998 resultados para Ethics consultation


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Existe uma preocupação crescente da sociedade com a ética, devida em parte aos numerosos escândalos que surgiram no mundo corporativo ultimamente, em particular no setor financeiro em que as repercussões de malversações têm geralmente um impacto maior para a sociedade do que podem ter quando acontecem em outro setor de atividade. Outra consequência é o interesse cada vez maior dos acadêmicos em estudar ética dos negócios. Porém, a pesar do uso frequente do termo ética e dos conceitos relacionados, não existe ainda um consenso sobre uma definição comum de ética dos negócios. Pertence a cada corporação definir o que considera ser ética dos negócios. Portanto, para entender melhor o que tem por trás do termo ética, é preciso voltar a sua definição, explicar a sua evolução, colocá-lo dentro do nosso contexto contemporâneo, para depois aplicá-lo à área de interesse. Para o setor bancário, ética se refere mais ao aspecto legal, mas também faz referência ao desenvolvimento da responsabilidade social corporativa dentro das corporações através de diferentes práticas. A literatura a respeito ressalta que a abordagem da ética pelas corporações bancárias tradicionais desconecta a ética do foco de negócio, considerando que não pertence ao centro da sua atividade. De fato, as corporações respondem aos mesmos mecanismos isomorfos institucionais, os quais as levam a adotar práticas com o objetivo de conseguir legitimidade dentro da sociedade. Ao contrário dessas corporações bancárias tradicionais, os bancos qualificados como éticos pela literatura, tem em comum o fato de estruturar as suas atividades sobre ou em volta da ética, diferenciando-se dos outros bancos por ter como principal objetivo ser ético. O banco Brasileiro Itaú Unibanco, um dos maiores bancos tradicionais do mundo em termos de valor de mercado, foi percebido aos poucos como um banco muito preocupado com a ética, e foi recentemente reconhecido como o banco mais sustentável do mundo pela revista Financial Times. O Itaú 5 Unibanco desenhou e implementou um programa de ética, o qual junta um componente teórico (com diretrizes, regras e princípios e um código de ética), usado como um suporte para o componente prático (estrutura organizacional particular e práticas cotidianas). Esse programa levou o Banco Itaú a ser campeão inovador na institucionalização da ética dentro do setor bancário.


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ERICKSON, Sandra S.Fernandes. The ethics of gender in Milton's paradise lost. Principios: revista de filosofia. Natal (RN). v. 5, n. 6, p. 155-170. 1998. ISSN 1983-2109. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study, using technical procedures of document consultation from secondary sources and health household survey with application form for face to face inter views, with the assent nº.039/2011 from the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The aim of this study was to analyze the cervix cancer control in the area47 of the Health Family Centre Nova Natal II. The cancer cervix is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. In Brazil screening for early detection and treatment of disease has been poorly done and follow-up to reduce mortality has not been executed. From a total of1170women belonging to area 47, who under went screening by the Pap test in the period from 2005 to 2010,was elected a sample of 38 women with positive cervical changes, over 18 years old. The calculation of frequency analysis of socio demographic and clinical and epidemiological selected variables with the results of cervical changes, using the X2 test and taking as significance level of p<0.05 was not statistically significant. The predominant age range was 25 to 64 years (68.9%), most no white women (60.5%), predominantly with primary education (57.9%), most married (68.4%) and housewives (68.4%) with early age of sexual activity (86.8%), the minority smokers (13.2%), with a sexual partner (36.8%). At the time of interview, 42.1% of the women voiced complaint of discharge, while only 2.6% reported bleeding. In relation to the occurrence of STDs (including HPV), 10.5% of women reported being a carrier. The use of oral contraceptives was 32.3% of women, from 2 to 4 years (44.4%). The result of the last screening test performed, showed prevalence of immature squamous metaplasia (55.3%), followed by intraepithelial low- grade lesion (including the cytopathologic HPV effect and cervical intra epithelial neoplasia grade I) (31.6%); intraepithelial high-grade lesion (including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II and III) (7.9%), atypical squamous non neoplastic cells (5.3%). There was no squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Most women received information about the action that should be done after the last screening test result (55.3%), but how to perform follow, most women did not report having done so (55.3%). The follow-up group of women studied, with varying degrees of cervical abnormalities, should only be completed with the discharge by cure, established inconsecutive negative cytology, a goal that is not being achieved in the area 47 of the Health Family Centre of Nova Natal II


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Descriptive research aimed at evaluating the assistance offered to patients with venous ulcers, on lower limbs, attended by the Family Health Program (FHP) team, from the municipality of Natal/RN. The target population was composed of 74 patients with venous ulcers (VU), attended by the FHP teams in the 31 FHUs. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (protocol n.55/05). The data collection was performed in patients homes and in the FHUs, through structured interviews and physical examinations of patients with VU and non-participant observation during the changing of wound dressings in these Units and in users homes. The data was organized into an Excel electronic table and transported into the SPSS 14.0 program, for descriptive analysis on 2x2 contingency tables and inferential (Qui-Square χ2, Spearman Correlation, Binomial Proportion Test and p-value <0.05). The prevalence of VU (0.36/1000) in the target population (over 20 years of age) was greater than in the population registered in FHP (0.25/1000). We detected a greater prevalence in the age area of over 60 years (2.22/1000), with 2.98/1000 for females and 1.3/1000 for males (p-value=0.008). The sociodemographical and health characteristics of patients with VU revealed predominance of females (74.5%), elders over 60 years of age (67.6%), with fundamental education (74.3%), family earnings of up to 2 minimum wages (68.9%), retired (90.5%), ortostatic position (23.0%), inadequate sleep (59,9%), presence of CVI (100.0%), hypertension (44.6%) and diabetes (25.7%). As for the time of existence of the VU, 64.9% had over 1 year, and 35.1% less than 1 year), with predominance of one wound (67.6%). The changing of wound dressings is performed mostly at home, in and inadequate way, especially with incorrect cleaning techniques, likewise incorrect use of products and substances, and reduced participation of the FHP team on the evaluation and application of the dressing and choosing of products and substances. The compressive therapy is not part of therapeutic conducts for treatment in the FHUs. As for the evaluation of assistance to patients with VU, 90.5% were inadequate and only 9.5% adequate. The main inadequacy factors were the absence of: diagnosis (47.3%), consultation with and angiologist (63.5%), compressive treatment (100.0%), adequate optical therapy (98.62%), adequate dressing kit (70.3%), training for the changing of dressings (67.6%), following by the FHP team (51.4%) and performed exams (55.4%). We ve concluded that patients with VU mostly present now socioeconomical level and associated chronic diseases. Considering that assistance offered by FHP is non-systematic, fragmented, with no diagnosis planning, continual evaluation and evolution, we qualify the assistance as inadequate and with low level of solution, directly interfering on the maintenance of the VUs chronic state


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Background. Patients who develop acute kidney injury (AKI) in the intensive care unit (ICU) have extremely high rates of mortality and morbidity. The objectives of this study were to compare clinical and laboratory characteristics of AKI patients evaluated and not evaluated by nephrologists in ICU and generate the hypothesis of the relationship between timing of nephrology consultation and outcome.Methods. We explored associations among presence and timing of nephrology consultation with ICU stay and in-ICU mortality in 148 ICU patients with AKI at a Brazilian teaching hospital from July 2008 to May 2010. Multivariable logistic regression was used to adjust confounding and selection bias.Results. AKI incidence was 30% and 52% of these AKI patients were evaluated by nephrologists. At multivariable analysis, AKI patients evaluated by nephrologists showed higher Acute Tubular Necrosis-Index Specific Score and creatinine level, more dialysis indications, lower urine output and longer ICU stay. The mortality rate was similar to AKI patients who were not evaluated. Nephrology consultation was delayed (>= 48 h) in 62.3% (median time to consultation, 4.7 days). Lower serum creatinine levels (P - 0.009) and higher urine output (P = 0.002) were associated with delayed consultation. Delayed consultation was associated with increased ICU mortality (65.4 versus 88.2%, P < 0.001).Conclusions. In AKI, patients evaluated by nephrologists seem to be more seriously ill than those not evaluated and present similar mortality rate. The delayed nephrology consultation can be associated with increased ICU mortality.


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O objetivo foi implantar a Consulta de Enfermagem para indivíduos hipertensos, utilizando-se a teoria do autocuidado de Orem e sistematizar a assistência de enfermagem. Foram entrevistados 56 pacientes, sendo 58,9% mulheres, 75% na faixa etária de 50 a 80 anos, 76,4% casados, 42,9% donas de casa, 47,2% aposentados e 67,3% com ensino fundamental completo. Utilizou-se instrumento estruturado abordando os requisitos de autocuidado universal, de desenvolvimento e de desvios de saúde. A análise dos dados possibilitou avaliar os requisitos de autocuidado alterados. No planejamento da assistência, as ações de apoio-educação foram prioridades. A teoria do autocuidado possibilitou identificar aspectos importantes para serem trabalhados pelo enfermeiro.


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Introduction: Psychiatric consultation (PC) has been considered an efficient tool to develop research, to track and to give assistance benefiting patients, health professionals and the institution. However, it has not been much used in Brazil. Although 30 to 50% of general hospital (GH) inpatients may present a psychiatric disorder, only 1 to 12% of them are referred to assessment. The aims of this study were: to assess mental disorders in a GH; to identify which of these patients are sent to psychiatric care; to verify alleged reasons for referral to psychiatric consultation, and to examine the relationship between PC and psychiatric learning (during medical school and residence). Methods: A case-control patient study was conducted (47 cases and 94 controls) to analyze in detail the following variables: socio-demographic; clinical; degree of information (about the disease and diagnostic/therapeutic procedures), and relationship between patient and health team. Psychiatric diagnoses were made according to the ICD- 10 criteria. The Self Report Questionnaire (SRQ), the CAGE and Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) were used as well as a specifically designed questionnaire to collect clinical and demographic data. Results: Behavioral alterations, either of elation or of depression, were the main for requesting a PC; 95.8% of the cases and 27.7% of the controls had a mental disorder. Organic mental disorders and alcohol-related disorders were the most frequent diagnoses in group I (cases), while anxiety, depressive and alcohol-related disorders were predominant in group II (controls). Control group patients were better informed and more able to establish an appropriate relationship with the health team than case patients. The logistic regression showed CAGE-positive patients having 12.85 times greater risk of being referred to PC, followed by unemployed patients (2.44 times more PC referrals). Discussion: The SRQ and CAGE were quite useful in the screening of possible patients and might be important for medical students to learn and use as generalists. Further research is needed to verify if and how the newly-established service will improve the diagnostic and treatment skills of our students.


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Teledermatology is the area of Telemedicine that studies the application of telecommunication and information technology to dermatology practice without the presence of a specialist. It is a potential manner to deliver health planning, research, education, clinical meetings, second medical opinions and dermatological care to populations who cannot easily travel. The evolution, cost reduction and dissemination of telecommunication and information technology have enabled the implementation of low cost and comprehensive teledermatology systems to support clinical practice all over the world. © 2005 by Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia.


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Scientific development that has been achieved through decades finds in clinical research a great possibility of translating findings to human health application. Evidence given by clinical trials allows everyone to have access to the best health services. However, the millionaire world of pharmaceutical industries has stained clinical research with doubt and improbability. Study results (fruits of controlled clinical trials) and scientific publications (selective, manipulated and with wrong conclusions) led to an inappropriate clinical practice, favoring the involved economic aspect. In 2005, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), supported by the World Association of Medical Editors, started demanding as a requisite for publication that all clinical trials be registered at the database ClinicalTrials.gov. In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) created the International Clinical Trial Registry Platform (ICTRP), which gathers several registry centers from all over the world, and required that all researchers and pharmaceutical industries register clinical trials. Such obligatory registration has progressed and will extend to all scientific journals indexed in all worldwide databases. Registration of clinical trials means another step of clinical research towards transparency, ethics and impartiality, resulting in real evidence to the forthcoming changes in clinical practice as well as in the health situation.


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In Brazil since October 1996 there have been guidelines for research involving human subjects. Now human subjects know when their treatment is part of research. Deceit is no longer tolerated. But is not enough to say we offer an explanation to the potential subject and we offer a choice before he or she is confronted with an informed consent form. As in all professional activity, scientific investigation needs social controls. In Brazil, the ultimate responsibility of an investigation lies on the investigator, but in every institution where research is carried out there is a Committee for Ethics in Research. All Committees are subordinated to the National Commission of Ethics in Research, which is submitted to the Brazilian Institute of Health. During 2005 around 17,000 protocols involving 700,000 human subjects were revised by 475 Committees distributed all over the country. Approximately 7,000 people are now working in these Committees.


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