937 resultados para Generalized anxiety disorder


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We report observation of inverted phases consisting of spheres and/or cylinders of the majority fraction block in a poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) (SBS) triblock copolymer by solvent-induced order-disorder phase transition (ODT). The SBS sample has a molecular weight of 140K Da and a polystyrene (PS) weight fraction of 30%. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were utilized to study the copolymer microstructure of a set of solution-cast SBS films dried with different solvent evaporation rates, R. The control with different R leads to kinetic frozen-in of microstructures corresponding to a different combination parameter chi (eff)Z of the drying films (where chi (eff) is the effective interaction parameter of the polymer solution in the cast film and Z the number of "blobs" of size equal to the correlation length one block copolymer chain contains), for which faster evaporation rates result in microstructures of smaller chi (eff)Z. As R was decreased from rapid evaporations (similar to0.1 mL/h), the microstructure evolved from a totally disordered one sequentially to inverted phases consisting of spheres and then cylinders of polybutadiene (PB) in a PS matrix and finally reached the equilibrium phase, namely cylinders of PS in a PB matrix. We interpret the formation of inverted phases as due to the increased relative importance of entropy as chi (eff)Z is decreased, which may dominate the energy penalty for having a bigger interfacial area between the immiscible blocks in the inverted phases.


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The unique geologic, geomorphic and climatic conditions of southeast Tibet have made the region to develop the multi-style and frequently occurring geologic hazards, especially the collapses and landslides and debris flows along the section of Ranwu-Lulang in Sichuan-Tibet highway. However, most of those geologic hazards have close relationship with the loose accumulations. That is, the loose accumulations are the main carrier of most geologic hazards. Thereof, the huge-thick accumulations along the highway is regarded as the objective in the thesis to study the geologic background, hazarding model and mitigation methods comprehensively, based on the multi-disciplinary theories and former materials. First of all, in the paper, based on field engineering geologic investigations, the genetic type and the characteristics of spatiotemporal distribution of the huge-thick loose accumulations along the highway, have been analysized from the factors of regional geology and geomorphy and climate, as well as the coupling acting of those factors with inoculation and eruption of the loose accumulations geologic hazards. The huge-thick loose accumulations has complex genetic types and specific regulations of spatiotemporal distribution, closely controlled by the outer environment of the region. The accumulations are composed of earth and boulder, with disorder structure and poor sorting, specific forming environments and depositing conditions. And its physical and mechanic properties are greatly distinguished from rock and common earth inland. When Sichuan-Tibet highway was firstly constructed along the north bank of Purlung Tsangpo River, the huge-thick loose accumulations was cut into many high and steep slopes. Through the survey to the cut-slopes and systematic investigation to their failures, the combination of height and angle of the accumulations slope has been obtained. At the same time, the types of genetic structure of those cut-slopes are also analysized and concluded, as well as their failure models. It is studied in the paper that there are piaster, duality, multielement and complexity types in genetic structure, and rip-dump-repose, rip-shear-slip and weathering-flake types in failure models. Moreover, it is briefly introduced present engineering performance methods and techniques dealing with the deformation and failure of the accumulations cut-slope. It is also suggested that several new techniques of slope enforcement and the method of landslide and rockfall avoiding should be applied. The research of high and steep cut-slope along the highway has broadened the acknowledgement of the combination of cut-slope height and angle. Especially, the dissertation also has made the monographic studies about the geologic background and hazarding models and prevention methods of some classic but difficult accumulations geologic hazards. They are: (1) Research of the engineering geologic background of the 102 landslide group and key problems about the project of tunnel. The 102 landslide group is a famous accumulational one composed of glacial tills and glaciofuvial deposit. The tunnel project is a feasible and optional one which can solve the present plight of “sliding after just harnessing” in the 102 section. Based on the glacial geomorphy and its depositing character, distribution of seepage line, a few drillhole materials and some surveying data, the position of contact surface between gneiss and accumulations has been recognized, and the retreating velocities of three different time scales (short, medium and long term) have been approximately calculated, and the weathering thickness of gneiss has also been estimated in the paper. On the basis of above acknowledgement, new engineering geomechnic mode is established. Numerical analysis about the stability of the No.2 landslide is done by way of FLAC program, which supplies the conclusion that the landslide there develops periodically. Thereof, 4 projects of tunnel going through the landslide have been put forwards. Safety distance of the tunnel from clinohefron has been numerically analysized. (2) Research of the geologic setting and disaster model and hazard mitigation of sliding-sand-slope. From the geologic setting of talus cone, it is indicated that the sliding-sand-slope is the process of the re-transportation and re-deposit of sand under the gravity action and from the talus cone. It is the failure of the talus cone essentially. The layering structure of the sliding-sand-slope is discovered. The models of movement and failure of the sliding-sand-slope has been put forwards. The technique, “abamurus+grass-bush fence+degradable culture pan”, is suggested to enforcement and green the sliding-sand-slope. (3) Characteristics and hazarding model and disaster mitigation of debris flow. The sources of solid material of three oversize debris flows have been analysized. It is found that a large amount of moraine existing in the glacial valley and large landslide dam-break are the two important features for oversize debris flow to be taken place. The disaster models of oversize and common debris flows have been generalized respectively. The former model better interpret the event of the Yigong super-large landslide-dam breaking. The features of common debris flow along the highway section, scouring and silting and burying and impacting, are formulated carefully. It is suggested that check dam is a better engineering structure to prevent valley from steeply scouring by debris flow. Moreover, the function of check dam in enforcing the slope is numerically calculated by FLAC program. (4) Songzong ancient ice-dammed lake and its slope stability. The lacustrine profile in Songzong landslide, more than 88 meters thick, is carefully described and measured. The Optical Simulated Luminescence (OSL) ages in the bottom and top of the silty clay layer are 22.5±3.3 kaB.P., 16.1±1.7 kaB.P., respectively. It is indicated by the ages that the lacustrine deposits formed during the Last Glacial Maximum ranging from 25ka B.P. to 15ka B.P. The special characteristics of the lacustrine sediment and the ancient lake line in Songzong basin indicated that the lacustrine sediment is related to the blocking of the Purlung Tsangpo River by the glacier in Last Glacial Maximum from Dongqu valley. The characteristics of the lacustrine profile also indicate that the Songzong ice-dammed lake might run through the Last Glacial Maximum. Two dimensional numerical modeling and analysis are done to simulate the slope stability under the conditions of nature and earthquake by FLAC program. The factor of safety of the lacusrtine slope is 1.04, but it will take place horizontal flow under earthquake activity due to the liquefaction of the 18.33 m silt layer. The realign to prevent the road from landslide is suggested.


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Objective:Developing a generalized psychological intervention program, and explore its influence on the emotion, subjective health, and immunity function of the perioperation patients with breast cancer. Method:Sixty patients with breast cancer were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. The clinical psychological intervention was performed on patients in the intervention group for 20 days, in addition to the routine therapy and care. Levels of emotion (SAS & SDS), subjective health (SF-36), and immunity function (t lymphocyte subsets) of the patients were tested. Results: 1.There was no significant difference between the age, income, educational level, and type of prefession of the two groups. There was no significant difference between SAS, SDS, SF-36 and lymphocyte subsets(CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD4+/CD8+, NK) of the two groups. 2. Scores of SAS and SDS decreased significantly after intervention in experimental group, while the score of SF-36, the average value of CD4+, CD4+/CD8+, and NK increased significantly. For the control group, the score of depression decreased significantly after intervention, while the score of PF, GH, VT, SF, RE, and MH increased significantly. 3. In comparison of the intervention and control group, the intervention effect of SAS, SDS, SF-36 scores (except SF), CD3+, CD4+, CD4+/CD8+, and NK differed significantly, with the priority of experimental group. 4. SDS, SAS, and CD3+, CD4+, NK correlated in negative respectively, while SDS, SAS, and CD8+ correlated in positive. PF, RP, GH, SF, and MH of subjective health correlated in positive with every index of immunity function in positive, except negative correlation with CD4+/CD8+. BP, RE correlated with CD3+,CD4+,CD8+, and NK in positive. VT correlated in positive with CD3+, CD8+, and NK, in negative with CD4+/CD8+. Conclusions: 1. Anxiety, depression, and subjective health, correlated with immunity function in perioperation patients with breast cancer. 2. Psychological intervention can improve the emotional status, subjective health, and immune function of patients with breast cancer to the optimum in perioperative period.


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The conceptualization of “depression” as a heterogenous disease has been widely accepted by most researchers. However, controlled experiments are rather sparse. To date, most studies demonstrated that animals with helplessness, a widely recognized behavioral index of “depression” also show varied comobidity expressions of other emotional behaviors, such as hightened or lightened anxiety level compared with controls. This means that distinct subtypes of “depression” may exist, in which different neural mechanisms may play roles. The present study aims to explore the possibility of behaviorally categorizing two depressive subtypes, referred as anxious helplessness and non-anxious helplessness, respectively. Then, by using RT-PCR, the dopamine D1, D2, D3 receptors mRNA expressions in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and nucleus accubems (NAc) were quantified. The main findings are described as belows: 1. Uncontrollable shock could readily induce helpless behavior in shocked animals as a whole but with salient individual differences. Prior inescaoable shock induces subsuquent helplessness in approximately 40% shocked animals, while the other animals showed no sign of helpless expression, and were classified as non-helplessness. 2. Among helpless animals, the “subtype” of anxious helpless and non-anxious helpless could be identified according to the anxiety level evaluated by elevated plus maze. 3. D3 receptors mRNA expressions in the mPFC and NAc were increased in stressed animals after uncontrollable shock treatment. At the meanwhile, significant lower expressions of D2 receptors in the mPFC and NAc, and much lower expressions of D1 receptors in the mPFC were found in rats that did not become helpless after stress. In contrast, no significant difference between helpless and control animals was found in D1/D2 receptors mRNA expressions. 4. Based on above mentioned results, the up-regulation of D3 receptors in the mPFC and NAc may reflect a generalized effect of exposure to uncontrollalbe shock. While the down-regulation of D1\D2 receptors in the mPFC and decreased expression of D2 receptors in the NAc may be associated with adaptive or protective mechnisms which protecting animals from helplessness after uncontrollable shock treatment. 5. Futhermore, a significant negative relationship was found between anxiety level and D1 receptors expressions in the mPFC in helpless animals. Compared to the non-anxious helpless and control rats, the D1 receptors mRNA of anxious helpless rats were down-regulation in the mPFC. The present study indicated that the D1 dopamine receptor gene is associated with co-morbid depression and anxiety.


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We study the frequent problem of approximating a target matrix with a matrix of lower rank. We provide a simple and efficient (EM) algorithm for solving {\\em weighted} low rank approximation problems, which, unlike simple matrix factorization problems, do not admit a closed form solution in general. We analyze, in addition, the nature of locally optimal solutions that arise in this context, demonstrate the utility of accommodating the weights in reconstructing the underlying low rank representation, and extend the formulation to non-Gaussian noise models such as classification (collaborative filtering).


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The primary goal of this report is to demonstrate how considerations from computational complexity theory can inform grammatical theorizing. To this end, generalized phrase structure grammar (GPSG) linguistic theory is revised so that its power more closely matches the limited ability of an ideal speaker--hearer: GPSG Recognition is EXP-POLY time hard, while Revised GPSG Recognition is NP-complete. A second goal is to provide a theoretical framework within which to better understand the wide range of existing GPSG models, embodied in formal definitions as well as in implemented computer programs. A grammar for English and an informal explanation of the GPSG/RGPSG syntactic features are included in appendices.


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The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review to identify the randomized clinical studies that had investigated the following research question: Is the mandibular manipulation technique an effective and safe technique for the treatment of the temporomandibular joint disk displacement without reduction? the systematic search was conducted in the electronic databases: PubMed (Medical Publications), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database), PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database), BBO (Brazilian Library of Odontology), CENTRAL (Library Cochrane), and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). the abstracts of presentations in physical therapy meetings were manually selected, and the articles of the ones that meet the requirements were investigated. No language restrictions were considered. Only randomized and controlled clinical studies were included. Two studies of medium quality fulfilled all the inclusion criteria. There is no sufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of the mandibular manipulation therapy, and therefore its use remains questionable. Being minimally invasive, this therapy is attractive as an initial approach, especially considering the cost of the alternative approaches. the analysis of the results suggests that additional high-quality randomized clinical trials are necessary on the topic, and they should focus on methods for data randomization and allocation, on clearly defined outcomes, on a priori calculated sample size, and on an adequate follow-up strategy.


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Cox, S.J. and Whittick, E.L. (2006) Shear modulus of two-dimensional foams: The effect of area dispersity and disorder. Euro. Phys. J. E 21:49-56 Sponsorship: EPSRC


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Z. Huang and Q. Shen. Transformation Based Interpolation with Generalized Representative Values. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pages 821-826.


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Z. Huang and Q. Shen. Fuzzy interpolation with generalized representative values. Proceedings of the 2004 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence, pages 161-171.


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Kear, A. (2005). The Anxiety of the Image. Parallax, 11 (3), 107-116. RAE2008


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Douglas, Robert; Cullen, M.J.P.; Roulston, I.; Sewell, M.J., (2005) 'Generalized semi-geostrophic theory on a sphere', Journal of Fluid Mechanics 531 pp.123-157 RAE2008


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Phil Bryden's work has impacted on many areas of laterality, including degree and measurement of hand preference, as well as influences of familial sinistrality (FS). For example, Bryden[(1977). Measuring handedness with questionnaires. Neuropsychologia, 15, 617–624] is a well-cited and influential paper that remains relevant to this day. Inspired by this we extended our analysis of the relationship between handedness and anxiety in a number of ways. We used familial handedness and strength of handedness to examine their potential influences on anxiety, and extended our research by exploring their relationship to social anxiety, using the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN). Inconsistent left-handers (ILH) were found to be more socially anxious. In all categories of SPIN except avoidance, ILH were significantly more anxious than consistent right- and left-handers. There were FS differences between ILH with a first degree left-handed relative (FS+) compared to ILH with no first degree left-handed relative (FS−) on all categories of anxiety scores. Within FS+ participants, ILH had significantly higher anxiety scores, compared with consistent handers across all categories. This suggests that ILH's social anxiety may be influenced by a close left-handed relative. Inspired by examining Bryden's work for this special issue, we will continue to add both strength of preference and familial handedness to our work.


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This paper analyzes the relationship between communication apprehension and language anxiety from the perspective of gender. As virtually no empirical studies have addressed the explicit influence of gender on language anxiety in communication apprehensives, this paper proposes that females are generally more sensitive to anxiety, as reflected in various spheres of communication. For this reason, language anxiety levels in communication apprehensive females should be higher, unlike those of communication apprehensive males. Comparisons between them were made using a student t test, two-way ANOVA, and post-hoc Tukey test. The results revealed that Polish communication apprehensive secondary grammar school males and females do not differ in their levels of language anxiety, although nonapprehensive males experience significantly lower language anxiety than their female peers. It is argued that the finding can be attributed to developmental patterns, gender socialization processes, classroom practices, and the uniqueness of the FL learning process, which is a stereotypically female domain.