921 resultados para Gap


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The increasing number of television channels, on-demand services and online content, is expected to contribute to a better quality of experience for a costumer of such a service. However, the lack of efficient methods for finding the right content, adapted to personal interests, may lead to a progressive loss of clients. In such a scenario, recommendation systems are seen as a tool that can fill this gap and contribute to the loyalty of users. Multimedia content, namely films and television programmes are usually described using a set of metadata elements that include the title, a genre, the date of production, and the list of directors and actors. This paper provides a deep study on how the use of different metadata elements can contribute to increase the quality of the recommendations suggested. The analysis is conducted using Netflix and Movielens datasets and aspects such as the granularity of the descriptions, the accuracy metric used and the sparsity of the data are taken into account. Comparisons with collaborative approaches are also presented.


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BACKGROUND: Variations in the major arteries of the upper limb are estimated to be present in up to one fifth of people, and may have significant clinical implications. CASE PRESENTATION: During routine cadaveric dissection of a 69-year-old fresh female cadaver, a superficial brachioulnar artery with an aberrant path was found bilaterally. The superficial brachioulnar artery originated at midarm level from the brachial artery, pierced the brachial fascia immediately proximal to the elbow, crossed superficial to the muscles that originated from the medial epicondyle, and ran over the pronator teres muscle in a doubling of the antebrachial fascia. It then dipped into the forearm fascia, in the gap between the flexor carpi radialis and the palmaris longus. Subsequently, it ran deep to the palmaris longus muscle belly, and superficially to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, reaching the gap between the latter and the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, where it assumed is usual position lateral to the ulnar nerve. CONCLUSION: As far as the authors could determine, this variant of the superficial brachioulnar artery has only been described twice before in the literature. The existence of such a variant is of particular clinical significance, as these arteries are more susceptible to trauma, and can be easily confused with superficial veins during medical and surgical procedures, potentially leading to iatrogenic distal limb ischemia.


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1.Pre-assessment data of the patient A 2-year-old boy, weighing 15 kg was admitted with a history of limited mouth opening(inter-incisor distance of 6 mm), hypoplastic and retrognathic mandible (bird face deformity) and facial asymmetry from left temporomandibular joint ankylosis (TMJA). He was born at term, after an uneventful pregnancy, and there was no report of trauma during caesarean section. No other possible aetiologies were identified. He was scheduled for mandibular osteotomy. Preoperative ENT examination revealed adenotonsillar hypertrophy. 2. Anaesthetic Plan A fiberoptic nasal intubation was performed under deep inhalation anaesthesia with sevoflurane, with the patient breathing spontaneously. Midazolam (0.05 mg.kg-1) and alfentanil (0.03 mg.kg-1) were given and anaesthesia was maintained with O2/air and sevoflurane. No neuromuscular blocking agent was administered since the surgical team needed facial nerve monitoring. 3. Description of incident During surgery an accidental extubation occurred and an attempt was made to reintubate the trachea by direct laryngoscopy. Although the osteotomy was nearly completed, the vocal cords could not be visualized (Cormack-Lehane grade IV laryngoscopic view). 4. Solving the problem Re-intubation was finally accomplished with the flexible fiberscope and the procedure was concluded without any more incidents. Extubation was performed 24 hours postoperatively with the patient fully awake. After surgery mouth opening improved to inter-incisor gap of 15 mm. 5. Lessons learned and take home message Two airways issues present in this case can lead to difficultventilation and intubation: TMJA and adenotonsillar hypertrophy. These difficulties were anticipated and managed accordingly. The accidental extubation brought to our attention the fact that, even after surgical correction, this airway remains challenging. Even with intensive jaw stretchingexercises there is a high incidence of re-ankylosis, especially in younger patients. One should bear that in mind when anaesthetizing patients with TMJA.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Existe um amplo consenso na literatura à volta de ideia de que a finalidade da contabilidade de gestão é apoiar a tomada de decisão e o controlo de gestão das organizações. Contudo, não existem evidências suficientes, de que a contabilidade de gestão, quando aplicada à realidade concreta de cada organização, cumpre afectivamente essa finalidade. Um dos motivos pelos quais a contabilidade de gestão pode ver-se limitada no cumprimento dos seus objetivos é a existência de uma lacuna entre a percepção do preparador da informação sobre a qualidade da informação que fornece e a percepção do receptor da informação sobre a qualidade da mesma. Assumindo que a qualidade da informação pode ser avaliada através do reconhecimento da presença das características de relevância, fiabilidade, tempestividade, frequência e compreensibilidade, esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar a existência de uma lacuna de percepção entre fornecedor e receptor de informação e analisar as diferentes perspetivas que determinam, ou não, a dimensão dessa lacuna. Para esse efeito foi realizado um estudo de caso comparativo de 12 Pequenas e Médias Empresas portuguesas do sector do calçado, todas situadas na mesma área geográfica. Os dados foram recolhidos através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas a preparadores e receptores de informação. Estes dados foram complementados com documentos de prestação de contas, relatórios de gestão internos, mapas de reporte interno. Dada a natureza qualitativa da maioria dos dados, foi feita uma decomposição da informação obtida das empresas e uma análise de conteúdo. Simultaneamente foi realizada uma análise quantitativa com vista em determinar a dimensão da lacuna de percepção entre preparador/receptor da informação. Os resultados revelam que não existe uma lacuna significativa quanto às percepções das características de qualidade atribuídas à informação. Os resultados sugerem ainda que a lacuna de percepção é menor quando os vários atores percepcionam o papel da contabilidade de gestão tal como é enfatizado na literatura. Este estudo contribui para a literatura na medida em que apresenta uma revisão da utilização da informação para a tomada de decisão. Ainda, contribui para os agentes da indústria terem uma melhor percepção sobre a importância do fenómeno em causa.


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Viva@Mat is a project developed by four Math teachers from the School of Industrial Studies and Management (ESEIG) that was born with the fundamental objective of engaging ESEIG students with different math backgrounds in Math challenging activities. Some of these activities were transformed into real palpable materials and others into small interactive ones, being the great majority of them proposed by ESEIG’ students themselves. This small project rapidly grew into something we didn’t expect – it did flow over the walls of our institution to the general involving community – specifically to pre-university schools through the Viva@Math Exhibits – Orange, Blue and Green (the fourth, the Purple one is still in development). Nowadays, Viva@Math Exhibits – the public face of the Project – are itinerant and have been travelling between several, and different institutions (pre-university schools, preparatory schools, libraries, among others), around ESEIG and IPP area of influence and having registered visitors/participants of all ages. In this article we will describe the Viva@Math Project, its different activities that are categorized in some “great groups” like Numerical Trivia, Logic Activities and Mental Calculation, Puzzles, Geometric Curiosities, Magic Tricks, among others, designed to challenge students to use the underlying logical-mathematical reasoning to any ordinary and everyday activity. We will give specific and concrete examples of some of the activities developed and, also, reproduce of the general stimulating feedback the Project receives from the enrolled “actors” (teachers, students and their relatives, institutions, among others). We feel that this Project has become a small “bridge” between the pre-university schools and Higher Education Institutions (HEI), in trying to shorten the “gap” between the institutions of different levels of education and bring them to work together.