940 resultados para Equivalent electric circuits
Quantitative computer tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) models of vertebral body provide better prediction of vertebral strength than dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. However, most models were validated against compression of vertebral bodies with endplates embedded in polymethylmethalcrylate (PMMA). Yet, loading being as important as bone density, the absence of intervertebral disc (IVD) affects the strength. Accordingly, the aim was to assess the strength predictions of the classic FE models (vertebral body embedded) against the in vitro and in silico strengths of vertebral bodies loaded via IVDs. High resolution peripheral QCT (HR-pQCT) were performed on 13 segments (T11/T12/L1). T11 and L1 were augmented with PMMA and the samples were tested under a 4° wedge compression until failure of T12. Specimen-specific model was generated for each T12 from the HR-pQCT data. Two FE sets were created: FE-PMMA refers to the classical vertebral body embedded model under axial compression; FE-IVD to their loading via hyperelastic IVD model under the wedge compression as conducted experimentally. Results showed that FE-PMMA models overestimated the experimental strength and their strength prediction was satisfactory considering the different experimental set-up. On the other hand, the FE-IVD models did not prove significantly better (Exp/FE-PMMA: R²=0.68; Exp/FE-IVD: R²=0.71, p=0.84). In conclusion, FE-PMMA correlates well with in vitro strength of human vertebral bodies loaded via real IVDs and FE-IVD with hyperelastic IVDs do not significantly improve this correlation. Therefore, it seems not worth adding the IVDs to vertebral body models until fully validated patient-specific IVD models become available.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has been associated with exposures in so-called 'electrical occupations'. It is unclear if this possible link may be explained by exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) or by electrical shocks. We evaluated ALS mortality in 2000-2008 and exposure to ELF-MF and electrical shocks in the Swiss National Cohort, using job exposure matrices for occupations at censuses 1990 and 2000. We compared 2.2 million workers with high or medium vs. low exposure to ELF-MF and electrical shocks using Cox proportional hazard models. Results showed that mortality from ALS was higher in people who had medium or high ELF-MF exposure in both censuses (HR 1.55 (95% CI 1.11-2.15)), but closer to unity for electrical shocks (HR 1.17 (95% CI 0.83-1.65)). When both exposures were included in the same model, the HR for ELF-MF changed little (HR 1.56), but the HR for electric shocks was attenuated to 0.97. In conclusion, there was an association between exposure to ELF-MF and mortality from ALS among workers with a higher likelihood of long-term exposure.
The temporal dynamics of the neural activity that implements the dimensions valence and arousal during processing of emotional stimuli were studied in two multi-channel ERP experiments that used visually presented emotional words (experiment 1) and emotional pictures (experiment 2) as stimulus material. Thirty-two healthy subjects participated (mean age 26.8 +/- 6.4 years, 24 women). The stimuli in both experiments were selected on the basis of verbal reports in such a way that we were able to map the temporal dynamics of one dimension while controlling for the other one. Words (pictures) were centrally presented for 450 (600) ms with interstimulus intervals of 1,550 (1,400) ms. ERP microstate analysis of the entire epochs of stimulus presentations parsed the data into sequential steps of information processing. The results revealed that in several microstates of both experiments, processing of pleasant and unpleasant valence (experiment 1, microstate #3: 118-162 ms, #6: 218-238 ms, #7: 238-266 ms, #8: 266-294 ms; experiment 2, microstate #5: 142-178 ms, #6: 178-226 ms, #7: 226-246 ms, #9: 262-302 ms, #10: 302-330 ms) as well as of low and high arousal (experiment 1, microstate #8: 266-294 ms, #9: 294-346 ms; experiment 2, microstate #10: 302-330 ms, #15: 562-600 ms) involved different neural assemblies. The results revealed also that in both experiments, information about valence was extracted before information about arousal. The last microstate of valence extraction was identical with the first microstate of arousal extraction.
OBJECTIVE To compare EEG power spectra and LORETA-computed intracortical activity between Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and healthy controls, and to correlate the results with cognitive performance in the AD group. METHODS Nineteen channel resting EEG was recorded in 21 mild to moderate AD patients and in 23 controls. Power spectra and intracortical LORETA tomography were computed in seven frequency bands and compared between groups. In the AD patients, the EEG results were correlated with cognitive performance (Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE). RESULTS AD patients showed increased power in EEG delta and theta frequency bands, and decreased power in alpha2, beta1, beta2 and beta3. LORETA specified that increases and decreases of power affected different cortical areas while largely sparing prefrontal cortex. Delta power correlated negatively and alpha1 power positively with the AD patients' MMSE scores; LORETA tomography localized these correlations in left temporo-parietal cortex. CONCLUSIONS The non-invasive EEG method of LORETA localized pathological cortical activity in our mild to moderate AD patients in agreement with the literature, and yielded striking correlations between EEG delta and alpha1 activity and MMSE scores in left temporo-parietal cortex. SIGNIFICANCE The present data support the hypothesis of an asymmetrical progression of the Alzheimer's disease.
A new research project has, quite recently, been launched to clarify how different, from systems in second order number theory extending ACA 0, those in second order set theory extending NBG (as well as those in n + 3-th order number theory extending the so-called Bernays−Gödel expansion of full n + 2-order number theory etc.) are. In this article, we establish the equivalence between Δ10\bf-LFP and Δ10\bf-FP, which assert the existence of a least and of a (not necessarily least) fixed point, respectively, for positive elementary operators (or between Δn+20\bf-LFP and Δn+20\bf-FP). Our proof also shows the equivalence between ID 1 and ^ID1, both of which are defined in the standard way but with the starting theory PA replaced by ZFC (or full n + 2-th order number theory with global well-ordering).
We introduce a version of operational set theory, OST−, without a choice operation, which has a machinery for Δ0Δ0 separation based on truth functions and the separation operator, and a new kind of applicative set theory, so-called weak explicit set theory WEST, based on Gödel operations. We show that both the theories and Kripke–Platek set theory KPKP with infinity are pairwise Π1Π1 equivalent. We also show analogous assertions for subtheories with ∈-induction restricted in various ways and for supertheories extended by powerset, beta, limit and Mahlo operations. Whereas the upper bound is given by a refinement of inductive definition in KPKP, the lower bound is by a combination, in a specific way, of realisability, (intuitionistic) forcing and negative interpretations. Thus, despite interpretability between classical theories, we make “a detour via intuitionistic theories”. The combined interpretation, seen as a model construction in the sense of Visser's miniature model theory, is a new way of construction for classical theories and could be said the third kind of model construction ever used which is non-trivial on the logical connective level, after generic extension à la Cohen and Krivine's classical realisability model.
The excitonic S1/S2 state splitting and the localization/delocalization of the S1 and S2 electronic states are investigated in the benzonitrile dimer (BN)2 and its 13C and d5 isotopomers by mass-resolved two-color resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy in a supersonic jet, complemented by calculations. The doubly hydrogen-bonded (BN-h5)2 and (BN-d5)2 dimers are C2h symmetric with equivalent BN moieties. Only the S0 → S2 electronic origin is observed, while the S0 → S1 excitonic component is electric-dipole forbidden. A single 12C/13C or 5-fold h5/d5 isotopic substitution reduce the dimer symmetry to Cs, so that the heteroisotopic dimers (BN)2-(h5 – h513C), (BN)2-(h5 – d5), and (BN)2-(h5 – h513C) exhibit both S0 → S1 and S0 → S2 origins. Isotope-dependent contributions Δiso to the excitonic splittings arise from the changes of the BN monomer zero-point vibrational energies; these range from Δiso(12C/13C) = 3.3 cm–1 to Δiso(h5/d5) = 155.6 cm–1. The analysis of the experimental S1/S2 splittings of six different isotopomeric dimers yields the S1/S2 exciton splitting Δexc = 2.1 ± 0.1 cm–1. Since Δiso(h5/d5) ≫ Δexc and Δiso(12C/13C) > Δexc, complete and near-complete exciton localization occurs upon 12C/13C and h5/d5 substitutions, respectively, as diagnosed by the relative S0 → S1 and S0 → S2 origin band intensities. The S1/S2 electronic energy gap of (BN)2 calculated by the spin-component scaled approximate second-order coupled-cluster (SCS-CC2) method is Δelcalc = 10 cm–1. This electronic splitting is reduced by the vibronic quenching factor Γ. The vibronically quenched exciton splitting Δelcalc·Γ = Δvibroncalc = 2.13 cm–1 is in excellent agreement with the observed splitting Δexc = 2.1 cm–1. The excitonic splittings can be converted to semiclassical exciton hopping times; the shortest hopping time is 8 ps for the homodimer (BN-h5)2, the longest is 600 ps for the (BN)2(h5 – d5) heterodimer.
Dealing with one's emotions is a core skill in everyday life. Effective cognitive control strategies have been shown to be neurobiologically represented in prefrontal structures regulating limbic regions. In addition to cognitive strategies, mindfulness-associated methods are increasingly applied in psychotherapy. We compared the neurobiological mechanisms of these two strategies, i.e. cognitive reappraisal and mindfulness, during both the cued expectation and perception of negative and potentially negative emotional pictures. Fifty-three healthy participants were examined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (47 participants included in analysis). Twenty-four subjects applied mindfulness, 23 used cognitive reappraisal. On the neurofunctional level, both strategies were associated with comparable activity of the medial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. When expecting negative versus neutral stimuli, the mindfulness group showed stronger activations in ventro- and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, supramarginal gyrus as well as in the left insula. During the perception of negative versus neutral stimuli, the two groups only differed in an increased activity in the caudate in the cognitive group. Altogether, both strategies recruited overlapping brain regions known to be involved in emotion regulation. This result suggests that common neural circuits are involved in the emotion regulation by mindfulness-based and cognitive reappraisal strategies. Identifying differential activations being associated with the two strategies in this study might be one step towards a better understanding of differential mechanisms of change underlying frequently used psychotherapeutic interventions.
We study the interaction between a magnetic dipole mimicking the Gerasimovich magnetic anomaly on the lunar surface and the solar wind in a self-consistent 3-D quasi-neutral hybrid simulation where ions are modeled as particles and electrons as a charge-neutralizing fluid. Especially, we consider the origin of the recently observed electric potentials at lunar magnetic anomalies. An antimoonward Hall electric field forms in our simulation resulting in a potential difference of <300V on the lunar surface, in which the value is similar to observations. Since the hybrid model assumes charge neutrality, our results suggest that the electric potentials at lunar magnetic anomalies can be formed by decoupling of ion and electron motion even without charge separation.
In this paper we present results on measurements of the dielectric strength of liquid argon near its boiling point and cathode-anode distances in the range of 0.1 mm to 40 mm with spherical cathode and plane anode. We show that at such distances the applied electric field at which breakdowns occur is as low as 40 kV/cm. Flash-overs across the ribbed dielectric of the high voltage feed-through are observed for a length of 300 mm starting from a voltage of 55 kV. These results contribute to set reference for the breakdown-free design of ionization detectors, such as Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LAr TPC).
The electric organ (EO) of weakly electric mormyrids consists of flat, disk-shaped electrocytes with distinct anterior and posterior faces. There are multiple species-characteristic patterns in the geometry of the electrocytes and their innervation. To further correlate electric organ discharge (EOD) with EO anatomy, we examined four species of the mormyrid genus Campylomormyrus possessing clearly distinct EODs. In C. compressirostris, C. numenius, and C. tshokwe, all of which display biphasic EODs, the posterior face of the electrocytes forms evaginations merging to a stalk system receiving the innervation. In C. tamandua that emits a triphasic EOD, the small stalks of the electrocyte penetrate the electrocyte anteriorly before merging on the anterior side to receive the innervation. Additional differences in electrocyte anatomy among the former three species with the same EO geometry could be associated with further characteristics of their EODs. Furthermore, in C. numenius, ontogenetic changes in EO anatomy correlate with profound changes in the EOD. In the juvenile the anterior face of the electrocyte is smooth, whereas in the adult it exhibits pronounced surface foldings. This anatomical difference, together with disparities in the degree of stalk furcation, probably contributes to the about 12 times longer EOD in the adult.
We report on the developments of a neutron tomography setup at the instrument for prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) at the Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum(MLZ). The recent developments are driven by the idea of combining the spatial information obtained with neutron tomography with the elemental information determined with PGAA, i.e. to further combine both techniques to an investigative technique called prompt gamma activation imaging (PGAI).At the PGAA instrument, a cold neutron flux of up to 6 x 1010 cm-2 s-1 (thermal equivalent) is available in the focus of an elliptically tapered neutron guide. In the reported experiments, the divergence of the neutron beam was investigated, the resolution of the installed detector system tested, and a proof-of-principle tomography experiment performed. In our study a formerly used camera box was upgraded with a better camera and an optical resolution of 8 line pairs/mm was achieved. The divergence of the neutron beam was measured by a systematic scan along the beam axis. Based on the acquired data, a neutron imaging setup with a L/D ratio of 200 was installed. The resolution of the setup was testedin combination with a gadolinium test target and different scintillator screens. The test target was irradiated at two positions to determine the maximum resolution and the resolution at the actual sample position. The performance of the installed tomography setup was demonstrated bya tomography experiment of an electric amplifier tube.