994 resultados para FACTOR 2 RELACIONADO CON NF-E2
En aquest projecte anomenat “Motivació i eficiència en l’estudi de l’instrument” pretenc reflexionar sobre com els estudiants de música de grau superior entenen i aborden l'estudi de l'instrument. El meu repte consisteix en aprofundir i intentar ampliar tot allò que en sabem relacionat amb aquesta pràctica, donant a conèixer les opinions dels experts i les seves investigacions i aportant noves idees i conclusions pròpies. L’objectiu d’això és intentar que la pràctica amb l'instrument resulti més productiva, diversa i sigui susceptible de ser adaptada als objectius de cadascú perquè serveixi per millorar el rendiment dels instrumentistes. En resum, el projecte farà una reflexió per intentar ampliar la visió de la pràctica i de l’autonomia d’estudi i tractarà de plantejar un enfocament reflexionat.
Summary Interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) is a potent inflammatory cytokine, which is implicated in acute and chronic inflammatory disorders. The activity of IL-1beta is regulated by the proteolytic cleavage of its inactive precursor resulting in the mature, bioactive form of the cytokine. Cleavage of the IL-1beta precursor is performed by the cysteine protease caspase-1, which is activated within protein complexes termed 'inflammasomes'. To date, four distinct inflammasomes have been described, based on different core receptors capable of initiating complex formation. Both the host and invading pathogens need to control IL-1beta production and this can be achieved by regulating inflammasome activity. However, we have, as yet, little understanding of the mechanisms of this regulation. In particular the negative feedbacks, which are critical for the host to limit collateral damage of the inflammatory response, remain largely unexplored. Recent exciting findings in this field have given us an insight into the potential of this research area in terms of opening up new therapeutic avenues for inflammatory disorders.
The RNA polymerase (pol) II and III human small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes have very similar promoters and recruit a number of common factors. In particular, both types of promoters utilize the small nuclear RNA activating protein complex (SNAP(c)) and the TATA box binding protein (TBP) for basal transcription, and are activated by Oct-1. We find that SNAP(c) purified from cell lines expressing tagged SNAP(c) subunits is associated with Yin Yang-1 (YY1), a factor implicated in both activation and repression of transcription. Recombinant YY1 accelerates the binding of SNAP(c) to the proximal sequence element, its target within snRNA promoters. Moreover, it enhances the formation of a complex on the pol III U6 snRNA promoter containing all the factors (SNAP(c), TBP, TFIIB-related factor 2 (Brf2), and B double prime 1 (Bdp1)) that are sufficient to direct in vitro U6 transcription when complemented with purified pol III, as well as that of a subcomplex containing TBP, Brf2, and Bdp1. YY1 is found on both the RNA polymerase II U1 and the RNA polymerase III U6 promoters as determined by chromatin immunoprecipitations. Thus, YY1 represents a new factor that participates in transcription complexes formed on both pol II and III promoters.
Determinación de la sardina Sardinops sagax sagax (J.), del área del Callao, mediante métodos de lecturas y mediciones de las marcas de los anillos de crecimiento de 243 otolitos. Los métodos empleados se adjuntan a la especie estudiada con facilidad y los resultados se consideran satisfactorios. En el cálculo de los parámetros de crecimiento se aplica la ecuación de Von Bertalanffy, con cuyas expresiones se calcularon las tallas y pesos teóricos por edades. Al relacionar la edad con las tallas de captura, para los niños 1973 y 1974, se determinó la predominancia del grupo de edad 4 años en 1973; posteriormente, en 1974 se experimentaron cambios en la estructura poblacional presentándose una predominancia del grupo de edad 2 conjuntamente con el de 3 años de edad. La edad relacionada al peso deja ver que existe una correspondencia entre ambos, muy similar en machos y hembras hasta la edad de 3 años; esto hace suponer la igualdad de condiciones nutricionales. A partir de esa edad, las hembras incrementan su peso en menor proporción, lo que debe depender del mayor desgastes en los desoves, muy notorio en individuos mayores. La tasa máxima de crecimiento es alcanzada a los 4 años en los machos y a los 3 años en las hembras, con un promedio de 1.90 y 1.17, respectivamente. La distribución por edades guarda relación con los grupos de tallas correspondientes a las capturas, a pesar de que la cantidad de observaciones no cubre el rango de distribución real por tallas.
Previous work has shown that aggregating fetal brain cell cultures are able to attain a highly differentiated state, and that their development is greatly enhanced by growth and/or differentiation factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and the protein kinase C-activating tumor promoter mezerein. The present study shows that in these 3-dimensional cultures the peptide growth factors EGF and bFGF as well as mezerein are able to induce the expression of the proto-oncogene c-fos. This induction was rapid and transient, in good agreement with observations reported from a wide variety of cell types in vitro. The maximal levels of c-fos mRNA found after stimulation were low in immature cultures and increased greatly as maturation progressed. Of the three factors tested, mezerein was the most potent inducer of c-fos. In contrast to the peptide growth factors EGF and bFGF which were found to induce c-fos only in glial cells, mezerein was stimulatory in glial cells as well as in neurons. A similar cell type specificity has been observed previously for the maturation-enhancing response in immature aggregate cultures. However, in the present study no correlation was found between the degree of c-fos induction and the extent of the maturation-enhancing stimulation. Immature cultures known to be most sensitive and responsive to these maturation-enhancing agents required relatively high doses of peptide growth factors for the induction of c-fos, and the maximal levels of c-fos mRNA elicited were much lower than those in differentiated cultures which did not show any long-term response to these stimuli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, onegently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later
La dimensión espiritual es parte esencial en los cuidados de enfermería desde una perspectiva holística. Esta forma de entender el cuidado contribuye a la base humanista de la filosofía enfermera. No obstante, en nuestro contexto, ésta dimensión dentro de los cuidados enfermeros está relativamente poco desarrollada. Por lo que existe escasa experiencia y evidencia en el área asistencial en relación a este tema. La literatura, además, sugiere que los profesionales de enfermería tienen dificultad a la hora de hacer una valoración de la dimensión espiritual en su práctica profesional. Sin embargo, hay estudios que muestran que la percepción que estos profesionales tengan sobre la dimensión espiritual, puede influir en el grado en cómo son identificadas las necesidades espirituales de los pacientes y en cómo se planifican y ejecutan las intervenciones para solucionarlas. Conocer las necesidades de tipo espiritual y aplicar los cuidados correspondientes disminuye, a su vez, el sufrimiento del paciente y le proporcionan bienestar espiritual. Éste bienestar se ha relacionado con un aumento de los índices de salud física y mental y una expectativa de vida más prolongada.
El crucero se desarrolló del 21 enero al 14 febrero 2006, desde Chicama hasta Puerto Pizarro a bordo del BIC Olaya. Las características oceanográficas de la columna de agua en la zona norte del área de estudio, presentó marcadas alteraciones debido a que las condiciones frías imperantes fueron alteradas por la proyección de Aguas Tropicales Superficiales (ATS) hasta los 4º30'S y Aguas Ecuatoriales Superficiales (AES) hasta los 6ºS procedentes de la zona tropical (Golfo de Panamá). El afloramiento costero se registró principal- mente entre Chicama a Chérrepe y frente a Paita. Las AES mostraron un espesor de 35 m frente a Paita, mientras que ATS se presentaron hasta 40 m de profundidad frente a Puerto Pizarro. Las concentraciones de oxígeno en el fondo fueron las más bajas de los últimos años, relacionado con las condiciones frías del último semestre del 2005. Por otro lado, la Extensión Sur de la Corriente de Cromwell (ESCC) se presentó muy debilitada con signos de recuperación, este escenario propició un repliegue del stock de merluza adulta hacia el norte. Al sur de los 7ºS se registraron condiciones superficiales próximas a lo normal.
Growth of numerous cancer types is believed to be driven by a subpopulation of poorly differentiated cells, often referred to as cancer stem cells (CSCs), that have the capacity for self-renewal, tumor initiation, and generation of nontumorigenic progeny. Despite their potentially key role in tumor establishment and maintenance, the energy requirements of these cells and the mechanisms that regulate their energy production are unknown. Here, we show that the oncofetal insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IMP2, IGF2BP2) regulates oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in primary glioblastoma (GBM) sphere cultures (gliomaspheres), an established in vitro model for CSC expansion. We demonstrate that IMP2 binds several mRNAs that encode mitochondrial respiratory chain complex subunits and that it interacts with complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) proteins. Depletion of IMP2 in gliomaspheres decreases their oxygen consumption rate and both complex I and complex IV activity that results in impaired clonogenicity in vitro and tumorigenicity in vivo. Importantly, inhibition of OXPHOS but not of glycolysis abolishes GBM cell clonogenicity. Our observations suggest that gliomaspheres depend on OXPHOS for their energy production and survival and that IMP2 expression provides a key mechanism to ensure OXPHOS maintenance by delivering respiratory chain subunit-encoding mRNAs to mitochondria and contributing to complex I and complex IV assembly.
This study aims to provide a passive sampling approach which can be routinely used to investigate polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) sources in rivers. The approach consists of deploying low density polyethylene (LDPE) strips downstream and upstream of potential PCB sources as well as in their water discharges. Concentrations of indicator PCBs (iPCBs) absorbed in samplers (Cs) from upstream and downstream sites are compared with each other to reveal increases of PCB levels. Cs measured in water discharges are used to determine if released amounts of PCBs are compatible with increases revealed in the river. As water velocity can greatly vary along a river stretch and influences the uptake at each site in a different way, differences in velocity have to be taken into account to correctly interpret Cs. LDPE strips were exposed to velocities between 1.6 and 37 cm sW22;1 using a channel system built in the field. Relationships between velocity and Cs were established for each iPCB to determine the expected change in Cs due to velocity variations. For PCBs 28 and 52, this change does not exceed a factor 2 for velocity variations in the range from 1.6 to 100 cm sW22;1 (extrapolated data above 37 cm sW22;1). For PCBs 101, 138, 153 and 180, this change only exceeds a factor 2 in the case of large velocity variations. The approach was applied in the Swiss river Venoge to first conduct a primary investigation of potential PCB sources and then conduct thorough investigations of two suspected sources.
El proyecto consiste en una aplicación web que permitirá gestionar todo lo relacionado con una peluquería, es decir, tener un control de los trabajadores, clientes, productos y proveedores, tener acceso a una agenda virtual para administrar citas, controlar la gestión económica de la empresa, etc.
Actualment existeix una falta d'interès per part dels estudiants a l'àrea de les enginyeries en Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) que es pot veure reflectida en el descens de les matriculacions universitàries en aquest àmbit. Aquest fet està relacionat amb que la nova generació d‟estudiants està constantment en contacte amb tota mena d'aparells tecnològics estimulants i a l‟hora de l‟estudi poden sofrir una falta d‟interès per l‟ús d‟una metodologia d'aprenentatge més tradicional. En aquest sentit s'ha investigat que l‟ús de jocs com a eina educativa pot ser una bona solució per afrontar aquesta falta d'interès. No obstant això, actualment no existeixen gaires jocs destinats a aprendre conceptes relacionats amb les enginyeries TIC i que proporcionin als estudiants els mecanismes d'ajuda necessaris per donar-los suport durant l'aprenentatge d‟aquests nous conceptes. En aquest projecte es desenvoluparà un joc educatiu per a estudiants amb l‟objectiu de proporcionar uns primers coneixements sobre les TIC. Per una banda, per al disseny del joc s‟utilitzarà un model conceptual que defineix els elements necessaris per a dissenyar jocs basats en resoldre puzles. A més, aquest model conceptual permet el disseny no només de jocs per a PCs, sinó també de jocs tangibles i exploratius (mitjançant tecnologia mòbil). En el nostre cas, ens centrarem en la implementació d‟un joc tangible. Per altra banda, pel que fa a la implementació, tindrem en compte l‟estàndard educatiu d‟IMS Learning Design, demostrant d‟aquesta manera que aquest tipus de jocs es poden beneficiar dels avantatges que aporten els estàndards educatius. Per tant, en aquest PFC es dissenyarà i implementarà un joc tangible basat en puzles dintre de l‟àrea d‟arquitectura d‟ordinadors. El joc constarà de tres mini-jocs que es presentaran com jocs de realitat augmentada amb el suport d‟un ordinador i unes peces físiques amb les que interactuaran els usuaris. El sistema proporcionarà un sistema d‟ajuda i un sistema de puntuació. Per últim, avaluarem el joc en un centre escolar amb estudiants de 4t d‟ESO amb la finalitat d'analitzar les valoracions dels estudiants respecte el joc i les pistes proporcionades.
El artículo analiza los resultados de una encuesta enviada en diciembre de 2005 a las bibliotecas universitarias españolas con el objeto de describir de forma global la formación de usuarios que realizan. Un total de cuarenta y ocho centros han contestado preguntas relacionadas con la tipología de la formación, los materiales formativos, el personal que imparte la docencia, el sistema de evaluación y las líneas de orientación futuras en este campo. Se presentan los aspectos más importantes de cada apartado. Los resultados indican que las bibliotecas universitarias están inmersas en un proceso de transición de la tradicional formación de usuarios hacia un contexto más relacionado con la alfabetización informacional y el espacio europeo de educación superior.
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a key enzyme in arachidonic acid metabolism, is overexpressed in many cancers. Inhibition of COX-2 by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduces the risk of cancer development in humans and suppresses tumor growth in animal models. The anti-cancer effect of NSAIDs seems to involve suppression of tumor angiogenesis, but the underlying mechanism is not completely understood. Integrin alpha V beta 3 is an adhesion receptor critically involved in mediating tumor angiogenesis. Here we show that inhibition of endothelial-cell COX-2 by NSAIDs suppresses alpha V beta 3-dependent activation of the small GTPases Cdc42 and Rac, resulting in inhibition of endothelial-cell spreading and migration in vitro and suppression of fibroblast growth factor-2-induced angiogenesis in vivo. These results establish a novel functional link between COX-2, integrin alpha V beta 3 and Cdc42-/Rac-dependent endothelial-cell migration. Moreover, they provide a rationale to the understanding of the anti-angiogenic activity of NSAIDs.
OBJECTIVE: In vivo differentiation of cardiac myocytes is associated with downregulation of the glucose transporter isoform GLUT1 and upregulation of the isoform GLUT4. Adult rat cardiomyocytes in primary culture undergo spontaneous dedifferentiation, followed by spreading and partial redifferentiation, which can be influenced by growth factors. We used this model to study the signaling mechanisms modifying the expression of GLUT4 in cardiac myocytes. RESULTS: Adult rat cardiomyocytes in primary culture exhibited spontaneous upregulation of GLUT1 and downregulation of GLUT4, suggesting resumption of a fetal program of GLUT gene expression. Treatment with IGF-1 and, to a minor extent, FGF-2 resulted in restored expression of GLUT4 protein and mRNA. Activation of p38 MAPK mediated the increased expression of GLUT4 in response to IGF-1. Transient transfection experiments in neonatal cardiac myocytes confirmed that p38 MAPK could activate the glut4 promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay in adult rat cardiomyocytes and transient transfection experiments in neonatal cardiac myocytes indicated that MEF2 was the main transcription factor transducing the effect of p38 MAPK activation on the glut4 promoter. CONCLUSION: Spontaneous dedifferentiation of adult rat cardiomyocytes in vitro is associated with downregulation of GLUT4, which can be reversed by treatment with IGF-1. The effect of IGF-1 is mediated by the p38 MAPK/MEF2 axis, which is a strong inducer of GLUT4 expression.