1000 resultados para Ganho de Peso


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão do preparado de anticorpos policlonais (PAP) e/ou da monensina sódica (MON) sobre o desempenho, as características da carcaça, o perfil de ácidos graxos da carcaça (PAG) e a concentração de lipoproteínas sanguíneas (CLS) de bovinos confinados. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 2, com medidas repetidas no tempo, sendo os fatores a inclusão ou não de MON e PAP avaliados em dois períodos, em que 72 bovinos machos da raça Brangus, não castrados, foram alocados em 24 baias (três animais/baia), totalizando seis repetições por tratamento. Não foi observado efeito (P>0,05) da inclusão do PAP para nenhuma das varáveis de desempenho e características de carcaça. Contudo, foi observado efeito (P<0,05) da inclusão de MON, em que animais que receberam MON apresentaram maiores ganho de peso diário (1,666 vs. 1,552), ganho de peso total (179,95 vs. 167,68), peso vivo final (474,86 vs. 459,61), peso de carcaça quente (248,46 vs. 240,20), melhor conversão alimentar (5,57 vs. 5,79) e reduzido custo para ganhar um quilo de peso vivo (3,06 vs. 3,18). Ainda não foi observado efeito principal (P>0,05) dos aditivos para o PAG e a CLS. Assim, a inclusão do PAP não foi boa alternativa à substituição da MON. Por outro lado, a inclusão do PAP não afetou negativamente os itens estudados.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of flushing on the reproductive performance of Morada Nova (MN) and Santa Inês (SI) ewes submitted to fixed time artificial insemination (TAI). Twenty seven SI and 24 MN supplemented with concentrate (1% of live weight, on average), for 75 days during the breeding season. After 30 days of supplementation, ewes were synchronized with the aid of a hormonal protocol (HP) based on progesterone, eCG and cloprostenol. The estrus observation was conducted at 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after the end of HP with the aid of two ruffians. TAI was done 55 h after the end of HP. From 20 to 45 days after the beginning of the HP ewes were exposed to rams (natural breeding). The pregnancy diagnosis was evaluated 70 days after TAI. We analyzed the weight, body condition score, estrus rate, pregnancy rate and prolificacy testing the effects of race, week of supplementation and body condition score class. The weight and body conditions of ewes varied according to the week of supplementation, with higher values in the first two weeks following TAI. The estrus rate was 88.2% and 43.2% of the ewes showed estrus up to 24 hours of the end of the HP. The pregnancy rate per TAI was 31.3% and the pregnancy rate after natural breeding was 50.0%. It was observed that body condition score classes interfered in pregnancy rates. There was a higher percentage of multiple births by pregnancy by TAI than by natural breeding. It was concluded that the flushing resulted in weight gain and better body conditions ensuring the standardization of the herd for breeding season, which therefore improved reproductive performance. The HP used advanced the onset of estrus and increased prolificacy, but was inefficient in the synchronization of woolless sheep.


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This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of four grazing heights under continuous stocking of Tanzânia grass (Panicum maximum Jacq. Cv. Tanzânia) on the stocking rate, performance and beef production per hectare. The experimental area was 12 hectares, divided into paddocks with one hectare each, with three replicates each (20, 40, 60 and 80 cm). There were three male Nellore bovines per paddock, adding animals as needed to adjust the desired heights in a completely randomized design. The stocking rate had a negative linear function of grazing heights in all seasons regarding yield per hectare, while the average daily gain showed opposite behavior. Apparently, Tanzânia grass heights between 40 and 60cm under continuous stocking enable good average daily weight gain in beef cattle, and high yield per hectare.


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This research aimed to evaluate the interactions and effects of 2 and 4% addition levels of poultry slaughterhouse fat (chicken tallow) and soybean oil in diets for broiler chickens. Two experiments were carried out using one-day-old male Cobb chicks in an entirely random design with a 2x2 factorial scheme. In the first experiment, 560 chicks were used to evaluate performance and carcass characteristics. In the second experiment, 100 chicks were used to determine the nutrient digestibility, dietary energy utilization and the lipase and amylase pancreatic activity. There was no interaction between the fat sources and the addition levels for any of the analyzed variables, except for the digestibility coefficient of dry matter (DCDM), which was higher in diets added with 2% soybean oil when compared to chicken tallow. The addition of 4% fat in the diet, regardless of fat source, improved the digestibility coefficient of ethereal extract (DCEE) and increased weight gain and feed intake. Moreover, in the initial phase, the addition of 4% fat to the diet increased lipase activity when compared to diets with 2% addition, and a positive correlation between DCEE and pancreatic lipase activity was observed. In conclusion, there is no interaction between fat sources and addition levels, except for DCDM. Carcass characteristics are not influenced by any of the studied factors. The addition of 4% fat increases pancreatic lipase activity and improves DCEE, resulting in greater weight gain, regardless of the tested fat source, making chicken tallow a great alternative to soybean oil.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos e os métodos de aplicação dos aditivos foliares decanoato de nandrolona (esteroide anabolizante) a 0,5%, ácido ascórbico (vitamina C) a 0,5%, palmitato de retinol (vitamina A) a 0,5% e acetato de retinol (vitamina A) a 1,0% em alguns parâmetros biológicos do bicho-da-seda. No experimento do modo de aplicação (pulverização foliar antes do fornecimento, depois do fornecimento e por imersão antes do fornecimento) foram utilizados: decanoato de nandrolona 0,5%; ácido ascórbico 0,5%; e palmitato de retinol 0,5%. No ensaio de desenvolvimento do inseto foram avaliados: duração e viabilidade larval; peso de casulo; taxa de encasulamento; teor líquido de seda; longevidade de adultos; número de ovos por fêmea; e duração do período de subida ao bosque. Para o modo de aplicação determinaram-se: ganho de peso, comprimento, diâmetro do tórax e diâmetro do abdome de lagartas de 5º ínstar, assim como comprimento, diâmetro e peso de glândula sericígena. Os resultados mostraram que, apesar de o ácido ascórbico proporcionar os melhores valores para o desenvolvimento corpóreo das lagartas, este não corresponde a incrementos significativos na produção; o palmitato de retinol não melhora o desenvolvimento das lagartas; o acetato de retinol e o palmitato de retinol prolongam o período larval, sem, no entanto, alterar significativamente os parâmetros de produção; a imersão de folhas antes do fornecimento às lagartas é mais viável para a aplicação dos aditivos.


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The presence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in the pediatric population with genetic diseases it is still poorly studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the oral total transit time and pharyngeal transit time, in an individual with neuronal ceroid lipofucinosis (NCL) with severe oropharyngeal dysphagia. Individual with NCL, 3 years old, 2 years with gastrostomy and no oral feeding, weighting loss, but without pulmonary complications. Oropharyngeal swallowing was studied by videofluoroscopy and it was realized a quantitative analysis using software. Changes were observed throughout the whole biomechanics of swallowing. The quantitative analysis of total oral transit time was found 45.37 seconds (default normality in children is 4 seconds) and for pharyngeal transit time was 4.53 seconds. It was found that beside the changes in the biomechanics of oropharyngeal swallowing in the case studied, an increase in total oral transit time and pharyngeal transit time was also observed, which can significantly compromise the nutritional status and pulmonary these individuals.


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The objective was to evaluate the effect of nutritional density and season on the performance of young rabbit does before the first mating. Forty-eight females from the Botucatu Genetic Group were used in each season (warm or cool), starting at the age of 70 days, housed in groups of four per cage up to 119 days, and reared individually from 120 to 140 days of age. The high-density diet was formulated to contain, on a 90% DM basis, 18.4% CP, 16.5% ADF and 2,500 kcal DE kg-1; whereas the low-density diet was formulated to contain 14.7% CP, 24% ADF and 2,000 kcal DE kg-1. The experiment was conducted according to a 2x2 factorial design (two diets x two seasons) with repeated measures (weeks). The high-density diet promoted lower feed intake, higher final weight, and higher daily weight gain, adjusted for constant intake. But these facts alone do not warrant using a high-density diet for growing rabbit does, because it could have a negative impact during the reproductive phase. In the warm season, there was a reduction in feed intake and an improvement in feed efficiency. Along time, however, the mean body weight of does was similar in the two seasons.


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A composição de ácidos graxos da dieta pode influenciar o desempenho produtivo e o sistema imune de frangos de corte. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do consumo de óleos ricos em ácidos graxos poli-insaturados ômega-6 (PUFAs n-6) e ômega-3 (PUFAs n-3) sobre o desempenho e a resposta imunológica de frangos de corte frente a um desafio antigênico. Foram comparadas dietas formuladas com 7% de óleo de soja (OS), linhaça (OL) ou sardinha (OP), fornecidas a 240 frangos da linhagem Cobb, divididos em 24 grupos de 10 aves cada, num arranjo experimental 3x2 (3 tipos de óleo e aves vacinadas ou não vacinadas) e 4 repetições. O óleo de soja é rico em ácido linoleico, um PUFA n-6, o óleo de linhaça é fonte de ácido alfa-linolênico, um PUFA n-3, e o óleo de sardinha, de outros PUFAs n-3, como os ácidos eicosapentaenoico e docosahexaenoico. O consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar foram avaliados aos 21, 35 e 42 dias. Aos 7 e aos 21 dias de idade, metade das aves recebeu vacina contra doença de Newcastle. Quinze dias após a imunização, avaliou-se a produção de anticorpos pelo método de ELISA, expressa pela densidade óptica a 450 nm (D.O. 450nm). Apenas as aves alimentadas com ração contendo OS apresentaram maior imunidade humoral (P<0,05) após a vacinação. A resposta linfoproliferativa das aves, que expressa a imunidade celular, foi maior entre as aves vacinadas, em comparação às aves não vacinadas (P<0,05), independentemente do óleo utilizado. A fonte de óleo da ração ou a vacinação não influenciaram o ganho de peso das aves (P>0,05). Entre as aves que receberam dieta com OS, as aves vacinadas apresentaram pior conversão alimentar (P<0,05). Nos grupos que consumiram ração com OL ou OP, a vacinação não influenciou a conversão alimentar (P>0,05), considerando todo o período experimental. A utilização de óleo rico em PUFA n-6 na dieta de frangos de corte aumentou a resposta humoral, mas não influenciou a resposta celular frente a um desafio antigênico.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the inter-relationship between dietary supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall and vaccination against Streptococcus agalactiae, and its effect on the productive performance and hematological variables of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Eighty-four Nile tilapia were distributed in 12 fiber boxes (n=7), in a 2x2x3 factorial arrangement, corresponding to two levels of supplementation with yeast cell wall, two types of inoculation, and three evaluation times. Fish were fed during 77 days. Vaccination of fish was done 60 days after feeding started. Fifteen days after vaccination, all fish were subjected to challenge with live strain of S. agalactiae, and 6, 24, and 48 hours after the challenge, blood was collected from the caudal vein for evaluations. Fish fed with supplemented diets show greater weight gain and specific growth rate, and the interaction between the diet and vaccination effects results in higher hematocrit, hemoglobin, and leukocyte rates.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the hematological and parasitological responses of tambacu (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus mesopotamicus) subjected to catch-and-release stress and to different stocking densities in a catch-and-release system. Two hundred and ten fish with mean initial weight of 785.33±152.02 g and mean total length of 34.43±2.21 cm were maintained in ponds and divided into three groups: without fishing and low density (G1), with fishing and low density (G2), and with fishing and high density (G3). No significant differences were observed between the mean values for hemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte number, differential counting of leukocytes, and glucose. The fish from the G3 group showed higher parasite and thrombocyte numbers, and lower weight gain and hematocrit. The activity of catch-and-release, associated with high stocking density, can disrupt organic balance and animal performance, favoring parasitosis.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the performance and the liver structure health of Nile tilapia hormonally masculinized or nonmasculinized, reared in cages with two protein levels. Two groups of Nile tilapia of Thai lineage (total 2,400), with 127 g initial average weight, were distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments, in a 2x2 factorial arrangement, corresponding to the groups of hormonally masculinized or nonmasculinized fish, and to diet protein level of 28 or 32% of crude protein, with three replicates. After 115 days feeding, there was no interaction between the factors for final weight, weight gain, feed conversion rate, final length and survival. There was no difference between hormonally masculinized and nonmasculinized fish for final weight, weight gain, and survival, which shows the possibility of their production in cages, without the need of hormonal masculinization. Crude protein at 32% in the diet enables a better performance for both groups. Histological changes in the liver - such as increased cell volume, disruption of the cord-like arrangements, and increase of vesicles in the hepatocytes - are found in hormonally masculinized fish, and are more pronounced in fish fed 32% crude protein in the diet.


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The aim of this study was to develop a procedure based on Gompertz function to determine the efficiency of utilization of amino acid. The procedure was applied to determine the efficiency of utilization of dietary lysine, methionine+cystine and threonine by growing pullets and based on the efficiencies were estimated the requirements for the growth phase of birds. The Gompertz function was fitted to the data of feed intake, body weight, feather-free body protein weight and feather protein weight of four strains of laying hens in the growth phase. The rates of consumption and daily protein deposition (PD) were calculated. The amino acid deposition was obtained by multiplying the PD by the amino acid concentration in feather protein and feather-free body protein. The results showed that the efficiency of utilization of amino acid decreased with maturity and, conversely, there was a proportional increase of the requirement per kg of weight gain. The procedure based on the Gompertz function to determine the efficiency of utilization of amino acid proved to be suitable to evaluate the efficiency of utilization of amino acid and can be a useful tool to diagnose the effectiveness of the nutritional management, aiding in decision-making on the nutritional management.


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This trial was carried out to study the effects of supplementation level on performance of steers from different genetic groups (Nellore x Red Angus (NR), Nellore (NL) and Holstein crossbred (MH), and three experimental periods. The performance data for first period were analyzed according to randomized block (RB) design, with 3 treatments ((NR, NL and MH)) and 3 blocks. In second period, the RB design used with 3 x 3 factorial design, and 3 blocks. Factor A determined the group (NL and MH) and factor B the supplementation levels (0.2, 0.6 and 1% LW). In third period, the data were evaluated according to completely randomized design, with 2 x 3 factorial design. Factor A determined the group and factor B, three levels of supplementation. In the first, higher weight gain (p < 0.05) was observed for NR (0.79 kg day-1) compared to MH and NL (0.73 and 0.61 kg day-1). The concentrate intake varied for N. NR showed higher (p < 0.05) WG (0.91 kg day-1) compared to NL (0.75 kg day-1) and MH (0.76 kg day-1). The levels of supplements influenced (p < 0.05) WG (0.68, 0.81 and 0.92 referring to levels of 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0% LW). In third period, MH presented greater WG < 0.05) (0.895 kg day-1). No difference was verified on animals with 0.8 and 1.2% LW, with WG of 0.92 and 0.82 kg day-1.


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Current experiment established different criteria to evaluate the requirements of digestible valine for broilers from 22 and 42 days of age, by different regression models (quadratic, exponential and Linear Response Plateau) and, in the case of statistical significance, the comparison of means by Duncan test at 5% probability. A total of 1,920 Cobb 500 male broilers were used and distributed in an entirely randomized experimental design, with 6 treatments (6 digestible valine levels: 0.7192, 0.7729, 0.8265, 0.8802, 0.9339 and 0.9876%) and 8 replications, with 40 broilers each. Data on performance and carcass characteristics were evaluated. The level of 0.8265% digestible valine was considered standard. The inclusion of 0.816, 0.848 and 0.903% of digestible valine levels, corresponding to digestible valine:lysine ratios of approximately 76.00%, 79.00% and 84.12%, provided best feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio, respectively for broiler from 22 to 42 days of age.


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Biomass and forage volume density and the performance and stocking rate of sheep on pastures with nitrogen-fertilized Tifton 85 and subjected to a continuous stocking system were evaluated. Four doses of nitrogen (0, 100, 200, and 400 kg ha-1 year), arranged in an experimental design with randomized blocks and four replications, were analyzed. Sixteen paddocks and Santa Inês sheep were used as test animals, coupled to crossbreed Santa Inês sheep as regulating animal stocking. Nitrogen-fertilized Tifton 85 pastures increased the amount of forage biomass and volume density which affected stocking rate and weight gain of sheep in continuous grazing. When pastures with Tifton 85 were administered in variable load continuous stocking, with grass kept at 15 cm, nitrogen fertilization up to 400 kg ha-1 year is recommended.