977 resultados para Gaussian Relay Channel`


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The viscosity-temperature relation is determined for the water models SPC/E, TIP4P, TIP4P/Ew, and TIP4P/2005 by considering Poiseuille flow inside a nano-channel using molecular dynamics. The viscosity is determined by fitting the resulting velocity profile (away from the walls) to the continuum solution for a Newtonian fluid and then compared to experimental values. The results show that the TIP4P/2005 model gives the best prediction of the viscosity for the complete range of temperatures for liquid water, and thus it is the preferred water model of these considered here for simulations where the magnitude of viscosity is crucial. On the other hand, with the TIP4P model, the viscosity is severely underpredicted, and overall the model performed worst, whereas the SPC/E and TIP4P/Ew models perform moderately.


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We introduce a Gaussian process model of functions which are additive. An additive function is one which decomposes into a sum of low-dimensional functions, each depending on only a subset of the input variables. Additive GPs generalize both Generalized Additive Models, and the standard GP models which use squared-exponential kernels. Hyperparameter learning in this model can be seen as Bayesian Hierarchical Kernel Learning (HKL). We introduce an expressive but tractable parameterization of the kernel function, which allows efficient evaluation of all input interaction terms, whose number is exponential in the input dimension. The additional structure discoverable by this model results in increased interpretability, as well as state-of-the-art predictive power in regression tasks.


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In standard Gaussian Process regression input locations are assumed to be noise free. We present a simple yet effective GP model for training on input points corrupted by i.i.d. Gaussian noise. To make computations tractable we use a local linear expansion about each input point. This allows the input noise to be recast as output noise proportional to the squared gradient of the GP posterior mean. The input noise variances are inferred from the data as extra hyperparameters. They are trained alongside other hyperparameters by the usual method of maximisation of the marginal likelihood. Training uses an iterative scheme, which alternates between optimising the hyperparameters and calculating the posterior gradient. Analytic predictive moments can then be found for Gaussian distributed test points. We compare our model to others over a range of different regression problems and show that it improves over current methods.


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State-space inference and learning with Gaussian processes (GPs) is an unsolved problem. We propose a new, general methodology for inference and learning in nonlinear state-space models that are described probabilistically by non-parametric GP models. We apply the expectation maximization algorithm to iterate between inference in the latent state-space and learning the parameters of the underlying GP dynamics model. Copyright 2010 by the authors.


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We propose a principled algorithm for robust Bayesian filtering and smoothing in nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems when both the transition function and the measurement function are described by non-parametric Gaussian process (GP) models. GPs are gaining increasing importance in signal processing, machine learning, robotics, and control for representing unknown system functions by posterior probability distributions. This modern way of system identification is more robust than finding point estimates of a parametric function representation. Our principled filtering/smoothing approach for GP dynamic systems is based on analytic moment matching in the context of the forward-backward algorithm. Our numerical evaluations demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach in situations where other state-of-the-art Gaussian filters and smoothers can fail. © 2011 IEEE.


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We present a novel filtering algorithm for tracking multiple clusters of coordinated objects. Based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) mechanism, the new algorithm propagates a discrete approximation of the underlying filtering density. A dynamic Gaussian mixture model is utilized for representing the time-varying clustering structure. This involves point process formulations of typical behavioral moves such as birth and death of clusters as well as merging and splitting. For handling complex, possibly large scale scenarios, the sampling efficiency of the basic MCMC scheme is enhanced via the use of a Metropolis within Gibbs particle refinement step. As the proposed methodology essentially involves random set representations, a new type of estimator, termed the probability hypothesis density surface (PHDS), is derived for computing point estimates. It is further proved that this estimator is optimal in the sense of the mean relative entropy. Finally, the algorithm's performance is assessed and demonstrated in both synthetic and realistic tracking scenarios. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we develop a new Rao-Blackwellized Monte Carlo smoothing algorithm for conditionally linear Gaussian models. The algorithm is based on the forward-filtering backward-simulation Monte Carlo smoother concept and performs the backward simulation directly in the marginal space of the non-Gaussian state component while treating the linear part analytically. Unlike the previously proposed backward-simulation based Rao-Blackwellized smoothing approaches, it does not require sampling of the Gaussian state component and is also able to overcome certain normalization problems of two-filter smoother based approaches. The performance of the algorithm is illustrated in a simulated application. © 2012 IFAC.


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In Multiplexed MPC, the control variables of a MIMO plant are moved asynchronously, following a pre-planned periodic sequence. The advantage of Multiplexed MPC lies in its reduced computational complexity, leading to faster response to disturbances, which may result in improved performance, despite finding sub-optimal solution to the original problem. This paper extends the original Multiplexed MPC in a way such that the control inputs are no longer restricted to a pre-planned periodic sequence. Instead, the most appropriate control input channel would be optimised and selected to counter the disturbances, hence the name 'Channel-Hopping'. In addition, the proposed algorithm is suitable for execution on modern computing platforms such as FPGA or GPU, exploits multi-core, parallel and pipeline computing techniques. The algorithm for the proposed Channel-hopping MPC (CH-MPC) will be described and its stability established. Illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the behaviour of the proposed Channel-Hopping MPC algorithm. © 2011 IFAC.


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In this paper we study parameter estimation for time series with asymmetric α-stable innovations. The proposed methods use a Poisson sum series representation (PSSR) for the asymmetric α-stable noise to express the process in a conditionally Gaussian framework. That allows us to implement Bayesian parameter estimation using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We further enhance the series representation by introducing a novel approximation of the series residual terms in which we are able to characterise the mean and variance of the approximation. Simulations illustrate the proposed framework applied to linear time series, estimating the model parameter values and model order P for an autoregressive (AR(P)) model driven by asymmetric α-stable innovations. © 2012 IEEE.


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We derive a random-coding upper bound on the average probability of error of joint source-channel coding that recovers Csiszár's error exponent when used with product distributions over the channel inputs. Our proof technique for the error probability analysis employs a code construction for which source messages are assigned to subsets and codewords are generated with a distribution that depends on the subset. © 2012 IEEE.


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A 4-channel polymeric optical bus module suitable for use in board-level interconnections is presented. Low-loss and low-crosstalk module performance is achieved, while -1 dB alignment tolerances better than ± 8 μm are demonstrated. © 2012 OSA.