998 resultados para Epileptic Patients


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Background. Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as ""brittle bone disease,"" can be difficult to diagnose in its mild form. The authors describe a clinical case of a diagnosis of dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI), In which a literature review combined with an analysis of dental alterations led to indications of OI involvement. Case Description. Since DI can be associated with OI, the authors reviewed correlated studies and obtained a new medical history from the patient. They then conducted a radiographic and clinical examination of the dentition and submitted an affected third molar to scanning electron microscopy analysis. They compared their findings with descriptions of OI type I dental alterations in the literature and confirmed their diagnosis by means of a medical evaluation. Clinical Implications. In cases in which DI is diagnosed, patients should be examined carefully and the occurrence of OI should be considered `since, in its mild form, it might be misdiagnosed.


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Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) is an important cause of renal artery stenosis, particularly in young females. Polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin (RA) system have been implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension and atherosclerotic vascular disease, and may play a role in the development of FMD. Examination of polymorphisms by PCR for angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) I/D, angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) A1166C and angiotensinogen (AGT) M235T and T174M was undertaken in 43 patients with typical multifocal renal arterial FMD (MF-FMD) and in 89 controls. The age of NIF-FMD patients at the time of diagnosis of hypertension did not differ (38.6 + 11.1 years vs 35.5 +/- 10.3 years, P = 0.12) from controls and the proportion (95% vs 86%, P = 0.14) of females was similar. Allele frequencies did not differ significantly between groups, except that MF-FMD patients had a significantly higher frequency of the ACE I allele than control subjects (0.62 vs 0.47, P = 0.026). Since the ACE I allele is associated with lower circulating ACE levels and possibly lower tissue levels of angiotensin II (Ang II), and since Ang II modulates vascular smooth muscle cell growth and synthetic activity, the I allele might predispose to defective remodelling of the arterial media, and thus to the development of MF-FMD. This contrasts with atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis, coronary stent restenosis and carotid intimal thickening, which are diseases affecting the arterial intima, and which are associated with increased frequency of the D allele.


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This study determined the frequencies of a G-to-A transition (S/N167) polymorphism in exon 4 of the parkin gene in Australian Parkinson's disease patients and control subjects. The genotype of each subject was determined using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism analysis. Overall, the A allele was significantly less common in the Parkinson's disease group (1.7%) compared with the control group (3.8%, OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.19-1.00, P < 0.05), although the frequency in the young onset Parkinson's disease group (6.6%) was not significantly different to controls. The A allele is less common in Australian Caucasian subjects compared to Japanese Parkinson's disease patients and appears to be under-represented in older-onset Parkinson's disease. <(c)> 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background Icodextrin is a high molecular weight, starch-derived glucose polymer, which is capable of inducing sustained ultrafiltration over prolonged (12–16 hour) peritoneal dialysis (PD) dwells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of icodextrin to alleviate refractory, symptomatic fluid overload and prolong technique survival in PD patients. Methods A prospective, open-label, pre-test/post-test study was conducted in 17 PD patients (8 females/9 males, mean age 56.8 ± 2.9 years) who were on the verge of being transferred to haemodialysis because of symptomatic fluid retention that was refractory to fluid restriction, loop diuretic therapy, hypertonic glucose exchanges and dwell time optimisation. One icodextrin exchange (2.5 L 7.5%, 12-hour dwell) was substituted for a long-dwell glucose exchange each day. Results Icodextrin significantly increased peritoneal ultrafiltration (885 ± 210 ml to 1454 ± 215 ml, p < 0.05) and reduced mean arterial pressure (106 ± 4 to 96 ± 4 mmHg, p < 0.05), but did not affect weight, plasma albumin concentration, haemoglobin levels or dialysate:plasma creatinine ratio. Diabetic patients (n = 12) also experienced improved glycaemic control (haemoglobin Alc decreased from 8.9 ± 0.7% to 7.9 ± 0.7%, p < 0.05). Overall PD technique survival was prolonged by a mean of 11.6 months (95% CI 6.0–17.3 months). On multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis, extension of technique survival by icodextrin was only significantly predicted by baseline net daily peritoneal ultrafiltration (adjusted HR 2.52, 95% CI 1.13–5.62, p < 0.05). Conclusions Icodextrin significantly improved peritoneal ultrafiltration and extended technique survival in PD patients with symptomatic fluid overload, especially those who had substantially impaired peritoneal ultrafiltration.


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Despite a large number of T cells infiltrating the liver of patients with chronic hepatitis B, little is known about their complexity or specificity. To characterize the composition of these T cells involved with the pathogenesis of chronic hepatitis B (CHB), we have studied the clonality of V beta T cell receptor (TCR)-bearing populations in liver tissue by size spectratyping the complementarity-determining region (CDR3) lengths of TCR transcripts. We have also compared the CDR3 profiles of the lymphocytes infiltrating the liver with those circulating in the blood to see whether identical clonotypes may be detected that would indicate a virus-induced expansion in both compartments. Our studies show that in most of the patients examined, the T cell composition of liver infiltrating lymphocytes is highly restricted, with evidence of clonotypic expansions in 4 to 9 TCR V beta subfamilies. In contrast, the blood compartment contains an average of 1 to 3 expansions. This pattern is seen irrespective of the patient's viral load or degree of liver pathology. Although the TCR repertoire profiles between the 2 compartments are generally distinct, there is evidence of some T cell subsets being equally distributed between the blood and the liver. Finally, we provide evidence for a putative public binding motif within the CDR3 region with the sequence G-X-S, which may be involved with hepatitis B virus recognition.


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Individuals with acute hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection characteristically mount a strong, multispecific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response that is effective in eradicating virus. In contrast, this response in chronic carriers is usually weak or undetectable. Since it is generally acknowledged that HBV pathogenesis is immune-mediated, the occurrence of episodes of active liver disease in many carriers suggests that these individuals can mount active CTL responses to HBV. To see whether the detection of circulating CTLs is related to these flare episodes, we have determined the CTL precursor (CTLp) frequencies to HLA-A2-restricted viral peptides in seven patients over a 12-24-month period of their disease. Limiting dilution analyses (LDA) were performed longitudinally to five epitopes comprising the viral capsid (HBc), envelope (HBs) and polymerase (pol) proteins. Assays were performed against a mixture of peptides, or against each individual peptide, to measure overall CTL activity and the multispecificity of the responses, respectively. Since two of the patients were treated with recombinant human interleukin-12 (rHuIL-12) at the time, with one individual achieving complete disease remission a year later after being treated with interferon-alpha, we were also able to examine the effects of these cytokines on HBV cytotoxicity. Our results indicate that weak but detectable CTL responses do occur in chronic carriers which are generally associated with disease flares, although CTLps were also seen occasionally during minimal disease activity. The range of specificities varied between individuals and within each individual during the course of the disease. Finally, we also provide evidence that CTL reactivity is stimulated following treatment with certain cytokines, but is dependent on the time of administration.


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Background. Although digital and videotaped images are known to be comparable for the evaluation of left ventricular function, their relative accuracy for assessment of more complex anatomy is unclear. We sought to compare reading time, storage costs, and concordance of video and digital interpretations across multiple observers and sites. Methods. One hundred one patients with valvular (90 mitral, 48 aortic, 80 tricuspid) disease were selected prospectively, and studies were stored according to video and standardized digital protocols. The same reviewer interpreted video and digital images independently and at different times with the use of a standard report form to evaluate 40 items (eg, severity of stenosis or regurgitation, leaflet thickening, and calcification) as normal or mildly, moderately, or severely abnormal Concordance between modalities was expressed at kappa Major discordance (difference of >1 level of severity) was ascribed to the modality that gave the lesser severity. CD-ROM was used to store digital data (20:1 lossy compression), and super-VHS video-tape was used to store video data The reading time and storage costs for each modality were compared Results. Measured parameters were highly concordant (ejection fraction was 52% +/- 13% by both). Major discordance was rare, and lesser values were reported with digital rather than video interpretation in the categories of aortic and mitral valve thicken ing (1% to 2%) and severity of mitral regurgitation (2%). Digital reading time was 6.8 +/- 2.4 minutes, 38% shorter than with video (11.0 +/- 3.0, range 8 to 22 minutes, P < .001). Compressed digital studies had an average size of 60 <plus/minus> 14 megabytes (range 26 to 96 megabytes). Storage cost for video was A$0.62 per patient (18 studies per tape, total cost A$11.20), compared with A$0.31 per patient for digital storage (8 studies per CD-ROM, total cost A$2.50). Conclusion. Digital and video interpretation were highly concordant; in the few cases of major discordance, the digital scores were lower, perhaps reflecting undersampling. Use of additional views and longer clips may be indicated to minimize discordance with video in patients with complex problems. Digital interpretation offers a significant reduction in reading times and the cost of archiving.


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There is now evidence to show that, as time passes, epilepsy, even if untreated, tends to undergo spontaneous remission in a significant proportion of patients. The question therefore arises as to whether anticonvulsant drug therapy increases this chance of the patient with epilepsy ultimately entering a terminal remission which continues after the treatment is withdrawn, Le. whether anticonvulsant drug therapy itself may sometimes cure epilepsy. There are no well-designed studies available in the literature that provide a clear answer to this question. However, data from a number of investigations carried out for other purposes can be used to see whether contemporary anticonvulsant drug therapy is associated with higher rates of expected untreated terminal remission than those that apply for never-treated patients with epilepsy, or for those whose anticonvulsant treatment has probably been inadequate for various social or historical reasons. Despite the admitted uncertainties inherent in drawing conclusions from such material, there appears to be a reasonably consistent tendency for contemporary anticonvulsant drug treatment to be associated with a greater chance of achieving probable cure of epilepsy. Therefore it would appear premature to take the view that contemporary anticonvulsant drug therapy does no more than suppress epileptic seizures until epilepsy remits spontaneously, or fails to remit, with the passing of time.


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Objectives: To investigate the pharmacokinetics of intravenous ciprofloxacin 200 mg every 8 h in critically ill patients on continuous veno-venous haemodiafiltration (CVVHDF), one form of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Design and setting: Open, prospective clinical study in a multidisciplinary, intensive care unit in a university-affiliated tertiary referral hospital. Patients: Sis critically ill patients with acute renal failure on CVVHDF. Interventions: Timed blood and ultrafiltrate samples were collected to allow pharmacokinetics and clearances to be calculated of initial and subsequent doses of 200 mg intravenous ciprofloxacin. CVVHD was performed with 1 l/h of dialysate and 2 l/h of predilution filtration solution, producing 3 lih of dialysis effluent. The blood was pumped at 200 ml/min using a Gambro BMM-10 blood pump through a Hospal AN69HF haemofilter,. Measurements and results: Ten pharmacokinetic profiles were measured. The CVVHDF displayed a urea clearance of 42 +/- 3 ml/min, and removed ciprofloxacin with a clearance of 37 +/- 7 ml/min. This rate was 2-2.5 greater than previously published for ciprofloxacin in other forms of CRRT. On average the CVVHDF was responsible for clearing a fifth of all ciprofloxacin eliminated (21 +/- 10%). The total body clearance of ciprofloxacin was 12.2 +/- 4.3 l/h. The trough concentration following the initial dose was 0.7 +/- 0.3 mg/l. The area under the plasma concentration time curves over a 24-h period ranged from 21 to 55 mg .h l(-1). Conclusions: Intravenous ciprofloxacin 600 mg/day in critically ill patients using this form of CRRT produced adequate plasma levels for many resistant microbes found in intensive care units.


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The aim of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of the normal recommended dose of ceftriaxone in critically ill patients and to establish whether the current daily dosing recommendation maintains plasma concentrations adequate for antibacterial efficacy. Ceftriaxone at a recommended dose of 2 g iv was administered od to 12 critically ill patients with severe sepsis and normal serum creatinine concentrations. Blood samples were taken at predetermined intervals over the first 24 h and on day 3 for measurement of ceftriaxone concentrations. There was wide variability in drug disposition, explained by the presence of variable renal function and identified by the measurement of creatinine clearance. In nine patients with normal renal function, there was a high level of creatinine clearance(mean +/- S.D., 41 +/- 12 mL/min) and volume of distribution (20 +/- 3.3 L), which resulted in an elimination half-life of 6.4 +/- 1.1 h. In comparison with normal subjects, ceftriaxone clearance was increased 100%, volume of distribution increased 90% and the elimination half-life was similar. Three patients had substantially suboptimal plasma ceftriaxone concentrations. We confirm previous findings that ceftriaxone clearance in critically ill patients correlates with renal clearance by glomerular filtration. The elimination half-life is prolonged (21.4 +/- 9.8 h) in critically ill patients with renal failure when compared with previously published data in non-critically ill patients with renal failure. We conclude that in critically ill patients with normal renal function, inadequate plasma concentrations may result following od bolus dosing of ceftriaxone. Drug accumulation may occur in critically ill patients with renal failure.