994 resultados para Expansão Rápida da Maxila


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Investigação sobre a regionalização das redes de comunicação, em especial a televisão, fenômeno que representa uma realidade de segmentação da comunicação massiva. Objetiva-se analisar e classificar as emissoras regionais de televisão com relação aos seus modos de inserção local, observando-se suas especificidades, programação, estratégias de comunicação e ações de conquista de identidade com a comunidade onde estão inseridas, além de tentar compreender como se deu a expansão da televisão nessa região, desde a implantação da primeira emissora, em 1988, na cidade de São José dos Campos SP. Tomando-se como recorte de estudo, as emissoras de televisão regional de sinal aberto no Vale do Paraíba, estado de São Paulo, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-abertas com profissionais das áreas comercial e de programação das mesmas e aplicados questionários junto a uma amostra da população do Vale do Paraíba que representa os telespectadores potenciais da área de cobertura dessas emissoras, a fim de se identificar a percepção que o público receptor tem a respeito da presença e atuação das televisões locais. Conclui-se que os diferentes modos de inserção local das emissoras influem diretamente na relação de identidade das mesmas com os telespectadores da região.(AU)


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O trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa teórica, documental e histórica sobre a expansão do ensino superior brasileiro nas décadas de 1960 até meados de 1970. Especificamente, objetivou demonstrar como e de que forma se deu o processo de expansão do ensino superior e seus determinantes políticos, econômicos e sociais, além de analisar as causas sociais do aumento da pressão pelo acesso ao ensino superior. Para tanto, o trabalho está baseado na obra de diversos autores brasileiros sobre o ensino superior e sobre a formação social brasileira no período, além da análise de documentos e legislação específica sobre o ensino superior. Conclui que as transformações ocorridas na sociedade brasileira a partir de meados da década de 1950 levam as camadas médias, mais que qualquer outra classe, a elevar a pressão pelo acesso ao ensino superior. Tal pressão das camadas médias vai, no contexto político aberto pelo golpe militar de 1964, dar base social ao movimento estudantil, que figura como principal foco de contestação política da ditadura. A expansão do ensino superior, que se deu no processo da reforma universitária de 1968 e nos anos seguintes, levada à cabo pela ditadura militar, determinou modificações administrativas que já estavam presentes nas reivindicações dos estudantes, assim como já vinham sendo colocadas em prática em instituições como o ITA e a UNB, ao mesmo tempo que promoveu o ensino superior privado, baseado na multiplicação dos cursos e estabelecimentos isolados, com a intenção principal de conter o movimento estudantil e impedir a passagem das camadas médias ao campo da oposição, o que auxiliou na conquista da hegemonia possível na sociedade brasileira.(AU)


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Este trabalho buscou estudar o contexto da expansão e democratização do acesso ao ensino superior no Brasil, no período que coincide com a posse do primeiro Presidente eleito pelo voto direto, depois da Ditadura Militar, até 2007. Para isso analisamos, aos olhos de importantes autores brasileiros, a LBD, Lei de Diretrizes e Bases, o Plano Nacional de Educação, o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, o Financiamento Estudantil e o Programa Universidade para Todos. Especificamente, o estudo objetivou buscar respostas a duas questões: a distribuição de bolsas de estudo integral ou parcial tem garantido o acesso e permanência dos que adentram ao ensino superior por meio delas? Que estratégias os bolsistas desenvolvem para concluírem o curso? Para tanto, analisamos três narrativas autobiográficas de estudantes de um curso de pedagogia de uma universidade privada da Grande São Paulo. Os resultados indicaram que a distribuição de bolsas tem garantido o acesso e a permanência de estudantes, porém não dá conta de equacionar os problemas relacionados, especialmente, aos conteúdos curriculares não trabalhados anteriormente com as bolsistas, ao preconceito, à relação professor aluno e, sobretudo, ao desenvolvimento pleno dos princípios de cidadania legalmente adquiridos.


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A Osteotomia Segmentar de Maxila ou Osteotomia Le Fort I Segmentada é um procedimento que tem se tornado, cada vez mais comum, nas cirugias para as correções das deformidades dentofaciais, conhecidas como Cirurgias Ortognáticas. Este procedimento é muito bem indicado para a correção das discrepâncias maxilares, nos diferentes planos e num único tempo cirúrgico, otimizando assim, o tempo de tratamento a que o paciente é submetido. A estabilidade esquelética transversal e a oclusal dos pacientes, que são submetidos a este tipo de osteotomia, tem sido objeto de estudo na literatura , assim como também, os potenciais riscos e complicações inerentes a este procedimento como, a desvitalização dentária, fístula oro-nasal, perda dentária, necrose de algum segmento da maxila ou até mesmo, de toda a maxila. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o caso clínico de um paciente submetido à osteotomia segmentar de maxila, e fazer uma revisão da literatura abrangendo os últimos 10 anos, com artigos que abordam a estabilidade deste tipo de procedimento, assim como também os potenciais riscos e complicações aos pacientes submetidos a este procedimento. Utilizando algumas palavras chave na base de dados eletrônica PUBMED, 12 artigos foram selecionados para este trabalho, no período de 2002 a 2012. A Osteotomia Segmentar de Maxila é um procedimento estável e seguro, com baixo índice de complicação, quando indicado corretamente e com os devidos cuidados no pré, trans e pós operatórios.


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O posicionamento da maxila no esqueleto craniofacial tem sido motivo de investigação por diversos autores ao longo do tempo. Traduzindo suas idéias por meio de medidas lineares ou angulares, tais autores definiram o que consideraram como a posição ideal , normal , ou aceitável da maxila, relacionando-a, na maioria das vezes, com a base do crânio. A partir da avaliação de indivíduos com oclusão considerada normal e com bom equilíbrio facial, eram calculados valores médios e desvios-padrão de determinadas medidas, os quais eram tomados como parâmetros para avaliações cefalométricas de pacientes distintos. Diante das divergências de opiniões encontradas na literatura, a proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar o posicionamento da maxila nos sentidos vertical, ântero-posterior e a sua inclinação, numa amostra de 94 indivíduos com oclusão normal. Foram determinadas correlações entre medidas do próprio indivíduo: OPI-N com OPI-ENA e N-ENA com ENA-ENP. A partir dos fortes índices de correlação encontrados, concluiu-se que a medida OPI-N pode ser tomada como referência para determinação de OPI-ENA, da mesma forma que ENA-ENP pode ser considerada para determinação de N-ENA, definindo respectivamente a posição da maxila nos sentidos sagital e vertical. A inclinação da maxila, representada aqui pelo ângulo OPI.ENA.ENP, teve valor médio estatisticamente próximo a 0o (zero), indicando forte tendência do prolongamento posterior do plano palatino (ENA-ENP) tangenciar a base posterior do crânio (ponto OPI), o que se revela uma importante característica de indivíduos com oclusão normal.


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A dissertação teve como objetivo principal estudar como uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Privada (IES) atuante no Brasil tem crescido pós Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB) de 1996 até 2015, por meio da análise do curso de bacharelado em Administração de Empresas, nas modalidades: presencial, EAD e Flex (semipresencial). Para este fim, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, de caráter qualitativo baseada no método do estudo de caso. Para coleta de evidências foram analisados relatórios corporativos (Annual Report, Relatórios Internos e outros documentos), entrevistas baseadas em roteiro semiestruturado com gestores da IES privada e observações. Dentre os principais achados, verificou-se que as principais estratégicas de crescimento da IES privada estudada se basearam em fusões e aquisições de outras IES, abertura de novos polos de EAD, na abertura de novas unidades próprias, bem como em inovações em várias dimensões da organização. Os programas governamentais de financiamento aos alunos também são fortes contribuintes para este crescimento, como o Fundo de Financiamento ao Estudante do Ensino Superior (FIES) e o Programa Universidade para Todos (Prouni). Com essa nova realidade, o ensino superior privado recebeu incentivo e facilitação para o seu crescimento, a um ritmo acelerado. Consequentemente pode-se concluir que a IES privada estudada adotou as seguintes estratégias de crescimento: Expansão orgânica com fusões/ aquisições de Instituições menores, com desenvolvimento de planos para todos os campi Brasil; Greenfield (por meio de solicitação de autorização de novas unidades e/ou cursos) em cidades sem possibilidades de aquisições/fusões, e aumentando o número de vagas/ matriculas nas unidades já existentes, aderiu aos programas do governo e também cuidou da evasão por meio de: Seguro educacional; gestão preparada para atender necessidades do discente; Sistema de Ensino com currículos integrados nacionalmente; Intercâmbio de alunos e professores entre as diversas unidades em todas as regiões do país e padronização dos processos.


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The housing boom recorded in recent years in the city of João Pessoa contributed decisively to the increase in housing supply across the all territory. This advance, however, was accompanied by a significant increase in property prices, which in itself generates enormous expectations on the support of the same medium and long term. From this apparent frame heating the housing market of this Capital. This study empirically examined whether this enhancement configured a typical process of bubble formation between the years 2009 and 2013 in this part of Capital. The empirical price dynamics of the housing market , was based on the indicators of price, rent and cost developed by Bezerra et al. (2013). The results of these local indicators increase the degree of confidence in the hypothesis seen, whatever, that the movement of prices in the main districts of the city of João Pessoa is a real estate bubble


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In this work the landscape morphodynamics was used to check the strength and importance of the changes carried out by man on the environment over time, in Natal-RN municipality. The occupation of partially preserved natural areas was analyzed, but environmentally fragile, such as riparian forests, vegetation on the banks of waterways, which play regulatory role of the water flow, and the dunes, which guarantee the rapid recharge of aquifers. The impacts of urban sprawl in Natal Southern and West zones Were identified and characterized, through a detailed mapping in the period between 1969 and 2013 the main Permanent Preservation Areas - PPA (banks of rivers and lagoons, and dunes remaining) and their temporal changes. For this were used aerial photographs and satellite imagery, altimetry data, and pre-existing information, which allowed the creation of a spatial database, and evolution of maps of impervious areas, evolution of the use and occupation and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from contour lines with contour interval of 1 meter. Based on this study presents a diagnosis of the environmental situation and the state of conservation of natural areas, over the last 44 years, compared to human pressures. In general, it was found that the urban settlement has advanced about 60% of studied natural areas. This advance was growing by the year 2006, when there was a slowdown in the process, except for the Environmental Protection Zone (EPZ) 03, where the river Pitimbú and your PPA, which experienced a more significant loss area. The urban occupation affected the natural drainage and contributed to the contamination of groundwater Natal, due to increased sealed area, the release of liquid and solid waste, as well as the removal of riparian vegetation. Changed irreversibly the natural landscape, and reduced the quality and quantity of water resources necessary for the population. Thus, it is necessary to stimulate the adoption of use and protection of PPA planning measures, to the preservation of the San Valley Region inserted into the EPZ 01, and integrate more remaining dunes, in good condition, this EPZ, due to the importance of those remaining on the environment and the maintenance of quality of life. It is suggested, also, protection of catchment areas, such as PPA ponds and Pitimbú River. Finally, it is expected that this study can assist the managers in making decisions in urban and environmental planning of the municipality


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Garanhuns City, in Pernambuco, undergoes a rapid, polluting and non-organized urban development affecting its freshwater springs around the urban environment. These sources are of great importance to the district as well as to the hydrographic basin of the Mundaú River. In this view, this paper aims at analyzing the socio-environmental problems resulting from the urban expansion surrounding the Garanhuns’ sources. The study considers the social and environmental dynamics and follows the theoretical contributions of socio-environmental geography proposed by Mendonça’s Urban Environmental System methodological and theoretical model (2004), as well as the conceptual values of Santos’ space theory (2002a). The data treatment included bibliographical and documental research, evaluation of environmental impact, and water analysis. It revealed that Garanhuns possesses many local environmental traits favoring the coming out of freshwater springs and that these sources have played an important role in the making and development of that village. The environmental impacts on freshwater springs, like Olho D’água, Bom Pastor, Vila Maria, Pau Amarelo and Pau Pombo have been evaluated through the environmental impact score IIAN. It put alight serious cases of socio-environmental impacts on the dynamics of the freshwater springs. In the period of April 2013 and April 2014, it monitored the superficial water quality expelled by the Pau Pombo, Pau Amarelo e Vila Maria water sources, and the analyses of the contents followed the determinations of the Environmental National Board, whose parameters are dissolved oxygen, biochemical demand of oxygen, nitrate, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, and electrical conductivity. The results recollected suggest the existence of organic pollution and deep alteration in the water coming out from the sources. In consequence, it seems important the putting out of measures destined to stop those impacts and guaranteeing protection and maintenance of the freshwater springs and their micro-basins.


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Since the middle of 1970´s the world has been undergoing significant transformations, comes in a new era of global capital accumulation, and starts the called productive restructuring. This restructuring is materialized spatially through the reconfiguration of territory, redefining its uses and providing a new spatial structure. With regard to native of Rio Grande do Norte territory, there is, from the 1980s, the emergence of new economic activities, among which stand out tourism, which become stimulated from government policies. In this context, has stood the east coast of the state, because its beaches have recognized scenic appeal and environmental quality. Therewith business opportunity, international investors ended up investing in this portion of Rio Grande do Norte´s territory, especially over the last decade. The expansion of this process, to the north coast, resulted in the emergence of intense property dynamics in the municipalities of Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo. The low value of the property and buildings, compared to the European market and the availability of real property, were the main factors that explain the attraction of such investors, who are now seen as new business opportunities with high rates of profitability, in tropical areas, hitherto remote geographical location of the economic system. Therefore, the objective of the research is to analyze to what extent the International Investment promoted the appreciation of property in the municipalities of Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo. The time frame covers the period among 2000- 2013. The methodology consisted of the following proceedings: surveys and analysis of data collected in the property registry office of the Maxaranguape and Rio do Fogo municipalities; interviews with public and private officials that were important for the analysis of spatial transformations and the recovery of the property that occurred in the municipalities studied; collection of secondary data from official bodies, such as IBGE, MTUR, SETUR, BNB etc. Analyzing the information and data that have been cataloged, it was concluded that this investments are reinforcing old leisure and tourism practices existing in the past in those territories and, shifted (creating new territorial arrangements) a significant part of the eastern coast zone areas of the state. Another consequence connected to this recent phenomenon refers to property’s increase in value that has occurred in this part of the state, episode which is directly connected to that event. Therefore, it is realize that the expansion and the incorporation of the capital territories reveal, in part, the strategies of the capitalist mode of production, which are evident in the search for better conditions of accumulation, expanding the alternative of use of the properties which occurs in selective way and uneven in the geographic space form. It is observed that the mechanisms that capital makes use to impose their practices can happen through the property’s increase in value market, meaning, thereby, that the reproduction of imbalances happens, often, through the marked property speculation with the fast increase in value of properties.


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Residential homegardens have environmental and social roles in the urban environment. These green spaces can potentially minimize the impacts caused by the growth of cities, being an alternative to connect fragmented areas or offer refuge to wildlife and therefore support the conservation of biodiversity. In addition, the homegardens demonstrate a leading role in increasing human well-being by promoting socialization opportunities, contact with nature, local culture as well as improvements in food security for the urban families. Nevertheless, it is still unclear what specific characteristics of homegardens can act effectively in the conservation of the biodiversity, as well as in the construction of food security and well being of the homegardeners and their families. The first chapter of this thesis analyzed the diversity of plant species (native and exotic) and assessed the contribution of different types of urban gardens (ornamental and forest gardens alike) in the presence of wildlife such as birds, monkeys and lizards. In the second chapter we evaluated the contribution of those gardens to the welfare and food security of their owners. In order to do this, 41 gardens were visited in Pium, a southern coastal town in the northeastern Brazil, which also happens to be in a periurban region undergoing rapid urban expansion and pressure from the real estate market. We surveyed the planned biodiversity and fauna associated with homegardens. The data related to food security and welfare were sampled through interviews with the person in charge of taking care of the gardens. These interviews covered issues on the supply of food from the garden and absence of chemical products, as well as aspects of the GNH indicator (Gross National Happiness). The results showed that these homegardens generally contribute little to the maintenance of native plant species (native species = 29/ total = 187). From its main features, the gardens were classified as ornamental, forest gardens and forest farms. These groups had a different effect on the presence of the animals studied and the last two contained most of the sampled native species. The diversity of plants and trees was a good predictor of the presence of birds and monkeys. Thus, the contribution of yards for the conservation of biodiversity depends on the type of garden: some even can have negative effects on conservation. These results can direct new approaches to detailed understanding of gardens and also of public policies applied to urban planning. The results of the second chapter showed that the two types of forest gardens contributed to household food security, for providing food and medicinal herbs, which mostly did not have pesticides and chemical 12 fertilizers. But the three groups of gardens are important components for the well being of their stakeholders. Gardens help promote the transmission of knowledge on agriculture, socialization, contact with nature and bring up feelings related to peace and harmony. Thus, forest gardens can be considered important means to get through public projects and policies designed to encourage biodiversity and promote food security and well-being in urban areas


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The work aims at investigating possibilities of extending compositional procedures, based on the Schillinger System of Musical Composition (SSMC). I start by elaborating a brief historical review on SSMC, which is followed by a critical review of the System. The work includes a state of the art on the research on this topic, performed upon analysis of the current work conducted by a research group from the UFRN Music School from which I also make part. The main line of the research is to elaborate on the suggestion of extending the SSMC concept of place of attack to the idea of place of instrumentation, through developing a binary instrumentation procedure. The experimentation on the thesis‟ hypothesis is presented in my composition titled “Suíte Grega” (Greek Suite), a compositional memoir for Oboe, Saxophone and 3 Cellos.


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The discovery of giant stars in the spectral regions G and K, showing moderate to rapid rotation and single behavior, namely with constant radial velocity, represents one important topic of study in Stellar Astrophysics. Indeed, such anomalous rotation clearly violates the theoretical predictions on the evolution of stellar rotation, since in evolved evolutionary stages is expected that the single stars essentially have low rotation due to the evolutionary expansion. This property is well-established from the observational point of view, with different studies showing that for single giant stars of spectral types G and K values of the rotation are typically smaller than 5kms−1 . This Thesis seeks an effective contribution to solving the paradigm described above, aiming to search for single stars of spectral types G and K with anomalous rotation, tipically rotation of moderate to rapid, in other luminosity classes. In this context, we analyzed a large stellar sample consisting of 2010 apparently single stars of luminosity classes IV, III, II and Ib with spectral types G and K, with rotational velocity v sin i and radial velocity measurements obtained from observations made by CORAVEL spectrometers. As a first result of impact we discovered the presence of anomalous rotators also among subgiants, bright giants and supergiants stars, namelly stars of luminosity classes IV, II and Ib, in contrast to previous studies, that reported anomalous rotators only in the luminosity class III classic giants. Such a finding of great significance because it allows us to analyze the presence of anomalous rotation at different intervals of mass, since the luminosity classes considered here cover a mass range between 0.80 and 20MJ, approximately. In the present survey we discovered 1 subgiant, 9 giants, 2 bright giants and 5 Ib supergiants, in spectral regions G and K, with values of v sin i ≥ 10kms−1 and single behavior. This amount of 17 stars corresponds to a frequency of 0.8% of G and K single evolved stars with anomalous rotation in the mentioned classes of luminosities, listed at the Bright Star Catalog, which is complete to visual magnitude 6.3. Given these new findings, based on a stellar sample complete in visual magnitude, as that of the Bright Star Catalog, we conducted a comparative statistical analysis using the Kolmogorov- Smirnov test, from where we conclude that the distributions of rotational velocity, v sin i, for single evolved stars with anomalous rotation in luminosity classes III and II, are similar to the distributions of v sin i for spectroscopic binary systems with evolved components with the same spectral type and luminosity class. This vii result indicates that the process of coalescence between stars of a binary system might be a possible mechanism to explain the observed abnormal rotation in the referred abnormal rotators, at least among the giants and bright giants, where the rotation in excess would be associated with the transfer of angular momentum for the star resulting from the merger. Another important result of this Thesis concerns the behavior of the infrared emission in most of the stars with anomalous rotation here studied, where 14 stars of the sample tend to have an excess in IR compared with single stars with low rotation, within of their luminosity class. This property represents an additional link in the search for the physical mechanisms responsible for the abnormal observed rotation, since recent theoretical studies show that the accretion of objects of sub-stellar mass, such as brown dwarfs and giant planets, by the hosting star, can significantly raise its rotation, producing also a circumstellar dust disk. This last result seems to point in that direction, since it is not expected that dust disks occurring during the stage of star formation can survive until the stages of subgiants, giants and supergiants Ib. In summary, in this Thesis, besides the discovery of single G and K evolved stars of luminosity classes IV, II and Ib with anomalously high rotation compared to what is predicted by stellar evolution theory, we also present the frequency of these abnormal rotators in a stellar sample complete to visual magnitude 6.3. We also present solid evidence that coalescence processes in stellar binary systems and processes of accretion of brown dwarfs star or giant planets, by the hosting stars, can act as mechanisms responsible for the puzzling phenomenon of anomalous rotation in single evolved stars.


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This study aims to understand the growth dynamics of Ceará-Mirim city considering the aspects that define its current urban sprawl. We chose to use as methodological approach the concept of space as a product and producer of social relations and the same constitutes by objects and actions that relate in a dialectical process over time. As a research tool, it took place bibliographical study that features the historical aspects of use and occupation, in order to evidence the regional ground agents that explain its current urban setting. Then, it was collected a secondary data of economic analysis activities from municipality and their impact on local social structure. Between these aspects, the sugar economy, even in decline, had appeared as defining the boundaries of urban growth. At the regional scale, other factors were discussed in a way of urban influence processes forming the Greater Natal (RMNatal), and Ceará-Mirim appears integrating into this scale in a very low level according to Metropolis Observatory (2012). However, we have pointed out that in recent years, especially in growth vector of BR 406, settled metropolitan scope equipment. These objects have been associating in a real estate sector's reasoning while the possible "metropolization" have been promoting as investments in the city's expansion area.


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Household refrigerators are equipments that represent a significant portion on the eletricity consumption of Brazilian homes. The use of these devices with low energy efficiency contributes to increase the energy consumption. The energy efficiency of a refrigerator is a function of the interaction between the coolant fluid and the components of the thermodynamic cycle. Changes in load and/or nature of the coolant may modify the condensing and/or evaporation pressures. The volumetric capacity of the compressor, the mass flow of coolant and the compression power are dependent parameters of the condensation and evaporation pressures. Thus, the expansion devices exert an importante role in the balance of these pressures, being fundamental for the better performance of the refrigeration cycle. This experimental research aims to investigate the sensitivity of the performance parameters of a household refrigerator operating with R134a and at different evaporation pressures. Therefore, a small refrigerator was instrumented with temperature, pressure sensors and other variables of interest, installed along the cooling circuit, in order to allow the thermal mapping and the evaluation of the equipment performance parameters. The variation of pressure loss in the coolant fluid resulting from the operation of the expansion valve with micrometric adjustment that modifies the evaporation temperature, influencing significantly the performance parameters of the thermodynamic refrigeration cycle.