927 resultados para Eleanor (Schooner)


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Earlier histories of the Scottish parliament have been somewhat constitutional in emphasis and have been exceedingly critical of what was understood to be parliament's subservience to the crown. Estimates by constitutional historians of the extreme weakness of parliament rested on an assessment of the constitutional system. The argument was that many of its features were not consistent with a reasonably strong parliament. Because the 'constitution' is apparently fragmented, with active roles played by bodies such as the lords of articles, the general council and the convention of estates, each apparently suggesting that parliament was inadequate, historians have sometimes failed to appreciate the positive role played by the estates in the conduct of national affairs. The thesis begins with a discussion of the reliability of the printed text of APS and proceeds to an examination of selected aspects of the work of parliament in a period from c 1424-c 1625. The belief of constitutional historians such as Rait that conditions In Scotland proved unfavourable to the interests and. effectiveness of parliament in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, is also examined. Chapter 1 concludes that APS is a less than reliable text, particularly for the reign of James I. Numerous statutes were excluded from the printed text and they are offered below for the first time. These statutes have been a useful addition to our understanding of the reign of James I. Chapter 2 analyses the motives behind the schemes for shire representation and concludes that neither constitutional theory nor political opportunism explains the support which James I and James VI gave to these measures. Both these monarchs were motivated by the realisation that their particular ambitions were dependent on winning the support of the estates whose ranks should include representatives from the shires. Chapter 3 examines the method of electing the lords of articles, the composition of this committee, and some aspects of its operation. The conclusion is that in the main the estates were the deciding force in the choice of the lords of articles. The committee's composition was more a reflection of a desire for a balance between representatives from north and south of the Forth and for the most important burghs and clergy to be selected than an attempt at electing government favourites. The articles did exercise a significant control over the items which came before parliament but this control was not absolute and applied to government as well as private legislation. Chapter 4 questions the traditional view that the general council and convention of estates were the same body. It is argued that they were two different institutions with different powers, but that they nevertheless worked within certain limits and were careful not to usurp the authority of parliament. Chapter 5 concedes that taxation was sometimes decided outside parliament; that the irregularity of taxation certainly weakened the bargaining power of the estates and that the latter did not appear to capitalise on these occasions when taxation was an issue. But the tendency was to ensure that, whether in or out of parliament, the decision to impose taxation was taken by a large number of each estate. The infrequency of taxation was a direct consequence of an unwillingness among the estates to agree to a regular taxation and their preference to ensure for the crown an alternative source of income. Moreover taxation was one issue, which more than any other, would be subject to contentious opposition by the estates, and could lead to the crown's defeat. Chapter 6 is concerned with ecclesiastical representation after the Reformation and the church's attitudes to the possibility of ministerial representation. Some ministers had doctrinal misgivings but the majority came to believe that the church's absence from parliament bad severely reduced. the influence of the church. That no agreement was forthcoming on a system of ministerial representation, particularly after 1597, is attributable to the estates' unwillingness to compromise and, not to the strength of opposition in the church. Chapter 7 examines the institutions which are sometime seen as 'rivals' of parliament and concludes that institutions such as the privy council were generally very careful in matters which needed the approval of parliament, and seemed aware of the greater authority of parliament. Chapter 8 which illustrates how parliament had the right to be consulted in all important matters of state, brings together the main points of the earlier chapters and offers further illustrations of the essential role which parliament played in the conduct of national affairs. Whether or not the system can be regarded as constitutionally sound, the estates in Scotland could observe parliament's day-to-day operation with some satisfaction. All in all, there is little convincing evidence that parliament was as weak as some historians would have us believe.


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Tutkielman aiheena on kissa ja sen representaatiot visuaalisessa taiteessa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan 12 eri tekniikoilla valmistettua taideteosta, jotka ovat valmistuneet vuosien 1974 ja 2015 välisenä aikana. Tutkielmaan valitut taiteilijat, teokset ja valmistusvuodet ovat seuraavat: Jan Harrison, Chuff and Roll Over 1997; Jan Harrison, Cat with Raw Nose 2006; Sampsa Indrén, Hello Kitty 2012; Nanna Susi, Maliblue 2013; Olli Lyytikäinen, Kolme pyramidia ja sfinksi 1974, Kari Soinio, Sankarin koti nr 9 2009; elokuvasta Yön ritarin paluu Kissanainen/Selena Kyle (Anne Hathaway) 2012; Stiina Saaristo, Turengin Tuhkimo 2012; sarjakuvasta Simpsonit Matt Groening (piirt.), Crazy Cat Lady/Eleanor Abernathy 1998; sarjakuvahahmo, Jim Davis (hahmotelma ja käsikirj.), Karvinen 1989; Carolee Schneemann, Infinity Kisses (1988) ja Katinka Simonse, alias Tinkebell, My dearest cat Pinkeltje. (2009). Tutkielman tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, mikä tarkoitus kissan olemassaololla on valituissa teoksissa ja mitä sen avulla on haluttu kertoa. Tutkielman käsittelyaineisto on jaettu kolmeen pääryhmään, 1) kissa ihmisen sisäisen ja tiedostamattoman tulkkina, 2) kissa sukupuoliroolien ja stereotypioiden symbolina, 3) kissa lemmikkinä. Tarkastelussa on käytetty muun muassa psykoanalyyttistä, filosofista, sukupuolentutkinnallista ja fenomenologista lähestymistapaa. Tutkielman psykoanalyyttinen tarkastelutapa perustuu pääasiassa freudilaisiin ja filosofinen näkökulma deleuzelais-guattarilaisiin näkemyksiin. Tutkimuksella on pyritty tulkitsemaan ja kartoittamaan tapoja, joilla taiteilija on kissaa apunaan käyttäen lähestynyt ihmisen henkistä muutosta piilotajunnasta nousevien halujen ja yhteiskunnallisten stereotypioiden puristuksessa. Tuleminen joksikin, muodonmuutos sekä ihmisen ja eläimen yhteys ovat tutkielman tärkeimpiä tulkinnan kohteita.


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Se evalúa si una sola extracción, mediante la aplicación de un método de ensayo normalizado que simula condiciones extremas de uso, permite determinar el contenido total de plomo y cadmio presente en piezas de vajilla cerámica que entran en contacto con los alimentos y su implicación en el resultado analítico. Se aplicó el método de ensayo varias veces sobre materiales de referencia de cerámica con diferentes concentraciones iniciales de plomo y el cadmio para cuantificar la liberación sucesiva de ambos metales. El lixiviado en cada aplicación se analizó por absorción atómica. Los resultados mostraron que una sola aplicación del método de ensayo no extrae todo el plomo y el cadmio en la vajilla cerámica. Se observaron liberaciones posteriores para todas las piezas de cerámica a prueba con diferente concentración inicial. Para cadmio se registraron las siguientes variaciones en las extracciones: 40 a 95% en la primera extracción, de 0 a 28% en la segunda, de 0.2 hasta 21% en la tercera, y de 1 a 40% en la cuarta. Para el plomo, se registraron los subsiguientes valores en los lixiviados entre el 50 y el 93% en la primera prueba, entre el 2 y el 24% en la segunda, entre el 2 y el 18% en la tercera y entre el 2 y el 17% en la cuarta extracción. Los resultados revelan que la cantidad total de plomo y cadmio liberado en una sola prueba estándar no reflejan el contenido total de plomo y cadmio que las piezas de cerámica liberan a largo plazo después de su uso.


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This paper highlights the efforts to support female academics in the information systems (IS) discipline over recent years. The development of the AIS task force on women in IS and the formation of the AIS Women’s Network have been significant initiatives to get the conversation started, yet much work remains. Findings from three separate events (an AIS- and Elsevier Foundation-sponsored survey, a pre-ICIS workshop panel update on the state of current research in the area of women and IS, and an in-depth discussion between workshop attendees at the 2015 AISWN Pre-ICIS Workshop on Advancing Women in IS), clearly indicate issues remain. Therefore, we also develop an agenda for future work to help advance women in the IS discipline.


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Research indicates that children who arrive m school with limited experiences of literacy are frequently at a disadvantage with progress in school. Without the necessary literate cultural capital, they have difficulty learning to read and write, falling further behind their classmates throughout their schooling. It is important that we focus on what language and literacy experiences are occurring in the home and how these can be further supported.This chapter acknowledges the important role that families play in young children's language and literacy development, drawing attention to the importance of the home as a site for supporting the literacy growth of children. Data, to inform the chapter, are drawn from two sources. One source is a large-scale survey investigation that gained insight into the different home literacy practices of preschool children in some disadvantaged areas of Victoria. The data provide a snapshot into what literacy practices occur in these homes. The second source is a case study of a single family taken from a targeted literacy intervention program in the north-west of Victoria. This study highlights possibilities for supporting families in literacy interactions with their young children in the home. The findings from both studies point to practical approaches and strategies that promote and support home literacy practices. This chapter argues that supporting families in their role is just as important as these families supporting their children's language and literacy learning.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the interactions between low parental warmth and monitoring at age 13-14 years and disordered eating attitudes and behaviours at age 15-16 years. METHOD: Data on 1300 (667 females) adolescents and their parents were drawn from The Australian Temperament Project (ATP), a 30 year (15 wave) population based longitudinal study of social-emotional development. Parent participants completed surveys on parenting practices in late childhood, and adolescent participants reported disordered eating using the drive for thinness and bulimia subscales of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and an additional body dissatisfaction scale. Interaction was examined on the additive scale by estimating super-additive risk; i.e., risk in excess of the sum of individual risks. RESULTS: For boys, neither parental warmth or monitoring, nor their interaction, was related to disordered eating. For girls, low parental warmth (alone) was associated with bulimic behaviours. In contrast, exposure to both low monitoring and warmth was associated with ∼3½-fold, ∼4-fold and ∼5-fold increases in the odds of reporting body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness and bulimia, respectively. For body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness, risk associated with joint exposure exceeded the sum of individual risks, suggesting an additive interaction between parenting styles. CONCLUSION: Further investment in family-level interventions that focus on promoting parental monitoring behaviour and a warm parent-child relationship remain important strategies for preventing a range of disordered eating behaviours in adolescents.


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The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is common and widely distributed within the UK. It is a carrier or potential carrier of numerous zoonotic diseases. Despite this, there are no published reports on the population genetics of foxes in Britain. In this study, we aim to provide an insight into recent historical movement of foxes within Britain, as well as a current assessment of the genetic diversity and gene flow within British populations. We used 14 microsatellite markers to analyse 501 red fox samples originating from England, southern Scotland and northern France. High genetic diversity was evident within the sample set as a whole and limited population genetic structure was present in British samples analysed. Notably, STRUCTURE analysis found support of four population clusters, one of which grouped two southern England sampling areas with the nearby French samples from Calais, indicating recent (post-formation of the Channel) mixing of British and French populations. This may coincide with reports of large-scale translocations of foxes into Britain during the nineteenth century for sport hunting. Other STRUCTURE populations may be related to geographic features or to cultural practices such as fox hunting. In addition, the two British urban populations analysed showed some degree of differentiation from their local rural counterparts.