976 resultados para Gay and lesbian studies -- New Zealand


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Aims New Zealand has a high incidence of cryptosporidiosis compared to other developed countries. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology of this disease in detail and to identify potential risk factors.

Methods We analysed anonymous cryptosporidiosis notification (1997–2006) and hospitalisation data (1996–2006). Cases were designated as “urban” or “rural” and assigned a deprivation level based on their home address. Association between disease rates and animal density was studied using a simple linear regression model, at the territorial authority level.

Results Over the 10-year period 1997–2006, the average annual rate of notified cryptosporidiosis was 22.0 cases per 100,000 population. The number of hospitalisations was equivalent to 3.6% of the notified cases. There was only 1 reported fatality. The annual incidence of infection appeared fairly stable, but showed marked seasonality with a peak rate in spring (September–November in New Zealand). The highest rates were among Europeans, children 0–9 years of age, and those living in low deprivation areas. Notification rates showed large geographic variations, with rates in rural areas 2.8 times higher than in urban areas, and with rural areas also experiencing the most pronounced spring peak. At the territorial authority (TA) level, rates were also correlated with farm animal density.

Conclusions Most transmission of Cryptosporidium in New Zealand appears to be zoonotic: from farm animals to humans. Prevention should focus on reducing transmission in rural setting, though more research is needed to identify which strategies are likely to be most effective in that environment.


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Aims New Zealand has a higher incidence rate of giardiasis than other developed countries. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology of this disease in detail and to identify potential risk factors.

Methods We analysed anonymous giardiasis notification (1997–2006) and hospitalisation data (1990–2006). Cases were designated as urban or rural and assigned a deprivation level based on their home address. Association between disease rates and animal density was studied using a simple linear regression model, at the territorial authority (TA) level.

Results Over the 10-year period 1997–2006 the average annual rate of notified giardiasis was 44.1 cases per 100,000 population. The number of hospitalisations was equivalent to 1.7% of the notified cases. There were 2 reported fatalities. The annual incidence of notified cases declined over this period whereas hospitalisations remained fairly constant. Giardiasis showed little seasonality. The highest rates were among children 0–9 years old, those 30–39 years old, Europeans, and those living in low deprivation areas. Notification rates were slightly higher in rural areas. The correlation between giardiasis and farm animal density was not significant at the TA level.

Conclusions The public health importance of giardiasis to New Zealand mainly comes from its relatively high rates in this country. The distribution of cases is consistent with largely anthroponotic (human) reservoirs, with a relatively small contribution from zoonotic sources in rural environments and a modest contribution from overseas travel. Prevention efforts could include continuing efforts to improve hand washing, nappy handling, and other hygiene measures and travel health advice relating to enteric infections.


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Aims To assess the role of migration from high-incidence countries, HIV/AIDS infection, and prevalence of multi-drug resistant organisms as contributors to tuberculosis (TB) incidence in New Zealand (NZ) relative to ongoing local transmission and reactivation of disease.

Methods TB notification data and laboratory data for the period 1995 to 2004 and population data from the 1996 and 2001 Census were used to calculate incidence rates of TB by age and ethnicity, country of birth (distinguishing high and low -incidence countries), and interval between migration and onset of disease. Published reports of multi-drug-resistant TB for the period 1995 to 2004 were reviewed. Anonymous HIV surveillance data held by AIDS Epidemiology Group were matched with coded and anonymised TB surveillance data to measure the extent of HIV/AIDS coinfection in notified TB cases.

Results Migration of people from high-TB incidence countries is the main source of TB in NZ. Of those who develop TB, a quarter does so within a year of migration, and a quarter of this group (mainly refugees) probably enter the country with pre-existing disease. Rates of local TB transmission and reactivation of old disease are declining steadily for NZ-born populations, except for NZ-born Māori and Pacific people under 40. HIV/AIDS and multi-drug-resistant organisms are not significant contributors to TB incidence in NZ and there is no indication that their role is increasing.

Conclusion TB incidence is not decreasing in NZ mainly due to migration of TB infected people from high-incidence countries and subsequent development of active disease in some of them in NZ. This finding emphasises the importance of regional and global TB control initiatives. Refugees and migrants are not acting as an important source of TB for most NZ-born populations. Those caring for them should have a high level of clinical suspicion for TB.


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Broadly defined as interpersonal relationship in Chinese society, guanxi embodies several intricate and unique Chinese cultural values. Although more and more western business people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of guanxi in doing business in China, its potential impacts on the performance of business are still not well understood by western business people. This paper uses path analysis to assess the impacts of guanxi on export performance of a sample of New Zealand firms exporting to China. The results show that guanxi variables significantly facilitate trade partnering, business negotiating, and problem solving and generally contributes positively to the overall export performance of firms.


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This article focuses on the background of the 'conventional' or 'old' way of recruiting, it reviews different 'new' ways; e-recruiting and its effectiveness; advantages such as accessibility and disadvantages such as transgression of some legislation in e-recruiting and the impact it has on management. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 102 companies within that population. A 36- question questionnaire was used and we employed random stratified cluster sampling. Research done in Auckland's Rosebank Business Precinct (New Zealand) revealed that for certain job categories e-recruitment is effective. E-recruitment is revolutionising the way employers hire employees. Some implications for managers are pointed out such as the need to be trained for these changes; it can save a lot of money on advertisements; the savings could be used to develop careers or training for employees. The recommendations suggest that the HR objectives have to align with the organisational objectives to ensure that they recruit, select and employ the right candidate for the right job. A flow diagram for e-recruiting was developed by the authors for use by employers.


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Gender differences in health status and use of health care services have been established in the developed world; less attention, however, has been paid to gender differences in financial barrier to primary health care. Such barrier, however, represent potentially avoidable mortality and morbidity. This paper aims to examine gender differences in financial barrier to primary health care in New Zealand.


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Several new technical developments have been made based on the combined use of the wire beam electrode (WBE), electrochemical noise analysis (ENA) and the scanning reference electrode technique (SRET). These have included: (i) The WBE-R n method- the combined use of the WBE and the noise resistance (Rn) to map the rates and patterns of uniform or localized corrosion; (ii) The WBE-Noise Signatures method- the combined use of the WBE and the noise signature to detect the origination and propagation of localized corrosion; and (iii) The WBE-SRET method- the combined use of the WBE and SRET to investigate localized corrosion from both the metallic and electrolyte phases of a corroding metal surface. This paper presents a brief review on these novel methods and their applications for detecting general and localized corrosion, for mapping the rates of corrosion, and for studying corrosion inhibitors.


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The thesis shows that students gained skills required for entry to a career in IT, there was no direct involvement by the IT sector to link these skills to professional practice. This thesis suggests a holistic model for sector engagement, from secondary education through tertiary to graduate placement and employment.


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The Bill outlines the overarching purpose of the NZICC Agreement ‘to provide economic benefits to New Zealanders’. It is really a form of PPP (Public Private Partnership) where the beneficiaries are said to be the Crown and SkyCity but the real payment comes from the losses of the (mainly) community members who will gamble on the expanded facilities outlined in the Agreement. The Howeth International Convention and Exhibition Centre study (2009) established a clear business case for an international convention centre; with an optimistic benefit-cost ratio of 1.433 (which translates into a benefit to the economy of $1.433
for ever $1 spent). Aside from the short-term stimulus to jobs of the construction phase, a convention centre with capacity for 1000 delegates would create about 800 new jobs and attract up to 35 additional conferences of between 150 and 2500 delegates per year (an additional 22,000 additional international visitors and more than 200,000 extra visitor days, worth approximately $85.4 million in tourism-related expenditure per year15. It is therefore questionable as to why this venture needs to be captured by gambling interests, which will also dictate the location. This points to the efficacy of a non-casino provider being able to tender for establishment of an International Convention Centre that could be run profitably without being part of the for-profit model based on expanded gambling machines/revenue.


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Temporary urban spaces are gaining even more footing and acceptance on the political agenda as a result of their potential for creating eventful, cultural and creative urban environments. This political focus on temporary urban space is an indication of general urban regulations and development tendencies characterized by cultural planning, leisure, economy, collaborative planning and an increased focus on everyday life. Particularly economic parameters related to leisure such as creativity, culture, urban life and experiences are highly prioritized on the urban municipal agenda, with temporary uses as a concrete development tool. An interesting dichotomy has also arisen between the use of temporary space as a tool for social planning by urban designers as opposed to the use of temporary spaces by politicians as a vehicle for economic gain through leisure spaces. This paper focuses on the phenomenon of Temporary Use as a city-political focus area now and in the future as well as the use of the temporary as a planning tool. Several case studies are used to illustrate these topics.