940 resultados para Formal specification
Los cambios percibidos hacia finales del siglo XX y a principios del nuevo milenio, nos ha mostrado que la crisis cultural de la que somos participes refleja también una crisis de los modelos universales. Nuestra situación contemporánea, parece indicar que ya no es posible formular un sistema estético para atribuirle una vigencia universal e intemporal más allá de su estricta eficacia puntual. La referencia organizada, delimitada, invariable y específica que ofrecía cualquier emplazamiento, en tanto preexistencia, reflejaba una jerarquía del sistema formal basado en lo extensivo: la medida, las normas, el movimiento, el tiempo, la modulación, los códigos y las reglas. Sin embargo, actualmente, algunos aspectos que permanecían latentes sobre lo construido, emergen bajo connotaciones intensivas, transgrediendo la simple manifestación visual y expresiva, para centrase en las propiedades del comportamiento de la materia y la energía como determinantes de un proceso de adaptación en el entorno. A lo largo del todo el siglo XX, el desarrollo de la relación del proyecto sobre lo construido ha sido abordado, casi en exclusiva, entre acciones de preservación o intervención. Ambas perspectivas, manifestaban esfuerzos por articular un pensamiento que diera una consistencia teórica, como soporte para la producción de la acción aditiva. No obstante, en las últimas décadas de finales de siglo, la teoría arquitectónica terminó por incluir pensamientos de otros campos que parecen contaminar la visión sesgada que nos refería lo construido. Todo este entramado conceptual previo, aglomeraba valiosos intentos por dar contenido a una teoría que pudiese ser entendida desde una sola posición argumental. Es así, que en 1979 Ignasi Solá-Morales integró todas las imprecisiones que referían una actuación sobre una arquitectura existente, bajo el termino de “intervención”, el cual fue argumentado en dos sentidos: El primero referido a cualquier tipo de actuación que se puede hacer en un edificio, desde la defensa, preservación, conservación, reutilización, y demás acciones. Se trata de un ámbito donde permanece latente el sentido de intensidad, como factor común de entendimiento de una misma acción. En segundo lugar, más restringido, la idea de intervención se erige como el acto crítico a las ideas anteriores. Ambos representan en definitiva, formas de interpretación de un nuevo discurso. “Una intervención, es tanto como intentar que el edificio vuelva a decir algo o lo diga en una determinada dirección”. A mediados de 1985, motivado por la corriente de revisión historiográfica y la preocupación del deterioro de los centros históricos que recorría toda Europa, Solá-Morales se propone reflexionar sobre “la relación” entre una intervención de nueva arquitectura y la arquitectura previamente existente. Relación condicionada estrictamente bajo consideraciones lingüísticas, a su entender, en sintonía con toda la producción arquitectónica de todo el siglo XX. Del Contraste a la Analogía, resumirá las transformaciones en la concepción discursiva de la intervención arquitectónica, como un fenómeno cambiante en función de los valores culturales, pero a su vez, mostrando una clara tendencia dialógica entres dos categorías formales: El Contraste, enfatizando las posibilidades de la novedad y la diferencia; y por otro lado la emergente Analogía, como una nueva sensibilidad de interpretación del edificio antiguo, donde la semejanza y la diversidad se manifiestan simultáneamente. El aporte reflexivo de los escritos de Solá-Morales podría ser definitivo, si en las últimas décadas antes del fin de siglo, no se hubiesen percibido ciertos cambios sobre la continuidad de la expresión lingüística que fomentaba la arquitectura, hacia una especie de hipertrofia figurativa. Entre muchos argumentos: La disolución de la consistencia compositiva y el estilo unitario, la incorporación volumétrica del proyecto como dispositivo reactivo, y el cambio de visión desde lo retrospectivo hacia lo prospectivo que sugiere la nueva conservación. En este contexto de desintegración, el proyecto, en tanto incorporación o añadido sobre un edificio construido, deja de ser considerado como un apéndice volumétrico subordinado por la reglas compositivas y formales de lo antiguo, para ser considerado como un organismo de orden reactivo, que produce en el soporte existente una alteración en su conformación estructural y sistémica. La extensión, antes espacial, se considera ahora una extensión sensorial y morfológica con la implementación de la tecnología y la hiper-información, pero a su vez, marcados por una fuerte tendencia de optimización energética en su rol operativo, ante el surgimiento del factor ecológico en la producción contemporánea. En una sociedad, como la nuestra, que se está modernizando intensamente, es difícil compartir una adecuada sintonía con las formas del pasado. Desde 1790, fecha de la primera convención francesa para la conservación de monumentos, la escala de lo que se pretende preservar es cada vez más ambiciosa, tanto es así, que al día de hoy el repertorio de lo que se conserva incluye prácticamente todas las tipologías del entorno construido. Para Koolhaas, el intervalo entre el objeto y el momento en el cual se decide su conservación se ha reducido, desde dos milenios en 1882 a unas décadas hoy en día. En breve este lapso desaparecerá, demostrando un cambio radical desde lo retrospectivo hacia lo prospectivo, es decir, que dentro de poco habrá que decidir que es lo que se conserva antes de construir. Solá-Morales, en su momento, distinguió la relación entre lo nuevo y lo antiguo, entre el contraste y la analogía. Hoy casi tres décadas después, el objetivo consiste en evaluar si el modelo de intervención arquitectónica sobre lo construido se ha mantenido desde entonces o si han aparecido nuevas formas de posicionamiento del proyecto sobre lo construido. Nuestro trabajo pretende demostrar el cambio de enfoque proyectual con la preexistencia y que éste tiene estrecha relación con la incorporación de nuevos conceptos, técnicas, herramientas y necesidades que imprimen el contexto cultural, producido por el cambio de siglo. Esta suposición nos orienta a establecer un paralelismo arquitectónico entre los modos de relación en que se manifiesta lo nuevo, entre una posición comúnmente asumida (Tópica), genérica y ortodoxa, fundamentada en lo visual y expresivo de las últimas décadas del siglo XX, y una realidad emergente (Heterotópica), extraordinaria y heterodoxa que estimula lo inmaterial y que parece emerger con creciente intensidad en el siglo XXI. Si a lo largo de todo el siglo XX, el proyecto de intervención arquitectónico, se debatía entre la continuidad y discontinuidad de las categorías formales marcadas por la expresión del edificio preexistente, la nueva intervención contemporánea, como dispositivo reactivo en el paisaje y en el territorio, demanda una absoluta continuidad, ya no visual, expresiva, ni funcional, sino una continuidad fisiológica de adaptación y cambio con la propia dinámica del territorio, bajo nuevas reglas de juego y desplegando planes y estrategias operativas (proyectivas) desde su propia lógica y contingencia. El objeto de esta investigación es determinar los nuevos modos de continuidad y las posibles lógicas de producción que se manifiestan dentro de la Intervención Arquitectónica, intentando superar lo aparente de su relación física y visual, como resultado de la incorporación del factor operativo desplegado por el nuevo dispositivo contemporáneo. Creemos que es acertado mantener la senda connotativa que marca la denominación intervención arquitectónica, por aglutinar conceptos y acercamientos teóricos previos que han ido evolucionando en el tiempo. Si bien el término adolece de mayor alcance operativo desde su formulación, una cualidad que infieren nuestras lógicas contemporáneas, podría ser la reformulación y consolidación de un concepto de intervención más idóneo con nuestros tiempos, anteponiendo un procedimiento lógico desde su propia necesidad y contingencia. Finalmente, nuestro planteamiento inicial aspira a constituir un nueva forma de reflexión que nos permita comprender las complejas implicaciones que infiere la nueva arquitectura sobre la preexistencia, motivada por las incorporación de factores externos al simple juicio formal y expresivo preponderante a finales del siglo XX. Del mismo modo, nuestro camino propuesto, como alternativa, permite proyectar posibles sendas de prospección, al considerar lo preexistente como un ámbito que abarca la totalidad del territorio con dinámicas emergentes de cambio, y con ellas, sus lógicas de intervención.Abstract The perceived changes towards the end of the XXth century and at the beginning of the new milennium have shown us that the cultural crisis in which we participate also reflects a crisis of the universal models. The difference between our contemporary situation and the typical situations of modern orthodoxy and post-modernistic fragmentation, seems to indicate that it is no longer possible to formulate a valid esthetic system, to assign a universal and eternal validity to it beyond its strictly punctual effectiveness; which is even subject to questioning because of the continuous transformations that take place in time and in the sensibility of the subject itself every time it takes over the place. The organised reference that any location offered, limited, invariable and specific, while pre-existing, reflected a hierarchy of the formal system based on the applicable: measure, standards, movement, time, modulation, codes and rules. Authors like Marshall Mc Luhan, Paul Virilio, or Marc Augé anticipated a reality where the conventional system already did not seem to respond to the new architectural requests in which information, speed, disappearance and the virtual had blurred the traditional limits of place; pre-existence did no longer possess a specific delimitation and, on the contrary, they expect to reach a global scale. Currently, some aspects that stayed latent relating to the constructed, surface from intensive connotations, transgressing the simple visual and expressive manifestation in order to focus on the traits of the behaviour of material and energy as determinants of a process of adaptation to the surroundings. Throughout the entire Century, the development of the relation of the project relating to the constructed has been addressed, almost exclusively, in preservational or interventianal actions. Both perspectives showed efforts in order to express a thought that would give a theoretical consistency as a base for the production of the additive action. Nevertheless, the last decades of the Century, architectural theory ended up including thoughts from other fields that seem to contaminate the biased vision 15 which the constructed related us. Ecology, planning, philosophy, global economy, etc, suggest new approaches to the construction of the contemporary city; but this time with a determined idea of change and continuous transformation, that enriches the panorama of thought and architectural practice, at the same time, according to some, it puts disciplinary specification at risk, given that there is no architecture without destruction, the constructed organism requires mutation in order to adjust to the change of shape. All of this previous conceptual framework gathered valuable intents to give importance to a theory that could be understood solely from an argumental position. Thusly, in 1979 Ignasi Solá-Morales integrated all of the imprecisions that referred to an action in existing architecture under the term of “Intervention”, which was explained in two ways: The first referring to any type of intervention that can be carried out in a building, regarding protection, conservation, reuse, etc. It is about a scope where the meaning of intensity stays latent as a common factor of the understanding of a single action. Secondly, more limitedly, the idea of intervention is established as the critical act to the other previous ideas such as restauration, conservation, reuse, etc. Both ultimately represent ways of interpretation of a new speech. “An intervention, is as much as trying to make the building say something again or that it be said in a certain direction”. Mid 1985, motivated by the current of historiographical revision and the concerns regarding the deterioration of historical centres that traversed Europe, Solá-Morales decides to reflect on “the relationship” between an intervention of the new architecture and the previously existing architecture. A relationship determined strictly by linguistic considerations, to his understanding, in harmony with all of the architectural production of the XXth century. From Contrast to Analogy would summarise transformations in the discursive perception of architectural intervention, as a changing phenomenon depending on cultural values, but at the same time, showing a clear dialogical tendency between two formal categories: Contrast, emphasising the possibilities of novelty and difference; and on the other hand the emerging Analogy, as a new awareness of interpretation of the ancient building, where the similarity and diversity are manifested simultaneously. For Solá-Morales the analogical procedure is not based on the visible simultaneity of formal orders, but on associations that the subject establishes throughout time. Through analogy it is tried to overcome the simple visual relationship with the antique, to focus on its spacial, physical and geographical nature. If the analogical attempt guides an opening towards a new continuity; it still persists in the connection of dimensional, typological and figurative factors, subordinate to the formal hierarchy of the preexisting subjects. 16 The reflexive contribution of Solá-Morales’ works could be final, if in the last decades before the end of the century there had not been certain changes regarding linguistic expression, encouraged by architecture, towards a kind of figurative hypertrophy, amongst many arguments we are in this case interested in three moments: The dissolution of the compositional consistency and the united style, the volumetric incorporation of the project as a reactive mechanism, and the change of the vision from retrospective towards prospective that the new conservation suggests. The recurrence to the history of architecture and its recognisable forms, as a way of perpetuating memory and establishing a reference, dissolved any instinct of compositive unity and style, provoking permanent relationships to tend to disappear. The composition and coherence lead to suppose a type of discontinuity of isolated objects in which only possible relationships could appear; no longer as an order of certain formal and compositive rules, but as a special way of setting elements in a specific work. The new globalised field required new forms of consistency between the project and the pre-existent subject, motivated amongst others by the higher pace of market evolution, increase of consumer tax and the level of information and competence between different locations; aspects which finally made stylistic consistence inefficient. In this context of disintegration, the project, in incorporation as well as added to a constructed building, stops being considered as a volumetric appendix subordinate to compositive and formal rules of old, to be considered as an organism of reactive order, that causes a change in the structural and systematic configuration of the existing foundation. The extension, previsouly spatial, is now considered a sensorial and morphological extension, with the implementation of technology and hyper-information, but at the same time, marked by a strong tendency of energetic optimization in its operational role, facing the emergence of the ecological factor in contemporary production. The technological world turns into a new nature, a nature that should be analysed from ecological terms; in other words, as an event of transition in the continuous redistribution of energy. In this area, effectiveness is not only determined by the capacity of adaptation to changing conditions, but also by its transforming capacity “expressly” in order to change an environment. In a society, like ours, that is modernising intensively, it is difficult to share an adecuate agreement with the forms of the past. From 1790, the date of the first French convention for the conservation of monuments, the scale of what is expexted to be preserved is more and more ambitious, so much so that nowadays the repertoire of that what is conserved includes practically all typologies of the constructed surroundings. For Koolhaas, the ínterval between the object and the moment when its conservation is decided has been reduced, from two 17 milennia in 1882 to a few decades nowadays. Shortly this lapse will disappear, showing a radical change of retrospective towards prospective, that is to say, that soon it will be necessary to decide what to conserve before constructing. The shapes of cities are the result of the continuous incorporation of architecture, and perhaps that only through architecture the response to the universe can be understood, the continuity of what has already been constructed. Our work is understood also within that system, modifying the field of action and leaving the road ready for the next movement of those that will follow after us. Continuity does not mean conservatism, continuity means being conscient of the transitory value of our answers to specific needs, accepting the change that we have received. That what has been constructed to remain and last, should cause future interventions to be integrated in it. It is necessary to accept continuity as a rule. Solá-Morales, in his time, distinguished between the relationship with new and old, between contrast and analogy. Today, almost three decades later, the objective consists of evaluating whether the model of architectural intervention in the constructed has been maintained since then or if new ways of positioning the project regarding the constructed have appeared. Our work claims to show the change of the approach of projects with pre-existing subjects and that this has got a close relation to the incorporation of new concepts, techniques, tools and necessities that impress the cultural context, caused by the change of centuries. This assumption guides us to establish a parallelism between the forms of connection where that what is new is manifested between a commonly assumed (topical), generic and orthodox position, based on that what is visual and expressive in the last decades of the XXth century, and an emerging (heterotopical), extraordinary and heterodox reality that stimulates the immaterial and that seems to emerge with growing intensity in the XXIst century. If throughout the XXth century the project of architectural intervention was considered from the continuity and discontinuity of formal categories, marked by the expression of the pre-existing building, the new contemporary intervention, as a reactive device in the landscape and territory, demands an absolute continuity. No longer a visual, expressive or functional one but a morphological continuity of adaptation and change with its own territorial dynamics, under new game rules and unfolding new operative (projective) strategies from its own logic and contingency. 18 The aim of this research is to determine new forms of continuity and the possible logic of production that are expressed in the Architectural Intervention, trying to overcome the obviousness of its physical and visual relationship, at the beginning of this new century, as a result of the incorporation of the operative factor that the new architectural device unfolds. We think it is correct to maintain the connotative path that marks the name architectural intervention by bringing previous concepts and theorical approaches that have been evolving through time together. If the name suffers from a wider operational range because of its formulation, a quality that our contemporary logic provokes, the reformulation and consolidation of an interventional concept could be more suitable for our times, giving preference to a logical method from its own necessity and contingency. It seems that now time shapes the topics, it is no longer about materialising a certain time but about expressing the changes that its new temporality generates. Finally, our initial approach aspires to form a new way of reflection that permits us to understand the complex implications that the new architecture submits the pre-existing subject to, motivated by the incorporation of factors external to simple formal and expressive judgement, prevailing at the end of the XXth century. In the same way, our set road, as an alternative, permits the contemplation of possible research paths, considering that what is pre-existing as an area that spans the whole territory with emerging changing dynamics and, with them, their interventional logics.
The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. The required immediate transition, from normal to emergency functioning of the ventilation equipments, is being strengthened by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the help to the operators, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closed-loop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc.), optimizing smoke control capacity.
The goal of the ontology requirements specification activity is to state why the ontology is being built, what its intended uses are, who the end users are, and which requirements the ontology should fulfill. This chapter presents detailed methodological guidelines for specifying ontology requirements efficiently. These guidelines will help ontology engineers to capture ontology requirements and produce the ontology requirements specification document (ORSD). The ORSD will play a key role during the ontology development process because it facilitates, among other activities, (1) the search and reuse of existing knowledge resources with the aim of reengineering them into ontologies, (2) the search and reuse of ontological resources (ontologies, ontology modules, ontology statements as well as ontology design patterns), and (3) the verification of the ontology along the ontology development.
En el presente trabajo de investigación se ha analizado la presencia de la Esgrima como materia de enseñanza dentro de diversas Instituciones educativas formales de Madrid, abarcando un rango temporal de 225 años (1725-1950). Para la realización de la investigación se elaboró un esquema de trabajo basado en la metodología de la investigación histórica, la historiografía. La búsqueda de la información se llevó a cabo, fundamentalmente en el Archivo Histórico Nacional el Archivo General de la Administración, el Archivo Regional de Madrid, el Archivo General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, el Archivo del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid, el Archivo General de Palacio, el Archivo de la Villa y la Biblioteca Nacional. La investigación presentada abarca cinco Instituciones educativas en las que se estudia la presencia de la Esgrima como enseñanza formal, siendo estas el Real Seminario de Nobles de Madrid, la Escuela Central de Profesores y Profesoras de Gimnástica, el Real Conservatorio de Música y Declamación y los Institutos de Segunda Enseñanza del Cardenal Cisneros y de San Isidro. Se analizaron las diferentes Constituciones de formación, Planes de Estudios, Reglamentos Interinos de funcionamiento, Leyes de fundación, libros, Programas de asignaturas y todos aquellos documentos, tanto oficiales como internos de cada uno de los Centros tratados. Así mismo, se estudiaron las figuras de los Maestros encargados de impartir la Esgrima como materia formal en las diversas Instituciones, alcanzando la mayor relevancia D. Manuel Antonio de Brea, D. Francisco de la Macorra y Guijeño, D. Ángel Lancho Martín de la Fuente, D. Afrodisio Aparicio Aparicio y D. José Carbonell. De la investigación realizada se concluye la presencia de la Esgrima como una materia perfectamente sistematizada en cada uno de las Instituciones analizadas así como la importancia que alcanzaba la figura del Maestro de Esgrima en todas ellas, siendo en algunos casos “Maestro Mayor del Reyno” y en otros convirtiéndose en Catedráticos de Esgrima, al tiempo que todos ellos contaban con una titulación que les capacitaba para el ejercicio de su profesión. Así mismo encontramos la presencia de la mujer en una de las Instituciones, el Real Conservatorio de Música y Declamación, con los mismos derechos que sus compañeros varones para matricularse y estudiar la Esgrima. Los Maestros estudiados, fundamentalmente D. Ángel Lancho, D. Afrodisio Aparicio y D. José Carbonell, contribuyeron a popularizar la Esgrima y a su desarrollo como deporte, organizando torneos para sus alumnos y compitiendo ellos mismos en multitud de asaltos. A lo largo de los 225 años que abarca esta investigación, la Esgrima evolucionó de Destreza a Habilidad y más tarde a Deporte, sin perder en ningún momento su importancia, extendiéndose a sectores de la sociedad a los que nunca habría llegado de no ser por la labor de los Maestros de Esgrima encargados de su formación. ABSTRACT. In this research work, the presence of Fencing as an educational subject within different formal educational Institutions in Madrid, over a period of 225 years (1725-1950), has been analysed. In order to carry out this research, a work schedule was drawn up, based on the methods of the historical research, historiography. The search for the information was primarily carried out in the Archivo Historico Nacional, the Archivo General de la Administración, the Archivo Regional of Madrid, the Archivo General de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Archivo del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música of Madrid, the Archivo General de Palacio, the Archivo de la Villa and the Biblioteca Nacional. The research presented covers five educational Institutions, where the presence of Fencing as a formal education is studied. These Institutions are: the Real Seminario de Nobles de Madrid, the Escuela Central de Profesores y Profesoras de Gimnástica, the Real Conservatorio de Música y Declamación and the Cardenal Cisneros and the San Isidro Secondary Schools. The different Academic formation, Syllabuses, Temporary working Regulations, founding Law, books, subject Plans and all the documents, official or internal, of each of the Centres dealt with, were analysed. Moreover, the roles of the Masters in charge of teaching Fencing as a formal subject in different Institutions were studied, and Mr. Manuel Antonio de Brea, Mr. Francisco de la Macorra y Guijeño, Mr. Ángel Lancho Martín de la Fuente, Mr. Afrodisio Aparicio Aparicio and Mr. José Carbonell were the most prominent. The conclusion of the research carried out, is that the presence of Fencing is a subject perfectly organised in each one of the Institutions analysed, as well as the importance that the role of the Fencing Master reached in every Institution, in some cases being “Maestro Mayor del Reyno” and in others becoming Fencing Professors, while all of them had a qualification that enabled them to practice their profession. Similarly, we can find the presence of women in one of the Institutions, the Real Conservatorio de Música y Declamación, where they had the same rights as her male classmates to enrol and study Fencing. The Fencing Masters who were studied, principally Mr. Ángel Lancho, Mr. Afrodisio Aparicio and Mr. José Carbonell, all contributed to making Fencing popular and also towards its development as a sport, by organising tournaments for their students and by competing themselves in a number of assaults. Over the 225 years which the research covers, Fencing evolved from Skill to Ability and later on to a Sport, without, at any moment, losing its importance, spreading to parts of society that it would never have reached if it were not for the work of the Fencing Masters in charge of teaching it.
Ponencia sobre el dibujo de arquitectura como medio de investigación.
With the consolidation of the new solid state lighting LEOs devices, te5t1n9 the compliance 01 lamps based on this technology lor Solar Home Systems (SHS) have been analyzed. The definition of the laboratory procedures to be used with final products 15 a necessary step in arder to be able to assure the quality of the lamps prior to be installed [1]. As well as with CFL technology. particular attention has been given to simplicity and technical affordability in arder to facilitate the implementation of the test with basie and simple laboratory too15 even on the same SHS electrification program locations. The block of test procedures has been applied to a set of 14 low-cost lamps. They apply to lamp resistance, reliability and performance under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool 01 any LEO bulb.
The recent continuous development of Cooperative ITS has resulted in several initiatives which focus on different parts of the Cooperative environment landscape. The FOTsis project focuses on the infrastructure side of the Cooperative environment and will deploy and test 7 services designed to maximise the benefits of the integration of the road operator and infrastructure-based information providers into the ITS environment. This integration can take place in any of the stages of data collection, processing and actuations of the services, but also support and trigger external tasks such as operations of the emergency response entities, etc. This paper describes the current status of the project and focuses on the specification of the supporting architecture to the services tested: references, a brief outline of the requirements’ definition, and the FOTsis architecture proposal, with some conclusions about the architecture tests conducted. The outlook on the project’s next steps is given in the last section of the paper.
The definition of technical specifications and the corresponding laboratory procedures are necessary steps in order to assure the quality of the devices prior to be installed in Solar Home Systems (SHS). To clarify and unify criteria a European project supported the development of the Universal Technical Standard for Solar Home Systems (UTSfSHS). Its principles were to generate simple and affordable technical requirements to be optimized in order to facilitate the implementation of tests with basic and simple laboratory tools even on the same SHS electrification program countries. These requirements cover the main aspects of this type of installations and its lighting chapter was developed based on the most used technology at that time: fluorescent tubes and CFLs. However, with the consolidation of the new LED solid state lighting devices, particular attention is being given to this matter and new procedures are required. In this work we develop a complete set of technical specifications and test procedures that have been designed within the frame of the UTSfSHS, based on an intense review of the scientific and technical publications related to LED lighting and their practical application. They apply to lamp reliability, performance and safety under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool for any LED bulb.
Encab. tomado de Palau VII, 135125
El importante desarrollo tecnológico e industrial surgido especialmente durante la segunda mitad del siglo pasado ha eliminado las históricas limitaciones técnicas en el ámbito de los pro-? yectos arquitectónicos, desembocando en la situación actual en la que cualquier planteamiento formal puede ser analizado desde un punto de vista estructural, concluyéndose por tanto que ha desaparecido la barrera del análisis en lo que al desarrollo de un proyecto arquitectónico se refiere. En la actualidad, al igual que a finales del siglo XIX, nos encontramos en un periodo de transi-? ción, y también, como entonces, es la tecnología la que orienta el cambio. No la tecnología de los nuevos materiales (hormigón y acero) como sucedía tras la revolución industrial sino que es la nueva tecnología digital aplicada a los sistemas de diseño, cálculo y fabricación la que están siendo el motor de la actual transformación. Hoy no es tanto el paradigma mecanicista el que prevalece en muchos casos en la concepción de los edificios sino que, nuevos elementos como la tecnología digital integrada está cambiando la forma de diseñar y concebir el entorno cons-? truido. Ante este contexto cabría plantearse las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Puede el diseño paramétrico y la tecnología CAD-?CAM-?CAE en conjunción con los programas actuales de análisis estructural basados en el Método de los Elementos Finitos hacer más sencilla la construcción de estructu-? ras ligeras y eficientes hoy en día? ¿Puede la tecnología digital ayudar a ampliar el abanico for-? mal a la hora de diseñar edificios y a la vez permitir el uso de sistemas estructurales racionales que optimicen el consumo de materiales bajo dichas circunstancias?
Resumen: Muchas instituciones de educación superior de todo el mundo llevan tiempo dinamizando sus enseñanzas a fin de transmitir a sus egresados las nuevas competencias que demanda la sociedad del siglo XXI. Afortunadamente en España también existe una fuerte apuesta por la flexibilización de la educación superior, que se materializa en iniciativas tales como la competición internacional MotoStudent. Abstract: A lot of educational superior institutions around the world have been dynamized their teaching methods trying to transmit to their graduates the new abilities that demands the XX’s century society. Fortunately in Spain it also exist a hard bet for the flexibility of the high education, materialized in initiatives as the international “MotoStudent” contest.
En la actualidad existe una gran expectación ante la introducción de nuevas herramientas y métodos para el desarrollo de productos software, que permitirán en un futuro próximo un planteamiento de ingeniería del proceso de producción software. Las nuevas metodologías que empiezan a esbozarse suponen un enfoque integral del problema abarcando todas las fases del esquema productivo. Sin embargo el grado de automatización conseguido en el proceso de construcción de sistemas es muy bajo y éste está centrado en las últimas fases del ciclo de vida del software, consiguiéndose así una reducción poco significativa de sus costes y, lo que es aún más importante, sin garantizar la calidad de los productos software obtenidos. Esta tesis define una metodología de desarrollo software estructurada que se puede automatizar, es decir una metodología CASE. La metodología que se presenta se ajusta al modelo de ciclo de desarrollo CASE, que consta de las fases de análisis, diseño y pruebas; siendo su ámbito de aplicación los sistemas de información. Se establecen inicialmente los principios básicos sobre los que la metodología CASE se asienta. Posteriormente, y puesto que la metodología se inicia con la fijación de los objetivos de la empresa que demanda un sistema informático, se emplean técnicas que sirvan de recogida y validación de la información, que proporcionan a la vez un lenguaje de comunicación fácil entre usuarios finales e informáticos. Además, estas mismas técnicas detallarán de una manera completa, consistente y sin ambigüedad todos los requisitos del sistema. Asimismo, se presentan un conjunto de técnicas y algoritmos para conseguir que desde la especificación de requisitos del sistema se logre una automatización tanto del diseño lógico del Modelo de Procesos como del Modelo de Datos, validados ambos conforme a la especificación de requisitos previa. Por último se definen unos procedimientos formales que indican el conjunto de actividades a realizar en el proceso de construcción y cómo llevarlas a cabo, consiguiendo de esta manera una integridad en las distintas etapas del proceso de desarrollo.---ABSTRACT---Nowdays there is a great expectation with regard to the introduction of new tools and methods for the software products development that, in the very near future will allow, an engineering approach in the software development process. New methodologies, just emerging, imply an integral approach to the problem, including all the productive scheme stages. However, the automatization degree obtained in the systems construction process is very low and focused on the last phases of the software lifecycle, which means that the costs reduction obtained is irrelevant and, which is more important, the quality of the software products is not guaranteed. This thesis defines an structured software development methodology that can be automated, that is a CASE methodology. Such a methodology is adapted to the CASE development cycle-model, which consists in analysis, design and testing phases, being the information systems its field of application. Firstly, we present the basic principies on which CASE methodology is based. Secondly, since the methodology starts from fixing the objectives of the company demanding the automatization system, we use some techniques that are useful for gathering and validating the information, being at the same time an easy communication language between end-users and developers. Indeed, these same techniques will detail completely, consistently and non ambiguously all the system requirements. Likewise, a set of techniques and algorithms are shown in order to obtain, from the system requirements specification, an automatization of the Process Model logical design, and of the Data Model logical design. Those two models are validated according to the previous requirement specification. Finally, we define several formal procedures that suggest which set of activities to be accomplished in the construction process, and how to carry them out, getting in this way integrity and completness for the different stages of the development process.
La fragmentación espacial de una ciudad, que será el principal enfoque de la presente Tesis, ocurre cuando una entidad pequeña se ve obligada a adecuar sus relaciones ante la inminente presencia de un entorno urbano de mayor peso que se aproxima y densifica. Este tipo de fragmentación se analizará tomando en cuenta tres factores (especulación, desorganización y falta de protección) que moldean el desarrollo de procesos urbanísticos modernos en las grandes metrópolis Latinoamericanas, particularmente en la Ciudad de México. La Ciudad de México tuvo un desarrollo altamente competitivo, que ha sido también el catalizador de un largo y sostenido crecimiento urbano. Con el pasar del tiempo, la capital ha sobrepasado las expectativas de los más visionarios. El estudio detallado del asentamiento de Tacubaya (el cual conforma una parte dinámica de la Ciudad de México), permitirá al lector evaluar el extravagante crecimiento que ocurre en la Ciudad de México y los asentamientos que lo rodean, en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Tacubaya, así como muchos de los pequeños poblados preexistentes que se ubicaban en las afueras de la gran urbe, fue alcanzado y engullido por la mancha urbana, sufriendo importantes cambios en su núcleo urbano. Sin embargo, partes de esta antigua centralidad han persistido junto con una parte de los elementos urbanos que la estructuraban; monumentos y riquezas históricas, los cuales han facilitado la reinvención de su centro urbano, sobreviviendo tanto a los abates del tiempo como a las oleadas de nuevos pobladores. El lugar que permanece es un centro urbano sumamente fragmentado, permeado por: una incesante superposición de tejidos y elementos estructuradores olvidados, poblaciones flotantes y de paso que desestabilizan las zonas residenciales, estratos sociales cada vez más apartados. Pensaríamos que las circunstancias que envuelven la demarcación la han dejado en caos, sin embargo, para la sorpresa de muchos, Tacubaya se sigue adaptando a pesar de todos los obstáculos. ABSTRACT In urbanism, the type of spatial fragmentation, that will be the main focus of this Thesis, occurs when a stronger and denser environment takes over a smaller entity, forcing it to adapt its functional relations. This type of fragmentation will be analyzed taking into account three specific factors (speculation, disorganization, and lack of protection) that mold the development of modern urbanistic processes in large Latin American cities, particularly in Mexico City. Mexico City had a highly competitive and bright development, which served as catalyst in a long and sustained urban growth. With the passing of time, the capital has outgrown the measures, previsions and administrative limits created by the government and its visionaries. The detailed study of the Tacubaya settlement (which conforms a vibrant part of Mexico City) will allow the reader to appreciate the exceptional and rare growth that occurs in Mexico City and in the settlements that surround it, in the first half of the 20th century. Tacubaya as well as many other small preexisting settlements located on the outskirts of the city, has been engulfed by the urban expansion suffering important changes in its urban core. Parts of the ancient centrality have persisted along with its structural urban elements, due mainly to monuments and other historical entities that have facilitated the reinvention of the downtown area, helping it survive not only the passing of time, but also the incrementing population. The city that now exists is fragmented beyond recognition. Tacubaya is permeated by an endless fabric overlay created by forgotten structural elements, floating populations that affect the residential zones, and a polarized society that diverges with every passing day. We may think that the circumstances that surround the city have left it in shambles; however, to the surprise of many, Tacubaya is still adapting in spite of all the obstacles.
The recent continuous development of Cooperative ITS has resulted in several initiatives which focus on different parts of the Cooperative environment landscape. The FOTsis project focuses on the infrastructure side of the Cooperative environment and will deploy and test 7 services designed to maximise the benefits of the integration of the road operator and infrastructure-based information providers into the ITS environment. This paper describes the current status of the project and focuses on the road safety approach within the project: safety services and safety impact assessment. The outlook on the project's next steps is given in the last section of the paper.
The conception of IoT (Internet of Things) is accepted as the future tendency of Internet among academia and industry. It will enable people and things to be connected at anytime and anyplace, with anything and anyone. IoT has been proposed to be applied into many areas such as Healthcare, Transportation,Logistics, and Smart environment etc. However, this thesis emphasizes on the home healthcare area as it is the potential healthcare model to solve many problems such as the limited medical resources, the increasing demands for healthcare from elderly and chronic patients which the traditional model is not capable of. A remarkable change in IoT in semantic oriented vision is that vast sensors or devices are involved which could generate enormous data. Methods to manage the data including acquiring, interpreting, processing and storing data need to be implemented. Apart from this, other abilities that IoT is not capable of are concluded, namely, interoperation, context awareness and security & privacy. Context awareness is an emerging technology to manage and take advantage of context to enable any type of system to provide personalized services. The aim of this thesis is to explore ways to facilitate context awareness in IoT. In order to realize this objective, a preliminary research is carried out in this thesis. The most basic premise to realize context awareness is to collect, model, understand, reason and make use of context. A complete literature review for the existing context modelling and context reasoning techniques is conducted. The conclusion is that the ontology-based context modelling and ontology-based context reasoning are the most promising and efficient techniques to manage context. In order to fuse ontology into IoT, a specific ontology-based context awareness framework is proposed for IoT applications. In general, the framework is composed of eight components which are hardware, UI (User Interface), Context modelling, Context fusion, Context reasoning, Context repository, Security unit and Context dissemination. Moreover, on the basis of TOVE (Toronto Virtual Enterprise), a formal ontology developing methodology is proposed and illustrated which consists of four stages: Specification & Conceptualization, Competency Formulation, Implementation and Validation & Documentation. In addition, a home healthcare scenario is elaborated by listing its well-defined functionalities. Aiming at representing this specific scenario, the proposed ontology developing methodology is applied and the ontology-based model is developed in a free and open-source ontology editor called Protégé. Finally, the accuracy and completeness of the proposed ontology are validated to show that this proposed ontology is able to accurately represent the scenario of interest.