967 resultados para Gastrointestinal neoplasm
There are several data in the literature indicating a great variety of pharmacological activities of Curcuma longa L. (Zingiberaceae), which exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-human immunodeficiency virus, anti-bacteria, antioxidant effects and nematocidal activities. Curcumin is a major component in Curcuma longa L., being responsible for its biological actions. Other extracts of this plant has been showing potency too. In vitro, curcumin exhibits anti-parasitic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and gastrointestinal effects; and also inhibits carcinogenesis and cancer growth. In vivo, there are experiments showing the anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory potency of curcumin and extracts of C. longa L. by parenteral and oral application in animal models. In this present work we make an overview of the pharmacological activities of C. longa L., showing its importance.
Evaluar la utilidad de 75SeHCAT como prueba de primera línea en el diagnóstica en el síndrome diarreico crónico (SDC). Se estudiaron prospectivamente 47 pacientes. En todos se midió la retención abdominal a los 7 días post-administración 75SeHCAT (RA7). Los pacientes con prueba alterada se evaluo la respuesta a la resincolestiramina y se realizó un nuevo test a los 3 meses. çEn nuestro estudio se objetivo que la medición de la RA7 de 75SeHCAT permite un diagnóstico precoz de la malabsorción de sales biliares en el 42.5 % de pacientes con SDC.
In vitro tests were carried out to verify the activity of 26 Brazilian isolates of predatory fungi of the genus Arthrobotrys on a free-living nematode (Panagrellus sp.) and on infective larvae of Cooperia punctata, a parasitic gastrointestinal nematode of cattle. The results showed that the free-living nematode Panagrellus sp. was the most preyed upon, compared to C. punctata, for all the fungal treatments. Also, variable predatory capacity was observed for different fungal isolates belonging to the same genus when applied to different nematode species.
At least 10% of glioblastoma relapses occur at distant and even contralateral locations. This disseminated growth limits surgical intervention and contributes to neurological morbidity. Preclinical data pointed toward a role for temozolomide (TMZ) in reducing radiotherapy-induced glioma cell invasiveness. Our objective was to develop and validate a new analysis tool of MRI data to examine the clinical recurrence pattern of glioblastomas. MRIcro software was used to map the location and extent of initial preoperative and recurrent tumors on MRI of 63 patients in the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 26981/22981/National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) CE.3 study into the same stereotaxic space. This allowed us to examine changes of site and distance between the initial and the recurrent tumor on the group level. Thirty of the 63 patients were treated using radiotherapy, while the other patients completed a radiotherapy-plus-TMZ treatment. Baseline characteristics (median age, KPS) and outcome data (progression-free survival, overall survival) of the patients included in this analysis resemble those of the general study cohort. The patient groups did not differ in the promoter methylation status of methyl guanine methyltransferase (MGMT). Overall frequency of distant recurrences was 20%. Analysis of recurrence patterns revealed no difference between the groups in the size of the recurrent tumor or in the differential effect on the distance of the recurrences from the preoperative tumor location. The data show the feasibility of groupwise recurrence pattern analysis. An effect of TMZ treatment on the recurrence pattern in the EORTC 26981/22981/NCIC CE.3 study could not be demonstrated.
CARMA1 is a lymphocyte-specific member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family of scaffolding proteins, which coordinate signaling pathways emanating from the plasma membrane. CARMA1 interacts with Bcl10 via its caspase-recruitment domain (CARD). Here we investigated the role of CARMA1 in T cell activation and found that T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation induced a physical association of CARMA1 with the TCR and Bcl10. We found that CARMA1 was constitutively associated with lipid rafts, whereas cytoplasmic Bcl10 translocated into lipid rafts upon TCR engagement. A CARMA1 mutant, defective for Bcl10 binding, had a dominant-negative (DN) effect on TCR-induced NF-kappa B activation and IL-2 production and on the c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (Jnk) pathway when the TCR was coengaged with CD28. Together, our data show that CARMA1 is a critical lipid raft-associated regulator of TCR-induced NF-kappa B activation and CD28 costimulation-dependent Jnk activation.
Melanoma-associated genes (MAGEs) encode tumor-specific antigens that can be recognized by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes. To investigate the interaction of the HLA-A1-restricted MAGE-1 peptide 161-169 (EADPT-GHSY) with HLA class I molecules, photoreactive derivatives were prepared by single amino acid substitution with N beta-[iodo-4-azidosalicyloyl]-L-2,3-diaminopropionic acid. These derivatives were tested for their ability to bind to, and to photoaffinity-label, HLA-A1 on C1R.A1 cells. Only the derivatives containing the photoreactive amino acid in position 1 or 7 fulfilled both criteria. Testing the former derivative on 14 lymphoid cell lines expressing over 44 different HLA class I molecules indicated that it efficiently photoaffinity-labeled not only HLA-A1, but possibility also HLA-A29 and HLA-B44. MAGE peptide binding by HLA-A29 and HLA-B44 was confirmed by photoaffinity labeling with photoreactive MAGE-3 peptide derivatives on C1R.A29 and C1R.B44 cells, respectively. The different photoaffinity labeling systems were used to access the ability of the homologous peptides derived from MAGE-1, -2, -3, -4a, -4b, -6, and -12 to bind to HLA-A1, HLA-A29, and HLA-B44. All but the MAGE-2 and MAGE-12 nonapeptides efficiently inhibited photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A1, which is in agreement with the known HLA-A1 peptide-binding motif (acidic residue in P3 and C-terminal tyrosine). In contrast, photoaffinity labeling of HLA-A29 was efficiently inhibited by these as well as by the MAGE-3 and MAGE-6 nonapeptides. Finally, the HLA-B44 photoaffinity labeling, unlike the HLA-A1 and HLA-A29 labeling, was inhibited more efficiently by the corresponding MAGE decapeptides, which is consistent with the reported HLA-B44 peptide-binding motif (glutamic acid in P2, and C-terminal tyrosine or phenylalanine). The overlapping binding of homologous MAGE peptides by HLA-A1, A29, and B44 is based on different binding principles and may have implications for immunotherapy of MAGE-positive tumors.
Recent progress in the experimental determination of protein structures allow to understand, at a very detailed level, the molecular recognition mechanisms that are at the basis of the living matter. This level of understanding makes it possible to design rational therapeutic approaches, in which effectors molecules are adapted or created de novo to perform a given function. An example of such an approach is drug design, were small inhibitory molecules are designed using in silico simulations and tested in vitro. In this article, we present a similar approach to rationally optimize the sequence of killer T lymphocytes receptors to make them more efficient against melanoma cells. The architecture of this translational research project is presented together with its implications both at the level of basic research as well as in the clinics.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The control of glucose and energy homeostasis, including feeding behaviour, is tightly regulated by gut-derived peptidic and nonpeptidic endocrine mediators, autonomic nervous signals, as well as nutrients such as glucose. We will review recent findings on the role of the gastrointestinal tract innervation and of portal vein glucose sensors; we will review selected data on the action of gastrointestinally released hormones. RECENT FINDINGS: The involvement of mechanosensory vagal afferents in postprandial meal termination has been clarified using mouse models with selective impairments of genes required for development of mechanosensory fibres. These activate central glucogen-like peptide-1/glucogen-like peptide-2 containing ascending pathways linking the visceroceptive brainstem neurons to hypothalamic nuclei. Mucosal terminals comprise the chemosensory vagal afferents responsive to postprandially released gastrointestinal hormones. The mechanism by which the hepatoportal glucose sensor stimulates glucose utilization by muscles was demonstrated, using genetically modified mice, to be insulin-independent but to require GLUT4 and AMP-kinase. This sensor is a key site of glucogen-like peptide-1 action and plays a critical role in triggering first phase insulin secretion. PeptideYY and ghrelin target intracerebral receptors as they are bidirectionally transported across the blood brain barrier. The anorectic functions of peripherally released peptideYY may however be mediated both via vagal afferents and intracerebral Y2 receptors in the brainstem and arcuate nucleus. SUMMARY: These recent findings demonstrate that the use of improved anatomical and physiological techniques and animal models with targeted gene modifications lead to an improved understanding of the complex role of gastrointestinal signals in the control of energy homeostasis.
BACKGROUND: Angiogenesis inhibitors have been developed to block tumour angiogenesis and target vascular endothelial cells. While some of them have already been approved by the health authorities and are successfully integrated into patient care, many others are still under development, and the clinical value of this approach has to be established. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy and toxicity of targeted anti-angiogenic therapies, in addition to chemotherapy, in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. Primary endpoints are both progression-free and overall survival. Response rates, toxicity and secondary resectability were secondary endpoints. Comparisons were first-line chemotherapy in combination with angiogenesis inhibitor, to the same chemotherapy without angiogenesis inhibitor; and second-line chemotherapy, to the same chemotherapy without angiogenesis inhibitor. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, as well as proceedings from ECCO, ESMO and ASCO until November 2008. In addition, reference lists from trials were scanned, experts in the field and drug manufacturers were contacted to obtain further information. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomized controlled trials on targeted anti-angiogenic drugs in metastatic colorectal cancer (MCRC). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Data collection and analysis was performed, according to a previously published protocol. Because individual patient data was not provided, aggregate data had to be used for the analysis. Summary statistics for the primary endpoints were hazard ratios (HR's) and their 95% confidence intervals. MAIN RESULTS: At present, eligible first line trials for this meta-analysis were available for bevacizumab (5 trials including 3101 patients) and vatalanib (1 trial which included 1168 patients). The overall HR s for PFS (0.61, 95% CI 0.45 - 0.83) and OS (0.81, 95% 0.73 - 0.90) for the comparison of first-line chemotherapy, with or without bevacizumab, confirms significant benefits in favour of the patients treated with bevacizumab. However, the effect on PFS shows significant heterogeneity. For second-line chemotherapy, with or without bevacizumab, a benefit in both PFS (HR 0.61, 95% CI 0.51 - 0.73) and OS (HR 0.75, 95% CI 0.63-0.89) was demonstrated in a single, randomized trial. While differences in treatment-related deaths and 60-day mortality were not significant, higher incidences in grade III/IV hypertension, arterial thrombembolic events and gastrointestinal perforations were observed in the patients treated with bevacizumab. For valatanib, currently available data showed a non-significant benefit in PFS and OS. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy of metastatic colorectal cancer prolongs both PFS and OS in first-and second-line therapy.
Els pacients amb crisis suboclusives recurrents o amb símptomes digestius que impideixen mantenir el seu pes normal, en absència d´una causa estructural que justifique els símptomes, poden estar afectes d´un trastorn de la motilitat del budell prim. La manometría gastrointestinal es la tècnica d´ elecció per l´ estudi de la motilidad del tracte gastrointestinal i en aquests pacients pot mostrar patrons aberrants que justifiquin els símptomes. No obstant, la manometría gastrointestinal és una tècnica específica però poc sensible. L´objetiu general d´aquest treball es determinar la resposta motora intestinal a una sobrecàrrega de quimo. Per a això s´estudiarà un grup de subjectes sans i es mesurarà l´ activitat motora del budell prim mitjançant manometría durant la infusió contínua de una solució de nutrients solos o espesats amb un compost no absobible.
This study was designed to analyse the clinical and epidemiological data from human parvovirus B19 cases in a six-year study of rash diseases conduct in an urban area in Brazil (Niterói city area, State of Rio de Janeiro). A total of 673 patients with acute rash diseases were seen at two primary health care units and at a general hospital. A clotted blood sample was collected from all subjects at the time of consultation. Forty-nine per cent (330 cases) of the patients were negative for dengue, rubella and measles IgM or for low avidity IgG to HHV-6. Of these 330, 105 (31.8%) were identified as IgM positive to parvovirus B19 by using an antibody capture EIA. During the study period, three distinct peaks of parvovirus infection were detected, suggesting that the disease appears to cycle in approximately 4-5 years. B19 infection was characterized by variable combinations of fever, flu-like symptoms, arthropathy, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Frequency of fever and arthropathy was substantially higher in adults, 75% [chi2 (1 D.F.) = 11.39, p = 0.0007] and 62.5% [chi2 (1 D.F.) = 29.89, p = 0.0000], respectively. "Slapped-cheek" appearance and reticular or lace-like rash were seen in only 30.1% of the children. No adult presented this typical rash. The lack of the typical rash pattern in a large proportion of parvovirus B19 and the similarity of clinical manifestations to other rash diseases, specially to rubella, highlight the difficulty of diagnosing B19 infection on clinical grounds alone.
Gene expression signatures are used in the clinic as prognostic tools to determine the risk of individual patients with localized breast tumors developing distant metastasis. We lack a clear understanding, however, of whether these correlative biomarkers link to a common biological network that regulates metastasis. We find that the c-MYC oncoprotein coordinately regulates the expression of 13 different "poor-outcome" cancer signatures. In addition, functional inactivation of MYC in human breast cancer cells specifically inhibits distant metastasis in vivo and invasive behavior in vitro of these cells. These results suggest that MYC oncogene activity (as marked by "poor-prognosis" signature expression) may be necessary for the translocation of poor-outcome human breast tumors to distant sites.