963 resultados para Fractional anisotropy
A newly developed strain rate dependent anisotropic continuum model is proposed for impact and blast applications in masonry. The present model adopted the usual approach of considering different yield criteria in tension and compression. The analysis of unreinforced block work masonry walls subjected to impact is carried out to validate the capability of the model. Comparison of the numerical predictions and test data revealed good agreement. Next, a parametric study is conducted to evaluate the influence of the tensile strengths along the three orthogonal directions and of the wall thickness on the global behavior of masonry walls.
In this study, the macro steel fiber (SF), carbon fiber (CF) and nano carbon black (NCB) as triphasic conductive materials were added into concrete, in order to improve the conductivity and ductility of concrete. The influence of NCB, SF and CF on the post crack behavior and conductivity of concrete was explored. The effect of the triphasic conductive materials on the self-diagnosing ability to the load–deflection property and crack widening of conductive concrete member subjected to bending were investigated. The relationship between the fractional change in surface impedance (FCR) and the crack opening displacement (COD) of concrete beams with conductive materials has been established. The results illustrated that there is a linear relationship between COD and FCR.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
OBJECTIVE: To verify if adaptive left ventricle (LV) characteristics are also present in individuals under 70 years of age with severe aortic stenosis (AS). METHODS: The study comprised 40 consecutive patients under 70 years of age with AS and no associated coronary artery disease, referred for valve surgery. Out of the 40 patients, 22 were men and 18 women, and the mean age was 49.8±14.3 years. Cardiac symptoms, presence of systemic hypertension (SH), functional class according to the New York Heart Association (NYHA), and valve lesion etiology were considered. LV cavity dimensions, ejection fraction (EF), fractional shortening (FS), mass (MS), and relative diastolic thickness (RDT) were examined by Doppler echocardiography. RESULTS: Fourteen (63.6%) men and 11 (61.6%) women were classified as NYHA class III/IV (p=0.70). There was no difference in the frequency of angina, syncope or dyspnea between genders. The incidence of SH was greater in women than in men (10 versus 2, p=0.0044). Women had a smaller LV end-diastolic diameter index (32.1±6.5 x 36.5±5.3mm/m², p=0.027), LV end-systolic diameter index (19.9±5.9 x 26.5±6.4mm/m², p=0.0022) and LV mass index (MS) (211.4±71.1 x 270.9±74.9g/m², p=0.017) when compared with men. EF (66.2±13.4 x 52.0±14.6%, p=0.0032), FS (37.6±10.7 x 27.9±9.6%, p=0.0046) and RDT (0.58±0.22 x 0.44±0.09, p=0.0095) were significantly greater in women than in men. CONCLUSION: It is the patient gender rather than age that influences left ventricular adaptive response to AS.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the follow-up of an experimental model of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) induced by supravalvular ascending aortic stenosis in young rats. METHODS: Wistar rats were submitted to thoracotomy and aortic stenosis was created by placing a clip on the ascending aorta (AoS group, n=12). Age-matched control animals underwent a sham operation (C group, n=12). Cardiac function was analysed by echocardiograms performed 6, 12, and 21 weeks after aortic banding. Myocardial morphological features and myocardial hydroxyproline concentration (HOP) were evaluated 2, 6, 12, and 21 weeks after surgery in additional animals. RESULTS: Aortic banding promoted early concentric LVH and a progressive increase in HOP. Under light microscopy, we observed myocyte hypertrophy and wall thickening of the intramural branches of the coronary arteries due to medial hypertrophy. Cardiac function was supranormal after 6 weeks (percentage of fractional shortening - EAo6: 70.3±10.8; C6: 61.3±5.4; p<0.05), and depressed in the last period. Diastolic dysfunction was detected after 12 weeks (ratio of early-to-late filling velocity - EAo12: 4.20±3.25; C12: 1.61±0.16; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Ascending aortic stenosis promotes concentric LVH with myocardial fibrosis and minimal histological changes. According to the period of evaluation, cardiac function may be improved, normal, or depressed. The model is suitable and useful for studies on pathophysiology and treatment of the different phases of cardiac hypertrophy.
The impending introduction of lead-free solder in the manufacture of electrical and electronic products has presented the electronics industry with many challenges. European manufacturers must transfer from a tin-lead process to a lead-free process by July 2006 as a result of the publication of two directives from the European Parliament. Tin-lead solders have been used for mechanical and electrical connections on printed circuit boards for over fifty years and considerable process knowledge has been accumulated. Extensive literature reviews were conducted on the topic and as a result it was found there are many implications to be considered with the introduction of lead-free solder. One particular question that requires answering is; can lead-free solder be used in existing manufacturing processes? The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative study of a tin-lead solder and a lead-free solder in two key surface mount technology (SMT) processes. The two SMT processes in question were the stencil printing process and the reflow soldering process. Unreplicated fractional factorial experimental designs were used to carry out the studies. The quality of paste deposition in terms of height and volume were the characteristics of interest in the stencil printing process. The quality of solder joints produced in the reflow soldering experiment was assessed using x-ray and cross sectional analysis. This provided qualitative data that was then uniquely scored and weighted using a method developed during the research. Nested experimental design techniques were then used to analyse the resulting quantitative data. Predictive models were developed that allowed for the optimisation of both processes. Results from both experiments show that solder joints of comparable quality to those produced using tin-lead solder can be produced using lead-free solder in current SMT processes.
სტატიაში მოცემულია დურუჯის აუზში სელური ნალექების სიმძლავრის, ფრაქციული დიფერენციაციის, გაწყლიანების ხარისხის, ძირითადი ქანების ლითოლოგიური არაერთგვაროვნების, მიკროტექტონიკური სურათის დაზუსტება და მიწისქვეშა ფილტრაციული ნაკადის გაბატონებული მიმართულების დადგენა ძიების გეოფიზიკური (გეოელექტრული და სეისმომეტრიული) მეთოდებით.
Background: Patients with indeterminate form of Chagas disease/cardiac normality (ICD/CN) exhibited normal electrocardiograms and chest X-rays; however, more sophisticated tests detected some degree of morphological and functional changes in the heart. Objective: To assess the prevalence of systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the right ventricle (RV) in patients with ICD/CN. Methods: This was a case–control and prevalence study. Using Doppler two-dimensional echocardiography (2D), 92 patients were assessed and divided into two groups: group I (normal, n = 31) and group II (ICD/CN, n = 61). Results: The prevalence of RV systolic dysfunction in patients in groups I and II was as follows: fractional area change (0.0% versus 0.6%), mobility of the tricuspid annulus (0.0% versus 0.0%), and S-wave tissue Doppler (6.4% versus 26.0%, p = 0.016). The prevalence of global disorders such as the right myocardial performance index using tissue Doppler (16.1% versus 27.8%, p = 0.099) and pulsed Doppler (61.3% versus 68%, p = 0.141) and diastolic disorders such as abnormal relaxation (0.0% versus 6.0%), pseudonormal pattern (0.0% versus 0.0%), and restrictive pattern (0.0% versus 0.0%) was not statistically different between groups. Conclusion: The prevalence of RV systolic dysfunction was estimated to be 26% (S wave velocity compared with other variables), suggesting incipient changes in RV systolic function in the ICD/CN group.
Two-phase polycrystal, elasto-viscoplastic material model, heterogeneity, anisotropy, flow behaviour, crystallographic texture, strain field
Background:Vascular remodeling, the dynamic dimensional change in face of stress, can assume different directions as well as magnitudes in atherosclerotic disease. Classical measurements rely on reference to segments at a distance, risking inappropriate comparison between dislike vessel portions.Objective:to explore a new method for quantifying vessel remodeling, based on the comparison between a given target segment and its inferred normal dimensions.Methods:Geometric parameters and plaque composition were determined in 67 patients using three-vessel intravascular ultrasound with virtual histology (IVUS-VH). Coronary vessel remodeling at cross-section (n = 27.639) and lesion (n = 618) levels was assessed using classical metrics and a novel analytic algorithm based on the fractional vessel remodeling index (FVRI), which quantifies the total change in arterial wall dimensions related to the estimated normal dimension of the vessel. A prediction model was built to estimate the normal dimension of the vessel for calculation of FVRI.Results:According to the new algorithm, “Ectatic” remodeling pattern was least common, “Complete compensatory” remodeling was present in approximately half of the instances, and “Negative” and “Incomplete compensatory” remodeling types were detected in the remaining. Compared to a traditional diagnostic scheme, FVRI-based classification seemed to better discriminate plaque composition by IVUS-VH.Conclusion:Quantitative assessment of coronary remodeling using target segment dimensions offers a promising approach to evaluate the vessel response to plaque growth/regression.
The reproductive biology of Aspidoras fuscoguttatus Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1976 from a stream in São José do Rio Preto, northwestern São Paulo State, Brazil, was monthly investigated in the period of August 1999 to July 2000. Measurements of total length, body weight, gonadal weight and macroscopic assessment of gonadal maturation were performed. Environmental parameters were considered in order to verify associations with the reproductive period. Populational structure showed total length amplitude between 14.2 and 50.8 mm. Pronounced sexual dimorphism was verified. The largest mean values of gonadosomatic relation for females coincided with the rainy season (November to March). Mean length at first sexual maturity was different for males (30.5 mm) and females (37.1 mm). Fecundity varied between 51 and 166 oocytes. Gonadal maturation curve, frequency of maturation stages and size frequency distributions of oocytes in mature ovaries revealed a long reproductive period, suggesting fractional spawning.
R.P. Boas has found necessary and sufficient conditions of belonging of function to Lipschitz class. From his findings it turned out, that the conditions on sine and cosine coefficients for belonging of function to Lip α(0 & α & 1) are the same, but for Lip 1 are different. Later his results were generalized by many authors in the viewpoint of generalization of condition on the majorant of modulus of continuity. The aim of this paper is to obtain Boas-type theorems for generalized Lipschitz classes. To define generalized Lipschitz classes we use the concept of modulus of smoothness of fractional order.
L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es basa en l’obtenció de filtres passa banda mitjançant acobladors ressonants en l’ordre dels GHz, amb un ampla de banda fraccional del 30%. En un primer disseny es presentarà l’estudi del coeficient d’acoblament entre partícules ressonants i tot seguit s’introduirà una capacitat interdigital per a augmentar l’acoblament. Mitjançant el nou disseny es demostrarà que es pot arribar a resultats òptims tant en simulacions com a l’hora de fabricar el dispositiu.
BACKGROUND: Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality in muscular dystrophy (MD) patients. Current pharmacological treatments are not yet able to counteract chronic myocardial wastage, thus novel therapies are being intensely explored. MicroRNAs have been implicated as fine regulators of cardiomyopathic progression. Previously, miR-669a downregulation has been linked to the severe DCM progression displayed by Sgcb-null dystrophic mice. However, the impact of long-term overexpression of miR-669a on muscle structure and functionality of the dystrophic heart is yet unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Here, we demonstrate that intraventricular delivery of adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors induces long-term (18 months) miR-669a overexpression and improves survival of Sgcb-null mice. Treated hearts display significant decrease in hypertrophic remodeling, fibrosis, and cardiomyocyte apoptosis. Moreover, miR-669a treatment increases sarcomere organization, reduces ventricular atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels, and ameliorates gene/miRNA profile of DCM markers. Furthermore, long-term miR-669a overexpression significantly reduces adverse remodeling and enhances systolic fractional shortening of the left ventricle in treated dystrophic mice, without significant detrimental consequences on skeletal muscle wastage. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide the first evidence of long-term beneficial impact of AAV-mediated miRNA therapy in a transgenic model of severe, chronic MD-associated DCM.
BACKGROUND: Highway maintenance workers are constantly and simultaneously exposed to traffic-related particle and noise emissions, and both have been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in population-based epidemiology studies. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate short-term health effects related to particle and noise exposure. METHODS: We monitored 18 maintenance workers, during as many as five 24-hour periods from a total of 50 observation days. We measured their exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ultrafine particles, noise, and the cardiopulmonary health endpoints: blood pressure, pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic markers in the blood, lung function and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measured approximately 15 hours post-work. Heart rate variability was assessed during a sleep period approximately 10 hours post-work. RESULTS: PM2.5 exposure was significantly associated with C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A, and negatively associated with tumor necrosis factor α. None of the particle metrics were significantly associated with von Willebrand factor or tissue factor expression. PM2.5 and work noise were associated with markers of increased heart rate variability, and with increased HF and LF power. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure on the following morning were significantly associated with noise exposure after work, and non-significantly associated with PM2.5. We observed no significant associations between any of the exposures and lung function or FeNO. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that exposure to particles and noise during highway maintenance work might pose a cardiovascular health risk. Actions to reduce these exposures could lead to better health for this population of workers.