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During Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 93, upper Miocene through Quaternary sediments were continuously cored in Hole 604, located on the upper continental rise of the New Jersey transect (western North Atlantic). A detailed biostratigraphic study of these strata has been made using the vertical distribution of planktonic foraminifers. The Quaternary climatic zonation of Ericson and Wollin (1968) has been tentatively delineated and all the Pliocene zones and subzones (sensu Berggren, 1977) have been recognized. The rate of sedimentation was slow during most of the Pliocene but underwent a significant acceleration in the early Pleistocene. Quantitative variations in the distribution of planktonic foraminifers appear to be influenced by various factors, such as hydrodynamic winnowing resulting from the action of bottom currents and surficial thermal conditions caused by climatic changes. Both dissolution intervals and brief increases in the coarser detrital input seem, most of the time, to be correlated with indications of climatic cooling and may correspond to glacial events or cycles. This chapter delineates a precursor stage in the inception of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at 3 Ma and wide-scale Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. Data from a detailed study of Hole 604 are briefly compared with the main sedimentary and microfaunal features of contemporaneous series previously drilled along the east American margin in the northwestern Atlantic. One of the striking observations appears to be the intense redistribution of sediments that affected this region in Neogene-Quaternary times.
The modern eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) is a major natural source for atmospheric carbon dioxide and is thought to be connected to high-latitude ocean dynamics by oceanic teleconnections on glacial-interglacial timescales. A wealth of sedimentary records aiming at reconstructing last Quaternary changes in primary productivity and nutrient utilization have been devoted to understanding those linkages between the EEP and other distant oceanic areas. Most of these records are, however, clustered in the pelagic EEP cold tongue, with comparatively little attention devoted to coastal areas. Here we present downcore measurements of the composition and concentration of the diatom assemblage together with opal (biogenic silica) concentration at site MD02-2529 recovered in the coastal Panama Basin. Piston core MD02-2529, collected in an area affected by a multitude of processes, provides evidence for strong variations in diatom production at the millennial timescale during the last glacial cycle. The maxima in total diatom concentration occurred during the early marine isotopic stage (MIS) 4 as well as during the MIS 4/3 transition and MIS 3. Rapid changes in diatom concentrations during the MIS 3 mimics Bond cycles as independently recorded by the SSS estimation derived from planktonic foraminifera from the same core. Such patterns indicate a clear linkage between diatom production in the coastal EEP and rapid climate changes in the high-latitude North Atlantic. In parallel, the long-term succession of the diatom community from coastal diatoms, predominantly thriving during MIS 5 and 4, towards pelagic diatoms, dominant during MIS 3 and 2, points to a long-term change in the surface hydrology. During Heinrich Events, diatoms strongly reduced their production, probably due to enhanced stratification in the upper water column. After the last glacial maximum, diatom production and valve preservation strongly decreased in response to the advection of nutrient (H2SiO4)-depleted, warmer water masses. Our high-resolution record highlights how regional climatic processes can modulate rapid changes in siliceous primary production as triggered by wind-induced local upwelling, indicating that millennial climatic variability can overtake other prominent hydrological processes such as those related to silicic acid leakage.
An increase in whole ocean alkalinity during glacial periods could account, in part, for the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 into the ocean. Such an increase was inevitable due to the near elimination of shelf area for the burial of coral reef alkalinity. We present evidence, based on down-core measurements of benthic foraminiferal B/Ca and Mg/Ca from a core in the Weddell Sea, that the deep ocean carbonate ion concentration, [CO3 2-], was elevated by ~25 µmol/kg during each glacial period of the last 800 kyrs. The heterogeneity of the preservation histories in the different ocean basins reflects control of the carbonate chemistry of the deep glacial ocean in the Atlantic and Pacific by the changing ventilation and chemistry of Weddell Sea waters. These waters are more corrosive than interglacial northern sourced waters, but not as undersaturated as interglacial southern sourced waters. Our inferred increase in whole ocean alkalinity can be reconciled with reconstructions of glacial saturation horizon depth and the carbonate budget, if carbonate burial rates also increased above the saturation horizon as a result of enhanced pelagic calcification. The Weddell records display low [CO3 2-] during deglaciations and peak interglacial warmth, coincident with maxima in %CaCO3 in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Should the burial rate of alkalinity in the more alkaline glacial deepwaters outstrip the rate of alkalinity supply, then pelagic carbonate production by the coccolithophores, at the end of the glacial maximum could drive a decrease in ocean [CO3 2-] and act to trigger the deglacial rise in pCO2.