961 resultados para Espaço em geografia - Ribeirão Preto (SP)


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AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Procoagulant state after raloxifene therapy in postmenopausal women. Fertility and Sterility, Estados Unidos, v.84, n.6, p.1680-1684, 2005


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AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Raloxifene therapy does not affect uterine blood flow in postmenopausal women: a transvaginal Doppler study. Maturitas, Amsterdam, v.47, n.3, p.195-200, 2004


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a eficácia de uma estratégia de ensino sobre diagnósticos de enfermagem, fundamentada na aprendizagem, baseada em problemas no desempenho do raciocínio clínico e julgamento diagnóstico dos discentes de graduação. É estudo experimental, realizado em duas fases: validação de conteúdo dos problemas e aplicação da estratégia educativa. Os resultados mostraram melhora na capacidade de agrupamento dos dados dos discentes do grupo experimental. Conclui-se que houve influência positiva da estratégia implementada


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AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Procoagulant state after raloxifene therapy in postmenopausal women. Fertility and Sterility, Estados Unidos, v.84, n.6, p.1680-1684, 2005


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AZEVEDO, George Dantas de et al. Raloxifene therapy does not affect uterine blood flow in postmenopausal women: a transvaginal Doppler study. Maturitas, Amsterdam, v.47, n.3, p.195-200, 2004


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The rate of consumption of alcoholic beverages has undergone changes as well as the factors that influence it. In order to understand the significance of drinking patterns, this study was conducted with a sample of young adults (N = 260) ages 20 to 30, in Lisbon. The instruments used were The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and the Sense of Coherence Questionnaire. The results show that 10.8% had problems with alcohol. Those who had a lower sense of coherence, especially in the dimension of investment capacity, presented with more harmful and risky consumption patterns. We conclude that health promotion behaviors should include measures to strengthen a sense of coherence


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a eficácia de uma estratégia de ensino sobre diagnósticos de enfermagem, fundamentada na aprendizagem, baseada em problemas no desempenho do raciocínio clínico e julgamento diagnóstico dos discentes de graduação. É estudo experimental, realizado em duas fases: validação de conteúdo dos problemas e aplicação da estratégia educativa. Os resultados mostraram melhora na capacidade de agrupamento dos dados dos discentes do grupo experimental. Conclui-se que houve influência positiva da estratégia implementada


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Objective: to describe the experience of Latin American working women regarding immigration, taking into account the expectations and conditions in which this process takes place. Method: ethnographic qualitative study. Data collection was performed by means of semi-structured interviews with 24 Latin American immigrant women in Spain. The information collected was triangulated through two focal groups. Results: the expectations of migrant women focus on improving family living conditions. Social support is essential for their settling and to perform daily life activities. They declare they have adapted to the settlement country, although they live with stress. They perceive they have greater sexual freedom and power with their partners but keep greater responsibility in childcare, combining that with the role of working woman. Conclusions: migrant women play a key role in the survival of households, they build and create new meanings about being a woman, their understanding of life, their social and couple relationships. Such importance is shaped by their expectations and the conditions in which the migration process takes place, as well as their work integration.


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Neste artigo propõe-se mensurar o nível de educação fiscal do cidadão, a partir da base de dados do Programa Nacional de Educação Fiscal – PNEF. São apresentados alguns trabalhos que tratam da educação fiscal em nível nacional e internacional, cujos fundamentos retratam uma educação voltada ao exercício da plena cidadania. Os dados utilizados são resultados de uma pesquisa de campo realizada com o apoio da Escola de Administração Fazendária, utilizando como instrumento de coleta o surveymonkey. A amostra compreendeu 1.804 respostas a um questionário estruturado a partir dos fundamentos da educação fiscal pregados pela gestora do programa (ESAF). Os dados foram tratados por análise fatorial, sob o pressuposto de identificar dimensões latentes do nível de educação fiscal dos cidadãos. Pelos fundamentos, previa-se a identificação de sete dimensões, mas os resultados evidenciaram quatro dimensões latentes observáveis e fundamentadas teoricamente. Comprovou-se, apesar das limitações inerentes ao tipo de pesquisa, a possibilidade de mensuração do nível de entendimento da educação fiscal por múltiplos componentes, considerando afirmar que a educação e seus fundamentos são entendidos pela população, que reconhecem a sua importância, pressupondo ainda uma contribuição ao estado da arte da pesquisa na medida em que fomenta e dissemina a temática da educação fiscal no contexto acadêmico em nível de graduação e pós graduação e abre campo para estudos que objetivem revalidar os achados.


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THE BEHAVIOR OF HEXAZINONE HERBICIDE IN RECHARGE ZONE OF GUARANI AQUIFER WITH SUGARCANE CULTIVATED AREA. São Paulo state (Brazil) has an important area of sugarcane production, mainly for obtaining alcohol and sugar, where there is an intensive use of pesticides. An important recharge zone of Guarani aquifer, with supplies water for the local population, is located at Ribeirão Preto city, so the local behavior of pesticides must be investigated. The GUS index was obtained by using the paramenters Koc and half-life for hezazinone herbicide, determinated in representative soil of this region. This study has demonstrated that there is potential risks of hexazinone leaching to ground water, indicating that this herbicide must be monitored in ground water.


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Objective: to identify aspects of improvement of the quality of the teaching-learning process through the analysis of tools that evaluated the acquisition of skills by undergraduate students of Nursing. Method: prospective longitudinal study conducted in a population of 60 second-year Nursing students based on registration data, from which quality indicators that evaluate the acquisition of skills were obtained, with descriptive and inferential analysis. Results: nine items were identified and nine learning activities included in the assessment tools that did not reach the established quality indicators (p<0.05). There are statistically significant differences depending on the hospital and clinical practices unit (p<0.05). Conclusion: the analysis of the evaluation tools used in the article "Nursing Care in Welfare Processes" of the analyzed university undergraduate course enabled the detection of the areas for improvement in the teaching-learning process. The challenge of education in nursing is to reach the best clinical research and educational results, in order to provide improvements to the quality of education and health care.


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We evaluated the water characteristics and particle sedimentation in Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller 1862) grow-out ponds supplied with a high inflow of nutrient-rich water. Prawns were subject to different stocking and harvesting strategies: upper-graded juveniles, lower-graded juveniles, non-graded juveniles + selective harvesting and traditional farming (non-grading juveniles and total harvest only). Dissolved oxygen, afternoon N-ammonia and N-nitrate and soluble orthophosphate were lower in the ponds in comparison with inflow water through the rearing cycle. Ponds stocked with the upper population fraction of graded prawns showed higher turbidity, total suspended solids and total Kjeldahl nitrogen than the remaining treatments. An increase in the chemical oxygen demand:biochemical oxygen demand ratio from inlet (4.9) to pond (7.1-8.0) waters indicated a non-readily biodegradable fraction enhancement in ponds. The sedimentation mean rate ranged from 0.08 to 0.16 mm day(-1) and sediment contained >80% of organic matter. The major factors affecting pond ecosystem dynamic were the organic load (due to primary production and feed addition) and bioturbation caused by stocking larger animals. Data suggest that M. amazonicum grow-out in ponds subjected to a high inflow of nutrient-rich water produce changes in the water properties, huge accumulation of organic sediment at the pond bottom and non-readily biodegradable material in the water column. However, the water quality remains suitable for aquaculture purposes. Therefore, nutrient-rich waters, when available, may represent a source of unpaid nutrients, which may be incorporated into economically valued biomass if managed properly.


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O sorgo sacarino tem grande potencial para ser utilizado em complementação à cana-de-açúcar na produção de bioenergia. Contudo, para viabilizar o cultivo em escala comercial é necessário aprimorar os sistemas de produção em diferentes regiões com potencial para cultivo desta cultura. Assim, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do número de plantas e do espaçamento de plantio nas características de qualidade industrial de sorgo sacarino cultivado na região canavieira do estado de Alagoas. O ensaio foi realizado em blocos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas com três repetições. Foram realizadas duas colheitas uma em planta e outra em soca. Os resultados obtidos constataram que a colheita em planta proporcionou melhor qualidade do caldo em relação à colheita em soca e que o espaçamento e a densidade de plantio apresentaram pouca influência na qualidade da biomassa.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e o ºBrix de genótipos de sorgo sacarino cultivos na região canavieira de Alagoas. Foram avaliados 19 genótipos no delineamento de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. O plantio foi realizado em maio e a colheita em setembro de 2015. As médias dos genótipos variaram de 151 cm a 299 cm para altura de plantas, 60 a 111 dias para florescimento, 19,34 Mg.ha-1 a 60,91 Mg.ha-1 para o peso de biomassa verde total, 0,79 Mg.ha-1 a 5,98 Mg.ha-1 para peso de panículas, 17,20 Mg.ha-1 a 59,45 Mg.ha-1 para peso verde de colmos, 11,79 Mg.ha-1 a 38,60 Mg.ha-1 para peso seco de colmos e de 10,20 a 19,33 para o ºBrix. Os genótipos CMSXS629 e BRS506 mostraram-se mais promissores para produção de etanol por apresentarem alto rendimento de biomassa associado a um ºBrix superior a 16.


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Assessment processes are essential to guarantee quality and continuous improvement of software in healthcare, as they measure software attributes in their lifecycle, verify the degree of alignment between the software and its objectives and identify unpredicted events. This article analyses the use of an assessment model based on software metrics for three healthcare information systems from a public hospital that provides secondary and tertiary care in the region of Ribeirão Preto. Compliance with the metrics was investigated using questionnaires in guided interviews of the system analysts responsible for the applications. The outcomes indicate that most of the procedures specified in the model can be adopted to assess the systems that serves the organization, particularly in the attributes of compatibility, reliability, safety, portability and usability.