931 resultados para Fermi-density-distribution function with two parameters


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Although alkyl carbonic acids (ACAs) and their salts are referred to as instable species in aqueous medium, we demonstrate that a monoalkyl carbonate (MAC) can in fact be easily formed from bicarbonate and an alcohol even in the presence of a high amount of water. A CE system with two capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectors (C(4)Ds) was used to obtain different parameters about these species and their reactions. Based on the mobilities obtained for a series of alcohols ranging from 1 to 5 carbons, the coefficients of diffusion and the hydrodynamic radii were calculated. When compared with the equivalent carboxylates, MACs have radii systematically smaller. Although the precise pK(a) values of the ACAs could not be obtained, because of the fast decomposition in acid medium, it was possible, for the first time, to show that they are below 4.0. This result suggests that the acidity of an ACA is quite similar to the first hydrogen of H(2)CO(3). Using a new approach to indirectly calibrate the C(4)D, the kinetic constants and the equilibrium constants of formation were also obtained. The results suggest that the increase in the chain length makes the MACs less stable and more inert.


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This work reports a state-of-the-art theoretical characterization of four new sulfur-bromine species and five transition states on the [H, S(2), Br] potential energy surface. Our highest level theoretical approach employed the method coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative contributions of connected triples, CCSD(T), along with the series of correlation-consistent basis sets and with extrapolation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit in the optimization of the geometrical parameters and to quantify the energetic quantities. The structural and vibrational frequencies here reported are unique and represent the most accurate investigation to date of these species. The global minimum corresponds to a skewed structure HSSBr with a disulfide bond; this is followed by a pyramidal-like structure, SSHBr, 18.85 kcal/mol above the minimum. Much higher in energy, we found another skewed structure, HSBrS (50.29 kcal/mol), with one S-Br dative-type bond, and another pyramidal-like one, HBrSS (109.80 kcal/mol), with two S-Br dative-type bonds. The interconversion of HSSBr into SSHBr can occur via a transfer of either the hydrogen or the bromine atom but involves a very high barrier of about 43 kcal/mol. These molecules are potentially a new route of coupling the sulfur and bromine chemistry in the atmosphere, and conditions of high concentration of H(2)S like in volcanic eruptions might contribute to their formation. We note that HSSBr can act as a reservoir molecule for the reaction between the radicals HSS and Br. Also, an assessment of the methods DFT/B3LYP/CBS and MP2/CBS relative to CCSD(T)/CBS provides insights on the expected performance of these methods on the characterization of polysulfides and also of more complex systems containing disulfide bridges.


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This degree theme work aims to evaluate the present ICC-profile and printing ink of Dalarnas Tidningar AB. The companyhas changed printing ink quality and wants to evaluate how the present ICC-profile work with the new printingink. Four different ICC-profiles were included in the comparison.One test printing was accomplished with two different separations. Two new ICC-profile was created, as a comparingmaterial. An densitometer was used to measure the technical parameters of the printing. IT8-charts and RGB-chartswas measured with spectrophotometer. La*b*-values, CMYK-values, graybalance curves, color deflections and colorgamuts was compared on screen and on the printed material.Materials from an earlier testprinting and evalution, made by Stora Enso Kvarnsveden AB 2003, was used to evaluatethe function of Dalarnas Tidningar AB´s ICC-profile with the present printing ink quality. The IT8-chart from todaystestprinting was oppened in a program for textediting to have access to La*b*- and CMYK values. The values from theearlier testprinting was supplied from Stora Enso Kvarnsveden AB.The result of this work shows that the ICC-profile from the company, compared with de other profiles, reproduce darkershadow regions which can make loss of details. An higher saturation is recieved in the red and yellow area while thegreen and blue area lose its intensity. The profile gave images which are some contrastless and with a flat reproduction.Today printing ink quality gives more saturation and intensity in the yellow and blue area compared with former printingink. The dark tone reproduces with decreased luminance, however.


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OBJECTIVES: To develop a method for objective assessment of fine motor timing variability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients, using digital spiral data gathered by a touch screen device. BACKGROUND: A retrospective analysis was conducted on data from 105 subjects including65 patients with advanced PD (group A), 15 intermediate patients experiencing motor fluctuations (group I), 15 early stage patients (group S), and 10 healthy elderly subjects (HE) were examined. The subjects were asked to perform repeated upper limb motor tasks by tracing a pre-drawn Archimedes spiral as shown on the screen of the device. The spiral tracing test was performed using an ergonomic pen stylus, using dominant hand. The test was repeated three times per test occasion and the subjects were instructed to complete it within 10 seconds. Digital spiral data including stylus position (x-ycoordinates) and timestamps (milliseconds) were collected and used in subsequent analysis. The total number of observations with the test battery were as follows: Swedish group (n=10079), Italian I group (n=822), Italian S group (n = 811), and HE (n=299). METHODS: The raw spiral data were processed with three data processing methods. To quantify motor timing variability during spiral drawing tasks Approximate Entropy (APEN) method was applied on digitized spiral data. APEN is designed to capture the amount of irregularity or complexity in time series. APEN requires determination of two parameters, namely, the window size and similarity measure. In our work and after experimentation, window size was set to 4 and similarity measure to 0.2 (20% of the standard deviation of the time series). The final score obtained by APEN was normalized by total drawing completion time and used in subsequent analysis. The score generated by this method is hence on denoted APEN. In addition, two more methods were applied on digital spiral data and their scores were used in subsequent analysis. The first method was based on Digital Wavelet Transform and Principal Component Analysis and generated a score representing spiral drawing impairment. The score generated by this method is hence on denoted WAV. The second method was based on standard deviation of frequency filtered drawing velocity. The score generated by this method is hence on denoted SDDV. Linear mixed-effects (LME) models were used to evaluate mean differences of the spiral scores of the three methods across the four subject groups. Test-retest reliability of the three scores was assessed after taking mean of the three possible correlations (Spearman’s rank coefficients) between the three test trials. Internal consistency of the methods was assessed by calculating correlations between their scores. RESULTS: When comparing mean spiral scores between the four subject groups, the APEN scores were different between HE subjects and three patient groups (P=0.626 for S group with 9.9% mean value difference, P=0.089 for I group with 30.2%, and P=0.0019 for A group with 44.1%). However, there were no significant differences in mean scores of the other two methods, except for the WAV between the HE and A groups (P<0.001). WAV and SDDV were highly and significantly correlated to each other with a coefficient of 0.69. However, APEN was not correlated to neither WAV nor SDDV with coefficients of 0.11 and 0.12, respectively. Test-retest reliability coefficients of the three scores were as follows: APEN (0.9), WAV(0.83) and SD-DV (0.55). CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the digital spiral analysis-based objective APEN measure is able to significantly differentiate the healthy subjects from patients at advanced level. In contrast to the other two methods (WAV and SDDV) that are designed to quantify dyskinesias (over-medications), this method can be useful for characterizing Off symptoms in PD. The APEN was not correlated to none of the other two methods indicating that it measures a different construct of upper limb motor function in PD patients than WAV and SDDV. The APEN also had a better test-retest reliability indicating that it is more stable and consistent over time than WAV and SDDV.


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Neste trabalho foi estudado o comportamento de fundações superficiais apoiadas em sistema de dupla camada, quando a superior é cimentada. O estudo consistiu-se de três etapas, chamadas de Etapa de Laboratório, Etapa Numérica e Etapa de Campo. Na Etapa de Laboratório foi verificada a viabilidade técnica de utilizar os resíduos industriais cinza pesada e cal de carbureto na estabilização de um solo residual de arenito botucatu. Estudou-se a reatividade da cinza pesada com a cal de carbureto, a influência da temperatura e do tempo de cura no desenvolvimento das reações pozolânicas, a influência de diferentes teores de resíduos na resistência à compressão simples, compressão diametral e durabilidade, objetivando definir uma mistura ótima e, ainda, o impacto ambiental da utilização da mistura ótima, através de ensaios de lixiviação e solubilização. Na Etapa Numérica foi estudado, através do Método dos Elementos Finitos, o comportamento de fundações superficiais apoiadas em dupla camada. O modelo utilizado para representar o comportamento do material cimentado e não-cimentado foi o elástico-plástico com critério de ruptura de Drucker-Prager e fluxo não-associado. Verificou-se, através de análise paramétrica, a influência da espessura da camada cimentada e do diâmetro da fundação, bem como a influência dos parâmetros dos materiais cimentado e não-cimentado na resposta carga x recalque de fundações superficiais. Na Etapa de Campo foram construídos aterros experimentais utilizando a mistura ótima determinada na Etapa de Laboratório e, sobre estes aterros, foram executados provas de carga de placas. A análise dos resultados obtidos nas três etapas levou às seguintes conclusões: é possível utilizar cinza pesada e cal de carbureto para estabilizar o solo residual de botucatu; o comportamento de fundações superficiais sobre solos cimentados é controlado pela relação espessura da camada cimentada diâmetro da fundação; os parâmetros ângulo de atrito e módulo de elasticidade da camada cimentada não influenciam os resultados de prova de carga; a ruptura da fundação é função de dois mecanismos progressivos, os quais são função das tensões de tração geradas na parte inferior da camada cimentada e das tensões cisalhantes existentes logo abaixo das bordas da fundação.


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The goal of this paper is to show the possibility of a non-monotone relation between coverage ans risk which has been considered in the literature of insurance models since the work of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976). We present an insurance model where the insured agents have heterogeneity in risk aversion and in lenience (a prevention cost parameter). Risk aversion is described by a continuous parameter which is correlated with lenience and for the sake of simplicity, we assume perfect correlation. In the case of positive correlation, the more risk averse agent has higher cosr of prevention leading to a higher demand for coverage. Equivalently, the single crossing property (SCP) is valid and iplies a positive correlation between overage and risk in equilibrium. On the other hand, if the correlation between risk aversion and lenience is negative, not only may the SCP be broken, but also the monotonocity of contracts, i.e., the prediction that high (low) risk averse types choose full (partial) insurance. In both cases riskiness is monotonic in risk aversion, but in the last case there are some coverage levels associated with two different risks (low and high), which implies that the ex-ante (with respect to the risk aversion distribution) correlation between coverage and riskiness may have every sign (even though the ex-post correlation is always positive). Moreover, using another instrument (a proxy for riskiness), we give a testable implication to desentangle single crossing ans non single croosing under an ex-post zero correlation result: the monotonicity of coverage as a function os riskiness. Since by controlling for risk aversion (no asymmetric information), coverage is monotone function of riskiness, this also fives a test for asymmetric information. Finally, we relate this theoretical results to empirical tests in the recent literature, specially the Dionne, Gouruéroux and Vanasse (2001) work. In particular, they found an empirical evidence that seems to be compatible with asymmetric information and non single crossing in our framework. More generally, we build a hidden information model showing how omitted variables (asymmetric information) can bias the sign of the correlation of equilibrium variables conditioning on all observable variables. We show that this may be the case when the omitted variables have a non-monotonic relation with the observable ones. Moreover, because this non-dimensional does not capture this deature. Hence, our main results is to point out the importance of the SPC in testing predictions of the hidden information models.


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The goal of t.his paper is to show the possibility of a non-monot.one relation between coverage and risk which has been considered in the literature of insurance models since the work of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976). We present an insurance model where the insured agents have heterogeneity in risk aversion and in lenience (a prevention cost parameter). Risk aversion is described by a continuou.'l parameter which is correlated with lenience and, for the sake of simplicity, we assume perfect correlation. In the case of positive correlation, the more risk averse agent has higher cost of prevention leading to a higher demand for coverage. Equivalently, the single crossing property (SCP) is valid and implies a positive correlation between coverage and risk in equilibrium. On the other hand, if the correlation between risk aversion and lenience is negative, not only may the sep be broken, but also the monotonicity of contracts, i.e., the prediction that high (Iow) risk averse types choose full (partial) insurance. In both cases riskiness is monotonic in risk aversion, but in the last case t,here are some coverage leveIs associated with two different risks (low and high), which implies that the ex-ante (with respect to the risk aversion distribution) correlation bet,ween coverage and riskiness may have every sign (even though the ex-post correlation is always positive). Moreover, using another instrument (a proxy for riskiness), we give a testable implication to disentangle single crossing and non single crossing under an ex-post zero correlation result: the monotonicity of coverage as a function of riskiness. Since by controlling for risk aversion (no asymmetric informat, ion), coverage is a monotone function of riskiness, this also gives a test for asymmetric information. Finally, we relate this theoretical results to empirica! tests in the recent literature, specially the Dionne, Gouriéroux and Vanasse (2001) work. In particular, they found an empirical evidence that seems to be compatible with asymmetric information and non single crossing in our framework. More generally, we build a hidden information model showing how omitted variabIes (asymmetric information) can bias the sign of the correlation of equilibrium variabIes conditioning on ali observabIe variabIes. We show that this may be t,he case when the omitted variabIes have a non-monotonic reIation with t,he observable ones. Moreover, because this non-monotonic reIat,ion is deepIy reIated with the failure of the SCP in one-dimensional screening problems, the existing lit.erature on asymmetric information does not capture t,his feature. Hence, our main result is to point Out the importance of t,he SCP in testing predictions of the hidden information models.


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The paper analysis a general equilibrium model with two periods, several households and a government that has to finance some expenditures in the first period. Households may have some private information either about their type (adverse selection) or about some action levei chosen in the first period that affects the probability of certain states of nature in the second period (moral hazard). Trade of financiai assets are intermediated by a finite collection of banks. Banks objective functions are determined in equilibrium by shareholders. Due to private information it may be optimal for the banks to introduce constraints in the set of available portfolios for each household as wellas household specific asset prices. In particular, households may face distinct interest rates for holding the risk-free asset. The government finances its expenditures either by taxing households in the first period or by issuing bonds in the first period and taxing households in the second period. Taxes may be state-dependent. Suppose government policies are neutml: i) government policies do not affect the distribution of wealth across households; and ii) if the government decides to tax a household in the second period there is a portfolio available for the banks that generates the Mme payoff in each state of nature as the household taxes. Tben, Ricardian equivalence holds if and only if an appropriate boundary condition is satisfied. Moreover, at every free-entry equilibrium the boundary condition is satisfied and thus Ricardian equivalence holds. These results do not require any particular assumption on the banks' objective function. In particular, we do not assume banks to be risk neutral.


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We study tournaments with many ex-ante asymmetric (heterogeneous) contestants as an independent-private-values all-pay auction. The asymmetry is either with respect to the distribution of valuations for the prize or the risk preferences. By characterizing equilibria in tnonotone strategies we show that tournaments \:vith man~y heterogenous contestants are qualitatively distinct. First, with two (or many ex-ante identical) participants, a contestant always exerts some effort with positive probability. In contrast, with many asymmetric participants, one 1night not exert any effort at all, even if there is a positive probability that he has the highest valuation among ali. Second, in tournan1ents with t'wo (o r n1any ex-ante h01nogenous) contestants, equilibrium effort densities are decreasing. This prediction is at odds with experimental evidence that shows the empírica! density might be increasing at high effort levels. V\.lith rnany heterogeneous contestants, however. the increasing bid density is consistent with an equilibrium behavior.


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Extreme rainfall events have triggered a significant number of flash floods in Madeira Island along its past and recent history. Madeira is a volcanic island where the spatial rainfall distribution is strongly affected by its rugged topography. In this thesis, annual maximum of daily rainfall data from 25 rain gauge stations located in Madeira Island were modelled by the generalised extreme value distribution. Also, the hypothesis of a Gumbel distribution was tested by two methods and the existence of a linear trend in both distributions parameters was analysed. Estimates for the 50– and 100–year return levels were also obtained. Still in an univariate context, the assumption that a distribution function belongs to the domain of attraction of an extreme value distribution for monthly maximum rainfall data was tested for the rainy season. The available data was then analysed in order to find the most suitable domain of attraction for the sampled distribution. In a different approach, a search for thresholds was also performed for daily rainfall values through a graphical analysis. In a multivariate context, a study was made on the dependence between extreme rainfall values from the considered stations based on Kendall’s τ measure. This study suggests the influence of factors such as altitude, slope orientation, distance between stations and their proximity of the sea on the spatial distribution of extreme rainfall. Groups of three pairwise associated stations were also obtained and an adjustment was made to a family of extreme value copulas involving the Marshall–Olkin family, whose parameters can be written as a function of Kendall’s τ association measures of the obtained pairs.


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Verbal fluency is the ability to produce a satisfying sequence of spoken words during a given time interval. The core of verbal fluency lies in the capacity to manage the executive aspects of language. The standard scores of the semantic verbal fluency test are broadly used in the neuropsychological assessment of the elderly, and different analytical methods are likely to extract even more information from the data generated in this test. Graph theory, a mathematical approach to analyze relations between items, represents a promising tool to understand a variety of neuropsychological states. This study reports a graph analysis of data generated by the semantic verbal fluency test by cognitively healthy elderly (NC), patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment – subtypes amnestic(aMCI) and amnestic multiple domain (a+mdMCI) - and patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Sequences of words were represented as a speech graph in which every word corresponded to a node and temporal links between words were represented by directed edges. To characterize the structure of the data we calculated 13 speech graph attributes (SGAs). The individuals were compared when divided in three (NC – MCI – AD) and four (NC – aMCI – a+mdMCI – AD) groups. When the three groups were compared, significant differences were found in the standard measure of correct words produced, and three SGA: diameter, average shortest path, and network density. SGA sorted the elderly groups with good specificity and sensitivity. When the four groups were compared, the groups differed significantly in network density, except between the two MCI subtypes and NC and aMCI. The diameter of the network and the average shortest path were significantly different between the NC and AD, and between aMCI and AD. SGA sorted the elderly in their groups with good specificity and sensitivity, performing better than the standard score of the task. These findings provide support for a new methodological frame to assess the strength of semantic memory through the verbal fluency task, with potential to amplify the predictive power of this test. Graph analysis is likely to become clinically relevant in neurology and psychiatry, and may be particularly useful for the differential diagnosis of the elderly.


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Neste trabalho, objetivou-se determinar índices de seleção para um rebanho da raça Caracu de duplo propósito, cujo objetivo de seleção (H) incluiu a venda de bezerros desmamados e a produção de leite. As características que compuseram H foram: produção total de leite, idade ao primeiro parto, período de serviço, peso à desmama e duração da vida produtiva. Foram propostos dois índices de seleção para H. Os critérios de seleção adotados no índice 1 foram: produção de leite na primeira lactação, primeiro período de serviço, peso à desmama (PD) e perímetro escrotal. No índice 2, foram consideradas as mesmas características, sendo, entretanto, o ganho médio diário do nascimento à desmama empregado como critério de seleção para PD. As análises estatísticas para a obtenção dos componentes de (co)variâncias e das estimativas dos parâmetros genéticos e fenotípicos foram realizadas pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita livre de derivada, por um modelo animal (uni e bi-característica). As informações zootécnicas e genealógicas, os preços e as quantidades dos insumos e dos produtos foram obtidos no escritório da empresa estudada. Os custos de produção e as receitas da atividade pecuária foram determinados para o período de 1994 a 2000. A equação de lucro foi tomada em base anual, usando-se valores médios para número de animais por categoria, características biológicas e preços..¹ O valor econômico para cada característica foi obtido pela derivada parcial da função de lucro em relação à característica em questão. Os dois índices econômicos de seleção trariam considerável resposta para o objetivo proposto. Entretanto, o índice 1, que incluiu PD, seria um pouco mais eficiente em termos de resposta à seleção total.


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The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the quality of public spending on education for the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) in 2009 by use of two theories: The Theory of Welfare (Welfare State) and the Public Choice Theory (TEP), both important to understand the relationship between education and economics. The study also uses principles of microeconomics and public sector economics to get a better idea of the role of education in economy and society. It describes the development of the educational policy in Brazil from 1988 to the Federal Constitution of 2010, following the major changes in basic education during each government. The characteristics of the RMN municipalities were illustrated with socioeconomic indicators, while educational indicators were used to characterize each municipality regarding education. The model used in this study was developed by Bertê, Brunet and Borges, the data was collected on the back of the School Census 2009 and the Brazil Exam 2009 and it was processed quantitavely in the Information System on Public Budgets in Education (SIOPE) by use of the statistical method called standardized score of the normal cumulative distribution function. The quality of public spending on education is the result of the relation between performance indicator ratio and expense ratio. For the qualitative analysis of results, the criteria of efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness were used. The study found that municipalities with higher expenses showed a worse quality of spending and failed to convert the expenditure incurred into performance, thus confirming ineffectiveness


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Tillage stimulates soil carbon (C) losses by increasing aeration, changing temperature and moisture conditions, and thus favoring microbial decomposition. In addition, soil aggregate disruption by tillage exposes once protected organic matter to decomposition. We propose a model to explain carbon dioxide (CO2) emission after tillage as a function of the no-till emission plus a correction due to the tillage disturbance. The model assumes that C in the readily decomposable organic matter follows a first-order reaction kinetics equation as: dC(sail)(t)/dt = -kC(soil)(t) and that soil C-CO2 emission is proportional to the C decay rate in soil, where C-soil(t) is the available labile soil C (g m(-2)) at any time (t). Emissions are modeled in terms soil C available to decomposition in the tilled and non-tilled plots, and a relationship is derived between no-till (F-NT) and tilled (F-Gamma) fluxes, which is: F-T = a1F(NT)e(-a2t), where t is time after tillage. Predicted and observed fluxes showed good agreement based on determination coefficient (R-2), index of agreement and model efficiency, with R-2 as high as 0.97. The two parameters included in the model are related to the difference between the decay constant (k factor) of tilled and no-till plots (a(2)) and also to the amount of labile carbon added to the readily decomposable soil organic matter due to tillage (a,). These two parameters were estimated in the model ranging from 1.27 and 2.60 (a(1)) and - 1.52 x 10(-2) and 2.2 x 10(-2) day(-1) (a(2)). The advantage is that temporal variability of tillage-induced emissions can be described by only one analytical function that includes the no-till emission plus an exponential term modulated by tillage and environmentally dependent parameters. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este estudo teve por escopo comparar a influência do nó de sutura em três diferentes localizações na recuperação morfofuncional do tendão flexor digital profundo (TFDP) do cão. Foram utilizados 20 cães divididos em três grupos de oito, sete e cinco animais. Os TFDP do segundo e quinto dedos do membro torácico esquerdo foram seccionados e suturados pela técnica de Kessler modificada, alterando-se a localização do nó e o tipo de sutura no epitendíneo. No grupo um, o nó da sutura ficou localizado na região ventral do tendão e no grupo dois na face dorsal. em ambos os grupos, o epitendão foi suturado com pontos simples separados. No grupo três, o nó da sutura ficou interno ao endotendíneo e o epitendíneo foi suturado com ponto simples contínuo. Após a cirurgia, foi realizada diariamente a movimentação passiva controlada do membro do primeiro ao 15º dia. No 7º e no 15º dia os animais foram sacrificados por anestesia profunda e os tendões foram colhidos para avaliação macroscópica do processo de reparo tendíneo. O critério de comparação utilizou como parâmetros para avaliar a recuperação morfofuncional a ruptura do tendão, o afastamento dos cotos e a coaptação completa dos cotos tendíneos. O grupo que apresentou melhor resultado com relação aos parâmetros avaliados foi o terceiro, com ausência de ruptura e índice de afastamento de apenas 2,5% dos cotos tendíneos. Os resultados encontrados permitem concluir que a localização do nó de sutura na tenorrafia do TFDP interfere na resposta reparadora e biomecânica.