955 resultados para First-order Reaction


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This paper presents a new approach to the resolution of the Optimal Power Flow problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the Modified Barrier and Primal-Dual Logarithmic Barrier methods. The inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive auxiliary variables, which are perturbed by the barrier parameter. A Lagrangian function is associated with the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions are applied to the Lagrangian, generating a nonlinear system which is solved by Newton's method. The perturbation of the auxiliary variables results in an expansion of the feasible set of the original problem, allowing the limits of the inequality constraints to be reached. Numerical tests on the Brazilian CESP and South-Southeast systems and a comparative test indicated that the new approach efficiently resolves of the Optimal Power Flow problem. © 2007 IEEE.


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This work presents the application of the relaxed barrier-Lagrangian function method to the optimal reactive dispatch problem, which is a nonlinear nonconvex and large problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the association of modified barrier and primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. Those constraints are transformed in equalities through positive auxiliary variables and are perturbed by the barrier parameter. A Lagrangian function is associated to the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions are applied generating a non-linear system which is solved by Newton's method. The auxiliary variables perturbation result in an expansion of the feasible set of the original problem, allowing the limits of the inequality constraints to be reach. Numeric tests with the systems CESP 53 buses and the south-southeast Brazilian and the comparative test with the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method indicate that presented method is efficient in the resolution of optimal reactive dispatch problem.


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The analysis of morphometric characteristics is used to understand the relationship between soil and surface as a result of erosive processes on different structures and lithologies. The objective of this study was to study the morphometric characteristics of Fazenda Gloria watershed from 1983 to 2000, a fourth-order watershed in Taquaritinga Municipality, São Paulo State. The study was based on photointerpretation techniques. Drainage net and the respective watersheds were selected and the morphometric variables were determined. The watersheds consisted of 7 second-order watersheds and 2 third-order watersheds. The morphometric characteristics showed a reduction in the number of segments of first-order rivers and in the length of the drainage net during the study period. These findings could be related to several influences on land development considering occupation and use of land. A different hydrological behavior could also be observed. The analysis of Fazenda Glória Watershed showed that the length of the segment of fourth order river remained constant during the study period.


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This paper presents the comparison of three topologies of multilevel inverters applied to drive an induction motor of 500 kVA/4.16 kV. The multilevel inverters analyzed are: a neutral point clamped inverter, a symmetrical cascaded multilevel inverter and a hybrid asymmetrical cascaded multilevel inverter. The performance indexes used in the comparison are total harmonic distortion, first order distortion factor, semiconductors power losses distribution and heat-sink volume. The comparison is developed with the purpose of finding the efficiency and the heat-sink volume where the three systems present the same output filter. ©2008 IEEE.


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The analysis of the physical medium in hydrographic basins requires knowledge of the processes involved and characteristics of variables at different geographic scales. Considering the principle that the micro-basins can be categorized, they are then considered territorial units of ideal work for the analysis of hydrologic conditions. The objective of this work was to compare water resources of four hydrographic basins' with different land use and occupation. Five sampling points along the drainage network of hydrographic basins of first order of magnitude and a sampling point in the river mouth of M1 and M4 micro-basins were established. The water collections occurred at monthly intervals from August, 2006 to August, 2007. Temperature (°C), turbidity (NTU), odor, pH, electric conductivity (μS cm-1), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), total dissolved solids (ppm) and total phosphorous (mg/L) were the variables evaluated in the study. The highest variability of the parameters was found in hydrographic basins M2 and M3. The characterization of the hydrologic conditions of the hydrographic micro-basins indicated that agricultural activities, including cultural practices of anthropic activities affect water resources.


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As far as external gravitational fields described by Newton's theory are concerned, theory shows that there is an unavoidable conflict between the universality of free fall (Galileo's equivalence principle) and quantum mechanics - a result confirmed by experiment. Is this conflict due perhaps to the use of Newton's gravity, instead of general relativity, in the analysis of the external gravitational field? The response is negative. To show this we compute the low corrections to the cross-section for the scattering of different quantum particles by an external gravitational field, treated as an external field, in the framework of Einstein's linearized gravity. To first order the cross-sections are spin-dependent; if the calculations are pushed to the next order they become dependent upon energy as well. Therefore, the Galileo's equivalence and, consequently, the classical equivalence principle, is violated in both cases. We address these issues here.


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A decentralized solution method to the AC power flow problem in power systems with interconnected areas is presented. The proposed methodology allows finding the operation point of a particular area without explicit knowledge of network data of adjacent areas, being only necessary to exchange border information related to the interconnection lines between areas. The methodology is based on the decomposition of the first-order optimality conditions of the AC power flow, which is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem. A 9-bus didactic system, the IEEE Three Area RTS-96 and the IEEE 118 bus test systems are used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the distributed AC power flow.


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The alternate current biosusceptometry (ACB) is a biomagnetic technique used to study some physiological parameters associated with gastrointestinal (GI) tract. For this purpose it applies an AC magnetic field and measures the response originating from magnetic marks or tracers. This paper presents an equipment based on the ACB which uses anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensors and an inexpensive electronic support. The ACB-AMR developed consists of a square array of 6x6 sensors arranged in a firstorder gradiometer configuration with one reference sensor. The equipment was applied to capture magnetic images of different phantoms and to acquire gastric contraction activity of healthy rats. The results show a reasonable sensitivity and spatial-temporal resolution, so that it may be applied for imaging of phantoms and signal acquisition of the GI tract of small animals. © 2010 IEEE.


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This paper adjusts decentralized OPF optimization to the AC power flow problem in power systems with interconnected areas operated by diferent transmission system operators (TSO). The proposed methodology allows finding the operation point of a particular area without explicit knowledge of network data of the other interconnected areas, being only necessary to exchange border information related to the tie-lines between areas. The methodology is based on the decomposition of the first-order optimality conditions of the AC power flow, which is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem. To allow better visualization of the concept of independent operation of each TSO, an artificial neural network have been used for computing border information of the interconnected TSOs. A multi-area Power Flow tool can be seen as a basic building block able to address a large number of problems under a multi-TSO competitive market philosophy. The IEEE RTS-96 power system is used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the decentralized AC Power Flow. ©2010 IEEE.


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We consider a charged Brownian gas under the influence of external and non-uniform electric, magnetic and mechanical fields, immersed in a non-uniform bath temperature. With the collision time as an expansion parameter, we study the solution to the associated Kramers equation, including a linear reactive term. To the first order we obtain the asymptotic (overdamped) regime, governed by transport equations, namely: for the particle density, a Smoluchowski- reactive like equation; for the particle's momentum density, a generalized Ohm's-like equation; and for the particle's energy density, a MaxwellCattaneo-like equation. Defining a nonequilibrium temperature as the mean kinetic energy density, and introducing Boltzmann's entropy density via the one particle distribution function, we present a complete thermohydrodynamical picture for a charged Brownian gas. We probe the validity of the local equilibrium approximation, Onsager relations, variational principles associated to the entropy production, and apply our results to: carrier transport in semiconductors, hot carriers and Brownian motors. Finally, we outline a method to incorporate non-linear reactive kinetics and a mean field approach to interacting Brownian particles. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper a framework based on the decomposition of the first-order optimality conditions is described and applied to solve the Probabilistic Power Flow (PPF) problem in a coordinated but decentralized way in the context of multi-area power systems. The purpose of the decomposition framework is to solve the problem through a process of solving smaller subproblems, associated with each area of the power system, iteratively. This strategy allows the probabilistic analysis of the variables of interest, in a particular area, without explicit knowledge of network data of the other interconnected areas, being only necessary to exchange border information related to the tie-lines between areas. An efficient method for probabilistic analysis, considering uncertainty in n system loads, is applied. The proposal is to use a particular case of the point estimate method, known as Two-Point Estimate Method (TPM), rather than the traditional approach based on Monte Carlo simulation. The main feature of the TPM is that it only requires resolve 2n power flows for to obtain the behavior of any random variable. An iterative coordination algorithm between areas is also presented. This algorithm solves the Multi-Area PPF problem in a decentralized way, ensures the independent operation of each area and integrates the decomposition framework and the TPM appropriately. The IEEE RTS-96 system is used in order to show the operation and effectiveness of the proposed approach and the Monte Carlo simulations are used to validation of the results. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper proposes a solution to improve the performance of the first order Early Error Sensing (EES) Adaptive Time Delay Tanlock Loops (ATDTL) presented in (Al-Zaabi, Al-Qutayri e Al-Araji, 2005), regarding to frequency estimation and tracking time. The EES-ATDTL are phaselocked-loops (PLL) used to hardware implementations, due to their simple structure. Fixed-points theorems are used to determine conditions for rapid convergence of the estimation process and a estimative of the frecuency input is obtained with a Gaussian filter that improves the gain adaptation. The mathematical models are the presented by (Al-Araji, Al-Qutayri e Al-Zaabi, 2006). Simulations have been performed to evaluate the theoretical results.


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Measurements of the coefficient of thermal expansion on the spin-liquid candidate κ-(BEDT-TTF) 2Cu 2(CN) 3 have revealed distinct and strongly anisotropic lattice effects around 6 K - a possible spin liquid instability. In order to study the effects of a magnetic field on the low-temperature spin-liquid state, dilatometric measurements have been conducted both as a function of temperature at B = const. and as a function of field at T = const. While the 6 K anomaly is found to be insensitive to magnetic fields B ≤ 10 T, the maximum field applied, surprisingly strong B -induced effects are observed for magnetic fields applied along the in-plane b-axis. Above a threshold field of 0.5 T < B c ≤ 1 T, a jump-like anomaly is observed in the b-axis lattice parameter. This anomaly, which is located at 8.7 K at B = 1 T, grows in size and shifts to lower temperatures with increasing the magnetic field. Although the anomaly bears resemblance to a first-order phase transition, the lack of hysteresis suggests otherwise. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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This paper presents vectorized methods of construction and descent of quadtrees that can be easily adapted to message passing parallel computing. A time complexity analysis for the present approach is also discussed. The proposed method of tree construction requires a hash table to index nodes of a linear quadtree in the breadth-first order. The hash is performed in two steps: an internal hash to index child nodes and an external hash to index nodes in the same level (depth). The quadtree descent is performed by considering each level as a vector segment of a linear quadtree, so that nodes of the same level can be processed concurrently. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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The scale invariance manifested by the weakly-bound Efimov states implies that all the Efimov spectrum can be merged in a single scaling function. By considering this scaling function, the ratio between two consecutive energy levels, E3 (N+1) and E3 (N), can be obtained from a two-body low-energy observable (usually the scattering length a), given in units of the three-body energy level N. The zero-ranged scaling function is improved by incorporating finite range corrections in first order of r0/a (r0 is the potential effective range). The critical condition for three-identical bosons in s-wave, when the excited E3 (N+1) state disappears in the 2 + 1 threshold, is given by √E2/E3 (N) ≈ 0.38+0.12(r0/a). © 2012 Springer-Verlag.