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The South American water snake Helicops leopardinus is very abundant in the Pantanal wetlands of Central Brazil. We studied the biology of this species based on specimens collected by local workers in the Paraguay River. Females attained greater body lengths and had larger heads than males, but the latter had longer tails. Helicops leopardinus fed on a wide variety of fishes (70% of the total prey items) and frogs, with fishes of the order Gymnotiformes (33.34%) and frogs of the family Hylidae (23.34%) representing the most common prey items. There was relatively lows diet overlap between the sexes and between juveniles and adults. Mean litter size was 6.6 and ranged from 4-11. The reproductive cycle was seasonal, with birth occurring late in the wet season (simultaneous with the flooding of the Paraguay River), facilitating dispersal of young snakes by floating vegetation. Floating vegetation may be a critical habitat for H. leopardinus, and management plans for their maintenance need to be developed.


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The population biology of Uca thayeri was studied in a subtropical mangrove in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Two sampling techniques were used: transect sampling and catch-per-unit-effort. Size frequency distribution, sex-ratio, and reproductive period were analysed. For juvenile crabs (CW < 4.6 mm), the transect procedure was most efficient, while ovigerous females were most collected during the capture effort. Males were most numerous in the transect technique, while in the catch-per-unit-effort there was no difference between sexes. The species showed a different size frequency distribution for each sampling procedure. The reproduction of U. thayeri is seasonal, being more pronounced in the warmer months of the year. However, juveniles occurred all over the year, although more numerous in the colder months. The success of the species in reproductive activity and the constant colonization of the area can be attributed to the availability of food resources and differential occupation of the habitat by ovigerous females.


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Sexual maturity, temporal reproductive pattern, and recruitment of juveniles were examined for the penaeoid shrimp Artemesia longinaris sampled for five and a half years in a tropical locality off the coast of São Paulo (23 degrees S), Brazil. Monthly samples were taken from January 1998 to June 2003 at depths between 5 and 45 m. Ovarian maturity was used to examine breeding in adult females. Recruitment was defined as the percentage of juveniles of the total number of individuals in each month and season. A total of 10 288 females and 5 551 males were collected. Estimated sizes (carapace length) at the onset of sexual maturity were 11.0 mm and 13.4 mm for males and females, respectively. Over the five and a half years, females with ripe gonads were found in every season, with the highest percentages in summer (January-March). Juvenile shrimps occur-red year-round. These results suggest a continuous reproduction of A. longinaris with temperature acting as an environmental stimulus for the duration of the ovary development cycle. These data and the hypothesis of the intrusion of the South Atlantic Central Water mass, which lowered water temperature and raised plankton production, suggest that the end of spring and the beginning of summer were the principal reproductive months. The classical paradigm of continuous reproduction at lower latitudes, with increased seasonality of breeding period at higher latitudes seems to apply to this species.


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Population Structure and reproductive Maturity of females were investigated in the shrimp Artemesia longinaris Bate, 1888 from coastal waters of northern São Paulo State (Brazil. 23 degrees S) and Mar del Plata (Argentina, 38 degrees S) from June 2001 to May 2002. Monthly collections were taken by, commercial shrimp fishing boats equipped with bottom trawl nets. Population parameters from size frequency distributions and size (carapace length = CL) of female reproductive maturity were analyzed and compared front the two sampling areas. Latitudinal trends in reproductive parameters of A. longinaris were shown in overall body size and size of reproductive maturity, both of which were smaller in females from the tropical location than those front the cold-temperate sampling area. Largest females (> 30 turn CL) were collected in Argentina, while Brazilian specimens reached maximum size at 27 nun CL. The smallest Size of female sexual maturity was estimated at 13.6 nun CL in Brazilian samples compared to 22.1 mm CL calculated for those from Argentina. Populations from both regions exhibited a bimodal size distribution in the spring, with the peak at small body size probably corresponding to recent recruits and the peak at larger body, size to reproductive females or shrimps migrating in from deeper waters or other latitudinal regions. In late spring and summer. an intrusion of the cold South Atlantic Coastal Water mass was observed which lowered water temperature and stimulated plankton production. The primary food source for the larvae of a typically cold-temperate species such as A. longinaris. The trend of increasing body size and delay of sexual maturity with increasing latitude appears to be correlated with the decreasing water temperature and increasing plankton productivity at higher latitudes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To study the effects of environmental hypercarbia on ventilation in snakes, particularly the anomalous hyperpnea that is seen when CO(2) is removed from inspired gas mixtures (post-hypercapnic hyperpnea), gas mixtures of varying concentrations of CO(2) were administered to South American rattlesnakes, Crotalus durissus, breathing through an intact respiratory system or via a tracheal cannula by-passing the upper airways. Exposure to environmental hypercarbia at increasing levels, up to 7% CO(2), produced a progressive decrease in breathing frequency and increase in tidal volume. The net result was that total ventilation increased modestly, up to 5% CO(2) and then declined slightly on 7% CO(2). on return to breathing air there was an immediate but transient increase in breathing frequency and a further increase in tidal volume that produced a marked overshoot in ventilation. The magnitude of this post-hypercapnic hyperpnea was proportional to the level of previously inspired CO(2). Administration of CO(2) to the lungs alone produced effects that were identical to administration to both lungs and upper airways and this effect was removed by vagotomy. Administration of CO(2) to the upper airways alone was without effect. Systemic injection of boluses of CO(2)-rich blood produced an immediate increase in both breathing frequency and tidal volume. These data indicate that the post-hypercapnic hyperpnea resulted from the removal of inhibitory inputs from pulmonary receptors and suggest that while the ventilatory response to environmental hypercarbia in this species is a result of conflicting inputs from different receptor groups, this does not include input from upper airway receptors.


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Rodents from and and semi-arid deserts are faced with the problem of water conservation. The physiological responses of small rodents to such conditions have been intensively investigated over broad geographically disjunct areas. Despite the presence of xeric habitats in South America since the late Tertiary, some studies suggest that sigmodontine South-American desert rodents do not display the same diversity of physiological responses at the species level as those observed in other desert-dwelling species of rodents. In this paper, we analyzed the physiological responses to water deprivation, at the interespecific and interindividual level, among eight species of sigmodontine desert-dwelling rodents from different geographical areas within South-American deserts. Using randomization tests, we found no significant phylogenetic signal for resistance to water deprivation or for individual variability in this response. Contrary to our initial predictions, we observed that sigmodontine rodents from arid/semi-arid habitats (Monte Desert) had significantly lower rates of body mass loss per day (higher tolerances to water deprivation) than species from the hyperarid deserts. We showed that sigmodontine rodents from South America showed a remarkable diversity of physiological mechanisms for coping with water shortage resulting from different evolutionary adaptive strategies. This diversity, however, displays a rather unexpected pattern in terms of its geographical distribution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ability of rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) red blood cells to volume regulate in vitro has been investigated. Blood was drawn through a catheter inserted in the dorsal aorta and equilibrated to gas mixtures of different composition. Cells shrunken osmotically by increasing the extracellular osmolarity from approximate to 291 mosm l(-1) (n = 3) to approximate to 632 mosm l(-1) (calculated) only partially regulated their volume back towards the original volume either at pH 7.51 +/- 0.05 (mean +/- S.D., n = 5) or pH 7.20 +/- 0.06 (mean +/- S.D., n = 3), There was no improvement of the regulatory volume increase at low haemoglobin oxygen saturation. The limited volume restoration was inhibited by separate additions of amiloride (10(-4) M) or DIDS (10(-4) M) suggesting involvement of the Na+/H+ and Cl-/HCO3- exchangers. Cells that were swollen osmotically by an approximate to 30% dilution of the extracellular medium also exhibited a limited ability to recover their volume. Therefore, these cells show little ability to volume regulate when exposed to in vitro conditions that shrink or swell the cell. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of temperature on lung and blood gases were measured in the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus). Arterial blood and lung gas samples were obtained from chronically cannulated animals at 15, 25, and 35 degrees C. As expected for reptiles, arterial pH fell with increased temperature (0.018 U degrees C-1 between 15 and 25 degrees C and 0.011 U degrees C-1 between 25 and 35 degrees C) while lung gas PCO2 rose from 5.8 mmHg at 15 degrees C to 13.2 mmHg at 35 degrees C. Concurrently, lung gas PO2 declined from 132 mmHg at 15 degrees C to 120 mmHg at 35 degrees C, and arterial PO2 increased from 33 to 76 mmHg in that temperature range. Arterial haemoglobin O-2 saturation rose from 0.53 at 15 degrees C to 0.83 at 25 degrees C but became slightly reduced (0.77) with a further elevation of temperature to 35 degrees C. Arterial haemoglobin concentration increased from 1.96 to 2.53 mM between 15 and 35 degrees C, consistent with higher demands on oxygen delivery to tissues at elevated temperatures. Moreover, the substantial increase of haemoglobin O-2 saturation between 15 and 25 degrees C conforms to the idea that reduction of the central vascular right-to-left shunt (pulmonary bypass of systemic venous return) is associated with high metabolic demands. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Digestion is associated with gastric secretion that leads to an alkalinisation of the blood, termed the alkaline tide. Numerous studies on different reptiles and amphibians show that while plasma bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3-](pl)) increases substantially during digestion, arterial pH (pHa) remains virtually unchanged, due to a concurrent rise in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) caused by a relative hypoventilation. This has led to the suggestion that postprandial amphibians and reptiles regulate pHa rather than PaCO2.Here we characterize blood gases in the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus) during digestion and following systemic infusions of NaHCO3 and HCl in fasting animals to induce a metabolic alkalosis or acidosis in fasting animals. The magnitude of these acid-base disturbances were similar in magnitude to that mediated by digestion and exercise. Plasma [HCOT] increased from 18.4+/-1.5 to 23.7+/-1.0 mmol L-1 during digestion and was accompanied by a respiratory compensation where PaCO2 increased from 13.0+/-0.7 to 19.1+/-1.4 mm Hg at 24 h. As a result, pHa decreased slightly, but were significantly below fasting levels 36 h into digestion. Infusion of NaHCO3 (7 mmol kg(-1)) resulted in a 10 mmol L-1 increase in plasma [HCO3-] within 1 h and was accompanied by a rapid elevation of pHa (from 7.58+/-0.01 to 7.78+/-0.02). PaCO2, however, did not change following HCO3- infusion, which indicates a lack of respiratory compensation. Following infusion of HCl (4 mmol kg(-1)), plasma pHa decreased by 0.07 units and [HCO3-](pl) was reduced by 4.6 mmol L-1 within the first 3 h. PaCO2, however, was not affected and there was no evidence for respiratory compensation.Our data show that digesting rattlesnakes exhibit respiratory compensations to the alkaline tide, whereas artificially induced metabolic acid-base disturbances of same magnitude remain uncompensated. It seems difficult to envision that the central and peripheral chemoreceptors would experience different stimuli during these conditions. One explanation for the different ventilatory responses could be that digestion induces a more relaxed state with low responsiveness to ventilatory stimuli. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The non-native invasive anuran Lithobates catesbeianus is presently distributed in Brazil, especially in the Atlantic Rainforest biodiversity hotspot. Here, we use a maximum entropy ecological niche modeling algorithm (i) to model the North American native geographic distribution of this species and (ii) to project that model onto the whole of Brazil. After applying a threshold value that balances commission and omission errors, the projection results suggested high probabilities of occurrence mostly in southern and southeastern Brazil. We also present the first report on the species known distribution in Brazil, showing good agreement with model predictions. If the predictive map is interpreted as depicting invasiveness potential of L. catesbeianus, strategies to prevent further invasion in Brazil should be focused especially in the Atlantic Rainforest biodiversity hotspot.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)