clases como servicios adecuados para el desarrollo de cursos impartidos en escenarios de educación colaborativos. Las contribuciones han sido validadas en proyectos de investigación de ámbito nacional y europeo en los que el autor ha participado. Abstract In an increasingly competitive higher education market, collaboration between universities is an effective strategy for gaining access to the global market. The development of joint degrees is an important mechanism for strengthening academic research collaborations and diversifying knowledge. Joint degrees are becoming increasingly implemented in universities around the world. In Europe, the Bologna process and the Erasmus programme have encouraged both the global recognition of joint and double degrees and promoted close collaboration between academic institutions. In the unstoppable process of globalization and educational convergence, the use of e-learning systems for supporting both blended and online courses is becoming a growing trend. Since e-learning systems covers a wide range of courses, it becomes necessary to find a suitable solution that enables universities to support and manage joint degrees through their e-learning systems in accordance with the collaboration agreements established by the universities involved. This dissertation will address the following research questions: 1. What factors need to be considered in the implementation and management of joint degrees? 2. How can the current e-learning systems support the development of joint degrees? 3. What other services and systems need to be adapted by universities interested in participating in a joint degree through their e-learning systems? The implementation of joint degrees using e-learning systems is complex and involves technical, administrative, security, cultural, financial and legal challenges. This dissertation proposes a series of contributions to help solve some of the identified challenges. One of the cornerstones of this proposal is a conceptual model of all the relevant issues related to the support of joint degrees by means of e-learning systems. After defining the conceptual model, this dissertation proposes a policy-driven architecture for implementing inter-institutional degree collaborations through e-learning systems as stipulated by a collaboration agreement signed by two universities. The author has focused on the workflow management component of this architecture. Finally, the building blocks for achieving interoperability of learning object repositories have been identified and validated. The use of multimedia services in education is a growing trend, providing rich e-learning services that improve the communication and interaction between teachers and students. Within these e-learning services, we have focused on the use of videoconferencing and lecture recording as the best-suited services to support collaborative learning scenarios. The contributions have been validated within national and European research projects that the author has been involved in.