963 resultados para GIS-järjestelmät


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Durch die vermehrte Nachfrage von Biomöhren im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel ist die Anbaufläche ökologisch erzeugter Möhren in den letzten zehn Jahren deutlich angestiegen. Der Anbau konzentriert sich auf bestimmte Regionen und erfolgte damit zunehmend auf großen Schlägen in enger räumlicher und zeitlicher Abfolge. Mit der steigenden Wirtspflanzenpräsenz steigt auch der Befallsdruck durch die Möhrenfliege. Während der Schädling im konventionellen Anbau mit Insektiziden kontrolliert wird, stehen dem Ökologischen Landbau bisher keine direkten Regulative zur Verfügung. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, unter den Praxisbedingungen des ökologischen Möhrenanbaus einzelbetriebliche und überregionale Muster beteiligter Risikofaktoren im Befallsgeschehen zu identifizieren und so Möglichkeiten einer verbesserten Prävention und Regulation aufzuzeigen. Über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren wurden auf fünf Betrieben in Niedersachsen und Hessen umfangreiche Felddaten erhoben und diese unter Verwendung von GIS – Software und dem Simulationsmodell SWAT analysiert. Untersuchte Einflussgrößen umfassten (1) die Distanz zu vorjährigen Möhrenfeldern, (2) die zeitliche Möhrenanbauperiode, (3) Vegetationselemente und (4) der experimentelle Einsatz von Fangpflanzen zur Unterdrückung der Fliegenentwicklung. Unter der Berücksichtigung deutlicher einzelbetrieblicher Unterschiede sind die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Studie wie folgt zu benennen: (1) Auf Betrieben mit Befall im zurückliegenden Anbaujahr zeigte sich die Distanz zu vorjährigen Möhrenfeldern als der wichtigste Risikofaktor. Das Ausbreitungsverhalten der 1. Generation Möhrenfliege erwies sich zudem als situationsgebunden anpassungsfähig. Fliegensumme und Befall waren jeweils in dem zu Vorjahresflächen nächstgelegen Feld am größten, während jeweils dahinter liegende Möhrenschläge entsprechend weniger Fliegenzahlen und Befall auswiesen. Aus den Ergebnissen wird als vorrangige Verbreitungskapazität der 1. Generation Möhrenfliegen innerhalb von 1000 m abgeleitet. (2) Betriebe mit kontinuierlicher Möhren - Anbaubauperiode (ca. April – Oktober), die langfristig die Entwicklung sowohl der 1. als auch der 2. Generation Fliegen unterstützten, verzeichneten stärkere Fliegenprobleme. Hinsichtlich einer verbesserten Prävention wird empfohlen mit einer strikten räumlichen Trennung früher und später Sätze ein Aufschaukeln zwischen den Generationen zu vermeiden. (3) Der Einfluss der Vegetation ließ sich weniger eindeutig interpretieren. Einzelbetriebliche Hinweise, dass Kleingehölze (Hecken und Bäume) im Radius zwischen aktueller und vorjähriger Möhrenfläche die Befallswahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen, konnten mit einem berechneten Gesamtmaß für die regionale holzige Vegetation nicht bestätigt werden. Der großräumigen holzigen Vegetation wird im Vergleich zur Feldrandvegetation daher beim Befallsgeschehen eine geringe Bedeutung zugeschrieben. (4) Drei Meter (vier Dämme) breiter Möhren – Fangstreifen auf den vorjährigen Möhrenfeldern eignen sich bereits ab dem Keimblattstadium, um erhebliches Befallspotential zu binden. Eine mechanische Entfernung der Fangpflanzen (Grubbern) mitsamt dem Befallspotential erzielte in 2008 eine 100 %-ige Unterdrückung der Möhrenfliegenentwicklung, in 2009 jedoch nur zu maximal 41 %. Als mögliche Synthese der Ergebnisse zur Ausbreitung der Möhrenfliegen im Frühjahr und zur zeitlichen Koinzidenz mit der Möhrenentwicklung wird als Empfehlung diskutiert, mit Hilfe einer angepassten Flächenwahl die Fliegenausbreitung räumlich an frühen Sätzen zu binden, um entsprechend befallsarme Regionen für entfernt liegende späte (empfindlichere) Möhrensätze zu schaffen.


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In the process of urbanization, natural and semi-natural landscapes are increasingly cherished as open space and recreational resource. Urban rivers are part of this kind of resource and thus play an important role in managing urban resilience and health. Employing the example of Tianjin, this doctoral dissertation research aims at learning to understand how to plan and design for the interface zones between urban water courses and for the land areas adjacent to such water courses. This research also aims at learning how to link waterfront space with other urban space in order to make a recreational space system for the benefit of people. Five questions of this dissertation are: 1) what is the role of rivers in spatial and open space planning? 2) What are the human needs regarding outdoor open space? 3) How do river and water front spatial structures affect people's recreational activities? 4) How to define the recreational service of urban river and waterfront open space? 5) How might answering these question change planning and design of urban open space? Quantitative and qualitative empirical approaches were combined in this study for which literature review and theoretical explorations provide the basis. Empirical investigations were conducted in the city of Tianjin. The quantitative approach includes conducting 267 quantitative interviews, and the qualitative approach includes carrying out field observations and mappings. GIS served to support analysis and visualization of empirical information that was generated through this study. By responding to the five research questions, findings and lessons include the following: 1) In the course of time rivers have gained importance in all levels and scales of spatial planning and decision making. Regarding the development of ecological networks, mainly at national scale, rivers are considered significant linear elements. Regarding regional and comprehensive development, river basins and watersheds are often considered as the structural link for strategic ecological, economic, social and recreational planning. For purposes of urban planning, particularly regarding recreational services in cities, the distribution of urban open spaces often follows the structure of river systems. 2) For the purpose of classifying human recreational needs that relate to outdoor open space Maslow's hierarchy of human needs serves as theoretical basis. The classes include geographical, safety, physiological, social and aesthetic need. These classes serve as references while analyzing river and waterfront open space and other kinds of open space. 3) Regarding the question how river and waterfront spatial structures might affect people's recreational activities, eight different landscape units were identified and compared in the case study area. Considering the thermal conditions of Tianjin, one of these landscape units was identified as affording the optimal spatial arrangement which mostly meets recreational needs. The size and the shape of open space, and the plants present in an open space have been observed as being most relevant regarding recreational activities. 4) Regarding the recreational service of urban river and waterfront open space the results of this research suggest that the recreational service is felt less intensively as the distances between water 183 front and open space user’s places of residence are increasing. As a method for estimating this ‘Service Distance Effect’ the following formula may be used: Y = a*ebx. In this equation Y means the ‘Service Distance’ between homes and open space, and X means the percentage of the people who live within this service distance. Coefficient "a" represents the distance of the residential area nearest to the water front. The coefficient "b" is a comprehensive capability index that refers to the size of the available and suitable recreational area. 5) Answers found to the questions above have implications for the planning and design of urban open space. The results from the quantitative study of recreational services of waterfront open space were applied to the assessment of river-based open space systems. It is recommended that such assessments might be done employing the network analysis function available with any GIS. In addition, several practical planning and designing suggestions are made that would help remedy any insufficient base for satisfying recreational needs. The understanding of recreational need is considered helpful for the proposing planning and designing ideas and for the changing of urban landscapes. In the course of time Tianjin's urban water system has shrunk considerably. At the same time rivers and water courses have shaped Tianjin's urban structure in noticeable ways. In the process of urbanization water has become increasingly important to the citizens and their everyday recreations. Much needs to be changed in order to improve recreational opportunities and to better provide for a livable city, most importantly when considering the increasing number of old people. Suggestions made that are based on results of this study, might be implemented in Tianjin. They are 1) to promote the quality of the waterfront open space and to make all linear waterfront area accessible recreational spaces. Then, 2), it is advisable to advocate the concept of green streets and to combine green streets with river open space in order to form an everyday recreational network. And 3) any sound urban everyday recreational service made cannot rely on only urban rivers; the whole urban structure needs to be improved, including adding small open space and optimize the form of urban communities, finally producing a multi-functional urban recreational network.


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Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie Bürger an der Inventarisierung historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente mitwirken können und welche Leistungen von ihnen erbracht werden können. Dabei wird der Fokus darauf gerichtet, ob mit einer optimalen organisatorischen und methodischen Herangehensweise ein Inventar historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente erstellt werden kann, das auch den Anforderungen für eine planerische Anwendung genügt. Forschungsschwerpunkte der Arbeit sind entsprechend die Inventarisierung historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente und die Anforderungen an die dabei erstellten Inventare sowie die Möglichkeiten für bürgerschaftliches Engagement bei der Inventarisierung. Darüber hinaus wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob mit dem bürgerschaftlichen Engagement bei der Inventarisierung ein sonstiger Mehrwert verbunden ist. Die Untersuchung wird anhand von Fallstudien durchgeführt. Empirische Grundlage sind acht ausgewählte Beispielprojekte, in denen Bürger an der Inventarisierung historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente mitwirken bzw. diese durchführen. Um einen möglichst großen Erfahrungspool zu erschließen wurden Fallbeispiele gewählt, die sich u. a. hinsichtlich der Rahmenbedingungen, der Organisationsstrukturen, dem Maß und der Art der Mitwirkung von Bürgern unterscheiden. Die detaillierte Analyse dieser Projekte und die Evaluierung der in ihrem Rahmen erstellten Inventare ist Hauptgegenstand dieser Arbeit und eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung von Empfehlungen für bürgerschaftliches Engagement bei der Inventarisierung historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente. Die Datenerhebung für die Analyse und Evaluierung erfolgt in erster Linie mittels Befragungen. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass durch bürgerschaftliches Engagement wertvolle Beiträge zur Inventarisierung historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente geleistet werden können. In der Bevölkerung gibt es sowohl Interesse an der aktiven Mitwirkung als auch Kompetenzen, um unter Anleitung historische Kulturlandschaftselemente zu erfassen. Es müssen jedoch einige methodische Hinweise berücksichtigt und Maßnahmen getroffen werden, um Defizite, die sich durch die Erfassung durch Freiwillige ergeben können, zu vermeiden. So ist es bspw. zwingend notwendig, organisatorische Strukturen, Methoden und Standards vorzugeben, die Freiwilligen anzuleiten und ggf. zu unterstützen sowie die erhobenen Daten zu prüfen und in einem gewissen Umfang auch zu qualifizieren. Wenn die Inventarisierungen von Fachexperten aufgebaut und gesteuert werden, kann verhindert werden, dass die methodische Vorgehensweise von den fachlichen Anforderungen abweicht, und dass falsch erhobene und bewertete Daten verbreitet werden. Nicht von der Hand zu weisen ist der hohe Organisations- und Betreuungsaufwand sowie der Aufwand zur Prüfung und Nachbesserung der Daten, der mit der Beteiligung von Bürgern einhergeht. Doch selbst wenn die erfassten Daten der Bürger nur eine Grundlage bilden, die geprüft und für eine planerische Verwendung weiter qualifiziert werden muss, können durch die Einbindung von Bürgern wichtige Beiträge zum Erhalt der Kulturlandschaft geleistet werden. Neben der Datenerfassung werden zahlreiche Bürger für das Themenfeld Kulturlandschaft sensibilisiert, so dass die Anliegen zum Erhalt der Kulturlandschaft in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung an Bedeutung gewinnen und verankert werden können. Um das Potenzial bürgerschaftlichen Engagements für die Inventarisierung historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente optimal nutzen zu können, und um möglichst bundes- oder landesweit einheitliche Inventare zu erstellen die Akzeptanz finden und für die Planung und weitere Anwendungszwecke genutzt werden, besteht noch Entwicklungs- und Abstimmungsbedarf. Manche Entwicklungen stehen nicht in Zusammenhang mit der Beteiligung von Bürgern, sondern sind generell notwendig, um einheitliche und möglichst landes- oder gar bundesweite Inventarisierungen historischer Kulturlandschaftselemente zu realisieren. Dies betrifft z. B. die Konsensfindung unter den Behörden und Fachstellen bezüglich methodischer Fragen und der Zuständigkeiten oder die Entwicklung eines geeigneten GIS-basierten Online-Inventars.


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Accurate data of the natural conditions and agricultural systems with a good spatial resolution are a key factor to tackle food insecurity in developing countries. A broad variety of approaches exists to achieve precise data and information about agriculture. One system, especially developed for smallholder agriculture in East Africa, is the Farm Management Handbook of Kenya. It was first published in 1982/83 and fully revised in 2012, now containing 7 volumes. The handbooks contain detailed information on climate, soils, suitable crops and soil care based on scientific research results of the last 30 years. The density of facts leads to time consuming extraction of all necessary information. In this study we analyse the user needs and necessary components of a system for decision support for smallholder farming in Kenya based on a geographical information system (GIS). Required data sources were identified, as well as essential functions of the system. We analysed the results of our survey conducted in 2012 and early 2013 among agricultural officers. The monitoring of user needs and the problem of non-adaptability of an agricultural information system on the level of extension officers in Kenya are the central objectives. The outcomes of the survey suggest the establishment of a decision support tool based on already available open source GIS components. The system should include functionalities to show general information for a specific location and should provide precise recommendations about suitable crops and management options to support agricultural guidance on farm level.


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In Oman, during the last three decades, agricultural water use and groundwater extraction has dramatically increased to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population and major changes in lifestyle. This has triggered agricultural land-use changes which have been poorly investigated. In view of this our study aimed at analysing patterns of shortterm land-use changes (2007-2009) in the five irrigated mountain oases of Ash Sharayjah, Al’Ayn, Al’Aqr, Qasha’ and Masayrat ar Ruwajah situated in the northern Oman Hajar mountains of Al Jabal Al Akhdar where competitive uses of irrigation water are particularly apparent. Comprehensive GIS-based field surveys were conducted over three years to record changes in terrace use in these five oases where farmers have traditionally adapted to rain-derived variations of irrigation water supply, e.g. by leaving agricultural terraces of annual crops uncultivated in drought years. Results show that the area occupied with field crops decreased in the dry years of 2008 and 2009 for all oases. In Ash Sharayjah, terrace areas grown with field crops declined from 4.7 ha (32.4 % of total terrace area) in 2007 to 3.1 ha (21.6 %) in 2008 and 3.0 ha (20.5 %) in 2009. Similarly, the area proportion of field crops shrunk in Al’Ayn, Qasha’ and Masayrat from 35.2, 36.3 and 49.6 % in 2007 to 19.8, 8.5 and 41.3 % in 2009, respectively. In Al’Aqr, the area of field crops slightly increased from 0.3 ha (17.0 %) in 2007 to 0.7 (39.1 %) in 2008, and decreased to 0.5 ha (28.8 %) in 2009. During the same period annual dry matter yields of the cash crop garlic in Ash Sharayjah increased from 16.3 t ha-1 in 2007 to 19.8 t ha-1 in 2008 and 18.3 t ha-1 in 2009, while the same crop yielded only 0.4, 1.6 and 1.1 t ha-1 in Masayrat. In 2009, the total estimated agricultural area of the new town of Sayh Qatanah above the five oases was around 13.5 ha. Our results suggest that scarcity of irrigation water as a result of low precipitation and increased irrigation and home water consumption in the new urban settlements above the five oases have led to major shifts in the land-use pattern and increasingly threaten the centuries-long tradition and drought-resilience of agriculture in the oases of the studied watershed.


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At many locations in Myanmar, ongoing changes in land use have negative environmental impacts and threaten natural ecosystems at local, regional and national scales. In particular, the watershed area of Inle Lake in eastern Myanmar is strongly affected by the environmental effects of deforestation and soil erosion caused by agricultural intensification and expansion of agricultural land, which are exacerbated by the increasing population pressure and the growing number of tourists. This thesis, therefore, focuses on land use changes in traditional farming systems and their effects on socio-economic and biophysical factors to improve our understanding of sustainable natural resource management of this wetland ecosystem. The main objectives of this research were to: (1) assess the noticeable land transformations in space and time, (2) identify the typical farming systems as well as the divergent livelihood strategies, and finally, (3) estimate soil erosion risk in the different agro-ecological zones surrounding the Inle Lake watershed area. GIS and remote sensing techniques allowed to identify the dynamic land use and land cover changes (LUCC) during the past 40 years based on historical Corona images (1968) and Landsat images (1989, 2000 and 2009). In this study, 12 land cover classes were identified and a supervised classification was used for the Landsat datasets, whereas a visual interpretation approach was conducted for the Corona images. Within the past 40 years, the main landscape transformation processes were deforestation (- 49%), urbanization (+ 203%), agricultural expansion (+ 34%) with a notably increase of floating gardens (+ 390%), land abandonment (+ 167%), and marshlands losses in wetland area (- 83%) and water bodies (- 16%). The main driving forces of LUCC appeared to be high population growth, urbanization and settlements, a lack of sustainable land use and environmental management policies, wide-spread rural poverty, an open market economy and changes in market prices and access. To identify the diverse livelihood strategies in the Inle Lake watershed area and the diversity of income generating activities, household surveys were conducted (total: 301 households) using a stratified random sampling design in three different agro-ecological zones: floating gardens (FG), lowland cultivation (LL) and upland cultivation (UP). A cluster and discriminant analysis revealed that livelihood strategies and socio-economic situations of local communities differed significantly in the different zones. For all three zones, different livelihood strategies were identified which differed mainly in the amount of on-farm and off-farm income, and the level of income diversification. The gross margin for each household from agricultural production in the floating garden, lowland and upland cultivation was US$ 2108, 892 and 619 ha-1 respectively. Among the typical farming systems in these zones, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plantation in the floating gardens yielded the highest net benefits, but caused negative environmental impacts given the overuse of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and spatial analysis within GIS were applied to estimate soil erosion risk in the different agricultural zones and for the main cropping systems of the study region. The results revealed that the average soil losses in year 1989, 2000 and 2009 amounted to 20, 10 and 26 t ha-1, respectively and barren land along the steep slopes had the highest soil erosion risk with 85% of the total soil losses in the study area. Yearly fluctuations were mainly caused by changes in the amount of annual precipitation and the dynamics of LUCC such as deforestation and agriculture extension with inappropriate land use and unsustainable cropping systems. Among the typical cropping systems, upland rainfed rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation had the highest rate of soil erosion (20 t ha-1yr-1) followed by sebesten (Cordia dichotoma) and turmeric (Curcuma longa) plantation in the UP zone. This study indicated that the hotspot region of soil erosion risk were upland mountain areas, especially in the western part of the Inle lake. Soil conservation practices are thus urgently needed to control soil erosion and lake sedimentation and to conserve the wetland ecosystem. Most farmers have not yet implemented soil conservation measures to reduce soil erosion impacts such as land degradation, sedimentation and water pollution in Inle Lake, which is partly due to the low economic development and poverty in the region. Key challenges of agriculture in the hilly landscapes can be summarized as follows: fostering the sustainable land use of farming systems for the maintenance of ecosystem services and functions while improving the social and economic well-being of the population, integrated natural resources management policies and increasing the diversification of income opportunities to reduce pressure on forest and natural resources.


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This article covers some of the principal legal aspects of free and open software applied to Geographic Information Systems. Starting out form basic concepts in FOSS licensing, it aims to deal with questions such as "who is responsible for FOSS projects'", "how are they developed?", "who is the owner of the software?" and discusses the legal issues and problems that may arise during the course of creating, distributing or deploying a FOSS-based GIS


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On last years we have seen an increase on the use of GIS technologies as analysis tools on the field of historical research. The study of landscape, and how it has influenced the development of History is a focal point of research fields like archaeology and battlefield analysis, and we are seeing nowadays how its use is spreading. (...)


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This paper presents a Graphical User Interface, developed with python and the graphic library wxpython, to GRASS GIS. This GUI allows to access several modules with a graphic interface written in Spanish. Its main purpouse is to be a teaching tool, that is the reason way it only allows to access several basic put crucial moludes. It also allows user to organize the elements presented to stress the aspects to be resalted in a particular working sesion with the program


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The SIGFRUT project is set within what we could call GIS applications in a web environment. (The acronym GIS is SIG in Spanish). We are all familiar with Internet map servers or IMS, with which we can visualize different thematic layers, check their attributes and, in the best cases, consult a data base, selecting and visualizing the elements that meet the required conditions. Nevertheless, these types of applications are basically simple map viewers and do not have any more functional features than the classic tools of visualization and consultation.(...)


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This communication presents the development of a new Internet GIS viewer that integrates a good set of AJAX functionalities and integrates OpenToro, an open source component for web publication


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LOCALITZA software is a tool that increases GIS applications possibilities to analyze and solve optimal facility location problems. This system, that it is being migrated from Delphi to Python, allows to evaluate how existing facility supply covers the demand. ON the other hand, it includes the resolution of an elevated number of classic location-allocation models and, in some cases, includes new models


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In this presentation, we would like to focus on GRASS GIS (version 5.x and latest 6.x), one of the oldest GIS developped by the Open-Source Community. Our goal is trying to make it accessible to any GIS user by explaining its main concepts


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This paper describes HidroGIS, a GIS platform developed by Water Resources Program at Universidad Nacional de Colombia at Medellín. HidroSIG is a tool for hydrological variables visualization and analysis, using a set of modules that make this software a powerful tool for hydrological modeling. HidroSIG has tools for digital terrain models processing, water supply estimation using long term water balance in watersheds, a rainfall-runoff model, a model for landslide susceptibility estimation, an one-dimensional pollutant transport model, tools for homogeneity analysis in time series and tools for satellite images classification. The tools in development status are also described


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Actualmente la Dirección General de Patrimonio Natural y Biodiversidad de la Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (en adelante DGPNB) utiliza gvSIG como herramienta de trabajo. Los usuarios de gvSIG tienen disponible un elevado conjunto de capas de datos a los que acceden a través de la herramienta de añadir capa en gvSIG. El procedimiento de trabajo presenta problemas de usabilidad a los usuarios a la hora de añadir nuevas capas, o simplemente se dificulta involuntariamente el acceso a la información cartográfica existente y disponible en la DGPNB. Así pues Prodevelop ha iniciado el desarrollo de una extensión para gvSIG que permite con un procedimiento sencillo, la creación de colecciones de recursos cartográficos que puedan ser empleados por múltiples usuarios a lo largo de toda una corporación y a su vez facilita a cada usuario la creación y mantenimiento de su propia colección de recursos más empleados