988 resultados para Filmic approach methods


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The zero curvature representation for two-dimensional integrable models is generalized to spacetimes of dimension d + 1 by the introduction of a d-form connection. The new generalized zero curvature conditions can be used to represent the equations of motion of some relativistic invariant field theories of physical interest in 2 + 1 dimensions (BF theories, Chern-Simons, 2 + 1 gravity and the CP1 model) and 3 + 1 dimensions (self-dual Yang-Mills theory and the Bogomolny equations). Our approach leads to new methods of constructing conserved currents and solutions. In a submodel of the 2 + 1-dimensional CP1 model, we explicitly construct an infinite number of previously unknown non-trivial conserved currents. For each positive integer spin representation of sl(2) we construct 2j + 1 conserved currents leading to 2j + 1 Lorentz scalar charges. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A fast, low-cost, convenient, and especially sensitive voltammetric screening approach for the study of the antioxidant properties of isoquercitrin and pedalitin from Pterogyne nitens is suggested in this work. These flavonoids were investigated for their redox properties using cyclic voltammetry in nonaqueous media using N,N-dimethylformamide and tetrabutylammonium tetrafluorborate as the supporting electrolyte, a glassy carbon working electrode, AglAgCl reference electrode, and Pt bare wire counter electrode. The comparative analysis of the activity of rutin has also been carried out. Moreover, combining HPLC with an electrochemical detector allowed qualitative and quantitative detection of micromolecules (e.g., isoquercitrin and pedalitin) that showed antioxidant activities. These results were then correlated to the inhibition of p-carotene bleaching determined by TLC autographic assay and to structural features of the flavonoids.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Assessing the composition of an area's bat fauna is typically accomplished by using captures or by monitoring echolocation calls with bat detectors. The two methods may not provide the same data regarding species composition. Mist nets and harp traps may be biased towards sampling low flying species, and bat detectors biased towards detecting high intensity echolocators. A comparison of the bat fauna of Fazenda Intervales, southeastern Brazil, as revealed by mist nets and harp trap captures, checking roosts and by monitoring echolocation calls of flying bats illustrates this point. A total of 17 species of bats was sampled. Fourteen bat species were captured and the echolocation calls of 12 species were recorded, three of them not revealed by mist nets or harp traps. The different sampling methods provided different pictures of the bat fauna. Phyllostomid bats dominated the catches in mist nets, but in the field their echolocation calls were never detected. No single sampling approach provided a complete assessment of the bat fauna in the study area. In general, bats producing low intensity echolocation calls, such as phyllostomids, are more easily assessed by netting, and bats producing high intensity echolocation calls are better surveyed by bat detectors. The results demonstrate that a combined and varied approach to sampling is required for a complete assessment of the bat fauna of an area.


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An analytical approximate method for the Dirac equation with confining power law scalar plus vector potentials, applicable to the problem of the relativistic quark confinement, is presented. The method consists in an improved version of a saddle-point variational approach and it is applied to the fundamental state of massless single quarks for some especial cases of physical interest. Our treatment emphasizes aspects such as the quantum-mechanical relativistic Virial theorem, the saddle-point character of the critical point of the expectation value of the total energy, as well as the Klein paradox and the behaviour of the saddle-point variational energies and wave functions.


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A method based an ion exchange(IE)-atomic absorption spectrometry(AAS) coupled by flow techniques, allowing the determination of formation constants of, at least, the first species of complex systems, in aqueous solution, was developed.The IE-AAS coupling reduces significantly the number of experimental steps in comparison with IE batch methods, resulting in an important increase in analytical rate. The method is simple both from experimental and computational points of view, making possible its utilization by workers without special expertise in the field of complex equilibria in solution. on the other hand, taking into account mainly the amount of hollow cathode lamps available to date, the developed procedure may be applied, within certain limitations, to the study of many systems whose features prevent the use of traditional approaches.


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The accurate determination of thermophysical properties of milk is very important for design, simulation, optimization, and control of food processing such as evaporation, heat exchanging, spray drying, and so forth. Generally, polynomial methods are used for prediction of these properties based on empirical correlation to experimental data. Artificial neural networks are better Suited for processing noisy and extensive knowledge indexing. This article proposed the application of neural networks for prediction of specific heat, thermal conductivity, and density of milk with temperature ranged from 2.0 to 71.0degreesC, 72.0 to 92.0% of water content (w/w), and 1.350 to 7.822% of fat content (w/w). Artificial neural networks presented a better prediction capability of specific heat, thermal conductivity, and density of milk than polynomial modeling. It showed a reasonable alternative to empirical modeling for thermophysical properties of foods.


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The family of bismuth titanate, Bi(4)Ti(3)O(12) (BIT) layered-structured ferroelectrics materials is attractive from the viewpoint of such as their application as electronic materials dielectrics, piezoelectrics and pyroelectrics, because they are characterized by good stability of piezoelectric properties, a high Curie temperature and a good resistance vs temperature. Bismuth titanate (Bi(4)Ti(3)O(12)) powders can be prepared using different methods, depending if the creation will be film coating or ceramics. The structure and properties of bismuth titanate materials show a significance dependence on the applied synthesis method. In this review paper, we made an attempt to give an approach to analyszing the structure, synthesis methods and properties of bismuth titanate ferroelectrics materials.


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A method incorporating nested collision-induced dissociation/post-source decay (CID/PSD) combined with endopeptidase digestion is described as an approach to determine the sequence of N-terminally modified peptides. The information from immonium and related ions observed in the CID/PSD spectrum was used for the selection of a suitable endopeptidase for the digestion of peptides. Rapid and reliable assignment of peptide sequence was performed by the comparison of CID/PSD spectra of both intact and endopeptidese-digested peptide fragments, since the assignments of the observed fragment ions to either N- or C-terminal ions can thus be carried out unambiguously. This nested CID/PSD method was applied to the sequence determination of two peptides from the solitary wasps Anoplius samariensis and Batozonellus maculifrons (pompilid wasps), which could not be sequenced by the Edman method due to N-terminal modification. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Statistical methods of multiple regression analysis, trend surface analysis and principal components analysis were applied to seismographic data recorded during production blasting at a diabase quarry in the urban area of Campinas (SP), Brazil. The purpose of these analyses was to determine the influence of the following variables: distance (D), charge weight per delay (W), and scaled distance (SD) associated with properties of the rock body (orientation, frequency and angle of geological discontinuities; depth of bedrock and thickness of the soil overburden) in the variation of the peak particle velocity (PPV). This approach yielded variables with larger influences (loads) on the variation of ground vibration, as well as behavior and space tendency of this variation. The results showed a better relationship between PPV and D, with D being the most important factor in the attenuation of the ground vibrations. The geological joints and the depth to bedrock have a larger influence than the explosive charges in the variation of the vibration levels, but frequencies appear to be more influenced by the amount of soil overburden.


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We have investigated and extensively tested three families of non-convex optimization approaches for solving the transmission network expansion planning problem: simulated annealing (SA), genetic algorithms (GA), and tabu search algorithms (TS). The paper compares the main features of the three approaches and presents an integrated view of these methodologies. A hybrid approach is then proposed which presents performances which are far better than the ones obtained with any of these approaches individually. Results obtained in tests performed with large scale real-life networks are summarized.


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The Capacitated p-median problem (CPMP) seeks to solve the optimal location of p facilities, considering distances and capacities for the service to be given by each median. In this paper we present a column generation approach to CPMP. The identified restricted master problem optimizes the covering of 1-median clusters satisfying the capacity constraints, and new columns are generated considering knapsack subproblems. The Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation has been used recently to accelerate subgradient like methods. In this work the Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation is directly identified from the master problem dual and provides new bounds and new productive columns through a modified knapsack subproblem. The overall column generation process is accelerated, even when multiple pricing is observed. Computational tests are presented using instances taken from real data from Sao Jose dos Campos' city.