954 resultados para Fernandez, Guillermo


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As revistas científicas locais e regionais têm sido amplamente criticadas por alguns autores. Além disso, dificilmente são indexadas nas bases de dados internacionais, o que reduz a visibilidade dos seus artigos. Objectivo: Analisar a produção científica internacional dos autores que publicaram na Acta Médica Portuguesa no ano de 2008. Métodos: Construi-se uma base de dados com todos os autores que publicaram durante o ano de 2008 na Acta Médica Portuguesa. Em Julho de 2009 recolheu-se do Science Citation Index a produção de todos estes autores publicada nos cinco anos anteriores (2003-2007). Analisaram-se as revistas em que publicaram, o Factor de Impacto destas revistas, as referencias destes artigos, e as citações recebidas. Resultados: Os 78 artigos publicados pela Acta Médica Portuguesa em 2008 foram escritos por 259 autores diferentes. Destes autores, 94 (36,3%) escreveram 420 artigos entre 2003-2007, indexados no Science Citation Index. Estes artigos apareceram em 249 revistas diferentes, com um Factor de Impacto médio de 2,973 (DP = 2,92). A revista com maior Factor de Impacto foi The Lancet (FI2008 = 28,409) com dois artigos publicados. Destes autores, 87 tinham recebido alguma citação aos seus artigos, com um total de 5001 citações. Das 14035 referências destes 420 artigos, apenas 10 eram a algum trabalho publicado na Acta Médica Portuguesa. Conclusão: Os autores que publicam na Acta Médica Portuguesa têm uma boa quantidade de publicações internacionais, em revistas com um considerável Factor de Impacto e recebem um razoável número de citações. Pelo contrário, estes autores quando publicam em revistas internacionais citam extremamente pouco os artigos da Acta Médica Portuguesa.


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Introdução: A profusão de informação na área médica cria problemas de gestão, sendo necessários métodos sistematizados para armazenamento e recuperação. Quando a informação se insere no contexto do processo clínico, os métodos devem integrar terminologias biomédicas controladas e igualmente devem integrar as características desejáveis dirigidas à estrutura, conteúdo e resultados clínicos. O objectivo deste artigo é testar a aplicabilidade e capacidade de recuperação, de um sistema multidimensional desenvolvido para classificação e gestão de informação em saúde. Métodos: A partir das questões recebidas em seis anos (Serviço de Informação de Medicamentos, Serviços Farmacêuticos, Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra), seleccionaram-se 300 questões sobre informação clínica, por método aleatório informatizado. Caracterizou-se e avaliou-se a aplicabilidade pela quantidade classificada e pela necessidade de alterações ao sistema que é constituído por várias dimensões independentes e que englobam conceitos por vezes hierarquizados. A recuperação das questões foi testada pesquisando informação numa dimensão ou cruzamento de dimensões. Resultados: Todas as questões foram classificadas: 53% são casos clínicos com incidência nas doenças geniturinárias; doenças metabólicas, nutricionais e endócrinas; neoplasias; infecções e doenças do sistema nervoso. Em 81%, o objecto é o medicamento, sobretudo anti-infecciosos e anti-neoplásicos. As áreas de terapêutica e segurança foram as mais solicitadas, incidindo principalmente sobre os assuntos: utilização, reacções adversas, identificação de medicamentos e tecnologia farmacêutica. Na aplicabilidade, foi necessário adicionar alguns conceitos e modificar alguns grupos hierárquicos que não modificaram a estrutura base, nem colidiram com as características desejáveis. As limitações prenderam-se com os sistemas de classificação externos integrados. A pesquisa na dimensão assunto, do conceito administração de medicamentos, recuperou 19 questões. O cruzamento de duas dimensões: anti-infecciosos (externa) e teratogenicidade (assunto), recuperou três questões. Nos dois exemplos recupera-se informação a partir de qualquer um dos níveis da hierarquia, do mais geral ao mais específico e mesmo a partir de dimensões externas. Conclusões: A utilização do sistema nesta amostra demonstrou aplicabilidade na classificação e arquivo de informação clínica, capacidade de recuperação e flexibilidade, sofrendo alterações sem interferir com as características desejáveis. Esta ferramenta permite a recuperação da evidência que interessa orientada para o doente. Introduction: The large amount of information in the medical area creates management problems, being necessary systematic methods for filing and retrieval. With information on the context of clinical records, methods must integrate controlled biomedical terminologies and desirable characteristics oriented to the structure, content and clinical results. The objective is to test the applicability and capacity for retrieval of a multidimensional system developed for classification and management of health information. Methods: Three hundred questions were randomly selected, by computerized method, from the questions received in six years (Medicine Information Service, Pharmaceutical Department, Coimbra University Hospitals). They were characterized and applicability evaluated by classified amount and need to alter the system, which is composed of various independent dimensions, incorporating concepts sometimes hierarchical. Questions retrieval was tested searching information in a dimension or between dimensions. Results: All questions were classified: 53% are clinical cases with illnesses incidence in the genitourinary system; metabolic, nutritional and endocrine disease; cancer; infections and nervous system. In 81%, the object is a drug, mostly anti-infectious and anti-neoplastic agents. The therapeutic and safety areas had been the most requested, regarding the subjects: use, adverse reactions, drug identification and pharmaceutical technology. As to applicability, it was necessary to add some concepts and modify same hierarchical groups, that didn’t modify the basic structure, nor had collided with the desirable characteristics. The limitations were related with the incorporated external classification systems. The search in the subject dimension of the concept drug administration retrieved 19 questions. The search between two dimensions: antiinfectious (external) and teratogenicity (subject) retrieved three questions. In the two examples, it was possible to retrieve information from any one of the levels of the hierarchy, from the most general to the most specific and even from external dimensions. Conclusions: The use of the system in this sample showed its applicability in clinical information classification and filing, retrieval capacity and flexibility, supporting modifications without interfering with desirable characteristics. This tool allows retrieval of patient-oriented evidence that matters.


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Apesar da língua portuguesa ser utilizada por mais de 240 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, a sua presença no domínio das ciências biomédicas é mais fraca do que o expectável [1, 2]. A comunicação da ciência faz-se através da publicação em revistas científicas principalmente das que são indexadas em fontes secundárias (bases de dados científicas), pois esta será a forma destes periódicos ganharem visibilidade. As fontes secundárias têm um processo de selecção de revistas muito rigoroso e existem diversos viéses resultantes desse processo, nomeadamente geográficos e idiomáticos. De acordo com os critérios de seleção de revistas para indexação em bases de dados internacionais, um dos requisitos para a indexação de uma revista é o seu elevado número de citações. Estudos anteriores permitem perceber que revistas em português não têm grande visibilidade (não são indexadas), porque raramente são citadas, mas revistas em português raramente são citadas, porque não são visíveis (não são indexadas) [3-8]. Com este trabalho pretende-se compreender qual o padrão de citação atual de revistas biomédicas de língua portuguesa, tendo-se identificado alguns periódicos biomédicos, de origem brasileira e portuguesa, nas áreas da cirurgia, medicina clínica, enfermagem, ginecologia e obstetrícia e saúde pública. Assim apresentam-se já alguns resultados preliminares do estudo efetuado.


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Artigo de Opinião


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Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Portugal, alike what is verified in the remaining western countries. There are factors that increase the risk of its occurrence, that do not usually emerge isolated, tending to group in the individual. This coexistence results in a combined effect which is larger than the one expected from the sum of its individual effects. The global cardiovascular risk is defined as the percentage change of developing a cardiovascular event over a given period of time (generally 10 years). The purpose of global cardiovascular risk assessment is to identify the individuals who should be counseled and receive treatment to prevent a cardiovascular disease, as well as to establish the therapeutics aggressiveness level.


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Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the major causes of chronic morbidity and loss of quality of life, and it seems to be increasing in the coming decades. Overall prevalence of diabetes in Portugal in 2010, according to the latest National Observatory of Diabetes Report, was 12.4%, which corresponds to a total of approximately 991 thousand individuals aged between 20 and 79 years. The level of control of diabetes mellitus, as measured by glycosilated haemoglobin A1c(HbA1c) influences the long-term risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications. Given the frequent association of diabetes with hypertension/dyslipidemia/overweight, managing these risk factors is a crucial part of the diabetes control.


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Background: Non-adherence to therapy contributes to the increase in hospitalizations, admissions to nursing homes, decreased quality of life and consequent increased morbimortality in the elderly. Aim: To assess whether pharmacist intervention contributes to the adherence to medical prescription by elderly patients.


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Introduction: Prevention, early detection and management of diabetes are fundamental for stopping this present epidemic. Medication review may contribute to the early detection of negative clinical outcomes risk factors associated to the use of medicines. Aims: To use the medication review to identify the situations that may lead to clinical negative outcomes, described as findings, in the process of medicines use in type 2 diabetic patients. To verify if the inclusion criteria list of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia for medication review allows identifying patients of higher risks of obtaining clinical negative outcomes.


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Objectives: Pharmaceutical care is a patient-centered philosophy of assistential practice in which the pharmacist, as a health care team member, has responsibilities in patient medication. The correct use of medicines will significantly decrease the negative outcomes of pharmacotherapy, namely untreated health problem..


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Background:Identification of potentially non-adherent patients is a milestone in the way to the rational use of drugs. Detecting beliefs that influence intentional non-adherence behaviours may improve pharmacists[simplequote] counselling. The aim of this study was to assess the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) as a proxy for necessity..


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This study aims to determine the potential origin of Olea pollen recorded in Badajoz in the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula during 2009–2011. This was achieved using a combination of daily average and diurnal (hourly) airborne Olea pollen counts recorded at Badajoz (south-western Spain) and Évora (south-eastern Portugal), an inventory of olive groves in the studied area and air mass trajectory calculations computed using the HYSPLIT model. Examining olive pollen episodes at Badajoz that had distinctly different diurnal cycles in olive pollen in relation to the mean, allowed us to identify three different scenarios where olive pollen can be transported to the city from either distant or nearby sources during conditions with slow air mass movements. Back trajectory analysis showed that olive pollen can be transported to Badajoz from the West on prevailing winds, either directly or on slow moving air masses, and from high densities of olive groves situated to the Southeast (e.g. Andalucía). Regional scale transport of olive pollen can result in increased nighttime concentrations of this important aeroallergen. This could be particularly important in Mediterranean countries where people can be outdoors during this time due to climate and lifestyle. Such studies that examine sources and the atmospheric transport of pollen are valuable for allergy sufferers and health care professionals because the information can be incorporated into forecasts, the outputs of which are used for avoiding exposure to aeroallergens and planning medication. The results of studies of this nature can also be used for examining gene flow in this important agricultural crop.


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Fungi belonging to the genus of Alternaria are recognised as being significant plant pathogens, and Alternaria allergens are one of themost important causes of respiratory allergic diseases in Europe. This study aims to provide a detailed and original analysis of Alternaria transport dynamics in Badajoz, SW Spain. This was achieved by examining daily mean and hourly observations of airborne Alternaria spores recorded during days with high airborne concentrations of Alternaria spores (N100 s m−3) from 2009 to 2011, as well as four inventory maps of major Alternaria habitats, the overall synoptic weather situation and analysis of air mass transport using Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model and geographic information systems. Land use calculated within a radius of 100 km from Badajoz shows that crops and grasslands are potentially the most important local sources of airborne Alternaria spores recorded at the site. The results of back trajectory analysis showthat, during the examined four episodes, the two main directions where Alternaria source areas were located were: (1) SW–W; and (2) NW–NE. Regional scale and long distance transport could therefore supplement the airborne catch recorded at Badajoz with Alternaria conidia originating from sources such as crops and orchards situated in other parts of the Iberian Peninsula.


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Aldred, the glossator of the Lindisfarne Gospels, presents himself as carefully rendering the Latin lemmata in front of him, in terms of both their internal structure and meaning. His work includes a very high number of multiple glosses, which often attempt to clarify the polysemous character of a lemma or to provide additional information. This paper explores the multiple glosses including different lexemes which Aldred added to lexical lemmata in Mark’s Gospel in an attempt to establish whether there is any correlation between Aldred’s ordering practices and the frequency with which he used the interpretamenta to render those lemmata. The results of the study show some preference for placing the interpretamentum which most commonly renders the Latin lemma in first position, although Aldred’s practice is not fully consistent.