972 resultados para Flame Retardant


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Lithium isotopic compositions of hydrothermally altered sediments of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 477/477A, as well as high temperature vent fluids of the Guaymas Basin, have been determined to gain an understanding of lithium exchange during fluid-sediment interaction at this sediment-covered spreading center. Unaltered turbidite of the basin has a d6Li value of -10%, 5-7% heavier than fresh oceanic basalts. Contact metamorphism induced by a shallow sill intrusion results in a decrease of the lithium content of the adjacent sediments and a lighter isotopic value (-8%). Below the sill, sediments altered by a deep-seated hydrothermal system show strong depletions in lithium, while lithium isotopic compositions vary greatly, ranging from -11 to +1%. The shift to lighter composition is the result of preferential retention of the lighter isotope in recrystallized phases after destruction of the primary minerals. The complexity of the isotope profile is attributed to inhomogeneity in mineral composition, the tortuous pathway of fluids and the temperature effect on isotopic fractionation. The range of lithium concentration and d6Li values for the vent fluids sampled in 1982 and 1985 overlaps with that of the sediment-free mid-ocean ridge systems. The lack of a distinct expression of sediment input is explained in terms of a flow-through system with continuous water recharge. The observations on the natural system agree well with the results of laboratory hydrothermal experiments. The experimental study demonstrates the importance of temperature, pressure, water/rock ratio, substrate composition and reaction time on the lithium isotopic composition of the reacted fluid. High temperature authigenic phases do not seem to constitute an important sink for lithium and sediments of a hydrothermal system such as Guaymas are a source of lithium to the ocean. The ready mobility of lithium in the sediment under elevated temperature and pressure conditions also has important implications for lithium cycling in subduction zones.


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Data on lithium, rubidium and cesium concentrations in waters of open seas and oceans are summarized. Average amounts of these elements in the World Ocean inferred from published data and those obtained by the author are as follows: Li - 0.18 mg/l, Rb - 0.12 mg/l and Cs - 0.004 mg/l. Rare alkaline elements in the oceans and open seas are distributed (like sodium and potassium) in accordance with salinity. The ability of lithium to become a constituent of clay minerals accounts for its relatively low concentration in sea water as compared with that of sodium and potassium. Compared to rubidium and cesium that have high absorption energy and low hydration energy, lithium relatively enriches sea water. Residence times of these elements in the ocean are: Na - 120 My, Li - 2.7 My, Rb - 2.3 My and Cs - 0.3 My.


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It is demonstrated by K-Ar analyses that the age of reversely magnetized basalts, which immediately predate magnetic Anomaly 24B, is 53.5 ± 1.9 m.y. Samples from deep levels appear to be grossly contaminated by an extraneous argon component with a uniform argon-40/argon-36 ratio 440. This component is thought to have been derived from fluids circulating in the lava pile during burial. The age result corroborates the assignment previously made to Anomaly 24B by Hailwood et al. (1979) and Lowrie and Alvarez (1981). It additionally suggests that lava extrusion formed part of a much larger magmatic event, which affected wide areas of the North Atlantic margins around the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, and can therefore probably be considered a good estimate of the age of this boundary. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios lie in the very restricted range 0.512920 ± 19 to 0.513026 ± 24 and initial 8 7Sr/86Sr ratios from ca. 0.703 to ca. 0.705. Acid leaching reduces the latter range to 0.70264 ± 4 to 0.70384 ± 4, suggesting that the higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios resulted from interaction with seawater. The array of data for treated samples is closely conformable on a 143Nd/144Nd-87Sr/86Sr diagram with the main oceanic mantle array and with previously published fields for Atlantic Ocean basalts. No evidence for any continental crustal contamination has been found. This suggests, but does not prove, that continental crust played no part in the genesis of these rocks.


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Original results of igneous rock studies are presented. The rocks were dredged during a marine expedition (cruise 37 of R/V Akademik M.A. Lavrent'ev in August-September, 2005) in the region of the submarine Vityaz Ridge and the Kuril Arc outer slope. Several age complexes (Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene) are recognizable on the Vityaz Ridge. These complexes are characterized by a number of common geochemical features since all of them represent formations of island arc calc-alkali series. At the same time, they also have individual features reflecting different geodynamic settings. The outer slope of the Kuril Arc demonstrates submarine volcanism. Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks dredged here are similar to volcanites of the Kuril-Kamchatka Arc frontal zone.


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We have developed sampling methods and an analytical system to determine the concentration of dissolved organic C (DOC) in marine pore waters. Our analytical approach is a modification of recently developed high-temperature, Pt-catalyzed oxidation methods; it uses Chromatographic trapping of the DOC-derived CO2 followed by reduction to CH4 and flame ionization detection. Sampling experiments with nearshore sediments indicate that pore-water separation by whole-core squeezing causes artificially elevated DOC concentrations, while pore-water recovery by sectioning and centrifugation does not appear to introduce DOC artifacts. Results from a set of northwestern Atlantic continental slope cores suggest that net DOC production accounts for >50% of the organic C that is recycled at the sediment-water interface.


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The Middle Paleozoic complex consists of terrigenous and volcanogenic materials metamorphized in greenschist facies. Clastic rocks have arkosic composition and are formed by alteration of basalts and metamorphic rocks. Metaeffusives were formed from basaltoid products of oceanic tholeiite magma indicating that underwater rise structures of the northern Sea of Japan were emplaced on the oceanic crust.


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Conventional K-Ar ages have been determined and inert-gas abundances have been measured on representative samples of altered rocks from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 501, 504B, and 505B in an attempt to correlate their degree of alteration with inert-gas and K-Ar data. Samples taken from the first 60 meters below the sediment/basalt interface give significantly higher ages than would be expected from the magnetic stratigraphy, though at greater depths the calculated ages are in broad agreement with the expected age. The inert gas ratios 20Ne/36Ar, 36Ar/84Kr, and 84Kr/130Xe also show a marked discontinuity at the 60-meter depth, and all these effects are interpreted as being a consequence of low-temperature alteration produced by burial metamorphism and by interaction with sea water (halmyrolysis).


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Pore water was collected from each of 10 sites during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 168 on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. These ten sites delineate a transect perpendicular to the present ridge axis and span a crustal age of 0.86-3.59 Ma. At nine of the ten sites the entire sediment section, which ranged from 41.3 to 613.8 m thick, was cored and attempts were made to recover at least one whole round of sediment per section of core for extraction of pore water. Several (2-5) whole-round sediment samples were taken from the uppermost and lowermost cores to constrain the chemical gradient near the sediment/water and sediment/basalt interfaces, respectively. Pore water was extracted from whole-round sediment core sections by squeezing only the most pristine sediment in a titanium squeezer designed by Manheim and Sayles (1974). Two additional water samples were collected in situ using the water-sampler temperature probe (WSTP; Barnes, 1988, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.110.104.1988). Both of these samples were collected in the cased section of the open borehole from ODP Hole 1026B. Formation fluids were flowing up the cased hole into the overlying deep seawater (Fisher et al., 1997, doi:10.1029/97GL01286). Detailed descriptions of the sampling methods that were used to collect fluids are given by the Shipboard Scientific Party (Davis, Fisher, Firth, et al., 1997, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.168.1997).


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A suite of gas samples obtained from gas pockets and sediments of the Nankai accretionary prism (Site 808) has been analyzed for their gas composition and carbon and hydrogen isotope ratios. Gases collected from gas pockets between 10 and 555 mbsf consist of CH4 and CO2. Stable carbon isotope ratios of these two components point to a bacterial formation of methane via CO2-reduction that is also supported by D/H ratios of methane. Methane desorbed from sediments by a vacuum/acid treatment is of bacterial and thermal origin. Mixing between these gas types is indicated by molecular composition and carbon isotope ratios. Diagenetic processes at low temperatures can explain ethane to pentane concentrations from 0 to 850 mbsf. Between 850 mbsf and the basaltic basement hydrocarbon occurrences are related to catagenetic processes at elevated temperatures. Thermal alteration of organic matter is reflected through different gas parameters. Propane carbon isotope values of a sample from the zone of the frontal thrust indicate that the gas likely migrated from sediments of a higher maturity into the immature sediments at 366 mbsf.


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The cold upwelling 'tongue' of the eastern equatorial Pacific is a central energetic feature of the ocean, dominating both the mean state and temporal variability of climate in the tropics and beyond. Recent evidence for the development of the modern cold tongue during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition has been explained as the result of extratropical cooling that drove a shoaling of the thermocline. We have found that the sub-Antarctic and sub-Arctic regions underwent substantial cooling nearly synchronous to the cold tongue development, thereby providing support for this hypothesis. In addition, we show that sub-Antarctic climate changed in its response to Earth's orbital variations, from a subtropical to a subpolar pattern, as expected if cooling shrank the warm-water sphere of the ocean and thus contracted the subtropical gyres.


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Petrographic and geochemical studies showed that Oligocene - Early Miocene volcaniclastic rocks from the southern part of the Sea of Japan are ascribed to high-potassium aluminous rocks of sub-alkaline volcanic series from active continental margins. A comparative analysis revealed spatiotemporal relation of Oligocene - Early Miocene subaerial volcanism of the Sea of Japan with Late Cretaceous and Eocene - Early Miocene ignimbrite volcanism of the East Eurasian margin. This allows to refer the volcaniclastic rocks of the Sea of Japan to the stage of ignimbrite volcanism that occurred during relative quiescence against general extension in the continental margin setting.