988 resultados para Folding coadjuvant


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Calreticulin (CRT) is a high-capacity, low-affinity Ca2+-binding protein located in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of all eukaryotic cells investigated so far. Its high level of conservation among different species suggests that it serves functions fundamental to cell survival. The role originally proposed for CRT, i.e., the main Ca2+ buffer of the ER, has been obscured or even casted by its implication in processes as diverse as gene expression, protein folding, and cell adhesion. In this work we seek the role of CRT in Ca2+ storing and signaling by evaluating its effects on the kinetics and amplitude of the store-operated Ca2+ current (ICRAC). We show that, in the rat basophilic leukemia cell line RBL-1, overexpression of CRT, but not of its mutant lacking the high-capacity Ca2+-binding domain, markedly retards the ICRAC development, however, only when store depletion is slower than the rate of current activation. On the contrary, when store depletion is rapid and complete, overexpression of CRT has no effect. The present results are compatible with a major Ca2+-buffering role of CRT within the ER but exclude a direct, or indirect, role of this protein on the mechanism of ICRAC activation.


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The Drosophila melanogaster HSC3 and HSC4 genes encode Hsc70 proteins homologous to the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER) protein BiP and the cytoplasmic clathrin uncoating ATPase, respectively. These proteins possess ATP binding/hydrolysis activities that mediate their ability to aid in protein folding by coordinating the sequential binding and release of misfolded proteins. To investigate the roles of HSC3 (Hsc3p) and HSC4 (Hsc4p) proteins during development, GAL4-targeted gene expression was used to analyze the effects of producing dominant negatively acting Hsc3p (D231S, K97S) and Hsc4p (D206S, K71S) proteins, containing single amino acid substitutions in their ATP-binding domains, in specific tissues of Drosophila throughout development. We show that the production of each mutant protein results in lethality over a range of developmental stages, depending on the levels of protein produced and which tissues are targeted. We demonstrate that the functions of both Hsc3p and Hsc4p are required for proper tissue establishment and maintenance. Production of mutant Hsc4p, but not Hsc3p, results in induction of the stress-inducible Hsp70 at normal temperatures. Evidence is presented that lethality is caused by tissue-specific defects that result from a global accumulation of misfolded protein caused by lack of functional Hsc70. We show that both mutant Hsc3ps are defective in ATP-induced substrate release, although Hsc3p(D231S) does undergo an ATP-induced conformational change. We believe that the amino acid substitutions in Hsc3p interfere with the structural coupling of ATP binding to substrate release, and this defect is the basis for the mutant proteins’ dominant negative effects in vivo.


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ERp57 is a lumenal protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and a member of the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) family. In contrast to archetypal PDI, ERp57 interacts specifically with newly synthesized glycoproteins. In this study we demonstrate that ERp57 forms discrete complexes with the ER lectins, calnexin and calreticulin. Specific ERp57/calreticulin complexes exist in canine pancreatic microsomes, as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE after cross-linking, and by native electrophoresis in the absence of cross-linking. After in vitro translation and import into microsomes, radiolabeled ERp57 can be cross-linked to endogenous calreticulin and calnexin while radiolabeled PDI cannot. Likewise, radiolabeled calreticulin is cross-linked to endogenous ERp57 but not PDI. Similar results were obtained in Lec23 cells, which lack the glucosidase I necessary to produce glycoprotein substrates capable of binding to calnexin and calreticulin. This observation indicates that ERp57 interacts with both of the ER lectins in the absence of their glycoprotein substrate. This result was confirmed by a specific interaction between in vitro synthesized calreticulin and ERp57 prepared in solution in the absence of other ER components. We conclude that ERp57 forms complexes with both calnexin and calreticulin and propose that it is these complexes that can specifically modulate glycoprotein folding within the ER lumen.


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Unlike properly folded and assembled proteins, most misfolded and incompletely assembled proteins are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum of mammalian cells and degraded without transport to the Golgi complex. To analyze the mechanisms underlying this unique sorting process and its fidelity, the fate of C-terminally truncated fragments of influenza hemagglutinin was determined. An assortment of different fragments was generated by adding puromycin at low concentrations to influenza virus-infected tissue culture cells. Of the fragments generated, <2% was secreted, indicating that the system for detecting defects in newly synthesized proteins is quite stringent. The majority of secreted species corresponded to folding domains within the viral spike glycoprotein. The retained fragments acquired a partially folded structure with intrachain disulfide bonds and conformation-dependent antigenic epitopes. They associated with two lectin-like endoplasmic reticulum chaperones (calnexin and calreticulin) but not BiP/GRP78. Inhibition of the association with calnexin and calreticulin by the addition of castanospermine significantly increased fragment secretion. However, it also caused association with BiP/GRP78. These results indicated that the association with calnexin and calreticulin was involved in retaining the fragments. They also suggested that BiP/GRP78 could serve as a backup for calnexin and calreticulin in retaining the fragments. In summary, the results showed that the quality control system in the secretory pathway was efficient and sensitive to folding defects, and that it involved multiple interactions with endoplasmic reticulum chaperones.


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The unfolded protein response (UPR) controls the levels of molecular chaperones and enzymes involved in protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We recently isolated ATF6 as a candidate for mammalian UPR-specific transcription factor. We report here that ATF6 constitutively expressed as a 90-kDa protein (p90ATF6) is directly converted to a 50-kDa protein (p50ATF6) in ER-stressed cells. Furthermore, we showed that the most important consequence of this conversion was altered subcellular localization; p90ATF6 is embedded in the ER, whereas p50ATF6 is a nuclear protein. p90ATF6 is a type II transmembrane glycoprotein with a hydrophobic stretch in the middle of the molecule. Thus, the N-terminal half containing a basic leucine zipper motif is oriented facing the cytoplasm. Full-length ATF6 as well as its C-terminal deletion mutant carrying the transmembrane domain is localized in the ER when transfected. In contrast, mutant ATF6 representing the cytoplasmic region translocates into the nucleus and activates transcription of the endogenous GRP78/BiP gene. We propose that ER stress-induced proteolysis of membrane-bound p90ATF6 releases soluble p50ATF6, leading to induced transcription in the nucleus. Unlike yeast UPR, mammalian UPR appears to use a system similar to that reported for cholesterol homeostasis.


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Cyclophilin and FK506 binding protein (FKBP) accelerate cis–trans peptidyl-prolyl isomerization and bind to and mediate the effects of the immunosuppressants cyclosporin A and FK506. The normal cellular functions of these proteins, however, are unknown. We altered the active sites of FKBP12 and mitochondrial cyclophilin from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by introducing mutations previously reported to inactivate these enzymes. Surprisingly, most of these mutant enzymes were biologically active in vivo. In accord with previous reports, all of the mutant enzymes had little or no detectable prolyl isomerase activity in the standard peptide substrate-chymotrypsin coupled in vitro assay. However, in a variation of this assay in which the protease is omitted, the mutant enzymes exhibited substantial levels of prolyl isomerase activity (5–20% of wild-type), revealing that these mutations confer sensitivity to protease digestion and that the classic in vitro assay for prolyl isomerase activity may be misleading. In addition, the mutant enzymes exhibited near wild-type activity with two protein substrates, dihydrofolate reductase and ribonuclease T1, whose folding is accelerated by prolyl isomerases. Thus, a number of cyclophilin and FKBP12 “active-site” mutants previously identified are largely active but protease sensitive, in accord with our findings that these mutants display wild-type functions in vivo. One mitochondrial cyclophilin mutant (R73A), and also the wild-type human FKBP12 enzyme, catalyze protein folding in vitro but lack biological activity in vivo in yeast. Our findings provide evidence that both prolyl isomerase activity and other structural features are linked to FKBP and cyclophilin in vivo functions and suggest caution in the use of these active-site mutations to study FKBP and cyclophilin functions.


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Phosphorylation of the regulatory (R) domain initiates cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl− channel activity. To discover how the function of this domain is determined by its structure, we produced an R domain protein (R8) that spanned residues 708–831 of CFTR. Phosphorylated, but not unphosphorylated, R8 stimulated activity of CFTR channels lacking this domain, indicating that R8 is functional. Unexpectedly, this functional R8 was predominantly random coil, as revealed by CD and limited proteolysis. The CD spectra of both phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated R8 were similar in aqueous buffer. The folding agent trimethylamine N-oxide induced only a small increase in the helical content of nonphosphorylated R8 and even less change in the helical content of phosphorylated R8. These data, indicating that the R domain is predominantly random coil, may explain the seemingly complex way in which phosphorylation regulates CFTR channel activity.


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A novel thermodynamic approach to the reversible unfolding of proteins in aqueous urea solutions has been developed based on the premise that urea ligands are bound cooperatively to the macromolecule. When successive stoichiometric binding constants have values larger than expected from statistical effects, an equation for moles of bound urea can be derived that contains imaginary terms. For a very steep unfolding curve, one can then show that the fraction of protein unfolded, B̄, depends on the square of the urea concentration, U, and is given by \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}\bar {B}=\frac{{\mathit{A}}^{{\mathit{2}}}_{{\mathit{1}}}{\mathit{e}}^{{\mathrm{{\lambda}}}n\bar {B}}{\mathit{U}}^{{\mathit{2}}}}{{\mathrm{1\hspace{.167em}+\hspace{.167em}}}{\mathit{A}}^{{\mathrm{2}}}_{{\mathrm{1}}}{\mathit{e}}^{{\mathrm{{\lambda}}}\bar {B}}{\mathit{U}}^{{\mathrm{2}}}}{\mathrm{.}}\end{equation*}\end{document} A12 is the binding constant as B̄→ 0, and λ is a parameter that reflects the augmentation in affinities of protein for urea as the moles bound increases to the saturation number, n. This equation provides an analytic expression that reproduces the unfolding curve with good precision, suggests a simple linear graphical procedure for evaluating A12 and λ, and leads to the appropriate standard free energy changes. The calculated ΔG° values reflect the coupling of urea binding with unfolding of the protein. Some possible implications of this analysis to protein folding in vivo are described.


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Dominant negative inhibition is most commonly seen when a mutant subunit of a multisubunit protein is coexpressed with the wild-type protein so that assembly of a functional oligomer is impaired. By analogy, it should be possible to interfere with the functional assembly of a monomeric enzyme by interfering with the folding pathway. Experiments in vitro by others suggested that fragments of a monomeric enzyme might be exploited for this purpose. We report here dominant negative inhibition of bacterial cell growth by expression of fragments of a tRNA synthetase. Inhibition is fragment-specific, as not all fragments cause inhibition. An inhibitory fragment characterized in more detail forms a specific complex with the intact enzyme in vivo, leading to enzyme inactivation. This fragment also associated stoichiometrically with the full-length enzyme in vitro after denaturation and refolding, and the resulting complex was catalytically inactive. Inhibition therefore appears to arise from an interruption in the folding pathway of the wild-type enzyme, thus suggesting a new strategy to design dominant negative inhibitors of monomeric enzymes.


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The role of the abundant stress protein Hsp90 in protecting cells against stress-induced damage is not well understood. The recent discovery that a class of ansamycin antibiotics bind specifically to Hsp90 allowed us to address this problem from a new angle. We find that mammalian Hsp90, in cooperation with Hsp70, p60, and other factors, mediates the ATP-dependent refolding of heat-denatured proteins, such as firefly luciferase. Failure to refold results in proteolysis. The ansamycins inhibit refolding, both in vivo and in a cell extract, by preventing normal dissociation of Hsp90 from luciferase, causing its enhanced degradation. This mechanism also explains the ansamycin-induced proteolysis of several protooncogenic protein kinases, such as Raf-1, which interact with Hsp90. We propose that Hsp90 is part of a quality control system that facilitates protein refolding or degradation during recovery from stress. This function is used by a limited set of signal transduction molecules for their folding and regulation under nonstress conditions. The ansamycins shift the mode of Hsp90 from refolding to degradation, and this effect is probably amplified for specific Hsp90 substrates.


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We report the structures of flagellar filaments reconstituted from various flagellins with small terminal truncations. Flagellins from Salmonella typhimurium strains SJW1103 (wild type), SJW1660, and SJW1655 were used, which form a left-handed supercoil, the L- and R-type straight forms, respectively. Structure analyses were done by electron cryomicroscopy and helical image reconstruction with a help of x-ray fiber diffraction for determining precise helical symmetries. Truncation of either terminal region, irrespective of the original flagellin species, results in a straight filament having a helical symmetry distinct either from the L- or R-type. This filament structure is named Lt-type. Although the local subunit packing is similar in all three types, a close comparison shows that the Lt-type packing is almost identical to the R-type but distinct from the L-type, which demonstrates the strong two-state preference of the subunit interactions. The structure clearly suggests that both termini are located in the inner tube of the concentric double-tubular structure of the filament core, and their proper interaction is responsible for the correct folding of fairly large terminal regions that form the inner tube. The double tubular structure appears to be essential for the polymorphic ability of flagellar filaments, which is required for the swimming–tumbling of bacterial taxis.


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In birds and mammals T cells develop along two discrete pathways characterized by expression of either the αβ or the γδ T-cell antigen receptors (TCRs). To gain further insight into the evolutionary significance of the γδ T-cell lineage, the present studies sought to define the chicken TCRγ locus. A splenic cDNA library was screened with two polymerase chain reaction products obtained from genomic DNA using primers for highly conserved regions of TCR and immunoglobulin genes. This strategy yielded cDNA clones with characteristics of mammalian TCR γ chains, including canonical residues considered important for proper folding and stability. Northern blot analysis with the TCRγ cDNA probe revealed 1.9-kb transcripts in the thymus, spleen, and a γδ T-cell line, but not in B or αβ T-cell lines. Three multimember Vγ subfamilies, three Jγ gene segments, and a single constant region Cγ gene were identified in the avian TCRγ locus. Members of each of the three Vγ subfamilies were found to undergo rearrangement in parallel during the first wave of thymocyte development. TCRγ repertoire diversification was initiated on embryonic day 10 by an apparently random pattern of V-Jγ recombination, nuclease activity, and P- and N-nucleotide additions to generate a diverse repertoire of avian TCRγ genes early in ontogeny.


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Escherichia coli muk mutants are temperature-sensitive and produce anucleate cells. A spontaneously occurring mutation was found in a ΔmukB∷kan mutant strain that suppressed the temperature-sensitive phenotype and mapped in or near topA, the gene that encodes topoisomerase I. Previously characterized topA mutations, topA10 and topA66, were found to be general suppressors of muk mutants: they suppressed temperature sensitivity and anucleate cell production of cells containing null or point mutations in mukB and null mutations in mukE or mukF. The suppression correlated with excess negative supercoiling by DNA gyrase, and the gyrase inhibitor, coumermycin, reversed it. Defects in topA allow 99% of cell division events in muk null mutants to proceed without chromosome loss or loss of cell viability. This observation imposes important limitations on models for Muk activity and is consistent with a role for MukBEF in chromosome folding and DNA condensation.


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Flavin-containing monooxygenase from yeast (yFMO) carries out the O2- and NADPH-dependent oxidation of biological thiols, including oxidizing glutathione to glutathione disulfide. FMO provides a large fraction of the oxidizing necessary for proper folding of disulfide bond-containing proteins; deletion of the enzyme reduces proper folding of endogenous carboxypeptidase Y by about 40%. The enzyme is not essential to cell viability because other enzymes can generate a significant fraction of the oxidizing equivalents required by the cell. However, yFMO is vital to the yeast response to reductive stress. FMO1 deletion mutants grow poorly under reductive stress, and carboxypeptidase Y activity is less than 10% of that in a stressed wild type. The FMO1 gene appears to be under control of an unfolded protein response element and is inducible by factors, such as reductive stress, that elicit the unfolded protein response. Reductive stress can increase yFMO activity at least 6-fold. This increased activity allows the cell to process endogenous disulfide bond-containing proteins and also to allow correct folding of disulfide-bonded proteins expressed from multicopy plasmids. The unfolded protein response is mediated by the Hac1p transcription factor that mediates virtually all of the induction of yFMO triggered by exogenous reducing agents.


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We present multiple native and denaturation simulations of the B and E domains of the three-helix bundle protein A, totaling 60 ns. The C-terminal helix (H3) consistently denatures later than either of the other two helices and contains residual helical structure in the denatured state. These results are consistent with experiments suggesting that the isolated H3 fragment is more stable than H1 and H2 and that H3 forms early in folding. Interestingly, the denatured state of the B domain is much more compact than that of the E domain. This sequence-dependent effect on the dimensions of the denatured state and the lack of correlation with structure suggest that the radius of gyration can be a misleading reaction coordinate for unfolding/folding. Various unfolding and refolding events are observed in the denaturation simulations. In some cases, the transitions are facilitated through interactions with other portions of the protein—contact-assisted helix formation. In the native simulations, the E domain is very stable: after 6 ns, the Cα root-mean-square deviation from the starting structure is less than 1.4 Å. In contrast, the native state of the B domain deviates more and its inter-helical angles fluctuate. In apparent contrast, we note that the B domain is thermodynamically more stable than the E domain. The simulations suggest that the increased stability of the B domain may be due to heightened mobility, and therefore entropy, in the native state and decreased mobility/entropy in the more compact denatured state.