987 resultados para European Union, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland
Strangford Lough, County Down holds internationally important numbers of wintering Pale-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla hrota with peak counts of up to 16 000. In the past, the Lough was also important for overwintering Wigeon Anas penelope with peak counts up to 20 000 in the early 1970s. However, this population has declined drastically with winter peaks at fewer than 2000 since the mid-1980s. As the overall flyway numbers of Wigeon have not fallen over this period, it has been suggested that the reasons for the decline are intrinsic to Strangford Lough. Wigeon did not decline uniformly throughout Strangford Lough. The greatest fall in numbers occurred on the northern mudflats suggesting a decline in carrying capacity. Factors responsible for this decline may include the reduction of Eelgrass Zostera spp. which is the main food of both species, and increases in human activity near and on the foreshore, especially in the case of Wigeon. Indirect interspecific interactions between Brent Geese and Wigeon are discussed as they may have been significant in reducing the numbers of Wigeon in the system.
Strangford Lough is a sheltered marine inlet on the east coast of Co. Down, Northern Ireland. The distribution of Zostera in the Lough and its exploitation by wildfowl was investigated. There was an estimated 1100 tonnes (fresh weight) of Zostera in the Lough in October 1991 covering some 6.3 km2 of the northern mudflats and representing some 12% of the total intertidal area of the Lough. This was regarded as peak biomass. By January 1992, Zostera was reduced following grazing by wildfowl and weathering to 20% of the initial biomass as measured in the exclusion experiment. The above-ground and below-ground biomass of Zostera were not equally affected with reduction to 7% and 26%, respectively.
In a recent paper, Robert Putnam (2007) challenges the contact hypothesis by arguing that ethnic diversity causes people to ‘hunker down’ and essentially withdraw themselves from society. Drawing on
qualitative data collected from three mixed communities in Northern Ireland, this paper explores the extent and quality of contact experienced by Protestants and Catholics in their everyday lives. Themes emerging from our data are generally consistent with the contact hypothesis. There is also some support for Putnam’s theory that mixed environments can induce ‘hunkering down’ and that inter-group trust may be compromised. However, our data challenge Putnam’s argument that these responses are a consequence of ‘anomie’ or ‘social malaise’. Rather, we find that withdrawal from social activity in the neighbourhoods we observed was a calculated response at times of threat, often aimed at protecting existent positive inter-ethnic relations.