992 resultados para Erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 735B, located on Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge, penetrated 1508 meters below seafloor with an average recovery of 87%, providing a nearly continuous sample of a significant part of oceanic Layer 3. Based on variations in texture and mineralogy, 12 major lithologic units are recognized in the section, ranging from 39.5 to 354 m thick. The principal lithologies include troctolite, troctolitic gabbro, olivine gabbro and microgabbro, gabbro, gabbronorite and Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, gabbronorite, and microgabbro. Highly deformed mylonites, cataclasites, and amphibole gneisses are locally present, as are small quantities of pyroxenite, anorthositic gabbro, and trondhjemite. Downhole variations in mineral composition, particularly for olivine and clinopyroxene, show a number of cyclic variations. Plagioclase compositions show the widest variations and correspond to different degrees of deformation and alteration as well as primary processes. Downhole chemical variations correspond reasonably well with variations in mineral compositions. Iron and titanium mainly reflect the presence of Fe-Ti oxide gabbros but show some cyclical variations in the lower part of the core where oxide gabbros are sparse. CaO is highly variable but shows a small but consistent increase downhole. MgO is more uniform than CaO and shows a very small downward increase. Sulfur and CO2 contents are generally low, but S shows significant enrichment in lithologic Unit IV, which consists of Fe-Ti oxide gabbro, reflecting the presence of sulfide minerals in the sequence. The lithologic, mineralogical, and geochemical data provided here will allow detailed comparisons with ophiolite sections as well as sections of in situ ocean crust drilled in the future.


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The De Gerlache Seamounts are two topographic highs in the Bellingshausen Sea, southeastern Pacific. Petrological and geochemical studies together with K-Ar age determinations were carried out on four dredged basalt samples collected during a RV Polarstern expedition (ANT-XII/4) in 1995. Minor and trace element composition suggest alkaline basalt compositions. Compared to alkaline basalts of adjacent West Antarctica (the Jones Mountains) and of Peter I Island, the samples have lower mg-numbers, lower Ni and Cr contents and lower high field-strength elements (HFSE)/Nb and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE)/HFSE ratios. Three of the four samples have low K, Rb, and Cs concentrations relative to alkaline basalts. The K-depletion and other elemental concentrations may be explained by 1.1% melting of amphibole bearing mantle material. Additionally, low Rb and Ba values suggest low concentrations of these elements in the mantle source. K-Ar age determinations yield Miocene ages (20-23 Ma) that are similar in age to other alkaline basalts of West Antarctica (Thurston Island, the Jones Mountains, Antarctic Peninsula) and the suggested timing of onset of Peter I Island volcanism (~10-20 Ma). The occurrence of the DGS and Peter I Island volcanism along an older but reactivated tectonic lineation suggests that the extrusions exploited a zone of pre-existing lithospheric weakness. The alkaline nature and age of the DGS basalts support the assumption of plume activity in the Bellingshausen Sea.


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Mineral and chemical compositions of a set of crust samples collected from the North, Central and South Atlantic were examined by means of analytical electron microscopy and ICP-MS, chemical, and microchemical elemental analysis. Vernadite, asbolane, and goethite are dominant mineral phases of the crusts, ferrihydrite is minor, hematite and feroxyhyte are rare. The samples show wide variability in major and trace element contents; however, their characteristic geochemical signatures indicate hydrogenous origin. A comparison between compositions of oceanic hydrogenous and hydrothermal crusts and metalliferous hydrothermal sediments from different ocean areas suggests that the geochemical approach may be insufficient in some cases and fail to identify hydrothermal input in ferromanganese crusts of mixed composition.


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Geochemical data from plagioclase-hosted silicate melt inclusions from Leg 140, Hole 504B diabase dikes are reported. Hand-picked plagioclase grains were heated to 1260°-1280°C to remelt the glass inclusions and to infer trapping temperatures. The samples were then polished to expose the inclusions, which were analyzed by electron and ion microprobes. Inclusion compositions are mainly in equilibrium with the host plagioclase and are more depleted in incompatible elements than the host rock. Simple crystal-liquid equilibrium calculations show that the melt inclusions could have been in equilibrium with depleted abyssal peridotite diopsides, whereas whole-rock basalt compositions generally could not have been. The melt inclusions are significantly more depleted than normal (N-type) mid-ocean-ridge basalt (MORB) and are consistent with being produced by 8%-16% incremental or open-system melting with 2% residual porosity in the peridotite source. These magmas were formed during pressure-release melting of the mantle over a range of depths between 30 and 15 km.


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The paper presents data on naturally quenched melt inclusions in olivine (Fo 69-84) from Late Pleistocene pyroclastic rocks of Zhupanovsky volcano in the frontal zone of the Eastern Volcanic Belt of Kamchatka. The composition of the melt inclusions provides insight into the latest crystallization stages (~70% crystallization) of the parental melt (~46.4 wt % SiO2, ~2.5 wt % H2O, ~0.3 wt % S), which proceeded at decompression and started at a depth of approximately 10 km from the surface. The crystallization temperature was estimated at 1100 ± 20°C at an oxygen fugacity of deltaFMQ = 0.9-1.7. The melts evolved due to the simultaneous crystallization of olivine, plagioclase, pyroxene, chromite, and magnetite (Ol: Pl: Cpx : (Crt-Mt) ~ 13 : 54 : 24 : 4) along the tholeiite evolutionary trend and became progressively enriched in FeO, SiO2, Na2O, and K2O and depleted in MgO, CaO, and Al2O3. Melt crystallization was associated with the segregation of fluid rich in S-bearing compounds and, to a lesser extent, in H2O and Cl. The primary melt of Zhupanovsky volcano (whose composition was estimated from data on the most primitive melt inclusions) had a composition of low-Si (~45 wt % SiO2) picrobasalt (~14 wt % MgO), as is typical of parental melts in Kamchatka and other island arcs, and was different from MORB. This primary melt could be derived by ~8% melting of mantle peridotite of composition close to the MORB source, under pressures of 1.5 ± 0.2 GPa and temperatures 20-30°C lower than the solidus temperature of 'dry' peridotite (1230-1240°C). Melting was induced by the interaction of the hot peridotite with a hydrous component that was brought to the mantle from the subducted slab and was also responsible for the enrichment of the Zhupanovsky magmas in LREE, LILE, B, Cl, Th, U, and Pb. The hydrous component in the magma source of Zhupanovsky volcano was produced by the partial slab melting under water-saturated conditions at temperatures of 760-810°C and pressures of ~3.5 GPa. As the depth of the subducted slab beneath Kamchatkan volcanoes varies from 100 to 125 km, the composition of the hydrous component drastically changes from relatively low-temperature H2O-rich fluid to higher temperature H2O-bearing melt. The geothermal gradient at the surface of the slab within the depth range of 100-125 km beneath Kamchatka was estimated at 4°C/km.


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Petrographic and geochemical studies showed that Oligocene - Early Miocene volcaniclastic rocks from the southern part of the Sea of Japan are ascribed to high-potassium aluminous rocks of sub-alkaline volcanic series from active continental margins. A comparative analysis revealed spatiotemporal relation of Oligocene - Early Miocene subaerial volcanism of the Sea of Japan with Late Cretaceous and Eocene - Early Miocene ignimbrite volcanism of the East Eurasian margin. This allows to refer the volcaniclastic rocks of the Sea of Japan to the stage of ignimbrite volcanism that occurred during relative quiescence against general extension in the continental margin setting.


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A proposta do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do laser de baixa intensidade na regeneração óssea no procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila. Utilizou-se 27 indivíduos com média de idade de 10,2 anos, divididos em dois grupos: grupo laser (n=14), no qual se realizou a expansão rápida da maxila, associada ao laser e grupo sem laser (n=13), que realizou somente a expansão rápida da maxila. O protocolo de ativação do parafuso expansor foi de 1 volta completa no primeiro dia e ½ volta diária até a sobrecorreção. O laser utilizado foi o de diodo (TWIN Laser MMOptics®, São Carlos), seguindo o protocolo de aplicação: comprimento de onda de 780nm, potência de 40mW, densidade de 10J/cm2, em 10 pontos localizados ao redor da sutura palatina mediana. Os estágios de aplicação foram: L1 (do primeiro ao quinto dia de aplicação), L2 (travamento do parafuso e 3 dias seguidos), L3, L4 e L5 (após 7, 14 e 21 dias do L2, respectivamente). Radiografias oclusais da maxila foram realizadas com auxílio de uma escala de alumínio, para referencial densitométrico, em diferentes tempos: T1 (inicial), T2 (dia de travamento do parafuso), T3 (3 a 5 dias do T2), T4 (30 dias do T3), T5 (60 dias do T4). As radiografias foram digitalizadas e submetidas a um programa de imagem (Image Tool - UTHSCSA, Texas, USA), para mensuração da densidade óptica das áreas previamente selecionadas. Para realização do teste estatístico, utilizou-se a Análise de Covariância usando como covariável o tempo para a fase avaliada. Em todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05).Para o Grupo Laser, os dados mostram que houve uma queda significante de densidade durante a abertura do parafuso (T2-T1), um aumento significante da mesma no período final de avaliação (T5-T4), e um aumento também da densidade no período de regeneração propriamente dito (T5-T2), ou seja, a partir do momento em que finalizou a fase de abertura do parafuso expansor. Enquanto que no Grupo Sem Laser, a densidade não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significantemente em nenhum período analisado. Os resultados mostraram que o laser propiciou consideravelmente uma melhor abertura da sutura palatina mediana, além de influenciar no processo de regeneração óssea da sutura, acelerando seus processos de reparo.(AU)


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a eficácia do Laser de Baixa Intensidade (LBI) na aceleração da movimentação dentária e na diminuição da dor frente à aplicação de força ortodôntica. A amostra foi composta por 19 pacientes, sendo doze do sexo feminino e sete do sexo masculino, com idade inicial média de 14,69 anos, todos com indicação para extrações de primeiros pré-molares. Destes, 66 caninos foram submetidos à retração inicial, sendo que 33 receberam aplicação de laser e 33 foram considerados controle. Utilizou-se o Laser de Baixa Intensidade de arseneto de gálio e alumínio, com comprimento de onda de 780nm, na dosimetria de 40mW;10J/cm2;10s/ponto, aplicado apenas uma vez ao mês em dez pontos, sendo cinco por vestibular e cinco por lingual/palatino. Modelos de gesso foram confeccionados durante todos os meses de retração dos caninos, que teve duração de quatro meses, sendo, posteriormente, digitalizados para se mensurar a quantidade de movimentação de um lado em relação ao outro, utilizando-se como referência as papilas incisivas. Para a avaliação da dor experimentada pelos pacientes, os mesmos foram orientados a preencher uma escala analógica visual (VAS) que variava de 0 a 10 , em que zero significava nenhuma dor e dez significava dor insuportável, nos intervalos de 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas após a aplicação da força ortodôntica. Foi mensurado o apinhamento de todas as hemiarcadas dos pacientes na fase inicial, medindo-se a distância entre os pontos de contato de cada dente. Para a verificação do padrão de normalidade, empregou-se o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, sendo que para comparar o lado irradiado com o lado não irradiado foi utilizado o teste t pareado, exceto para a variável razão caninos/molares , analisada pelo teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram que em relação ao apinhamento dentário, os lados irradiado e não irradiado apresentaram-se compatíveis. Além disso, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre a quantidade de retração dos caninos irradiados comparados aos não irradiados, o mesmo acontecendo com a sensibilidade dolorosa experimentada pelos pacientes. Concluiu-se assim que o LBI na dosimetria e forma como foi utilizado não foi eficiente na aceleração da movimentação dentária nem na redução da dor experimentada pelos pacientes frente às forças ortodônticas.


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This thesis presents detailed investigation of UV inscribed fibre grating based devices and novel developments in the applications of such devices in optical sensing and fibre laser systems. The major contribution of this PhD programme includes the systematic study on fabrication, spectral characteristics and applications of different types of UV written in-fibre gratings such as Type I and IA Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs), Chirped Fibre Bragg Gratings (CFBGs) and Tilted Fibre Gratings (TFGs) with small, large and 45º tilted structures inscribed in normal silica fibre. Three fabrication techniques including holographic, phase-mask and blank beam exposure scanning, which were employed to fabricate a range of gratings in standard single mode fibre, are fully discussed. The thesis reports the creation of smart structures with self-sensing capability by embedding FBG-array sensors in Al matrix composite. In another part of this study, we have demonstrated the particular significant improvements made in sensitising standard FBGs to the chemical surrounding medium by inducing microstructure to the grating by femtosecond (fs) patterning assisted chemical etching technique. Also, a major work is presented for the investigation on the structures, inscription methods and spectral Polarisation Dependent Loss (PDL) and thermal characteristics of different angle TFGs. Finally, a very novel application in realising stable single polarisation and multiwavelength switchable Erbium Doped Fibre Lasers (EDFLs) using intracavity polarisation selective filters based on TFG devices with tilted structures at small, large and exact 45° angles forms another important contribution of this thesis.


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We demonstrate a dual-wavelength fibre laser system using chirped fibre Bragg gratings as reflectors and dispersive elements. The system produces two synchronized trains of soliton pulses with rms jitter of 620 fs.


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We demonstrate a novel dual-wavelength erbium-fiber laser that uses a single nonlinear-optical loop mirror modulator to simultaneously modelock two cavities with chirped fiber Bragg gratings as end mirrors. We show that this configuration produces synchronized soliton pulse trains with an ultra-low RMS inter-pulse-stream timing jitter of 620 fs enabling application to multiwavelength systems at data rates in excess of 130 Gb/s.


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We investigated the energy deposition process leading to the waveguide inscription in transparent dielectrics both experimentally and theoretically. Parameters of multiphoton absorption process and inscription thresholds were measured in a range of materials including YAG, ZnSe, RbPb2Cl5 crystals, and in fused silica and BK7 glasses.


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Performance optimization of ultra-long Raman laser links is studied theoretically and experimentally. We demonstrate that it is possible to reduce the signal power excursion by adjusting FBG reflectivity without compromising pump efficiency. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate an OSNR improvement of 4.3 dB in our system after 4000 km transmission by switching from conventional erbium-doped fibre amplifiers to quasi-lossless transmission.


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Pulsed Nd:YAG has been adopted successfully in welding process of thin (0.7 mm) Ti6Al4V. Laser welding of such thin sheet requires a small focal spot, good laser beam quality and fast travel speed, since too much heat generation can cause distortion for thin sheet weld. The microstructures of Ti6Al4V were complex and strongly affected the mechanical properties. These structures include: a´ martensite, metastable ß, Widmanstätten, bimodal, lamellar and equiaxed microstructure. Bimodal and Widmanstätten structures exhibit a good-balance between strength and ductility. The microstructure of pulsed Nd:YAG welded Ti6Al4V was primarily a´ martensite, which showed the lowest ductility but not significantly high strength. A heat treatment at 950 followed by furnace cooling can transform the microstructure in the weld from a´ martensite structure into Widmanstätten structure.


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We report on the demonstration of an all-fiber femtosecond erbium doped fiber laser passively mode-locked using a 45º tilted fiber grating as an in-fiber polarizer in the laser cavity. The laser generates 600 fs pulses with output pulse energies ~1 nJ. Since the 45° tilted grating has a broad polarization response, the laser output has shown a tunabilty in wavelength from 1548 nm to 1562 nm by simply adjusting the polarization controllers in the cavity.