973 resultados para Fração volumétrica
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A presente invenção refere-se ao aprimoramento introduzido no processamento de plantas forrageiras, particularmente milho e sorgo, para a produção de silagem, e respectivo produto obtido. O processamento constitui-se, no mínimo, das etapas de corte (2), picagem (3) e esmagamento (4) das plantas, sendo que esta última etapa deve ocorrer com o esmagamento dos grãos. A picagem e o esmagamento dos grãos são realizados em condições que proporcionem a modificação da estrutura dos grãos e da fração volumosa da forrageira (caules e folhas). O produto assim obtido apresenta maior exposição do conteúdo celular ao ataque dos microorganismos ruminais, proporcionando um aumento do valor nutritivo da silagem.
A presente invenção trata de um produto denominado cola de fibrina, de grande eficácia, utilizada em várias indica$ões na área médica, bem como de um processo para sua preparação. A cola de fibrina derivada de veneno de cobra, segundo a presente invenção compreende uma SOLUÇÃO I e uma SOLUÇÃO II, consistindo a SOLUÇÃO I de uma fração de veneno de cobra liofilizado, diluída em água bidestilada até atingir concentração entre 80-90 microgramas/ml, sendo para cada parte desta diluição adicionados vinte partes de uma solução de um sal de cálcio a 400 microgramas/ml e, consistindo a SOLUÇÃO II em um crioprecipitado obtido a partir de plasma fresco congelado a -20°C, o qual deve conter, em média, 150-250mg de fibrogênio, 80-120 unidades do fator VIII, 20-30% do fator XIII, 40-70 unidades do fator "von Willibrand" e de 50-60mg de fibronectina.
A presente invenção refere-se a uma droga antiulcerogênica, mais particularmente, a uma droga que compreende uma fração ativa da planta Casearia sylvestris como componente eficaz. De forma particular a invenção trata de uma droga útil no tratamento de distúrbios do trato gastrintestinal, principalmente no tratamento de úlcera gastroduodenal, sendo que apresenta ação citoprotetora, age tanto em úlceras leves como moderadas e graves e, sendo seletiva, não apresenta ação abortiva.
In this study it was evaluated the efficiency of the treatment of wet-processed coffee wastewater in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors in two stages, in bench scale, followed by post-treatment with activated sludge in batch. The first UASB reactor was submitted to an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6.2 d and organic loading rates (OLR) of 2.3 and 4.5g CODtotal (L d)-1, and the second UASB reactor to HRT of 3.1 d with OLR of 0.4 and 1.4g CODtotal (L d)-1. The average values of the affluent CODtotal increased from 13,891 to 27,926mg L-1 and the average efficiencies of removal of the CODtotal decreased from 95 to 91%, respectively, in the UASB reactors in two stages. The volumetric methane production increased from 0.274 to 0.323L CH4 (L reactor d)-1 with increment in the OLR. The average concentrations of total phenols in the affluent were of 48 and 163mg L-1, and the removal efficiencies in the UASB reactors in two stages of 92 and 90%, respectively, and increased to 97% with post-treatment. The average values of the removal efficiencies of total nitrogen and phosphorus were of 57 to 80% and 44 to 60%, respectively, in the UASB reactors in two stages and increased to 91 and 84% with the post-treatment.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate gasometric differences of severe trauma patients requiring intubation in prehospital care. METHODS: Patients requiring airway management were submitted to collection of arterial blood samples at the beginning of pre-hospital care and at arrival at the Emergency Room. We analyzed: Glasgow Coma Scale, respiratory rate, arterial pH, arterial partial pressure of CO2 (PaCO2), arterial partial pressure of O2 (PaO2), base excess (BE), hemoglobin O2 saturation (SpO2) and the relation of PaO2 and inspired O2 (PaO2/FiO2). RESULTS: There was statistical significance of the mean differences between the data collected at the site of the accident and at the entrance of the ER as for respiratory rate (p = 0.0181), Glasgow Coma Scale (p = 0.0084), PaO2 (p <0.0001) and SpO2 (p = 0.0018). CONCLUSION: tracheal intubation changes the parameters PaO2 and SpO2. There was no difference in metabolic parameters (pH, bicarbonate and base excess). In the analysis of blood gas parameters between survivors and non-survivors there was statistical difference between PaO2, hemoglobin oxygen saturation and base excess.
Drugs commonly used in anesthesia practice may significantly alter the oxidative state of blood cells. This mechanism could contribute to the immune suppression that occurs transiently in the early postoperative period. Thus, we assessed the effects of continuous rate infusion (CRI) of propofol associated or not with tramadol on hematologic parameters in dogs. Eight adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized on 2 occasions, 15 d apart. Two groups were formed: control group (CG) and tramadol group (GT). Propofol was used for induction (10mg kg-1) followed by a CRI (0.7mg kg-1minute-1). The animals were positioned in lateral recumbency and mechanically ventilated with inspired oxygen fraction of 0.6. In TG, tramadol (2mg kg-1) followed by a CRI (0.5mg kg-1minute-1) was administered in dogs. In the CG the sodium chloride (NaCl) solution at 0.9% was administered followed by its CRI, in the same volume that was used in TG. The measurement was taken before anesthesia induction (Tbasal), 30 minutes after induction (T0) and then at 30-minute intervals (T30 to T60). Red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoblogin concentration and total leukocytes count decreased from T0 in both groups. In TG, lymphocytes count at Tbasal [1.86 (0.82) x103µl-1] was greater than at T0, T30 and T60 [0.96(0.50), 0.92(0.48) and 0.95(0.48) x103µl-1, respectively]. No significant differences were observed for platelets neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil and monocyte count. In dogs, propofol-anesthesia associated or not with tramadol promoted decrease in blood cell count and should be used with caution in immunossupressed patients.
The aim of this work was to determine ruminal degradation of neutral detergent fiber of grasses of the genus Cynodon, harvested at four cutting ages. It was used a randomized block design, with five treatments arranged in a split plot, the five evaluated genotypes: Tifton 85, Jiggs, Russel, Tifton 68 and Vaquero; were the plots and ages of cutting were the subplots: 28, 48, 63 and 79 days. By adding one day in the cutting age, there was a linear reduction in the effective degradability of neutral detergent fiber of blade and stem of 0.16 and 0.18%, respectively. The increase in the cutting age had a linear and positive influence on the undegradable neutral detergent fiber with daily increments for leaf and stem of 0.12 and 0.18%, respectively. At the 28 regrowth day, all genotypes showed higher content of potentially degradable insoluble fraction, effective degradability and lower undegradable fraction of the neutral detergent fiber of blade and stem in relation to other ages, in this way this interval is recommended for cutting management.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of sun and shade drying of the aerial part of cassava on the chemical composition and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of nutrients, energy, and aminoacids for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). There was no difference between the drying methods for chemical composition. The ADC of crude protein showed higher digestibility for the shade dried aerial part. Shade drying of the aerial part of cassava allows higher conservation of the protein content and better apparent digestibility of the protein and amino acid fraction for Nile tilapia.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the culture of equine bone marrow mononuclear fraction and adipose tissue - derived stromal vascular fraction cells in two different cell culture media. Five adult horses were submitted to bone marrow aspiration from the sternum, and then from the adipose tissue of the gluteal region near the base of the tail. Mononuclear fraction and stromal vascular fraction were isolated from the samples and cultivated in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum or in AIM-V medium. The cultures were observed once a week with an inverted microscope, to perform a qualitative analysis of the morphology of the cells as well as the general appearance of the cell culture. Colony-forming units (CFU) were counted on days 5, 15 and 25 of cell culture. During the first week of culture, differences were observed between the samples from the same source maintained in different culture media. The number of colonies was significantly higher in samples of bone marrow in relation to samples of adipose tissue.
The present study aimed to evaluate the droplet spectrum of hydraulic nozzles, under different pressures and spray liquid compositions, using a laser particle size analyzer. In a completely randomized design, two air induction twin flat-fan nozzles (AD-IA/D 11002 and AD-IA/D11004) and two hollow-cone nozzles (MAG - 2 and MAG - 4) were evaluated, in factorial design 3 x 2: tree spray pressures (207, 276 and 345 kPa for twin flat-fan nozzles, and 414, 483 and 552 kPa for cone nozzles); and two spray liquid compositions (water and water plus phosphatydilcoline + propionic acid adjuvant). The addition of adjuvant reduced the volume median diameter for the AD-IA/D 11002 and 11004 nozzles; however it had an opposite effect with the MAG - 4 nozzles and not changed with the MAG - 2 nozzles. In adverse weather conditions, it is not recommended the use of hollow cone spray nozzle, even with the addition of adjuvant tested because of the high risk potential of drift.
AIM: In this paper we estimate the sediment yield and other related information for a small urbanized watershed, located in Sorocaba, São Paulo State. The driving forces that produce the observed scenario are presented and discussed; METHODS: Over a year, water samples and hydrologic information concerning the river channel were collected monthly at one sampling site. In the laboratory, water samples were oven dried (80 ºC) and the total suspended solid weighed for each sample. To estimate sediment yield we used Colby's simplified method. The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) was estimated using two methods: the relief - length ratio and the bifurcation ratio; RESULTS: The annual sediment yield estimated for the period was 1,636.1 t. The total specific sediment yield was 541.7 t.km -2.y-1. Bedload was the predominant fraction. The SDR changed between 60 and 66% according to the method employed. CONCLUSIONS: The main driving forces of hydrosedimentological disequilibrium are the lack of riparian vegetation, the dumping of construction wastes at inadequate sites, and the launching of untreated sewage. Hence, if these three factors were controlled, a significant improvement in the environmental quality, particularly water quality, might be achieved.
Em ambientes de riacho, fatores relacionados à estrutura dos habitats e limnologia interagem regulando os padrões de transferência de energia e matéria, afetando a composição da comunidade de peixes. Em bacias costeiras do sudeste do Brasil as características limnológicas e estrutura dos habitats diferem entre riachos de águas claras e pretas. Os primeiros são compostos por uma variedade de tipos de substrato, possuem velocidades de corrente mais elevadas e baixa condutividade, enquanto os últimos apresentam substrato arenoso, baixas velocidades de corrente e águas escuras e ácidas. Neste trabalho analisamos a importância relativa da estrutura dos habitats e das variáveis limnológicas como preditores dos padrões de composição em comunidades de peixes de riachos. Oito riachos de primeira a terceira ordem foram amostrados na planície costeira da bacia do rio Itanhaém. Capturamos 34 espécies e verificamos que a composição das comunidades foi influenciada por fatores estruturais e limnológicos, sendo os primeiros mais importantes. Uma fração de variação que não pode ser totalmente decomposta, deve-se à influência conjunta da limnologia e estrutura dos habitats. Algumas das espécies restritas aos riachos de águas pretas provavelmente apresentam adaptações fisiológicas e comportamentais para lidar com os baixos níveis de pH. Quando foram examinados somente os riachos de águas claras, toda a variação explicada na composição da comunidade de peixes foi atribuída aos fatores estruturais, devido a preferências específicas por diferentes características de hábitats.
A fração em acetato de etila (EtOAc) obtida a partir da partição do extrato de etanol (EtOH) das folhas de O. sessiliflora R. E. Fries (Annonaceae) foi submetida a diversos procedimentos cromatográficos, incluindo cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC), o que resultou no isolamento dos flavonóides: quercetina-3-O-α-L-ramnopiranosil-(1→4)-β-D-glucopiranosídeo (1), inédito na literatura, canferol-3-O-α-L-ramnopiranosil-(1→4)-β-D-glucopiranosídeo (2), rutina (3) e canferol-3-O-rutinosídeo (4). As estruturas foram definidas através da análise dos espectros de ressonância magnética nuclear (NMR) de ¹H e de 13C (1D e 2D) e espectrometria de massas.
Biomass and forage volume density and the performance and stocking rate of sheep on pastures with nitrogen-fertilized Tifton 85 and subjected to a continuous stocking system were evaluated. Four doses of nitrogen (0, 100, 200, and 400 kg ha-1 year), arranged in an experimental design with randomized blocks and four replications, were analyzed. Sixteen paddocks and Santa Inês sheep were used as test animals, coupled to crossbreed Santa Inês sheep as regulating animal stocking. Nitrogen-fertilized Tifton 85 pastures increased the amount of forage biomass and volume density which affected stocking rate and weight gain of sheep in continuous grazing. When pastures with Tifton 85 were administered in variable load continuous stocking, with grass kept at 15 cm, nitrogen fertilization up to 400 kg ha-1 year is recommended.